Sunday, November 20, 2011

13 March 2011

Speaker: Pastor Lawrence

Topic: Forever Forgiven

Psalm 111:5 (Pastor believes 111 co-relates to 2011)
God knows there is a food shortage (famine) and He has given food to those who fear Him. And God is always mindful of the covenant He made with mankind.

Luke 7:1
Elders of the Jews said Jesus should heal the servant because he has done good works.
But to himself, he does not think He is worthy for God to go and heal him. He mentioned it twice that he is unworthy.

The blessings of God can never be earned. Don't read the bible because you want to be healed. Read the bible to look for verses to confess and have the revelation.

On those good days you experience, you read the bible to experience His love, not to clock quota.
But on those bad days, His grace is still there.

God does not come after you for your sins you committed in your life.

Luke 5:17-26
This is a story of the paralyzed man and how Jesus healed him. Jesus said to the man that his sins have been forgiven. Actually what the man needed was healing. Jesus saw that his friends had faith. Whether the man had faith or not remains to be known. But it means that even though one may not have faith, he can be healed when you have faith. You can pass a non believer a sermon disc and yet he is healed based on your faith.

God is never angry with you anymore. In Corinthians 15:3, Jesus has died for our sins accordingly to the Scriptures. So behave that there's no bad day.

You may think that you have made a mess of your life. Jesus died for all of us and made a mess of His own life so that you can be forgiven of all sins!
You may be ashamed to face Him, but Jesus already bore all our shame on the cross. Know that in your life.

In closing,
It is not your love for God that brought you to Him. It is His love that has brought you to Him.

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