Sunday, November 20, 2011

5 December 2010

Guest Speaker: Dr Richard Roberts

Topic: Power of Healing

God spoke to him this morning at 5am that Singapore is going to be an international healing center.

Mark 16:
God says you will have the power to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.
So are you a believer? If you are, then you will have the power. He has commanded this.

Your job is to pray for the sick, not to heal.
If the person is healed, praise God. If nothing seems to happens, praise God too.
You are not the management, you are sales!

Most Christians do not pray for others because they are afraid they will fail.

The difference between pastor himself is that he believes that something will change after he prays. You need to know that you are not the healer, God is!

1. Touch. That is the key thing. Act of releasing your faith.

Exercise: Now stand up. Turn to someone and lift your hands. Touch the person and say, " In the authority name of Jesus, I command the <discomfort> to come out!" Do it to another and see if you or the person feels anything.

If you are skeptical, let me ask you a question. Do you think the person will get worse after your prayer? No. There's nothing to lose! Is there? In fact you will have everything to gain!

2. Send the Word.
This is when you do not have a chance to lay hands on the person. Either because of distance or awkwardness.
Say, "In the name of Jesus, I send the Word, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet You are whole."
See if you feel the power of God flow.

Acts 19:11
Paul took cloths and lay it upon the sick. Paul prayed to the cloth and sent it to the sick and the sick was healed. It is not the cloth that has power, it is just something for the sick to touch to release their faith.
You can pray to the cloth and use it to heal the sick. You will be surprise to see your prayer in your cloth healing the sick!

James 5: The oil is a symbol of healing when used with the name of God.

"God will make a way IF you are willing to act in faith".

There was a deaf child that was healed from deafness. Pastor put his hand into the olive oil, prayed and sent it over. The deaf used it to pour into the ears and eventually got healed.

"The healing ministry is the real deal". Satan hates healing.

Because of healing, Jesus allowed people to touch Him. Why are you able to heal like Him? It's because you look like Him and you are made in His image.

Faith is in you not for you to lie dormant. It is meant to be released.

In closing, James 5 says when you pray for others, the healing comes back to you as well. It gives you more strength! It is when you do nothing and get lazy, you become weak. Therefore, pray for someone today! Do not allow the healing truth be diminished.

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