Sunday, November 20, 2011

20 November 2011

Pastor is finally back from America after preaching in Lakewood Church. NCC warmly welcomes him back with the loudest cheers!

Pastor shares about Reformation Day on 31st October every year. This day is the day where grace has been recovered in Year 1517. Pastor happened to be there to share grace during this week. To think about it, this must have been prearranged by God as he wasn't aware of such a day as well.

Pastor's wife, Wendy, shared her insights on the significance of the date and pointed out that it coincidentally falls on Halloween. Pastor added that the devil must have wanted to hide the grace day by perverting it to Halloween. He reminded the church to remember the true meaning of this day rather than how the world remembers it.

John 1:14
Verse 14: Full of grace and truth. Literally means true grace. (Grace upon grace). Grace is for the undeserving and that is why we all qualify.

Grace is redefined in the world today. In other words, grace becomes empowerment or is a work. Truth is, grace produces empowerment and is free. If you think you don't deserve favor, it means you have the wrong belief. We are never in God's bad books. For those that make little of grace, they become smaller. God wants His Son to be glorified and be the centre. Those who promotes grace, they become more powerful.

One can say how can one say he is righteous even though he has commit sins. Yet we can call them righteous?
The basis that His children can still be righteous and entitled to His blessings is because of Jesus' death at the cross. The moment when God turned His back on Jesus, He welcomes us back home. The moment Jesus breathe his last, walls of blessings are opened to us and is flowing to us till this present day. This is the strong foundation of paid death that gives us the entitlement to His blessings.

Interview of Pastor on Trinity Broadcasting Network:
Grace or repentance came first?
In the old testament, man had to work and toil for His blessings. It's all about good works and repentance then God will bless you.
In the new testament, look at the story of Peter. Jesus said to Peter and blessed him with a net breaking load of fishes. Did Peter worked for it? Blessings came first and then it led to repentance. After that, that was what led to Peter to repent.

2 Corinthians 9:8
Verse 8: God is able to make (present active indicative) all grace abound toward you. Always having sufficiency in all things! Have abundance for every good work. It does not just end for one good work. Be ready for many more! (Every good work means continue work).
God wants you to be a blessing to everyone.
Looking at the future tense: "is" is in italics. It means it's added there. (You can remove italics when you read the bible). Able means power, the same word as dynamite. If you interpret it as a future tense, you read it as God can do it and does not look like He will bless you anytime. To "make" is a present right in reality. It is not future tense.
In the Greek, this verse is such:
And God is continuously enabling all grace to abound toward you! Right now even as you are reading this, God is unleashing His grace upon you like dynamites! He is rushing to bless you!

One may ask, if we are blessed with all sufficiency, then how come I don't seem to be blessed?

Pastor answers: Man generally is materialistic. In the bible, bible faith is opening your eyes to see that what you desire is there. That is faith. Faith is not believing long enough will entitle you to your desires. Even if you don't have $10 in your pocket, if you believe God is your source of blessings, and start thanking God what you want to see, He will surely bless you. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. What you can see is temporal. What you cannot see is eternal. The world sees things that you can hold as eternal. The world see the one thousand dollar note as eternal.
Just like how Jesus healed the withered hand. He did not say "Whoa! Your hand so short ah?!". He said "Stretch forth your hand!". He sees the invisible. Have this spirit of seeing the invisible and thanking Him for your provisions.

Another reason is because of wrong believing that restricts His provisions on you. It's the wrong mentality. When you know you are blessed even though you are undeserving, you will love God much more. Those who know they are forgiven little, loves little. Those who knows they are forgiven much, loves much.

Look at the story in Luke 15:28-32.
Verse 29: "Yet you never give me a goat to make
merry with my friends". He does not regard his father and blames him.
Verse 31: "Son, all that I have is yours and you are always with me". He did not say some of mine is yours? Or that billy goat is yours?
Daddy father already intended to give you the blessings. But the wrong perception led to you the wrong thinking.

It also depends on how you see God in your life.
Matthews 25:24
Verse 24: "Lord I knew you as a hard man".
How you see God affects your blessings. It affects your reception. Just like if you see your boss like a hard man, you cannot flow with him. After which it leads to resentment in a matter of time. You may think he puts stress on you which he did not in the first place.
Note to family: Don't been seen as a hard man as it will lead to resentment in no time.

In the story of the five loaves and two fishes. Just like how man view the supplies and question: "What is this supply for so many needs??". The consciousness of man is like this.
John 6:11
However, Jesus way is, He took the loaves and gave thanks. Notice "As much as they wanted." The supplies never finishes. And there were leftovers. Just because someone said "Thank you Father for so much grace."
Verse 23: They ate bread after the Lord had given thanks--".

Just believe it every morning. Thank God and be so aware of His goodness each day you go to work. Be full of the goodness. As long as you are aware, you can be more compassionate to others.

Ephesians 3:20
Verse 20: It means God doing the works more than what we can imagine. It is the constant working that is going on.
"Power": dunamis
"Work": energeo

Sidetrack: Pastor shares that cheering in church is good. He told the people in first service that they are too quiet. Just like saying God is good, and they reply amen with a stagnant face.
You gotta move! And you will be young! For some of you when you see others doing that, you think oh they are young and I've matured.
The thing is "No, you are old". Move! Be young!

In closing,

God works in 7 levels:
1: Now to Him who is able to do.
2: Now to Him who is able to do that we ask.
3: Now to Him who is able to do that we ask or think.
4: Now to Him who is able to do all that we ask or think.
5: Now to Him who is able to do abundantly all that we ask or think.
6: Now to Him who is able to do abundantly above all that we ask or think.
7: Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.

6 November 2011

Video Screening of Pastor Prince

Topic: Your Righteousness in Christ Will Never Be Lost

Romans 5:17
To reign in life, you need to have abundance of grace and righteousness by faith. The word says "gift". It's not a reward, not through your own efforts.

Just like Adam's sins and disobedience made the world sinners. One can say its not fair; we should be sinners through our own efforts isn't it. But God's system is designed in such a way with one man's obedience, we are all forgiven. By one man's death, we are free from sin!

Grace are for those undeserving. Why grace is unable to be accepted by people is because they think they are deserving.

You will never lose your righteousness if you sin because it is a gift. Since you did not earn it through your efforts, it will not be taken away from you either. If it is to be taken away from you, it is not a gift to begin with.
Don't talk about holiness. Holiness is a product of righteousness. With such belief, it will produce right results.

For instance, if you have an addiction like smoking, each time you take a puff, say "I am the righteousness of God". It will be soon when your addiction dies off. It may be funny but it's better than saying nothing right.

The Lord never leaves you nor forsakes you. It's all in the head and the wrong teaching that lead you to think that way. He never once left you! You asked for it when you chose to accept Christ! It's too late now! (Crowd cheers)

Many people when they hear about righteousness, they think it's right doing. When you do that, you are submitting to the gift of righteousness.

When you believe you are righteous, your face will shine. People who are oblivious to humility or holiness are truly the ones who believe they are righteous.

You are forgiven forevermore. If the blood of bulls and goats can cleanse you of your sins for one year. How much more can the divine blood, the blood of Emmanuel cleanse you for a lifetime. The blessings in your life are irreversible. Why? Because God has paid it for you.

16 October 2011

Topic: Knowing Christ All Over Again

Every lack of growth, failures, curse and downfall has got something to do with the lack of knowledge of Jesus in your life.
His kindness and authority is in proportion. Nothing is uneven in Him.
He know what a human being goes through because He came as a man. His word came down as flesh and it dwelt among us. We are transformed in image from glory to glory. Each time you come to church to listen to Him, you may not be even aware that there is a change in you.

Revelation 4:6-7
Verse 6: Four living creatures depict the 4 faces of God.
Verse 7:
Matthew - Lion represented by Boldness
Mark - Calf (Ox) represented by Labourer
Luke - Face like a man represented by Intelligence
John - Flying eagle represented by Sharp vision and discernment

Knowing Jesus more will bring you those gifts above. Holy Spirit transforms us with us having to behold.

Jesus wants you to look to Him from above and not to the distractions all around you. When you look around you, what you hear from the world is famine, destruction, poverty and see the gory. When you read Him, you see his fullness and provision and His glory.
Do you know that Noah's ark does not have windows all around? But there is a window above for him to look up to Him. God doesn't want Noah (present day us) to look at our lack and problems but just to look at Him alone.

Exodus 20
- Famous for 10 commandments
God wants you to know that no one can keep the law and remember each commandment.
Last chapter talks about the alter. The alter is a place of sacrifice and cross as a place where God will come to bless you because He has already foreseen that man cannot keep the law.
Exodus 21:1-6
Verse 1: Right after the ten commandments, He talked about a hebrew servant. Strange isn't it.
Verse 6: "He shall serve him forever". This refers to Jesus coming down as a man to serve.
Mark 10:45 talks about Jesus not coming to be serve but to serve and give His life a random for many.
Martha wanted to serve Jesus when He came to their house. That's human nature but not God's nature.
Mary was just sitting at His feet and listening, waiting to be served instead.
Grace is supply and law is demand. Martha is under a demand orientation. God's intention is just to sit and wash your feet. He proceeded to say Martha is troubled about any things. Mary is not busy with one thing - to receive
Jesus defended Mary to say this act shall not be taken away from her.
We must learn to receive his ministry. If you don't allow Jesus to wash your feet, you have no part with him. Keyword is "with". It's not no part "in" him because that would mean salvation.

Back to Verse 5, Exodus 21.
It is Jesus saying "I love you father, my church (wife) and my children.
Even though He is in heaven, He is still our servant to serve us.

It's very comforting to know right after the ten commandments, God talks about the servant.

Psalms 40:6-7
Verse 6: "My ears you have pierced".

Hebrews 10:5-12
Verse 5: "A body You have prepared for Me".
Verse 7: The entire book is about Jesus.

Hebrews 10 is a confirmation for Exodus 21 that it is referring to Jesus.

Do you think Jesus will still be the same 2000 years ago till the day He comes? Look at the verse below.
Luke 11:37
Verse 37: Jesus will come and assuredly he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them.

In closing,

Don't worry about tomorrow cause Jesus said do not worry about tomorrow. He has already went ahead of you to take the rides before you. You may not be aware that He has stopped many things which you are not even aware of.

2 October 2011

Topic: What We Need To Do When Facing Trouble or Trial

The bible said for all things, (whether it's men's mistakes, or from the devil or betrayal), it will work for all our good.
Believe that some stumbling blocks may be stepping stones or some setbacks or delay may be for your good.
There's something you need to know to enjoy this good.
Even though all things are looking real bad, God is good enough to let you go through this disappointment for greater things.

John 1:14-17
Verse 14 talks about Jesus revealing Himself to Peter and John on the mount of transfigurations. The word "dwelt" is "tabernacle" in Greek. He tabernacled among us. It is believed that Jesus came to Mary's womb during the feast of tabernacle. And after that 9 months later we celebrate Christmas.
When Jesus revealed at the mount, John described Him as full of grace and truth. Grace is blessings for the undeserved.
Verse 16: Grace for grace. "For" is "anti - in place of". It means grace upon grace. Where there is a new challenge, there is fresh grace. Where there is trouble, there is fresh grace. That is grace upon grace. Grace is greater than sin.
When is God happy? When you really happy. God goes after your happiness. Not because you serve, He's really happy when you are.

There is a teaching in America on that heaven and hell is a metaphor. No, hell is a real place. God took the mile to explain thirst does not quench and the worm does not die there. Heaven and hell are real. Imagine, if heaven is a metaphor, then where is the one who has risen from the dead sitting now? Hell is never created for mankind. It was a place for the devils. But for those who does not accept Christ, then they follow them down.

Verse 17: For the law was given through Moses, (There was grace) but true grace came through Jesus Christ. He came for the true grace. Before He came, there was still grace but after He came, grace and mercy came forth.

Food for the day:
Every trial is an opportunity to see Jesus in your life.

You don't need more money, you just need more revelation in your life. You may not be the experienced person, but where there's favor, everything comes to you.

You cannot spend time with God being the grace and truth but not have His fragrance. Just like going into a room of smokers and smelling like a simmer after stepping out.

The only way for grace to increase is not to do more but to see more.
Look at 2 Peter 1:2-3.
Verse 2: Grace and peace are together because grace is peace. To have more knowledge of God will multiply these gifts to you. The more Jesus you see, more grace and shalom in you life.
Verse 3: His divine power has given (past tense) all things. Past tense because it has already been given. He has given us all things pertaining to life. Is riches pertaining to life? But pastor, why I do not see that? "Through the knowledge of Him". Seeing Him more is the answer.

Jeremiah 9:23-24
Verse 24: Boast that you know the Lord.

If you really want His grace and peace, you really have to know Jesus more.

Story of God's forgiveness in Luke 7:39-43
Verse 42: Notice the word "freely". Look at His style. When He freely forgives, He really forgives.
We tend to interpret this forgiveness like men's forgiveness. Humans say "Ok I forgive you. Next time don't do it again". Notice the difference. We can never put God's forgiveness the same like man.

Another story to show God's heart in Luke 15:1-11.
Story of the lost lamb.
Verse 5: He lays the lost lamb on His strong shoulders. He does not do the same like humans like scolding the "lamb". Or make sarcastic remarks to say the lamb is so heavy while carrying it.
That's what satisfy His heart. We read things too fast and misses the interpretation. If only we can read slowly and meditate on the word.

Next parable in the chapter above on the lost coin.
Verse 8: The word "carefully".

Last parable on the man with 2 sons.
Luke 15:20-23
Verse 20: The father had compassion and ran. Can you imagine when God ran..? He wants us to see Him not religiously. He wants to see us in the word.

In closing,

Revelation for the church for churches who are faced with a challenge like member count are decreasing.
Revelation 1:20-2:1
Angels can be human or heavenly messengers. The seven stars in Verse 20 refers to the pastors. The lampstands are the churches.
Verse 1: He who holds the seven stars in His right hand.
Verse 5: The pastor fell because he left his first love. So who he left? This pastor left God's love.
God just removes the lampstand while the believers go to other churches that are alive.

18 September 2011

Topic: Seek Wisdom In Your Life

In the world today information is everywhere. Knowledge is there for all. But did you notice that the world is in a mess? Something is lacking today - Wisdom

Proverbs 4:7-10
Verse 7: Wisdom is the first thing. Get wisdom foremost and then get understanding. This wisdom is the wisdom that comes from God that governs your life. Wisdom does not come by old age or by your experience.

Proverbs 2:6
For it is God who gives wisdom. Revelation don't comes by surfing. It cometh from the Lord. No one needs to give you a law, it's a revelation that comes inside of you.
Do I need to be so affected by this person? Wisdom will show you and be your revelation.

Matthew 12:42
"Greater than Solomon". Jesus is referring to himself. He is the one who imparted wisdom to Solomon. Wisdom brings you other blessings.

It is the number one thing in God's heart. We shall see this from the bible.

1 Corinthians 1:30
Christ becomes wisdom from God. This is the first thing God sent Christ to be wisdom for us.
Wisdom comes first, followed by holiness and righteousness. Wisdom always comes first.

Proverbs 8:12-21
Jesus said He is wisdom in prudence.
Verse 18: When you have wisdom, riches and honour comes along. These two gifts always come together.
Verse 21: Jesus said those who love Me will inherit riches.
Verse 30: Jesus said daily He was His delight. He was there when he created the world.
Verse 31: It means God's delight is in you. "And my delight was with the sons of men".

You think you got a money problem, etc. Actually you got a wisdom problem.

Luke 2:52
The first area Jesus increased is wisdom.
This is a good prayer for parents. Increase my child in Wisdom, stature and in favor.
Everyday pray to God to ask God for wisdom and favor. This is a very important prayer.

You may be exercising frequently, but this does not mean you have health. You only have fitness. Health cometh form the Lord. It's time to realise how much we need God. Many of whom seek riches, miracles. But God says seek wisdom from Me and the rest comes along.

E.g. You want the miracle from God to bring back your wife. But what God wants you to have is wisdom so you know what is the problem and not still have the problem even when she comes back.

You're not fat, you're just physically challenged.
You're not short, you're just vertically challenged.
You're not stupid, you're just mentally challenged.

The world is too cynical. They make you feel weird. Don't be ashamed or feel out of place. Tell them you're a Jesus-girl/boy boldly. Don't say God God God. Say Jesus and all knees will tremble. Atmosphere is cleared. You don't pray for someone and say in the name of God, or in the name of someone upstairs. Jesus is the word!

Proverbs 3:13-17 (Notice wisdom is impersonated as a woman. Whenever the bible relates something as a woman, it is usually because it is to be used as a application)
Verse 13-15: Happy is the man who finds wisdom. The proceeds are better than the profits of silver and her gain than fine gold. All the things you may desire cannot compare with her.
Verse 16: Right hand is the place of power. Represented by length of days.
Left hand is riches and honour. This left hand is something where everyone is pursuing. E.g. Graduates.

Proverbs 4:7-10
Verse 8: She will bring you honour when you embrace her. Watch this, when you embrace someone, the person's right and left hand supports you and gives you those two blessings. Embrace wisdom and that is why these two blessings where all is yearning for comes to you!

1 Kings 3:12-14
Verse 13: God gave him riches and honour first.
Verse 14: "Length of days" will only come if you keep God's statues. But are we under law now? No one can ever keep the law not even for 1 hour. So does that mean we cannot have length of days? No. We are under grace. Who is sitting at God's right hand? Jesus is right at God's right hand. God is telling us if you want length of days, seek Jesus and He will lengthen your days!

Just like when you spend time reading the daily devotional, you spend time with wisdom. After that your mind is clearer, you can see things where others don't see. This is a clear sign of wisdom.

1 Kings 4:29-34
God gave Solomon and also exceeding great understanding and also largeness of heart.
When you ask God for wisdom, also ask God for largeness of heart. Pointless having wisdom but not largeness of heart and a listening heart. Why are you impatient with this employee? Just because you can see what he/she don't see? Why are you angry with this maid? If she can see what you see, she wouldn't be a maid.
Pastor was arrested by God when he was very impatient whenever he saw or understood things where others couldn't in the past. One day, God asked him. "You asked me for wisdom and now that others without this wisdom do not see what you can see, you get angry?"
That was when Pastor realised and corrected his ways.

Don't judge your status in Christ with your actions. Judge only your actions with your status in Christ.

Proverbs has 31 chapters. The book of wisdom has 31 chapters. The Jewish calendar does not have 31 days. God created this for the modern men.
Look at chapter 18 since today is the 18th.
Proverbs 18:8
"Tasty trifles" - Wounds
In explanation, the words of a talebearer are as wounds. Just like gossip, they are tasty but actually like wounds. And goes right to the belly. Maybe you're reading the nasty letter or email, it's deadly to your self.
As you read the chapter, this particular verse jumps at you. With God's wisdom, it points you to the cause of the your discomfort.

James 1:5-7
If any one lacks wisdom, let him ask God. No one is asking because many think they do not lack. It's pride.

Pastor shares:
Many kids when asked if they liked school. Many will say they don't. Ask them why and they will tell you one common reason. They get scolded in school.
Wonders if there is a way to correct a child without letting the kid feel he/she is being scolded?
Some teachers teach with threats and scoldings thinking it is an effective way in teaching.
Pastor was afraid of Maths when he was young because his teacher throws out books whenever he got angry. This caused everyone not to like the particular subject.
Ask for wisdom and lead the child according to his interest. (Pastor did not intend to share this in his message today)

In closing,

Imagine there is a miracle water is being sold somewhere. This miracle water can heal and do wonders. A wise man will know if he can locate the source of the factory producing it, then he may know where it comes from. Suppose he finds out that the factory is just behind the waters, do you think the wise man will stop there? No, he will go even higher to the original source and even plant his mouth there.
Pastor is going to show you the source of wisdom in the bible. The wisdom that Jesus has placed for us to locate.
The answer to wisdom is all found in the Book of Proverbs.
Spend time to read the word daily and you will find a verse that speaks directly or jumps at you. This jump occurs because the bible is alive.

21 August 2011

Topic: The Lord Knows And Remembers Every Detail Of You

Ephesians 1:6
God has made us. We don't have to do anything. This is a pure faith verse.
Accepted - Charitoo means Highly Favoured
This highly favoured is only mentioned twice in the bible.
Thayer defines it as charming and made loving.
The people of the world are not highly favoured. Only His children is.

2 Corinthians 5:9
Well pleasing - Euarestos
Your standing is everlasting. Your righteousness will never be lost. But God will be pleased also if your actions are well pleasing. This excites Him. Don't get the idea that you have to do good to please God or that your standing will disappear if your conduct is bad. Always know your standing is always there. Just like a teacher serves in the children's ministry pleases God. Your giving to the Lord is also something that pleases Him greatly.
Philippians 4:18 confirms this.

1 Corinthians 15:10
"His grace towards me was not in vain". This means God can give you something in vain. Elves Presley's mother sings to him so often last time when he was a baby. The gift of great voice that God gave will never be taken back. Instead, he used his voice for his own and not for Him. Just an example for the verse above.
By using His grace and not putting it in vain, He rewards you for using that grace that He first gave you. How great is that.

1 Corinthians 3:6-8
Verse 8: Each will receive his own rewards according to his own labor. God's blessings and virtues in the bible are yours to take given that you are His child. However God gives the increase and reward accordingly to his own labour. the reward is tailor-made for you.

Does God care when you serve Him? He does.
Romans 16:1-6
Servant - Deacon. She's a female deacon in the church. God knows you by name.
Verse 6: Laboured much.
Verse 10: Approved (dokimos). He knows this guy is approved by Christ.
Romans 16:12
God knows those who "laboured much" as seen in this verse.
These verses are a snapshot of the Book of Remembrance. Do you think God cares and remembers? He knows every detail and remembers.

1 Samuel 22:1-2
Verse 2: Those that were distressed, debt and discontented all came.

Your leaders can either obstruct you or take the land. Be careful which leader you follow.

2 Samuel 23:8-37
See how detailed verse 8 is. God listed each detail to such extent. He knows your every action and knows you by name.

*** Secret in this verse: How well you sit is how well you walk. How well you rest in the Lord is how well you serve.
Josheb Basshebeth actually means someone who sits in a seat. In KJV, it is stated very clearly as "the one who sat".
Verse 9: Ahohite means brother of rest.
The secret here is to rest and you will be rewarded. And what you serve for determines your reward from the Lord. ***

Carry on reading, look at all those 37 people who are mentioned by Chrst. However only 1 who was not mentioned at all. The one who led the troops called Joab wasn't even mentioned. All his brothers, etc were mentioned. This shows Joab does not have a heart for the Lord.

In a ministry, you can be serving either:
1. For yourself
2. For a cause, the kingdom.
3. Doing everything because you love the king.

If there are 2 who are in the same field and only one is blessed, it means this person is serving for the correct cause. Only God knows his heart.

Are you doing things for the applause or the recognition?
Do things unto the Lord and you will be able to lift up the spear and kill eight hundred and achieve great things.

In closing,

You can be an usher serving because you love Him and shake hands of hundreds. Demons flee the moment you shake their hands. You can have the power with the correct belief and motive.

14 August 2011

Topic: Releasing Your Faith During This Volatile Time

God wants you to know He is on your side given that there are so many erroneous teachings.

Holiness is Love, Joy, Peace.

Never judge your standing by your performance.
Judge your performance by your standing.

1 John 1:5-10
Love letters in the bible are written for the believers. But there are specific times where non believers are being addressed.
Just like Romans 10:9, Jesus says to non believers how they can be saved. "As long as they confess in their mouth and believe in their heart that Jesus has died for them, they will be saved". This is addressing non believers.
Peter, James and John love letters are written towards and for the Jews.

Verse 7: Jesus says if we walk in the light, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses (present, active indicative) us from all sin.
Note that it is "in" and not according.

1 Thessalonian 5:5
We are children of the light and not children of the dark. This is a confident verse to say that if you are the cold of God, you are walking in the light! We can stand in the light not because we are sinless, but we can stand there to recognise and make known His finished work.

John 8:10
Story of Jesus who told the people who wanted to stone the woman. But it was not was able to after Jesus demonstrated by writing on the stones on the floor. This act demonstrates He is the law giver to those who challenged Him about following the law.
Verse 12: Jesus said to those who walked away and remained outside that, he who follows Me shall not (never- double negative) walk in darkness, but walk in the light.

20 March 2011

Topic : God’s Glory Unveiled In The Last Days

Psalms 65:11
His goodness can be found in verse 4 saying His goodness is found in His house and His holy temple.

Remember the sermon where Pastor shared about 3 dreams he had when he was in Turkey?
1. Surrounded by rats
- Speaks of food shortage n famine where now everyone is stocking up on food supplies in Japan.
2. Surrounded by crocodiles
- Now we knew what this meant. Crocodiles speak of the tsunami we are seeing now. It comes in like a flood and kills.
3. Surrounded by terrorists
- Yet to know.

But at the end of the dreams when Pastor woke up, God spoke to him and said, "Tell my people that these will not touch them."
This is God's promise to us so there is no need to worry about what is or may happen in the world today.

The devil has sent a tsunami but God is sending a tsunami of salvation to Japan.
It is obvious that the survival rate is greatly reduced with such a great magnitude comparing with the previous tsunamis. It is definitely God's divine hand at work.

There is a sermon in Oct 2010 where Pastor shared on why are there calamities in the world. (You may want to check this out)

Luke 21:7-12
Verse 8: Jesus is saying a lot of Messiahs will come up. That happened in the 70s.
Verse 11: There will be great earthquakes. This is what we are seeing now. Talked about future.
Verse 12: Jesus paused. Note that. He went on saying these things will not happen to them and addressed the present situation at that time.
Verse 24: Talked about the future.
Verse 25: Seas and the waves roaring. Indication of tsunami. Waves (salos).
Verse 26: Men's heart will fail because of their expectation. Just like now people are stocking up on salt, thinking of protection against radiation.
For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. What does this mean? Heavens means uranos which is the Greek word for uranium. Powers mean dynamite.

Shaken means saleuo:
(1) it is a motion caused by winds, storms and earthquakes. To cause totter.
(2) To shake down or overthrow.
So in other words, the powers of the uranium will be shaken. Look at how those nuclear plants are shaken at this moment.
Verse 27: Then! They will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory!
Verse 28: When these things happen, look up and lift up your head cause your redemption draws near! This redemption speaks of bodily redemption. New body transformation!

Romans 8:19
Verse 19: The creations eagerly wait for the Sons of God.
It is like the earth is crying out for a saviour.
Verse 22-23
The whole earth groans and waits.

God already said He will crown the year with His goodness.

Psalm 65:4-11
You still the noise and waves and the tumult of the people.
Verse 8: Farthest parts refers to New Zealand and Japan from Israel geographically on the map - The land of the rising sun; the first to meet the sun. These 2 countries are scared of the signs. In the bible it says "your signs" but it does not refer to God's doings because it is written to show His prophesy.
Farthest parts - qetsev means pictures of signs.
Note NZ was already affected in the early part of the year.
Verse 5: God is the confidence of all ends of the earth. Affected people and everyone will come to see God's power and grace in time to come. And of the far-off seas.
Verse 7: God will still the noise of the seas and in the next verse, He will come.
Verse 4: It speaks of God's love for the nations and after that He says He crowns with goodness.

Recently there are reports of Japanese saying now kids are not playing x-box, they have early dinner. Husbands are coming home early, no OT! It is becoming a good time of bonding. God is turning things for our good.

Isaiah 60:1-3
Verse 2: Even in darkness the earth is in, and deep darkness the people (the world), the Lord will arise over you. His glory will be seen upon you.

Isaiah 59:19-22
Verse 59: God put Japan in this verse. The name of the Lord from the west refers to great pastors like E.Hagin, etc. It is like saying the west has always been responsible for this good work all these while.
The people shall fear His name and His glory from the rising of the sun. Glory means when you taste God's power, goodness. It is an indication of Him saving Japan when the enemy comes in like a flood.

In closing,

Psalm 67:1-2
Verse 1: David asked God to keep on blessing him.
Verse 2: So that Your way may be known on the earth. Your salvation among all nations. This is the end result of asking God to bless you constantly.

Psalm 67:7
Verse 7: So when God blesses us, all the ends of the end shall fear Him. We don't know how it it possible, we just have to ask Him to bless us. That is what we can do for our part.

13 March 2011

Speaker: Pastor Lawrence

Topic: Forever Forgiven

Psalm 111:5 (Pastor believes 111 co-relates to 2011)
God knows there is a food shortage (famine) and He has given food to those who fear Him. And God is always mindful of the covenant He made with mankind.

Luke 7:1
Elders of the Jews said Jesus should heal the servant because he has done good works.
But to himself, he does not think He is worthy for God to go and heal him. He mentioned it twice that he is unworthy.

The blessings of God can never be earned. Don't read the bible because you want to be healed. Read the bible to look for verses to confess and have the revelation.

On those good days you experience, you read the bible to experience His love, not to clock quota.
But on those bad days, His grace is still there.

God does not come after you for your sins you committed in your life.

Luke 5:17-26
This is a story of the paralyzed man and how Jesus healed him. Jesus said to the man that his sins have been forgiven. Actually what the man needed was healing. Jesus saw that his friends had faith. Whether the man had faith or not remains to be known. But it means that even though one may not have faith, he can be healed when you have faith. You can pass a non believer a sermon disc and yet he is healed based on your faith.

God is never angry with you anymore. In Corinthians 15:3, Jesus has died for our sins accordingly to the Scriptures. So behave that there's no bad day.

You may think that you have made a mess of your life. Jesus died for all of us and made a mess of His own life so that you can be forgiven of all sins!
You may be ashamed to face Him, but Jesus already bore all our shame on the cross. Know that in your life.

In closing,
It is not your love for God that brought you to Him. It is His love that has brought you to Him.

27 February 2011

Topic: Walking with God

Hebrews 10:1-3
Verse 1: The law is a shadow. It is not the real thing.

It is right believing that produces right results. It is knowing that you are conscious free that makes you believe right and behave right.

Verse 2: to repeat means imperfect. Once worshipers are purified, they will have no consciousness of sins. "Once purified" is present perfect tense which means an act that never has to be repeated.

Hebrews 10:9-12
Verse 1: Jesus took away the first to give us the second.
Verse 2: We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Christ.
Verse 3: The priest stands daily means the job is not finished.
Verse 12: This Man offered once sacrifice for us and say down on his fathers right hand.

2 Peter 1:8-9
Verse 9: If a Christian is not conscious, the bible says he has forgotten he was cleansed from his own sins and shortsighted even to blindness.

How to deal with your sins?

Proud people are those who are insecure. Once you know who you are in Christ and where you came from, you can afford to be humble. That's the time where you can take a towel and serve others. You can let others win since you know blessings follow you wherever you go.

John 13:3-11
Verse 8: Peter refused to let God wash his feet but Jesus said if He does not do that, he will not a part WITH Him. This is the secret to walk with God.
Verse 10: He who is bathed (luo) is the same as "washed" in Revelation 1:5. Jesus said he who is bath is completely clean. He only needs to wash his feet. So we only need to wash our feet.
Many Christians go to God to ask Him to cleanse them with His blood when they have committed a sin. But do you know that this is done once and it had been a perfect work. All you need is water to wash your feet. So how exactly you can wash your feet? Listen to the word. Pastor is a representative of washing our feet.

God's judgment came on Jesus at the cross. His heavenly fire came on Him and when the crucifixion had been finished, the ashes were what was left. Therefore, God judgment can never come on you again. Do you know that fire that has burnt the area can never be burnt again? Know that we are now walking in the ashes and that is where we are safest.

John 13:4
Jesus took a towel (lention - linen cloth) to dry the feet. How you dry people is to remind them that they are the righteousness of God.

Ephesians 5:25-33
Verse 25: Husbands love your wives just like how Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. He may sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of the word. So that He can present her to Himself a glorious church, not having (present active participle) a spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.
What this verse meant is that God sees us without blemish and glorious!
Secret: Do this just like how God sees the church to your wife.

If you do not understand the first benefit, you will not be able to enjoy the renewal of youth.

Ephesians 5:25-33
Verse 29: cherishes (thalpo - keep warm).
Verse 30: For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.
*There is a healing revelation here*
Say a prayer here by saying that, Father, how can your body be healthy when mine is not? How can your body be alive when mine is not? You said in your word that you are the bride, we are together in one with you. My youth is renewed and my health restored. I am healthy and strong!

In closing,

Hebrews 9:28 (NLT)
Verse 28: When He comes again, he will not deal with our sins again. And a body that will live forever! And those who are waiting eagerly for Him will bring salvation to them- it actually means to bring a new body.

30 January 2011

Topic: Followup on last week's sermon on 23 January 2010.

"Lot" means veil. It represent the believers who are righteous but are still holding onto the law. The moment the veil left Abraham, God says to him to look north, south, east and west. All that is there is given unto him.
Do you see yourself sick? Or all things negative? Or you see by faith that you're healthy and all is well?
Lot was in Sodom for 4 years and the 4 kings abducted him but Abraham came with an army to save him. It has to be God for that victory.

In the story of Abraham, he tithed and he knew he would be rich.
Maaser - tithe
Aser - rich, wealth
Revelation: When you tithe, you become rich. It's all revealed in the hebrew word.

If you do not know you are righteous by faith, you will do by your own works to become righteous even though you are righteous.
The Satan is not to be defeated, he is already defeated. Even though you have symptoms, know that all sickness have already been bought on the cross.
If you go by works to gain something, you would also have to maintain it by works. God does not want you to work for it because He wants to freely give it to you.

Story of Jacob and Esau:
In this story, only the first born would be given the first born blessings. But it was only Jacob that has the heart for these blessings.
Genesis 27:26-30
Verse 27: He kissed him and smelled him. Fathers, its ok to kiss and smell your children.
Verse 28: Here's where the first born blessings starts.
Notice everything is God-given. "Cursed are those who curses you. Blessed be those who bless you". This verse is now ours. The blessings are on you and no actions can reverse them.
Verse 34: Esau cried out with a bitter cry to ask for his father's blessings. Today, your children also wants so much to hear your blessings to them. They may hear praises from their friends, it is different from those from his own father.
Verse 39: The father "answered" and did not say blessed. Notice the difference here.
"Your dwelling shall be of the fatness of the earth". It means you may dwell there but it does not belong to you. But Jacob owns it. Which is better here?
Verse 40: "By your sword you shall live". In world today, there are so much cut throat things. We live in a world of suing, competition, etc. Notice for Jacob's blessings, it's all given by God.

Look at Jacob blessings:
Dew of the heaven comes first followed by the fatness of the earth and plenty of grain and wine. God wants to give you the dews of heaven first. Esau's blessings start with fatness of the earth first.

What is dew of heaven? Look at Proverbs 19:12. Dew is favor in the bible. Today the king is not angry with you. Grass depicts heaven. So He gives you the favor of heaven! God is telling you even though you do not have the qualifications, etc, He tells you it does not matter because you have the favor! If heaven favours you, all angels work for you.
Jesus who was full of dew, came down to heal the sick and dry. In order to heal the sickly, you have to have the dew which you already have.

What is the grain and wine? It is a representation of the communion. The grain has to be beaten, battered, twisted, etc, in order to make the bread. Does this look like Him on the cross? How about the wine? It has to be crushed, trampled upon for wine to be made.
Jesus had communion right after He rose from the dead. It was like Jesus saying "I can't wait for it". The blood and bread has already been ordained for this purpose.

What actually is the fatness of the earth? Fatness means mishman. Shemen means olive oil after "man" is taken away from the Hebrew word. "Plenty of grain and wine". How young and healthy you want to be? Continually partake of the communion! Daily! Look at Acts 2:46-47. The early church took it daily and had favor. Just have communion with your family and children.

God want you to have the first-born blessings. Do not go for the fatness of the earth. Go for the dew. Choose the communion rather than the natural - doctor.

After the first-born blessings, then people will serve you. See Genesis 27:29.

You may see the big houses, big cars, but you do not know what happens inside there. Lot went by his sight. The rich may have a bed with solid gold on the sides, but he may not have a good sleep.

Deuteronomy 7:13-15
Verse 13: First thing God blesses is the grain and the new oil and your oil.
Verse 14: God says there will be no male or female barren.
Verse 15: And God will take away ALL sickness and none of the terrible sickness of Egypt. Notice God says all terrible sickness? In fact He hates them more than you do.

Deuteronomy 28:51
Verse 51: God wants to tell you that when the enemies come, the first things they will destroy is the grain or new wine or oil.

Pastor has came across demon possesses people are so afraid of the olive oil that is anointed. It virtually looked like explosives to them.

Hosea 2:2
Verse 2: God said Israel did not know He gave wine, grain and oil.

Hosea 2:20-23
Verse 21: The earth will call and heaven will respond. ** Do you want to know how to let God respond to you? Look next verse.
Verse 22: On earth where there is grain, wine and oil, this is how heaven responds.

In closing,

Genesis 33:8-11
Verse 9: Esau said he has enough. "Enough" means he has plenty.
Verse 11: Jacob said God has dealt graciously with with him and he had enough. This "enough" in NIV is "I have all I need". It means everything, all things. Notice Esau does not mention anything about God. It is Jacob who puts God first in everything.

23 January 2011

Topic: Righteousness by faith

Romans 4:1-4
Verse 2: If Abraham's works are good, he has something to boast about but not before God.
Verse 3: Abraham believed God came down to bring all our sins to the cross. Just like how we now believe. He gives us His righteousness and now He esteems us righteous.
Verse 4: if you work for something, your salary is not grace but a debt. If you boss gives you a car, that is a grace gift. Not by works.

First thing God did was to make Abraham righteous.

There are 2 groups of believers that are righteous by faith. They are those victorious and those not victorious. Those seemed to prosper in whatever things they touch and those who does not.

Love people and use money to bless people. Love God, not money. God says the love of money is the root of all evil.

Abraham's nephew, Lot, got into a lot of trouble but yet God still sees him as righteous and holy despite his works.
See Peter 2:6-8
Verse 7: God delivered righteous Lot.
Verse 8: Still God mentioned he is righteous. In total He mentioned it 3 times.
Lot is an example of a righteous lot where he's not blessed. Why is he not blessed yet when God calls him righteous?
Abraham is righteous not in his conduct. He is righteous by faith. Even though he lied about his wife, he did not live in his lie. He fall in temptations, he does not live in it. We may fall into sin but we do not live in there.
Give a pig mud and it is satisfied. Give a sheep mud and it will cry. We are the sheep.

Genesis 13:1-14
Verse 3: "to the place where his tent had been at the beginning".
Verse 4: "at first". Abraham called on the name of the Lord. It shows he has a heart for God while Lot does not.
Verse 5: Lot was blessed with flock and herds, because he was associated with Abraham. He was blessed with blessings shared by Abraham.
Verse 10: Lot saw with his eyes and saw that everything was good and pleasing to the eyes.
Verse 11: When Lot saw that all is pleasant is to his eyes, he chose for himself.
Verse 12: Lot then pitched his tent even as far as Sodom.
This is the start of the pit fall of Lot.
Are you pitching your tent to Sodom in your family? Children loves boundaries, not because of those things you bless them with. Repossess your position as a King in the house!

There is no condemnation when you fall into sin. But don't stay there (in Sodom). Do you know Sodom is the lowest place on earth? Soon you will see what happened to Lot there.

Side track: Pastor bumped into a parent saying his kid is spending too much time in church, not much time spent on studying. Isn't it better to be with believers? That is where God is in the midst. Would you rather he be elsewhere doing things you may not even know? If you are really concerned, you may speak to his leaders.

Genesis 14:14
When Abraham heard Lot was held captive, he brought 318 trained servants to fight against the 4 kings who held Lot in captive. Guess what, God gave him victory.

Do you lie your way in life? Or cheat in life? Do you want to live a life of cheat or a life of righteous like Abraham? The mentality cannot be because God does not condemn you and so you go back to your old life.

Genesis 18:1-2
Verse 2: Abraham lifted his eyes and saw 3 men standing which Pastor believed it is Michael and Gabrielle (arch angels) together with God.

Side track: Have you seen those eyes of conscious people sparkling? Have you seen those whose eyes were hollow?
Conduct your actions with integrity. If you do right, you will never fear to be checked.
You're blessed with the blessings of Abraham but do not behave like Lot.

Side track: Why do you want to win 4D? Lottery? Jackpot? You believe that the money will bring you health, happiness, material needs. But truly this does not bring you any of those. Only God came to give you life and have it more abundantly! He surpasses all those dreams of lottery and gives you direct His gifts!

Genesis 19:1
Verse 1: 2 angels came to Sodom. God was not there. It is because Sodom was too evil and dirty.

Genesis 18:12-17
The 2 angels told Lot to leave Sodom right away because they will be destroying the place. Therefore, Lot went to tell his sons-in-law to pack up. But they thought Lot was joking.

Nugget of Truth Revealed:
*There is a revelation God revealed here. You need to start somewhere in your household to pray together with your children, or to partake on the holy communion as a family, because when the day comes when you tell them about God, they will look to you as if you are joking. By then, your words are weightless to them and they will not believe what you say to them.

Verse 15 & 16: The angels told Lot to hurry but he lingered to see his flock, etc. But the angels took him, his wife and his 2 daughters and brought him out to safety, because God was merciful to him. This is the real God, our Father!
Verse 17: The angel told Lot to escape to the mountains and not look back. The angel also mentioned he cannot do anything unless Lot is out. Judgement cannot be carried out when he is still there. Why is this so? Notice the place of refuge is above.

Genesis 19:26-30
Verse 26: Lot's wife became a pillar of salt because she looked back. This is like a typical example of a abusive relationship where one went through and after being out of it, it is forgotten and still mentioned that it is not so bad afterall. There is no point to look back at all.
Verse 28: Sodom went up in a smoke. This is an example of what will happen when we are raptured. We will then be in heaven looking down at the judgment to non-believers.
Verse 29: God remembered Abraham and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow.
Verse 30: Lot's daughters dwelt in a cave. If you kept on reading, the bible stated that the daughters spoke to themselves saying there are no more men and so they will make their father Lot drunk so that they can sleep with him. Look over here, when you stay in sin and never get out of it, you lose your morality. When this happened, that was when Amonites and Moabites came about.

Be the king and priest in the house. Don't ever let the devil destroy your house. Have a standard in the house and say boldly to guard your children. In time to come, your children will look back and thank God for good parents.

Genesis 14:18-23
Verse 18: The King of Salem, Melchizedek came with bread and wine, believed to be a representation of God. You may flare up with anger, etc, but He brings you bread and wine to resist the temptations of Sodom.
Communion is not offered to anybody, it is offered to the abrahamic kind of faith people.
Verse 20: Same for tithing, it is only for those who has a revelation.
Verse 23: Abraham said he will take nothing from the king of Sodom lest he says he has made him rich. Having said that is an indication of him knowing he will be made very rich by God. This is all because God is the possession of all the earth. Know that and see how blessed you can be.

You have to be aware of God's power in your life. You have to experience it and not by hearing from others.

In closing,

What kind of righteous man do you want to be.
Abraham went by faith where Lot went by sight. It is the root of unbelief in Lot. Look at the story of Adam and Eve. The devil came to them to make them doubt God's love for them by pointing them to the only tree not to be eaten. And because of their unbelief that covered tier eyes, it robbed them of their glory.
There will be times where there are unbelief, know constantly God's love and His goodness. Be like David in Psalm 23:6, Surely goodness will follow me all the days of my life. Not maybe! Not probably! Follow - "radaf" means pursue, hunt down! Goodness and mercy will hunt you down!!

9 January 2011

Topic: Message of 2011

It is God's good pleasure to give you His blessings even His kingdom.
You may have your own hobby to entertain yourself, but God is entertained to give all that you ask.

It is sad that humans are negative. They may be complimented 10 times but 1 criticism can cause one to forget everything. Even non-believers know that God judges. Yes it is true that God judged. But ever since He came down to die for us at the cross, God's judgment already fell on Jesus and it has all been nailed on the cross. Therefore we can now walk boldly into His presence righteous.

Psalm 65:11
This year is crowned with God's goodness and abundance.

There are 5 times "shema shema" appeared in the bible.

Isaiah 55:2-3
Verse 2: This verse tells you how to see God's goodness and walk in His abundance.
He says listen to Him. Why pay money to listen to what others say?
In the Hebrew, "listen carefully" is actually repeated twice. In plain, it means "listen listen (shema shema)" in Hebrew.

All God's blessings and power comes by faith. Not good works. That is why believers are missing it. It is faith that brought forth good works! Jesus always says "Your faith has made you well". He did not say "Your good works has made you well".
You say if you have lack of faith, do not worry because faith will comes to you. Romans 10:17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing. This "hearing" is the same as "shema shema". You may have heard the sermon before. But God says hearing. He did not say "having heard".

When you read the bible, you need to convert the word of God to the word of Christ. For example, when you read Genesis 22 about Abraham sacrificing his son. You can stop there and interpret that God loves to take away precious things from you. Does faith come? No. In fact, God is actually sparing Abraham from the pain of losing his son. You need to read the bible with Christ centered so that your faith comes.

God's ordained way to speak to you is through a preacher. You can say God speaks to you directly to me. Yes He does that but that is not God's ordained way. In Romans 10:14-17, it says God's preacher preaches peace and bring glad tithing of good things! In verse 14, the people asked how shall we listen without a preacher? You need to listen to Him through a preacher.

Exodus 15:26
In this verse "diligently heed", it actually means shema shema. If you want to be healed, there is nothing for you to do, no laws to keep.
Look to Galatians 3:2-5 on what John says.
Verse 2: Does God works by the laws or by hearing of faith?
Verse 5: God works by the hearing of faith!

Jesus never qualify anyone before He healed when He walk on earth.
Luke 5:15
Great multitudes came together to hear and to be healed. Look at the sequence here. Came to hear and to be healed! Came to hear and be healed! God has ordained it this way. That's the secret to healing.
Look at the next chapter for proof.
Luke 6:17-19
Verse 17: See the pattern here again. To hear and to heal!

Just because you ate chicken rice last week, you will still eat it. It does not mean you can survive on the memory of eating chicken rice.
Yes you may heard God's word before, but it is not having heard. It's with constant hearing that faith will come.

Acts 14:7-11
Verse 7: Paul was preaching the gospel there.
Perfect tense is a 1 time act that does not need to be repeatedly. This word "preaching" is an imperfect tense. So it means Paul was preaching and preaching.
Verse 9: "heard Paul preaching" is also imperfect tense. It meant the crippled was listening and listening till faith came in along the way.
What may have happened is that the crippled may have stayed for numerous preaching sessions until Paul noticed and perceived the crippled had faith.

Deuteronomy 15:5-6
Verse 5: Only if you carefully listen then..

What is the end result when you listen and listen?
Deuteronomy 11:21
The days of your life will be multiplied like the days of heaven! Days of heaven is good long life. Not a bad long life.
Deuteronomy 15:6
You will be the lender and not a borrower because the borrower is a servant to the lender. That is why in the world today the Israel banks are the biggest.

"You can listen your way to prosperity".

God's system to blessings start with:
1. Health
2. Family
3. Prosperity

Deuteronomy 28:1-3
Verse 1: If you listen diligently.
Verse 2 & 3: Blessed will you be above all nations and in the city.

Nugget of truth revealed!
Deuteronomy 28:15
When good things happen to someone, we know that the person kept listening.
When bad things happen, it may be due to the person only just heard it.

Hebrews 4:2
They did not profit because they heard it. They were not actively hearing.

In closing,
James 1:23-25
Being a hearer is someone who forgets who he is right after he looks at the mirror.

Being a doer of the word and if you "continues in it", He will be blessed.

5 December 2010

Guest Speaker: Dr Richard Roberts

Topic: Power of Healing

God spoke to him this morning at 5am that Singapore is going to be an international healing center.

Mark 16:
God says you will have the power to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.
So are you a believer? If you are, then you will have the power. He has commanded this.

Your job is to pray for the sick, not to heal.
If the person is healed, praise God. If nothing seems to happens, praise God too.
You are not the management, you are sales!

Most Christians do not pray for others because they are afraid they will fail.

The difference between pastor himself is that he believes that something will change after he prays. You need to know that you are not the healer, God is!

1. Touch. That is the key thing. Act of releasing your faith.

Exercise: Now stand up. Turn to someone and lift your hands. Touch the person and say, " In the authority name of Jesus, I command the <discomfort> to come out!" Do it to another and see if you or the person feels anything.

If you are skeptical, let me ask you a question. Do you think the person will get worse after your prayer? No. There's nothing to lose! Is there? In fact you will have everything to gain!

2. Send the Word.
This is when you do not have a chance to lay hands on the person. Either because of distance or awkwardness.
Say, "In the name of Jesus, I send the Word, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet You are whole."
See if you feel the power of God flow.

Acts 19:11
Paul took cloths and lay it upon the sick. Paul prayed to the cloth and sent it to the sick and the sick was healed. It is not the cloth that has power, it is just something for the sick to touch to release their faith.
You can pray to the cloth and use it to heal the sick. You will be surprise to see your prayer in your cloth healing the sick!

James 5: The oil is a symbol of healing when used with the name of God.

"God will make a way IF you are willing to act in faith".

There was a deaf child that was healed from deafness. Pastor put his hand into the olive oil, prayed and sent it over. The deaf used it to pour into the ears and eventually got healed.

"The healing ministry is the real deal". Satan hates healing.

Because of healing, Jesus allowed people to touch Him. Why are you able to heal like Him? It's because you look like Him and you are made in His image.

Faith is in you not for you to lie dormant. It is meant to be released.

In closing, James 5 says when you pray for others, the healing comes back to you as well. It gives you more strength! It is when you do nothing and get lazy, you become weak. Therefore, pray for someone today! Do not allow the healing truth be diminished.

21 November 2010

Topic: Story of Joseph

What do we look for in the bible?
We look for Jesus so that we will be transformed, with absolute peace, lack to prosperity and glory to glory. We will be with total coolness!

The bible is of absolute accuracy, scientifically accurate. Though not used for science, we know men today can find fossils on high mountains because there was once a universal flood. We need not spend millions of money to know science, we know Jesus in the bible.

Joseph married a gentile woman, representing the modern church with non believers. Joseph was the bread of Israel.

When Israel came into famine, Joseph's wisdom caused her to prosper during this time. Just like now in the world today where nations are in famine.

Genesis 43:12-16
Verse 16: Joseph said to the steward of the house to prepare the feast. Notice why the steward is not named? The steward is the holy spirit. He glorifies God and not himself.

Genesis 43:22-23
Verse 22: "We do not know who put our money in our sacks". This is how the current Jewish people think now. The youngest billionaire is a Jewish. The founder of Facebook.

The verse that all will always be stumped. Pastor is going to show in the bible.

Genesis 37:
This chapter ends with Joseph being sold.
Genesis 38:
Notice this chapter is nothing on Joseph. Focused on Judah.
Genesis 38:2
Judah married this girl called Shuwa (means wealth in Greek). Not only it's talking about Jesus genealogy. It's a picture of the Jewish people. After this the Jewish were scattered for 2000 years. They are now in the world mingling with wealth.
Genesis 39:
Then the story came back to Joseph.

Examples of Jewish success.
Some famous brands:
Levi Strauss, Calvin Klein, Ben & Jerry.

Some famous actors:
Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler.

Genesis 45:3-15
Verse 4: Joseph said come near to me. Representation of Jesus calling you to draw near because we are under grace now. Jesus said come, all those that are heavy laden.

Verse 5: Joseph said do not be grieved or angry.
Scenario: Now you may be challenged or there are guilts or shame you are facing right now. Or worries, anxiety, burdens about the future. Look in this context how Joseph removed his brothers' anxiety and fears.
In verse 4, he told his brothers that he is Joseph, their brother. He occupied them with himself, his glory and his exaltation. Everything you admire in movie stars, pop stars are all found in Jesus alone. Comparing with nothing exaggerated in human. All is found in Jesus. He's altogether lovely.

Verse 5: It was a great sin to sell Joseph, yet it was done. But Joseph told his brothers not to be angry with themselves. Only God can do it! See how great our God is! So what you sinned? He tells you not to be angry with yourself! He still loves you.

"True life is living life with a purpose and destiny".

Verse 8: There is another 5 years of famine. It's a long time, but Joseph said God has made him lord of all. The papers reports may be bad, just know that God has made you lord of all!

People all think there's something mysterious about One-North thinking how people can contribute to it freely. People of the world thinks there must be some hypnotizing involved, etc. Yet they can't just admit that the people are blessed?! No credit to men, give all credit to God and glorify Him. He is the true reason for the success. Claim this in your life.

Verse 10: You shall dwell in the land of Goshen (drawing near). Jesus loves you to draw near. Then what happens next? Read verse 11.

Verse 11: He will provide for you! Don't say how do I provide for my family? Jesus already said He will provide for you! Know that it's all provided for! Look out for your own self-occupation.
The world is very cynical. The world questions if you wishes to do community work, etc. Why? Because this world is filled with so much ugliness. All papers, reports are very negative. But look away from such ugliness, look to the perfection of Jesus.

Jesus saved you because He wants you to be with Him. So that what He has rubs off on you! You will then have the power to heal, save, etc, just like Him! Not to make you to be a worker! Some people have the impression that God saved you so that you can save others and save others. Do you think He really need you to be a worker? He has countless angels who can do better off than you. He wants to have a father-son relationship with you.

If you have friends who are positive, you become positive. If you have friends who are cynical, you will become like them too.

When someone draws nears to you, you know because he feels comfortable with you and there is no fear. Jesus loves you to draw near to him. He loves you.

In closing,
Come to Jesus with your worries, cares, guilt, regrets, diseases, pain, sorrow. All you have to do is to tell him "Jesus I come to you".
Jesus says to you in the place of drawing near, I will provide.

31 October 2010

Topic: Faith

Mark 11:24
God's system is for you to believe you have and then you will have it.
Jesus did not say unless you feel then you have it. He works by faith because without faith it is impossible to please God.

Faith is very attractive to heaven. Satan works in the realm of feelings but God works by faith. Therefore, do not be led by your feelings. Do not let your feelings decide your day.

Mark 4:25
He said this after the story of the sower and the seed.
Jesus said if you have it, more will be given. So what is the thing Jesus is saying? Everything that you need!

Jesus asks you "Are you healthy? Strong? Rich?" Say "Yes!" Take possession! Take ownership! And Jesus will give you more! If you don't have the faith, it will be gone. Follow God's system today.
E.g. When a person is anointed as a pastor, usually the person is very humble and say things like, "I'm a normal person, don't have to call me a pastor, etc". That's not the way. Take possession of your new appointment! Why? This is God given, why pretend like you don't deserve it because it's not about you; it's not about yourself. In turn, thank God and say I have the anointing in my pastoral life. In your business, thank God you have the anointing in your business. When you become a father or mother, thank God you have the anointing of a parenthood. Take possession and ownership of it!

Romans 4:17
Jesus said He has made Abraham a father of many nations. But at that time he did not even have a son. Yet Jesus said He made. Past tense. God's system is to call those things which do not exist as though they did. So, how to walk with God? Call forth things you want as though they exist!

Young's Translation on the Hebrew Language

1. The Hebrew only has present and past tense.
Comments: Notice that there is no future tense. Think about it. This is Faith.

2. The Hebrew were in the habit of using the past tense to express the certainty of an action taking place, even though the action might not really be performed for some time.
Comments: Notice God calls forth miracle as though they were in the Bible.

3. The Hebrew brings you to the past as though it brings you to the exact present. It does not have any mention of past tense.
Comments: Therefore it is important to take the communion as though we were back in the past, during Jesus time. See Jesus that He is beaten right at the very moment and partake of the holy communion. See that every stroke brings you healing. See it as if you were there.

Leviticus 7:15
Jesus says that do not leave it till morning because it is not fresh anymore. This verse is in context to the previous paragraph. Jesus is actually saying to us to look into the past as the present.

The Hebrew language is the first language in the world. It is holy and special. In fact there is no vulgarities in the Hebrew language. The bible is written in Hebrew. Now there are other translations and at times there are future tenses in the verses. In actual fact, the bible only is only written in the past and present tense.

God does not see you in the natural. David was seen by many as a shepherd. But God sees him as a king.

Deuteronomy 7:14-15 (Young's Lit. Trans)
Verse 14: Blessed art thou above all the peoples, there is not in thee a barren man or a barren woman -- nor among your cattle.

Comments: He said you are already blessed above all people. All people of Singapore! There is no one barren. No one lacking.

Verse 15: and Jehovah hath turned aside from thee every sickness. And none of the evil diseases of Egypt (which thou hast known) doth He put on thee, and He hath put them on all hating thee.

Comments: Jesus did not say there are no diseases in the world. But He is saying He has already turned aside from every sickness.

Keyword: "Walk as if". Start doing as if you are. Give as if you are prosperous. Do as if you are healed. Act like it will let you see your miracle. This is practicing faith.

Have you heard of people saying land in Singapore is scarce? There's no land to build.
Remember God is faithful. Choose not to believe. Tell God you believe His resources are greater. Believe God for the land. Pastor used this example in context to the church building. However, you can use it in your daily life. Be it believing for a flat. This is something between you and God!

Genesis 9:12-15
In the English bibles, it speaks of the future. If read in Young's translation, you will see every in the present.

Final note: The English bible is written for easier reading and understanding. Read the bible as though it is happening right at this moment like in Young's translation. Believe it in faith after knowing the truth and heart of God. God's word is present!

Joel 3:10
Proclaim loudly and say I am strong!

In closing, if you believe this message, your life will be filled with thanksgiving. Your life will be joyful.

Start thanking God for all that you're believing. Act like you have it. Walk in the realm of faith and Mark 11:24 will surely stand in your life.