Sunday, November 20, 2011

31 October 2010

Topic: Faith

Mark 11:24
God's system is for you to believe you have and then you will have it.
Jesus did not say unless you feel then you have it. He works by faith because without faith it is impossible to please God.

Faith is very attractive to heaven. Satan works in the realm of feelings but God works by faith. Therefore, do not be led by your feelings. Do not let your feelings decide your day.

Mark 4:25
He said this after the story of the sower and the seed.
Jesus said if you have it, more will be given. So what is the thing Jesus is saying? Everything that you need!

Jesus asks you "Are you healthy? Strong? Rich?" Say "Yes!" Take possession! Take ownership! And Jesus will give you more! If you don't have the faith, it will be gone. Follow God's system today.
E.g. When a person is anointed as a pastor, usually the person is very humble and say things like, "I'm a normal person, don't have to call me a pastor, etc". That's not the way. Take possession of your new appointment! Why? This is God given, why pretend like you don't deserve it because it's not about you; it's not about yourself. In turn, thank God and say I have the anointing in my pastoral life. In your business, thank God you have the anointing in your business. When you become a father or mother, thank God you have the anointing of a parenthood. Take possession and ownership of it!

Romans 4:17
Jesus said He has made Abraham a father of many nations. But at that time he did not even have a son. Yet Jesus said He made. Past tense. God's system is to call those things which do not exist as though they did. So, how to walk with God? Call forth things you want as though they exist!

Young's Translation on the Hebrew Language

1. The Hebrew only has present and past tense.
Comments: Notice that there is no future tense. Think about it. This is Faith.

2. The Hebrew were in the habit of using the past tense to express the certainty of an action taking place, even though the action might not really be performed for some time.
Comments: Notice God calls forth miracle as though they were in the Bible.

3. The Hebrew brings you to the past as though it brings you to the exact present. It does not have any mention of past tense.
Comments: Therefore it is important to take the communion as though we were back in the past, during Jesus time. See Jesus that He is beaten right at the very moment and partake of the holy communion. See that every stroke brings you healing. See it as if you were there.

Leviticus 7:15
Jesus says that do not leave it till morning because it is not fresh anymore. This verse is in context to the previous paragraph. Jesus is actually saying to us to look into the past as the present.

The Hebrew language is the first language in the world. It is holy and special. In fact there is no vulgarities in the Hebrew language. The bible is written in Hebrew. Now there are other translations and at times there are future tenses in the verses. In actual fact, the bible only is only written in the past and present tense.

God does not see you in the natural. David was seen by many as a shepherd. But God sees him as a king.

Deuteronomy 7:14-15 (Young's Lit. Trans)
Verse 14: Blessed art thou above all the peoples, there is not in thee a barren man or a barren woman -- nor among your cattle.

Comments: He said you are already blessed above all people. All people of Singapore! There is no one barren. No one lacking.

Verse 15: and Jehovah hath turned aside from thee every sickness. And none of the evil diseases of Egypt (which thou hast known) doth He put on thee, and He hath put them on all hating thee.

Comments: Jesus did not say there are no diseases in the world. But He is saying He has already turned aside from every sickness.

Keyword: "Walk as if". Start doing as if you are. Give as if you are prosperous. Do as if you are healed. Act like it will let you see your miracle. This is practicing faith.

Have you heard of people saying land in Singapore is scarce? There's no land to build.
Remember God is faithful. Choose not to believe. Tell God you believe His resources are greater. Believe God for the land. Pastor used this example in context to the church building. However, you can use it in your daily life. Be it believing for a flat. This is something between you and God!

Genesis 9:12-15
In the English bibles, it speaks of the future. If read in Young's translation, you will see every in the present.

Final note: The English bible is written for easier reading and understanding. Read the bible as though it is happening right at this moment like in Young's translation. Believe it in faith after knowing the truth and heart of God. God's word is present!

Joel 3:10
Proclaim loudly and say I am strong!

In closing, if you believe this message, your life will be filled with thanksgiving. Your life will be joyful.

Start thanking God for all that you're believing. Act like you have it. Walk in the realm of faith and Mark 11:24 will surely stand in your life.

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