Sunday, November 20, 2011

21 November 2010

Topic: Story of Joseph

What do we look for in the bible?
We look for Jesus so that we will be transformed, with absolute peace, lack to prosperity and glory to glory. We will be with total coolness!

The bible is of absolute accuracy, scientifically accurate. Though not used for science, we know men today can find fossils on high mountains because there was once a universal flood. We need not spend millions of money to know science, we know Jesus in the bible.

Joseph married a gentile woman, representing the modern church with non believers. Joseph was the bread of Israel.

When Israel came into famine, Joseph's wisdom caused her to prosper during this time. Just like now in the world today where nations are in famine.

Genesis 43:12-16
Verse 16: Joseph said to the steward of the house to prepare the feast. Notice why the steward is not named? The steward is the holy spirit. He glorifies God and not himself.

Genesis 43:22-23
Verse 22: "We do not know who put our money in our sacks". This is how the current Jewish people think now. The youngest billionaire is a Jewish. The founder of Facebook.

The verse that all will always be stumped. Pastor is going to show in the bible.

Genesis 37:
This chapter ends with Joseph being sold.
Genesis 38:
Notice this chapter is nothing on Joseph. Focused on Judah.
Genesis 38:2
Judah married this girl called Shuwa (means wealth in Greek). Not only it's talking about Jesus genealogy. It's a picture of the Jewish people. After this the Jewish were scattered for 2000 years. They are now in the world mingling with wealth.
Genesis 39:
Then the story came back to Joseph.

Examples of Jewish success.
Some famous brands:
Levi Strauss, Calvin Klein, Ben & Jerry.

Some famous actors:
Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler.

Genesis 45:3-15
Verse 4: Joseph said come near to me. Representation of Jesus calling you to draw near because we are under grace now. Jesus said come, all those that are heavy laden.

Verse 5: Joseph said do not be grieved or angry.
Scenario: Now you may be challenged or there are guilts or shame you are facing right now. Or worries, anxiety, burdens about the future. Look in this context how Joseph removed his brothers' anxiety and fears.
In verse 4, he told his brothers that he is Joseph, their brother. He occupied them with himself, his glory and his exaltation. Everything you admire in movie stars, pop stars are all found in Jesus alone. Comparing with nothing exaggerated in human. All is found in Jesus. He's altogether lovely.

Verse 5: It was a great sin to sell Joseph, yet it was done. But Joseph told his brothers not to be angry with themselves. Only God can do it! See how great our God is! So what you sinned? He tells you not to be angry with yourself! He still loves you.

"True life is living life with a purpose and destiny".

Verse 8: There is another 5 years of famine. It's a long time, but Joseph said God has made him lord of all. The papers reports may be bad, just know that God has made you lord of all!

People all think there's something mysterious about One-North thinking how people can contribute to it freely. People of the world thinks there must be some hypnotizing involved, etc. Yet they can't just admit that the people are blessed?! No credit to men, give all credit to God and glorify Him. He is the true reason for the success. Claim this in your life.

Verse 10: You shall dwell in the land of Goshen (drawing near). Jesus loves you to draw near. Then what happens next? Read verse 11.

Verse 11: He will provide for you! Don't say how do I provide for my family? Jesus already said He will provide for you! Know that it's all provided for! Look out for your own self-occupation.
The world is very cynical. The world questions if you wishes to do community work, etc. Why? Because this world is filled with so much ugliness. All papers, reports are very negative. But look away from such ugliness, look to the perfection of Jesus.

Jesus saved you because He wants you to be with Him. So that what He has rubs off on you! You will then have the power to heal, save, etc, just like Him! Not to make you to be a worker! Some people have the impression that God saved you so that you can save others and save others. Do you think He really need you to be a worker? He has countless angels who can do better off than you. He wants to have a father-son relationship with you.

If you have friends who are positive, you become positive. If you have friends who are cynical, you will become like them too.

When someone draws nears to you, you know because he feels comfortable with you and there is no fear. Jesus loves you to draw near to him. He loves you.

In closing,
Come to Jesus with your worries, cares, guilt, regrets, diseases, pain, sorrow. All you have to do is to tell him "Jesus I come to you".
Jesus says to you in the place of drawing near, I will provide.

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