Sunday, November 20, 2011

20 March 2011

Topic : God’s Glory Unveiled In The Last Days

Psalms 65:11
His goodness can be found in verse 4 saying His goodness is found in His house and His holy temple.

Remember the sermon where Pastor shared about 3 dreams he had when he was in Turkey?
1. Surrounded by rats
- Speaks of food shortage n famine where now everyone is stocking up on food supplies in Japan.
2. Surrounded by crocodiles
- Now we knew what this meant. Crocodiles speak of the tsunami we are seeing now. It comes in like a flood and kills.
3. Surrounded by terrorists
- Yet to know.

But at the end of the dreams when Pastor woke up, God spoke to him and said, "Tell my people that these will not touch them."
This is God's promise to us so there is no need to worry about what is or may happen in the world today.

The devil has sent a tsunami but God is sending a tsunami of salvation to Japan.
It is obvious that the survival rate is greatly reduced with such a great magnitude comparing with the previous tsunamis. It is definitely God's divine hand at work.

There is a sermon in Oct 2010 where Pastor shared on why are there calamities in the world. (You may want to check this out)

Luke 21:7-12
Verse 8: Jesus is saying a lot of Messiahs will come up. That happened in the 70s.
Verse 11: There will be great earthquakes. This is what we are seeing now. Talked about future.
Verse 12: Jesus paused. Note that. He went on saying these things will not happen to them and addressed the present situation at that time.
Verse 24: Talked about the future.
Verse 25: Seas and the waves roaring. Indication of tsunami. Waves (salos).
Verse 26: Men's heart will fail because of their expectation. Just like now people are stocking up on salt, thinking of protection against radiation.
For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. What does this mean? Heavens means uranos which is the Greek word for uranium. Powers mean dynamite.

Shaken means saleuo:
(1) it is a motion caused by winds, storms and earthquakes. To cause totter.
(2) To shake down or overthrow.
So in other words, the powers of the uranium will be shaken. Look at how those nuclear plants are shaken at this moment.
Verse 27: Then! They will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory!
Verse 28: When these things happen, look up and lift up your head cause your redemption draws near! This redemption speaks of bodily redemption. New body transformation!

Romans 8:19
Verse 19: The creations eagerly wait for the Sons of God.
It is like the earth is crying out for a saviour.
Verse 22-23
The whole earth groans and waits.

God already said He will crown the year with His goodness.

Psalm 65:4-11
You still the noise and waves and the tumult of the people.
Verse 8: Farthest parts refers to New Zealand and Japan from Israel geographically on the map - The land of the rising sun; the first to meet the sun. These 2 countries are scared of the signs. In the bible it says "your signs" but it does not refer to God's doings because it is written to show His prophesy.
Farthest parts - qetsev means pictures of signs.
Note NZ was already affected in the early part of the year.
Verse 5: God is the confidence of all ends of the earth. Affected people and everyone will come to see God's power and grace in time to come. And of the far-off seas.
Verse 7: God will still the noise of the seas and in the next verse, He will come.
Verse 4: It speaks of God's love for the nations and after that He says He crowns with goodness.

Recently there are reports of Japanese saying now kids are not playing x-box, they have early dinner. Husbands are coming home early, no OT! It is becoming a good time of bonding. God is turning things for our good.

Isaiah 60:1-3
Verse 2: Even in darkness the earth is in, and deep darkness the people (the world), the Lord will arise over you. His glory will be seen upon you.

Isaiah 59:19-22
Verse 59: God put Japan in this verse. The name of the Lord from the west refers to great pastors like E.Hagin, etc. It is like saying the west has always been responsible for this good work all these while.
The people shall fear His name and His glory from the rising of the sun. Glory means when you taste God's power, goodness. It is an indication of Him saving Japan when the enemy comes in like a flood.

In closing,

Psalm 67:1-2
Verse 1: David asked God to keep on blessing him.
Verse 2: So that Your way may be known on the earth. Your salvation among all nations. This is the end result of asking God to bless you constantly.

Psalm 67:7
Verse 7: So when God blesses us, all the ends of the end shall fear Him. We don't know how it it possible, we just have to ask Him to bless us. That is what we can do for our part.

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