Sunday, November 20, 2011

21 August 2011

Topic: The Lord Knows And Remembers Every Detail Of You

Ephesians 1:6
God has made us. We don't have to do anything. This is a pure faith verse.
Accepted - Charitoo means Highly Favoured
This highly favoured is only mentioned twice in the bible.
Thayer defines it as charming and made loving.
The people of the world are not highly favoured. Only His children is.

2 Corinthians 5:9
Well pleasing - Euarestos
Your standing is everlasting. Your righteousness will never be lost. But God will be pleased also if your actions are well pleasing. This excites Him. Don't get the idea that you have to do good to please God or that your standing will disappear if your conduct is bad. Always know your standing is always there. Just like a teacher serves in the children's ministry pleases God. Your giving to the Lord is also something that pleases Him greatly.
Philippians 4:18 confirms this.

1 Corinthians 15:10
"His grace towards me was not in vain". This means God can give you something in vain. Elves Presley's mother sings to him so often last time when he was a baby. The gift of great voice that God gave will never be taken back. Instead, he used his voice for his own and not for Him. Just an example for the verse above.
By using His grace and not putting it in vain, He rewards you for using that grace that He first gave you. How great is that.

1 Corinthians 3:6-8
Verse 8: Each will receive his own rewards according to his own labor. God's blessings and virtues in the bible are yours to take given that you are His child. However God gives the increase and reward accordingly to his own labour. the reward is tailor-made for you.

Does God care when you serve Him? He does.
Romans 16:1-6
Servant - Deacon. She's a female deacon in the church. God knows you by name.
Verse 6: Laboured much.
Verse 10: Approved (dokimos). He knows this guy is approved by Christ.
Romans 16:12
God knows those who "laboured much" as seen in this verse.
These verses are a snapshot of the Book of Remembrance. Do you think God cares and remembers? He knows every detail and remembers.

1 Samuel 22:1-2
Verse 2: Those that were distressed, debt and discontented all came.

Your leaders can either obstruct you or take the land. Be careful which leader you follow.

2 Samuel 23:8-37
See how detailed verse 8 is. God listed each detail to such extent. He knows your every action and knows you by name.

*** Secret in this verse: How well you sit is how well you walk. How well you rest in the Lord is how well you serve.
Josheb Basshebeth actually means someone who sits in a seat. In KJV, it is stated very clearly as "the one who sat".
Verse 9: Ahohite means brother of rest.
The secret here is to rest and you will be rewarded. And what you serve for determines your reward from the Lord. ***

Carry on reading, look at all those 37 people who are mentioned by Chrst. However only 1 who was not mentioned at all. The one who led the troops called Joab wasn't even mentioned. All his brothers, etc were mentioned. This shows Joab does not have a heart for the Lord.

In a ministry, you can be serving either:
1. For yourself
2. For a cause, the kingdom.
3. Doing everything because you love the king.

If there are 2 who are in the same field and only one is blessed, it means this person is serving for the correct cause. Only God knows his heart.

Are you doing things for the applause or the recognition?
Do things unto the Lord and you will be able to lift up the spear and kill eight hundred and achieve great things.

In closing,

You can be an usher serving because you love Him and shake hands of hundreds. Demons flee the moment you shake their hands. You can have the power with the correct belief and motive.

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