Sunday, November 20, 2011

6 November 2011

Video Screening of Pastor Prince

Topic: Your Righteousness in Christ Will Never Be Lost

Romans 5:17
To reign in life, you need to have abundance of grace and righteousness by faith. The word says "gift". It's not a reward, not through your own efforts.

Just like Adam's sins and disobedience made the world sinners. One can say its not fair; we should be sinners through our own efforts isn't it. But God's system is designed in such a way with one man's obedience, we are all forgiven. By one man's death, we are free from sin!

Grace are for those undeserving. Why grace is unable to be accepted by people is because they think they are deserving.

You will never lose your righteousness if you sin because it is a gift. Since you did not earn it through your efforts, it will not be taken away from you either. If it is to be taken away from you, it is not a gift to begin with.
Don't talk about holiness. Holiness is a product of righteousness. With such belief, it will produce right results.

For instance, if you have an addiction like smoking, each time you take a puff, say "I am the righteousness of God". It will be soon when your addiction dies off. It may be funny but it's better than saying nothing right.

The Lord never leaves you nor forsakes you. It's all in the head and the wrong teaching that lead you to think that way. He never once left you! You asked for it when you chose to accept Christ! It's too late now! (Crowd cheers)

Many people when they hear about righteousness, they think it's right doing. When you do that, you are submitting to the gift of righteousness.

When you believe you are righteous, your face will shine. People who are oblivious to humility or holiness are truly the ones who believe they are righteous.

You are forgiven forevermore. If the blood of bulls and goats can cleanse you of your sins for one year. How much more can the divine blood, the blood of Emmanuel cleanse you for a lifetime. The blessings in your life are irreversible. Why? Because God has paid it for you.

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