Sunday, November 20, 2011

14 August 2011

Topic: Releasing Your Faith During This Volatile Time

God wants you to know He is on your side given that there are so many erroneous teachings.

Holiness is Love, Joy, Peace.

Never judge your standing by your performance.
Judge your performance by your standing.

1 John 1:5-10
Love letters in the bible are written for the believers. But there are specific times where non believers are being addressed.
Just like Romans 10:9, Jesus says to non believers how they can be saved. "As long as they confess in their mouth and believe in their heart that Jesus has died for them, they will be saved". This is addressing non believers.
Peter, James and John love letters are written towards and for the Jews.

Verse 7: Jesus says if we walk in the light, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses (present, active indicative) us from all sin.
Note that it is "in" and not according.

1 Thessalonian 5:5
We are children of the light and not children of the dark. This is a confident verse to say that if you are the cold of God, you are walking in the light! We can stand in the light not because we are sinless, but we can stand there to recognise and make known His finished work.

John 8:10
Story of Jesus who told the people who wanted to stone the woman. But it was not was able to after Jesus demonstrated by writing on the stones on the floor. This act demonstrates He is the law giver to those who challenged Him about following the law.
Verse 12: Jesus said to those who walked away and remained outside that, he who follows Me shall not (never- double negative) walk in darkness, but walk in the light.

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