Sunday, November 20, 2011

9 January 2011

Topic: Message of 2011

It is God's good pleasure to give you His blessings even His kingdom.
You may have your own hobby to entertain yourself, but God is entertained to give all that you ask.

It is sad that humans are negative. They may be complimented 10 times but 1 criticism can cause one to forget everything. Even non-believers know that God judges. Yes it is true that God judged. But ever since He came down to die for us at the cross, God's judgment already fell on Jesus and it has all been nailed on the cross. Therefore we can now walk boldly into His presence righteous.

Psalm 65:11
This year is crowned with God's goodness and abundance.

There are 5 times "shema shema" appeared in the bible.

Isaiah 55:2-3
Verse 2: This verse tells you how to see God's goodness and walk in His abundance.
He says listen to Him. Why pay money to listen to what others say?
In the Hebrew, "listen carefully" is actually repeated twice. In plain, it means "listen listen (shema shema)" in Hebrew.

All God's blessings and power comes by faith. Not good works. That is why believers are missing it. It is faith that brought forth good works! Jesus always says "Your faith has made you well". He did not say "Your good works has made you well".
You say if you have lack of faith, do not worry because faith will comes to you. Romans 10:17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing. This "hearing" is the same as "shema shema". You may have heard the sermon before. But God says hearing. He did not say "having heard".

When you read the bible, you need to convert the word of God to the word of Christ. For example, when you read Genesis 22 about Abraham sacrificing his son. You can stop there and interpret that God loves to take away precious things from you. Does faith come? No. In fact, God is actually sparing Abraham from the pain of losing his son. You need to read the bible with Christ centered so that your faith comes.

God's ordained way to speak to you is through a preacher. You can say God speaks to you directly to me. Yes He does that but that is not God's ordained way. In Romans 10:14-17, it says God's preacher preaches peace and bring glad tithing of good things! In verse 14, the people asked how shall we listen without a preacher? You need to listen to Him through a preacher.

Exodus 15:26
In this verse "diligently heed", it actually means shema shema. If you want to be healed, there is nothing for you to do, no laws to keep.
Look to Galatians 3:2-5 on what John says.
Verse 2: Does God works by the laws or by hearing of faith?
Verse 5: God works by the hearing of faith!

Jesus never qualify anyone before He healed when He walk on earth.
Luke 5:15
Great multitudes came together to hear and to be healed. Look at the sequence here. Came to hear and to be healed! Came to hear and be healed! God has ordained it this way. That's the secret to healing.
Look at the next chapter for proof.
Luke 6:17-19
Verse 17: See the pattern here again. To hear and to heal!

Just because you ate chicken rice last week, you will still eat it. It does not mean you can survive on the memory of eating chicken rice.
Yes you may heard God's word before, but it is not having heard. It's with constant hearing that faith will come.

Acts 14:7-11
Verse 7: Paul was preaching the gospel there.
Perfect tense is a 1 time act that does not need to be repeatedly. This word "preaching" is an imperfect tense. So it means Paul was preaching and preaching.
Verse 9: "heard Paul preaching" is also imperfect tense. It meant the crippled was listening and listening till faith came in along the way.
What may have happened is that the crippled may have stayed for numerous preaching sessions until Paul noticed and perceived the crippled had faith.

Deuteronomy 15:5-6
Verse 5: Only if you carefully listen then..

What is the end result when you listen and listen?
Deuteronomy 11:21
The days of your life will be multiplied like the days of heaven! Days of heaven is good long life. Not a bad long life.
Deuteronomy 15:6
You will be the lender and not a borrower because the borrower is a servant to the lender. That is why in the world today the Israel banks are the biggest.

"You can listen your way to prosperity".

God's system to blessings start with:
1. Health
2. Family
3. Prosperity

Deuteronomy 28:1-3
Verse 1: If you listen diligently.
Verse 2 & 3: Blessed will you be above all nations and in the city.

Nugget of truth revealed!
Deuteronomy 28:15
When good things happen to someone, we know that the person kept listening.
When bad things happen, it may be due to the person only just heard it.

Hebrews 4:2
They did not profit because they heard it. They were not actively hearing.

In closing,
James 1:23-25
Being a hearer is someone who forgets who he is right after he looks at the mirror.

Being a doer of the word and if you "continues in it", He will be blessed.

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