Sunday, November 20, 2011

27 February 2011

Topic: Walking with God

Hebrews 10:1-3
Verse 1: The law is a shadow. It is not the real thing.

It is right believing that produces right results. It is knowing that you are conscious free that makes you believe right and behave right.

Verse 2: to repeat means imperfect. Once worshipers are purified, they will have no consciousness of sins. "Once purified" is present perfect tense which means an act that never has to be repeated.

Hebrews 10:9-12
Verse 1: Jesus took away the first to give us the second.
Verse 2: We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Christ.
Verse 3: The priest stands daily means the job is not finished.
Verse 12: This Man offered once sacrifice for us and say down on his fathers right hand.

2 Peter 1:8-9
Verse 9: If a Christian is not conscious, the bible says he has forgotten he was cleansed from his own sins and shortsighted even to blindness.

How to deal with your sins?

Proud people are those who are insecure. Once you know who you are in Christ and where you came from, you can afford to be humble. That's the time where you can take a towel and serve others. You can let others win since you know blessings follow you wherever you go.

John 13:3-11
Verse 8: Peter refused to let God wash his feet but Jesus said if He does not do that, he will not a part WITH Him. This is the secret to walk with God.
Verse 10: He who is bathed (luo) is the same as "washed" in Revelation 1:5. Jesus said he who is bath is completely clean. He only needs to wash his feet. So we only need to wash our feet.
Many Christians go to God to ask Him to cleanse them with His blood when they have committed a sin. But do you know that this is done once and it had been a perfect work. All you need is water to wash your feet. So how exactly you can wash your feet? Listen to the word. Pastor is a representative of washing our feet.

God's judgment came on Jesus at the cross. His heavenly fire came on Him and when the crucifixion had been finished, the ashes were what was left. Therefore, God judgment can never come on you again. Do you know that fire that has burnt the area can never be burnt again? Know that we are now walking in the ashes and that is where we are safest.

John 13:4
Jesus took a towel (lention - linen cloth) to dry the feet. How you dry people is to remind them that they are the righteousness of God.

Ephesians 5:25-33
Verse 25: Husbands love your wives just like how Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. He may sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of the word. So that He can present her to Himself a glorious church, not having (present active participle) a spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.
What this verse meant is that God sees us without blemish and glorious!
Secret: Do this just like how God sees the church to your wife.

If you do not understand the first benefit, you will not be able to enjoy the renewal of youth.

Ephesians 5:25-33
Verse 29: cherishes (thalpo - keep warm).
Verse 30: For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.
*There is a healing revelation here*
Say a prayer here by saying that, Father, how can your body be healthy when mine is not? How can your body be alive when mine is not? You said in your word that you are the bride, we are together in one with you. My youth is renewed and my health restored. I am healthy and strong!

In closing,

Hebrews 9:28 (NLT)
Verse 28: When He comes again, he will not deal with our sins again. And a body that will live forever! And those who are waiting eagerly for Him will bring salvation to them- it actually means to bring a new body.

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