Sunday, November 20, 2011

2 October 2011

Topic: What We Need To Do When Facing Trouble or Trial

The bible said for all things, (whether it's men's mistakes, or from the devil or betrayal), it will work for all our good.
Believe that some stumbling blocks may be stepping stones or some setbacks or delay may be for your good.
There's something you need to know to enjoy this good.
Even though all things are looking real bad, God is good enough to let you go through this disappointment for greater things.

John 1:14-17
Verse 14 talks about Jesus revealing Himself to Peter and John on the mount of transfigurations. The word "dwelt" is "tabernacle" in Greek. He tabernacled among us. It is believed that Jesus came to Mary's womb during the feast of tabernacle. And after that 9 months later we celebrate Christmas.
When Jesus revealed at the mount, John described Him as full of grace and truth. Grace is blessings for the undeserved.
Verse 16: Grace for grace. "For" is "anti - in place of". It means grace upon grace. Where there is a new challenge, there is fresh grace. Where there is trouble, there is fresh grace. That is grace upon grace. Grace is greater than sin.
When is God happy? When you really happy. God goes after your happiness. Not because you serve, He's really happy when you are.

There is a teaching in America on that heaven and hell is a metaphor. No, hell is a real place. God took the mile to explain thirst does not quench and the worm does not die there. Heaven and hell are real. Imagine, if heaven is a metaphor, then where is the one who has risen from the dead sitting now? Hell is never created for mankind. It was a place for the devils. But for those who does not accept Christ, then they follow them down.

Verse 17: For the law was given through Moses, (There was grace) but true grace came through Jesus Christ. He came for the true grace. Before He came, there was still grace but after He came, grace and mercy came forth.

Food for the day:
Every trial is an opportunity to see Jesus in your life.

You don't need more money, you just need more revelation in your life. You may not be the experienced person, but where there's favor, everything comes to you.

You cannot spend time with God being the grace and truth but not have His fragrance. Just like going into a room of smokers and smelling like a simmer after stepping out.

The only way for grace to increase is not to do more but to see more.
Look at 2 Peter 1:2-3.
Verse 2: Grace and peace are together because grace is peace. To have more knowledge of God will multiply these gifts to you. The more Jesus you see, more grace and shalom in you life.
Verse 3: His divine power has given (past tense) all things. Past tense because it has already been given. He has given us all things pertaining to life. Is riches pertaining to life? But pastor, why I do not see that? "Through the knowledge of Him". Seeing Him more is the answer.

Jeremiah 9:23-24
Verse 24: Boast that you know the Lord.

If you really want His grace and peace, you really have to know Jesus more.

Story of God's forgiveness in Luke 7:39-43
Verse 42: Notice the word "freely". Look at His style. When He freely forgives, He really forgives.
We tend to interpret this forgiveness like men's forgiveness. Humans say "Ok I forgive you. Next time don't do it again". Notice the difference. We can never put God's forgiveness the same like man.

Another story to show God's heart in Luke 15:1-11.
Story of the lost lamb.
Verse 5: He lays the lost lamb on His strong shoulders. He does not do the same like humans like scolding the "lamb". Or make sarcastic remarks to say the lamb is so heavy while carrying it.
That's what satisfy His heart. We read things too fast and misses the interpretation. If only we can read slowly and meditate on the word.

Next parable in the chapter above on the lost coin.
Verse 8: The word "carefully".

Last parable on the man with 2 sons.
Luke 15:20-23
Verse 20: The father had compassion and ran. Can you imagine when God ran..? He wants us to see Him not religiously. He wants to see us in the word.

In closing,

Revelation for the church for churches who are faced with a challenge like member count are decreasing.
Revelation 1:20-2:1
Angels can be human or heavenly messengers. The seven stars in Verse 20 refers to the pastors. The lampstands are the churches.
Verse 1: He who holds the seven stars in His right hand.
Verse 5: The pastor fell because he left his first love. So who he left? This pastor left God's love.
God just removes the lampstand while the believers go to other churches that are alive.

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