Sunday, November 20, 2011

18 September 2011

Topic: Seek Wisdom In Your Life

In the world today information is everywhere. Knowledge is there for all. But did you notice that the world is in a mess? Something is lacking today - Wisdom

Proverbs 4:7-10
Verse 7: Wisdom is the first thing. Get wisdom foremost and then get understanding. This wisdom is the wisdom that comes from God that governs your life. Wisdom does not come by old age or by your experience.

Proverbs 2:6
For it is God who gives wisdom. Revelation don't comes by surfing. It cometh from the Lord. No one needs to give you a law, it's a revelation that comes inside of you.
Do I need to be so affected by this person? Wisdom will show you and be your revelation.

Matthew 12:42
"Greater than Solomon". Jesus is referring to himself. He is the one who imparted wisdom to Solomon. Wisdom brings you other blessings.

It is the number one thing in God's heart. We shall see this from the bible.

1 Corinthians 1:30
Christ becomes wisdom from God. This is the first thing God sent Christ to be wisdom for us.
Wisdom comes first, followed by holiness and righteousness. Wisdom always comes first.

Proverbs 8:12-21
Jesus said He is wisdom in prudence.
Verse 18: When you have wisdom, riches and honour comes along. These two gifts always come together.
Verse 21: Jesus said those who love Me will inherit riches.
Verse 30: Jesus said daily He was His delight. He was there when he created the world.
Verse 31: It means God's delight is in you. "And my delight was with the sons of men".

You think you got a money problem, etc. Actually you got a wisdom problem.

Luke 2:52
The first area Jesus increased is wisdom.
This is a good prayer for parents. Increase my child in Wisdom, stature and in favor.
Everyday pray to God to ask God for wisdom and favor. This is a very important prayer.

You may be exercising frequently, but this does not mean you have health. You only have fitness. Health cometh form the Lord. It's time to realise how much we need God. Many of whom seek riches, miracles. But God says seek wisdom from Me and the rest comes along.

E.g. You want the miracle from God to bring back your wife. But what God wants you to have is wisdom so you know what is the problem and not still have the problem even when she comes back.

You're not fat, you're just physically challenged.
You're not short, you're just vertically challenged.
You're not stupid, you're just mentally challenged.

The world is too cynical. They make you feel weird. Don't be ashamed or feel out of place. Tell them you're a Jesus-girl/boy boldly. Don't say God God God. Say Jesus and all knees will tremble. Atmosphere is cleared. You don't pray for someone and say in the name of God, or in the name of someone upstairs. Jesus is the word!

Proverbs 3:13-17 (Notice wisdom is impersonated as a woman. Whenever the bible relates something as a woman, it is usually because it is to be used as a application)
Verse 13-15: Happy is the man who finds wisdom. The proceeds are better than the profits of silver and her gain than fine gold. All the things you may desire cannot compare with her.
Verse 16: Right hand is the place of power. Represented by length of days.
Left hand is riches and honour. This left hand is something where everyone is pursuing. E.g. Graduates.

Proverbs 4:7-10
Verse 8: She will bring you honour when you embrace her. Watch this, when you embrace someone, the person's right and left hand supports you and gives you those two blessings. Embrace wisdom and that is why these two blessings where all is yearning for comes to you!

1 Kings 3:12-14
Verse 13: God gave him riches and honour first.
Verse 14: "Length of days" will only come if you keep God's statues. But are we under law now? No one can ever keep the law not even for 1 hour. So does that mean we cannot have length of days? No. We are under grace. Who is sitting at God's right hand? Jesus is right at God's right hand. God is telling us if you want length of days, seek Jesus and He will lengthen your days!

Just like when you spend time reading the daily devotional, you spend time with wisdom. After that your mind is clearer, you can see things where others don't see. This is a clear sign of wisdom.

1 Kings 4:29-34
God gave Solomon and also exceeding great understanding and also largeness of heart.
When you ask God for wisdom, also ask God for largeness of heart. Pointless having wisdom but not largeness of heart and a listening heart. Why are you impatient with this employee? Just because you can see what he/she don't see? Why are you angry with this maid? If she can see what you see, she wouldn't be a maid.
Pastor was arrested by God when he was very impatient whenever he saw or understood things where others couldn't in the past. One day, God asked him. "You asked me for wisdom and now that others without this wisdom do not see what you can see, you get angry?"
That was when Pastor realised and corrected his ways.

Don't judge your status in Christ with your actions. Judge only your actions with your status in Christ.

Proverbs has 31 chapters. The book of wisdom has 31 chapters. The Jewish calendar does not have 31 days. God created this for the modern men.
Look at chapter 18 since today is the 18th.
Proverbs 18:8
"Tasty trifles" - Wounds
In explanation, the words of a talebearer are as wounds. Just like gossip, they are tasty but actually like wounds. And goes right to the belly. Maybe you're reading the nasty letter or email, it's deadly to your self.
As you read the chapter, this particular verse jumps at you. With God's wisdom, it points you to the cause of the your discomfort.

James 1:5-7
If any one lacks wisdom, let him ask God. No one is asking because many think they do not lack. It's pride.

Pastor shares:
Many kids when asked if they liked school. Many will say they don't. Ask them why and they will tell you one common reason. They get scolded in school.
Wonders if there is a way to correct a child without letting the kid feel he/she is being scolded?
Some teachers teach with threats and scoldings thinking it is an effective way in teaching.
Pastor was afraid of Maths when he was young because his teacher throws out books whenever he got angry. This caused everyone not to like the particular subject.
Ask for wisdom and lead the child according to his interest. (Pastor did not intend to share this in his message today)

In closing,

Imagine there is a miracle water is being sold somewhere. This miracle water can heal and do wonders. A wise man will know if he can locate the source of the factory producing it, then he may know where it comes from. Suppose he finds out that the factory is just behind the waters, do you think the wise man will stop there? No, he will go even higher to the original source and even plant his mouth there.
Pastor is going to show you the source of wisdom in the bible. The wisdom that Jesus has placed for us to locate.
The answer to wisdom is all found in the Book of Proverbs.
Spend time to read the word daily and you will find a verse that speaks directly or jumps at you. This jump occurs because the bible is alive.

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