Sunday, November 20, 2011

16 October 2011

Topic: Knowing Christ All Over Again

Every lack of growth, failures, curse and downfall has got something to do with the lack of knowledge of Jesus in your life.
His kindness and authority is in proportion. Nothing is uneven in Him.
He know what a human being goes through because He came as a man. His word came down as flesh and it dwelt among us. We are transformed in image from glory to glory. Each time you come to church to listen to Him, you may not be even aware that there is a change in you.

Revelation 4:6-7
Verse 6: Four living creatures depict the 4 faces of God.
Verse 7:
Matthew - Lion represented by Boldness
Mark - Calf (Ox) represented by Labourer
Luke - Face like a man represented by Intelligence
John - Flying eagle represented by Sharp vision and discernment

Knowing Jesus more will bring you those gifts above. Holy Spirit transforms us with us having to behold.

Jesus wants you to look to Him from above and not to the distractions all around you. When you look around you, what you hear from the world is famine, destruction, poverty and see the gory. When you read Him, you see his fullness and provision and His glory.
Do you know that Noah's ark does not have windows all around? But there is a window above for him to look up to Him. God doesn't want Noah (present day us) to look at our lack and problems but just to look at Him alone.

Exodus 20
- Famous for 10 commandments
God wants you to know that no one can keep the law and remember each commandment.
Last chapter talks about the alter. The alter is a place of sacrifice and cross as a place where God will come to bless you because He has already foreseen that man cannot keep the law.
Exodus 21:1-6
Verse 1: Right after the ten commandments, He talked about a hebrew servant. Strange isn't it.
Verse 6: "He shall serve him forever". This refers to Jesus coming down as a man to serve.
Mark 10:45 talks about Jesus not coming to be serve but to serve and give His life a random for many.
Martha wanted to serve Jesus when He came to their house. That's human nature but not God's nature.
Mary was just sitting at His feet and listening, waiting to be served instead.
Grace is supply and law is demand. Martha is under a demand orientation. God's intention is just to sit and wash your feet. He proceeded to say Martha is troubled about any things. Mary is not busy with one thing - to receive
Jesus defended Mary to say this act shall not be taken away from her.
We must learn to receive his ministry. If you don't allow Jesus to wash your feet, you have no part with him. Keyword is "with". It's not no part "in" him because that would mean salvation.

Back to Verse 5, Exodus 21.
It is Jesus saying "I love you father, my church (wife) and my children.
Even though He is in heaven, He is still our servant to serve us.

It's very comforting to know right after the ten commandments, God talks about the servant.

Psalms 40:6-7
Verse 6: "My ears you have pierced".

Hebrews 10:5-12
Verse 5: "A body You have prepared for Me".
Verse 7: The entire book is about Jesus.

Hebrews 10 is a confirmation for Exodus 21 that it is referring to Jesus.

Do you think Jesus will still be the same 2000 years ago till the day He comes? Look at the verse below.
Luke 11:37
Verse 37: Jesus will come and assuredly he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them.

In closing,

Don't worry about tomorrow cause Jesus said do not worry about tomorrow. He has already went ahead of you to take the rides before you. You may not be aware that He has stopped many things which you are not even aware of.

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