Sunday, November 20, 2011

30 January 2011

Topic: Followup on last week's sermon on 23 January 2010.

"Lot" means veil. It represent the believers who are righteous but are still holding onto the law. The moment the veil left Abraham, God says to him to look north, south, east and west. All that is there is given unto him.
Do you see yourself sick? Or all things negative? Or you see by faith that you're healthy and all is well?
Lot was in Sodom for 4 years and the 4 kings abducted him but Abraham came with an army to save him. It has to be God for that victory.

In the story of Abraham, he tithed and he knew he would be rich.
Maaser - tithe
Aser - rich, wealth
Revelation: When you tithe, you become rich. It's all revealed in the hebrew word.

If you do not know you are righteous by faith, you will do by your own works to become righteous even though you are righteous.
The Satan is not to be defeated, he is already defeated. Even though you have symptoms, know that all sickness have already been bought on the cross.
If you go by works to gain something, you would also have to maintain it by works. God does not want you to work for it because He wants to freely give it to you.

Story of Jacob and Esau:
In this story, only the first born would be given the first born blessings. But it was only Jacob that has the heart for these blessings.
Genesis 27:26-30
Verse 27: He kissed him and smelled him. Fathers, its ok to kiss and smell your children.
Verse 28: Here's where the first born blessings starts.
Notice everything is God-given. "Cursed are those who curses you. Blessed be those who bless you". This verse is now ours. The blessings are on you and no actions can reverse them.
Verse 34: Esau cried out with a bitter cry to ask for his father's blessings. Today, your children also wants so much to hear your blessings to them. They may hear praises from their friends, it is different from those from his own father.
Verse 39: The father "answered" and did not say blessed. Notice the difference here.
"Your dwelling shall be of the fatness of the earth". It means you may dwell there but it does not belong to you. But Jacob owns it. Which is better here?
Verse 40: "By your sword you shall live". In world today, there are so much cut throat things. We live in a world of suing, competition, etc. Notice for Jacob's blessings, it's all given by God.

Look at Jacob blessings:
Dew of the heaven comes first followed by the fatness of the earth and plenty of grain and wine. God wants to give you the dews of heaven first. Esau's blessings start with fatness of the earth first.

What is dew of heaven? Look at Proverbs 19:12. Dew is favor in the bible. Today the king is not angry with you. Grass depicts heaven. So He gives you the favor of heaven! God is telling you even though you do not have the qualifications, etc, He tells you it does not matter because you have the favor! If heaven favours you, all angels work for you.
Jesus who was full of dew, came down to heal the sick and dry. In order to heal the sickly, you have to have the dew which you already have.

What is the grain and wine? It is a representation of the communion. The grain has to be beaten, battered, twisted, etc, in order to make the bread. Does this look like Him on the cross? How about the wine? It has to be crushed, trampled upon for wine to be made.
Jesus had communion right after He rose from the dead. It was like Jesus saying "I can't wait for it". The blood and bread has already been ordained for this purpose.

What actually is the fatness of the earth? Fatness means mishman. Shemen means olive oil after "man" is taken away from the Hebrew word. "Plenty of grain and wine". How young and healthy you want to be? Continually partake of the communion! Daily! Look at Acts 2:46-47. The early church took it daily and had favor. Just have communion with your family and children.

God want you to have the first-born blessings. Do not go for the fatness of the earth. Go for the dew. Choose the communion rather than the natural - doctor.

After the first-born blessings, then people will serve you. See Genesis 27:29.

You may see the big houses, big cars, but you do not know what happens inside there. Lot went by his sight. The rich may have a bed with solid gold on the sides, but he may not have a good sleep.

Deuteronomy 7:13-15
Verse 13: First thing God blesses is the grain and the new oil and your oil.
Verse 14: God says there will be no male or female barren.
Verse 15: And God will take away ALL sickness and none of the terrible sickness of Egypt. Notice God says all terrible sickness? In fact He hates them more than you do.

Deuteronomy 28:51
Verse 51: God wants to tell you that when the enemies come, the first things they will destroy is the grain or new wine or oil.

Pastor has came across demon possesses people are so afraid of the olive oil that is anointed. It virtually looked like explosives to them.

Hosea 2:2
Verse 2: God said Israel did not know He gave wine, grain and oil.

Hosea 2:20-23
Verse 21: The earth will call and heaven will respond. ** Do you want to know how to let God respond to you? Look next verse.
Verse 22: On earth where there is grain, wine and oil, this is how heaven responds.

In closing,

Genesis 33:8-11
Verse 9: Esau said he has enough. "Enough" means he has plenty.
Verse 11: Jacob said God has dealt graciously with with him and he had enough. This "enough" in NIV is "I have all I need". It means everything, all things. Notice Esau does not mention anything about God. It is Jacob who puts God first in everything.

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