Monday, December 29, 2014

21 December 2014

Topic: The Great Love of Christ Towards Us

Praise and Worship: Today's the Christmas service and we all sang Christmas carols. The stage was an awesome sight with wonderful setup and decorative props. As I happened to sit in the front few rows, I managed to snap some pictures (kind of secretly)! Will be sharing some wonderful pictures in this blog entry :)

Praise and Worship commences!

 Song item by three teenagers with wonderful voices.
 Here comes Pastor Prince on stage.

Christ is born King of the Jews. He did not come as a prince. This King loves children. We live in a fallen world. In the midst of these, God gave us His Son.
Isaiah prophesied many things but one thing he prophesied, he said in Isaiah 9:6.
A Child is born and unto us a Son is given.
Pastor goes on to sing this verse as a song.

Pastor went on to sing another song titled "Love Has Come Down":
By Galilee Emmanuel walked
And to the broken and humble He talked
In streams of beauty men could not see
Angels of Glory watched over thee
Love had come down
Love had come down
Oh the joyful sound
Love had come down

Oh gentle Saviour, so kind and good
We took and nailed you to a cross of wood
You prayed for me, I pierced your side
You took a thief to Paradise
Love had come down
Love had come down
Tell it all around
Love had come down

You went away back to your home
But you had said we would never be alone
You sent your Spirit down from above
Your gentle Spirit, Spirit of love
Love has come down
Love has come down
Oh the joyful sound
Love has come down

In an instant, God can heal you if the doctors tell you that you have a chronic condition. God is not bounded by time and space. Men may have good intent but men is limited. In God there are no limits.
John 17:24
Verse 24: "... for You loved Me before the foundation of the world."
Long before you and I were there, Christ was already there.

The bible tells us that God has emotions. God loves men. How much you hate the cancer is how much you love the child. God loves you and He can kill the sinner and the sin. He can create another creation but He did not because He loves you deeply.
Everything after creation has fallen. That is why we need to be born again.

John 3:16-17
Verse 16: Don't you love the word "so"? This verse is actually for Nicodemus. It's not just for the Jewish people. It's for the world. He was sent as a physical person to die for the world. If man can save himself, God would have said "Do you best."
The name Jesus means Saviour. He will save you from you sins, guilt, situation and even in your temporal needs. He does not know but to save. He cannot but save.

Majority of the stars in the universe are bigger than earth. Our earth can fit into one star and still have lots of room. This is not exaggerated but calculated.
God treats everyone unique. That is why everyone don't have the same fingerprint. He loved us long before He sent Jesus.

Love comes with a price. God literally came to our level and kissed us, sent His Son to die for us.

Apostle Paul says if God is for you, what can be against you?! If He is for you, what is your enemy? The question is, we have this doubt. Majority of mankind have bad thoughts about God. It take preachers to preach the truth. The bible tells us God is for us. It must be a man for a man. Sin starts in the blood. When a person dies, the first place that decays is the blood. That's where destruction begins. And hence, there is a need for virgin birth. A fetus does not receive blood from the mother. All the blood comes from the Father. It is royal blood, divine blood. That blood was shed at Calvary and one drop shook the earth. God was for us even when men were against Him. God sent His Son unasked.

Why didn't God just let us perish?
Romans 8:31-32
Verse 32: This is called divine logic. When God reasons, it is always for us. The Son is the best of heaven. If God gave you a gift that is eternal, then what temporal need is? God wants you to have confidence in His love. The devil will always come to you to make you lose confidence. If God does the greater, will He not give us the lesser? Clothings, material needs are deemed as the lesser. Do you think He will not give it to you?

Matthew 6:30
Verse 30: Jesus said, if God takes care of grass, will He not much more clothe you? What is grass to God? Notice the "much more"?
Matthew 7:11
Verse 11: Jesus said, if you being evil, knows how to give good things to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!
These are examples of divine logic.

Romans 8:31-32
Verse 32: God that spared not His own Son. Is this the Son whom God loved? You might think you are a face in the crowd but Jesus loves you. This verse tells us that He cares for our temporal needs. You'll never know how much God loves you until you know how much God loves His Son.

"... for us all," God is for you. Knowing God's love is so vital. God must really love us to sacrifice His Son.

".. shall.." Shall is future tense. Both now and forever and ever, God will supply freely all things that you'll ever need. How shall He not, the divine logic.

"... freely..." Freely means you cannot merit it, cannot buy it and cannot earn it. God cannot give it to you freely if you can earn it. It becomes a necessity. It is under-served and unmerited.

Do you know why you cannot buy God's blessings?
You are far too poor to buy His blessings and;
God is far too rich to sell you His blessings.

Friend, it's a simple message. When God says it, believe it. Judge God's love by His Son, His sacrifice on the cross. Prince Ernest will never forget his mother's love demonstrated by her kiss.

Do you know God raise Jesus from the dead? Death comes from sin. But Jesus took our sins. The moment the price is paid, He died. He gave Himself to death because the wages of sin is death. Death is behind Him and so He rose from the dead. There is no fear of death for believers. To believers is just a sleep. If there is one speck of sin in you, Jesus cannot be on the Father's right hand today seated. He is there because He has removed every sin and not even one speck of sin is on you.

If you were to die tonight, do you have a shadow of a doubt you will have an eternal home in heaven. We are not talking about having plenty of money. We are talking about the abundant life. Christ is my Lord, God I believe you are a good God and is for me. If that is you, say, as your word declares, God dies for sinners. I qualify all of your blessings and I believe you love me. You sent your Son to die for me. I thank you for the blood you shed cleanse me from all my sins. You raised Jesus from death and I believe I am highly favored, deeply loved. Amen.

 We ended the service with additional great Christmas songs!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

16 November 2014

Praise and Worship:

- Awesome God

- In you I live

- In Jesus Name

- Refuge (New song)
We sang a new song today. Not sure if this is the first time we're singing it cause it's my first time hearing it. Didn't manage to locate the lyrics on the Internet. In fact, I've also forgotten the tunes to this song. Maybe at a later stage we should have something on this song!

Topic: How God Sees The Tenth

Pastor shared that he has started to see snippets of how 2015 would look like. He shared that there will be a financial earthquake this coming year. There will be lots of shaking in the banking and economy of the world. Just last month, Jesus began to speak to Pastor for our church to be ready for this coming year. Every time that the world experiences a downturn, God's children will experience an upturn.

There is a teaching about rest for Israel. Israel's new year sometimes is in September or October. Lately since 2001 and 2002, there was a great financial crisis. The next financial crisis was in 2008. And that year was Israel's year of rest. As it looked like a trend, Israel is expecting another financial earthquake in the coming year.

One thing for sure, nothing catches God by surprise.
In the bible, the Egyptians gave Israel their gold and silver due to the back pay towards the Israelis. At that time, Egypt was in a financial crisis. So it depends on whether you want to be an Israeli or a Egyptian today. If you are an Israeli, now is the best time to receive your blessings.

Hebrews 5:1
Verse 1: Pastor believes that Apostle Paul is the author of Hebrews though his name is hidden in the book of Hebrews. Paul wrote about the high priest.
The high priest is not a prophet. The function of the high priest is, He receives gifts and offers to God. We know there is no more sacrifices but we still bring gifts to God; our praise and worship. God is well pleased when you are generous. God says that in Hebrews 13.
If the priest is good, God receives the whole nation. The high priest is the one who receives the people's prayer.

Prayer puts God in the place as Giver. It puts us in place as the Receiver.
When we pray, we are activating our covenant. We need to pray for our child, not just expecting he will grow up blessed.

Hebrews 5:10-11
Verse 10: This verse is quoted from Psalm 110:4. Melchizedek is only mentioned three times in the bible; the books of Genesis, Psalm and Hebrews.
Verse 11: We have much to say about Melchizedek but you have become dull of hearing. If you can understand the truth of Melchizedek, you have matured as a believer. Dull of hearing means they are not open hearing more.
Melchizedek brought bread and wine, the communion. Jesus is our Melchizedek. We are blessed with the blessings of Abraham. Salvation is literally coming to God with nothing in your hands.

Abraham defeated four armies and came back with all the gold and silver. Melchizedek brought bread and wine to strengthen him. Abraham then gave one tenth to Melchizedek.
God is always looking out to bless you. Rich people doesn't mean they are generous. Wealth and generosity does not go together. 

Luke 11:42
Verse 42: Jesus says to the Pharisees to tithe. He says have some justice to the poor. Focus on the love of God but don't leave tithing undone.

Melchizedek and Abraham were not under the law, so why did they give a tenth of their money?
Hebrews 7:1-10
Verse 1: King of Salem is King of Peace.
Verse 4: What in the world has the tenth got to do to declare how great the person is?
God puts Melchizedek in the prime books. 

If love is there, you would like to respond or serve. Some believers may become lazy to the point they do not want to go to church, or even if they are in church, they do not sing or raise their hands believing that it is not through their own works. It is true but they do not know we still need to respond. Just imagine your wife kisses you and you stand there like a wooden block. You need to respond isn't it.

The last time Pastor preached a sermon of tithing was six years ago. Some Pastors preach on that every month but not in our church. For the Miracle Seed Sundays, only four times were conducted. Pastor shared that the church has not ever received a cheque of one million for any Miracle Seed Sundays. How the church is only left with 10% today, no one knows how it's done. It has to be God.

The way we demonstrate how great God is is through the tithe. It's part of your worship. We all have to learn how to worship. Worship is literally coming close to kiss God. A deep intimacy with God, your spirit combines with God and a birth is born.

Verse 5: Now this is talking about the Levitical priesthood. We are no more under the tithing of the law. We are under the tithing of Melchizedek. Pastor ever hear a preacher shared that Abraham tithed only one time. That's funny because would we want every paragraph in the bible saying that Abraham tithed? Abraham brought Issac up the mountain and when God spared him, he was so appreciative that he tithed that month. Yes?

Verse 8: Bread and wine is to proclaim the death of Jesus Christ. Tithing is to proclaim that Jesus lives and keeps on living. He died and rose again. He asked for one tenth and with that tithe, take some time to remember the love of God. 

Genesis 45:26-28
Verse 26: Jacob's heart stood still. He does not believe that his son Joseph is alive. Today, Israel believes that Jesus is a historical figure and He is dead. One day, they gonna look and say, "My God, Jesus is alive."
Verse 27: In other words, faith comes by hearing.
Verse 28: Then Israel believed.
The truth of the tithe will make unbelievers see the goodness in your life. Through the mercy shown to us, it will provoke the Israel to jealousy. It will provoke them when they see the wagons of Christ in your life. When Israel sees us, they know Jesus is alive.

Back to Hebrews 7,
Verse 9: Levi was the great grandson of Abraham. Levi receives tithe from his brethens, paid tithes. They are trying to compare tithing to Melchizedek and through Abraham. Tithing blesses you all the way down to your generations.

Even George Muller says we should give our tenth to God.
James L. Kraft, head of Krate Cheese says the only investment he has made is the consistently increasing dividends to the Lord.

Revelation 22:3
Verse 3: The things you touch in this world is cursed. Everything that comes from the ground in cursed. Even money, it is made from the bark of the trees. And trees come from the earth, which is cursed.
God never says He will curse you in Malachi. In the very same chapter, he is saying about tithing. God's storehouse today is the church. God says bring your tithes to the storehouse. The first mention of "Windows of Heaven" was during the Noah's flood. It flooded the earth forty days and fourth nights. So today if you tithe, God pours down blessings to you for forty days and forty nights.

Romans 11:16
Verse 16: God is saying all things are cursed. Set apart a tenth to Him and it will become blessed.

Genesis 24:10
Verse 10: The servants took ten of his master's camel, and all his master's goods were in his hand. What does "all" means here? It means God regards ten as all (a whole).
The world is cursed, put your worship to the priest. The priest is not your pastor.

1 Corinthians 15:23
Verse 23: When you take the communion, it reminds God of His beloved son. Every time there is an offering, God is reminded.

Why are there ten commandments? To God, that is all of God's commandments. With one commandment that is broken, all is broken. That is the logic of the tenth. When you bring a tenth to Him, He blesses all (every part) of you.

But Pastor, why does God likes to be reminded on the death of Christ?
It is like when you are under the weather or feeling down, watching a video of your child will always bring a smile to your face.

When Joseph sent the wagons, the command came from Pharaoh.
Genesis 45:19-20
Verse 19: The command is given.
Verse 23: He sent ten donkeys, ten female donkeys,, grain, bread and food. The good things of Egypt. So why ten? Why not fifty donkeys? Ten represents the whole.

Ezekiel 44:1-3
Verse 2: Jesus rode a donkey and went through the gate of the sanctuary. Jesus went in to Jerusalem via the eastern gate. Who would have thought this will be predicted.
Verse 3: This chapter talks about the future temple. It never ends. Holy communion will end only when Jesus comes in the second coming.

Genesis 28:20-22
Verse 22: Jacob said to God that of all that He gives him, he will surely give a tenth to God.
Refer to Genesis 31:13, God did not forget the vow made to Him. God says He is the God of Bethel and He remembered the vow Jacob made to Him.

In closing, Pastor shared a great man of God,

John D. Rockefeller:
This man would have worth $336 billion today. He was a baptist. He said he tithed every dollar God has entrusted to him. He was a oil magnet. Oil wasn't popular back then but God gave him the idea. The tithe is a picture of Jesus Christ and is an ongoing thing. No matter what happens to the world's economy, you will not be shaken. Don't have pride in your tithing, instead have a love for Christ. Under the new covenant, you don't have to tithe, you get to tithe.

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 2014 Updates!

It has been almost three months since I last stepped into church. How I missed church to be honest. I must say, I'm currently in the most eventful time of my life.

Denise and I have a new addition to the family and God has blessed us with heaven's best by bestowing to us an angel, Sarah Zoe. We decided to give Sarah a middle name, because the word Zoe comes from John 10:10. 

Jesus says, "I come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly." In other words, this Zoe life is the God-kind of life, in abundance. Similarly, it acts as a reminder to me that God has given me this God-life after going through an uneventful accident mid of this year, everytime when I look at Sarah.

Sarah is now 12 weeks old and it's such an enjoying process to watch her grow bit by bit each day. Maybe I'm Christ-bias, but we do see that she's set apart from the world, the parenting process is easy-going and taking care of her is not mind-wrenching as most makes it out to be. Like you would remind me, it is Christ who is doing the work for us.

Am reminded of a verse, Jesus says, "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." in Matthew 11:30. A beautiful promise of Jesus in our lives!

Creation is such an amazing thing when I witnessed how she came into this world on Day 1. I truly believe it surpasses one's imagination when a non-believer invites Christ into their life. It should be an explosion in the unseen realm.
Quoted from 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" Time to embrace the new and enjoy every little moment, like us!

Sharing some pictures of Sarah Zoe with my beloved readers.. hope you enjoy the pictures!

 Sarah says, "Hello!"

Sarah smiles at you!

Sarah poses!

Blog entry titled "16 November 2014" will be up soon!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

27 July 2014

Praise and Worship: Today worship was led by Bob Fitts. We sang some oldies and it felt like I was in Praise Kids in my younger days. Here you go!

Topic: Continuation of Psalm 91 series

We will be continuing the series for Psalm 91.
Yesterday, Pastor saw the news reporting the Ebola virus hitting Nigeria. Today, it is known to be a deadly virus that spreads very fast.

What you should not suffer is because of Jesus who died for you.

Jesus tells us to leap for joy and tells us how great is our reward in heaven. It literally means our rewards are made in heaven.

Job 5:19
Verse 19: Sometimes we get into trouble and we ask where is the protection. Don't ask where is the protection. God wants to deliver you out of the trouble. Pastor believes that we are coming into the seventh day.

Psalm 91
Verse 1: Most High (Elyon). Every time Elyon is mentioned, it talks about the Lord's supper.
Verse 3: The snare of the fowler is a picture of a trapped bird. It means God will deliver you from the traps from the devil. Pestilence means open pestilence, like SARS.
Verse 4: Now we see God as a picture of an eagle. Sheild is a large shield that covers your front. Buckler is a shield that goes around a person. To live under Psalm 91, you need to be under grace. Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. Grace and truth is one. 

Deuteronomy 32:11-13
Verse 11: This is a song of Moses before he passed on.

Exodus 20 is where you find the ten commandments.

Exodus 18:3-4
Verse 4: God wanted them to keep the covenant of Abraham. God is saying from Egypt to Mount Sinai is the period of eagles' wings. God will bear you on eagles' wings. This period of pure grace is now permanent for us.

God wants you to come close to Him. It's not how many times you read Psalm 91. It's the relationship.

Matthew 23:27-39
Verde 37: Only when Israel says this verse then Jesus will come in a bang!

John 17:25-26
Verse 26:  A beautiful verse of God's love.

Genesis 22:1-2
Verse 2: Think about it. Abraham has two sons. Why did God say to Abraham to bring his only son? God is referring to Hinself. Jesus says no one knows the Father except the son.

Genesis 24 is the longest chapter in Genesis. It talks about a bride for the servant. The story of Rebecca is a story of the church. 

In closing,

The first mention of love is father's love for the son. The second mention of love is the love for the bride.

God knows it was hard on Abraham but knows he's a man of faith.

Genesis 22:6-8
The son asked where is the lamb? Abraham said God will provide the lamb. God spared Abraham's son but did not spare His own son.

20 July 2014

Topic: God's Divine Protection in Psalm 91

In Ezekiel 38,  it mentions that Russia will come down to invade Israel. Russia is mentioned in the bible. We know that Russia has this capability with missiles. Russia will come down from the north to God's people in Israel. The Lord says he will be our protector. The church is not a place to learn religion. It is a place to learn how to parent, a place to learn about this wonderful God who created the heavens and the earth. It is a place to learn about Jesus, a place to learn about grace.

The scripture says to grow in grace in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We grow in grace. Only when we grow in grace that we will steward the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Not the other way round.

The pulpit is not a place for you to abuse. It is to serve. Some people are called to do mission work. Take it from someone to be called to be a pastor.

Pastor asks us to stand up to recite Psalm 91 as a church. He says something happens when we recite this Psalm because in verse 2 it says, "I will say of the Lord". This psalm works by saying. He is our refuge and fortress. "In Him I will trust" is the same as Hebrews 2:13.

Before you board the plane, take P91 and have the card nearby. During a turbulence, you can quote Psalm 91.

Verse 5: This arrow is talking about missiles. Pestilence is disease.

First of all you need to acknowledge that God is not entirely in charge of earth. God wanted the kingdom to be established in Israel. Israel failed time and time again. Now we are in the midst of Israel rule. We are in the days of the revival of the Roman empire.

Your reasoning is not going to help you in reality.
God will not violet your free choice. Men blame God when their fingers are burnt. But God was already telling them that fire burns.

Proverbs 18:10
Verse 10: If there's no evil, the word "safe" makes no sense.

Back to Psalm 91:5-6
Fitness and health are two different things. You see terror, arrow, day, pestilence, darkness, destruction and noonday. It doesn't really matter. God says He'll be there to be your protection.

Hitler hated Israel and exterminated 6 million of them. When Jesus came riding on a donkey, He looked at Jerusalem and wept. That is frightening. He cannot force His protection on them. The devil attacked them and is still doing that.

Psalm 91:1-2
In these two verses, you can see the name of the Lord mentioned twice. To know the name, is to know Him. The Most High is Elyon which is God's name. Almighty is Shaddai. Lord is Yahweh. My God is Elohim. In Chapter 1 of Genesis, creation is just one chapter. When it comes to Jesus, it is more important than the entire creation. It has got to do with your protection. The death of Jesus is where forgiveness is received. It matter all to God.

The secret place of the most high was mentioned first time in the bible in the story of Melchizedek.
Genesis 14:18-20
Verse 18: God Most High (El Elyon).
Verse 19: God is a Possessor of heaven and earth.
Verse 20: Tithing is involved when the Most High is mentioned. When Abraham responded with a tithe, health was given to him. Tithing was before the law.

When was Shaddai first mentioned?
In between El Elyon and Shaddai from Psalm 91:1, you will find the secret place of the Most High.
Genesis 17:1
Verse 1: God is Almighty God (El Shaddai).

In Genesis 14, El Elyon is first mentioned. In Genesis 17, El Shaddai is first mentioned. So what's in between the two chapters?

In Genesis 15:5-6,
In order to be at the secret place of the Most High, you must believe you are righteous apart from works.

Genesis 16: It is about whether you are through with the law? Do you think Sarah (grace) can do a better job than Hagar is raising the child? We are still confused today but thank God in the church we know who can do a better job. Hagar cannot dominate the household.

El Shaddai means all supplying. God has brought us high above all might and dominion. God says humble yourself and He will exalt you. When God raises you up, you cannot fall. In practical life, you put yourself low. Whatever you argue, does God cause your words to stick? At the end of the day, you don't give your time to people like that. It's God who makes it stick with credibility.

In closing,

You are now in the Most High. All the blessings in Deuteronomy 28, it says to position first then the blessings come to you. Be humble, listen to teachings and corrections.

Children should not be watching wrestling when they are young. It is dangerous. Protect your family. Put them in the sacred place of the Most High. 

Always have the naked feeling when you leave house. You always have time to do what you should go.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Great Songs To Accompany You Through The Week!

Hi everyone!

It's really fast that a week just passed and it's back to Monday again!
What's more, in less than 3 weeks time, Denise is gonna give birth! We are so looking forward to this mind blowing and life changing experience.. woot! :D

Are you believing God for a fantastic time this week? I'm sure you do.

For the past week, I have been listening to a couple of songs on YouTube while working. I've been replaying the three songs over and over again for the entire day, until it became a week.

I'm taking this chance to share with you these songs and I hope they accompany you this week too!
(Listed down in my order of preference)

Have a singing good time in office or at home!

1. Chris Tomlin - Whom Shall I Fear

2. Hillsong - Alive

3. Matt Redman - We Are The Free

Sunday, August 3, 2014

13 July 2014

Praise and Worship: Today we sang a new song by Chris Tomlin which I thought was really nice. Great song!

1) Hillsong - God Is Here
Link to blog entry titled "18 August 2013"

2) Freely Forgiven
Link to blog entry titled "6 July 2014"

3) Whom Shall I Fear - Tomlin (Video comes with guitar chords)

4) Anthem of Grace
Link to blog entry titled " 6 April 2014"

5) I stand in worship


Kenneth E. Haggin shared many years ago that the secret to living long is to forgive fast and repent fast.
If we do not adopt that, it is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies first.

Hebrews 11:21
Verse 21: That's the only account of Jacob's entire life. Blessing your children is a great thing to God. To God, that's the greatest thing you did that day.

Hebrews 11:20-21
Verse 20: Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.

No one can satisfy your heart with a thing. We are only satisfied by a person. Peace is always based on His finished work. Joy is based on keeping Jesus in your mind always.

There no such thing as a grace message. It is the real gospel. The real gospel is controversial. The gospel has come and Christ fulfilled all the laws. Under the law, it is full of judement. Why? Because Christ has not come. Judgment happens because of love.

Hebrews 12:14-29
Verse 14: This is the word of God. Once we are justified by faith, we have peace with God. This peace is peace with all people. This verse is talking about the revelation of God. We want this in our family. We want holiness so that we can have a fresh revelation of the Lord everyday.
Verse 15: When a root of bitterness springs up, the person goes around defiling many. He goes around blogging, sharing with others. When you read it, you are indulging the other person's bitterness.
Verse 16: "Fornicator" is referring to sexual scene outside marriage. In other words, Esau lived for his body.

Genesis 25:27-28
Verse 27: Esau is a man's man. Jacob is a mummy's man. One is very performance oriented. Esau is trying to gain his father's blessings. It is not the quantity of your actions, it is the quality of your actions.

Back to Hebrews 12:18-29,
Verse 20: This mountain is Mount Sinai, where the law was given. But in verse 18, it says we have not come to this mountain. God has moved mountains.
Verse 22: But we have come to Mount Zion. God is mentioned her for the first time. Angels are also mentioned. Plenty of angels, uncountable are mentioned here. Do you know when you step into a plane, angels follow you.

Law is all about demand. Mount Zion is where the holy spirit descended and the church was born. Grace is all about supply. Law demands righteousness. For law to be law, if it cannot find righteousness, it must curse. Grace suppliws to you what you need. Law demands perfect righteousness. God clothes you with His grace.

On Mount Sinai, God demands. On Mount Zion, God asks people who are heavy laden to come to Him and He will give them rest. This is grace.

Things you cannot see is more real than things you can see. In Corinthians, it says things yo can see is temporal and things you cannot see is eternal. One day you'll have a body that is forever. You have the healing, money. Just claim it. These are eternal.

At Mount Sinai, those who worshipped idols and they all died. Putting yourself under law don't make you holy.

Galatians 5:4
It's a terrible thing when Christ becomes of no effect. Why? If you're trying by your own efforts then this happens.

Back to Hebrews 12:22-29
Verse 23: Christ has been punished for our sins, so the Judge of All demands that we are perfect.
Verse 24: This blood speaks better things than that of Abel. The first murder is due to religion. God accepted Abel because he brought the blood of the lamb. So Cain became jealous. When Abel died, his blood called out vengeance on the murderer. But when Jesus' blood was shed, it speaks restoration, health, healing and wholeness. When they pierced Jesus side, the blood cleanses us.
Verse 25: See that we don't refuse Him. Anyone who rejects His grace, there is no more salvation for you. That is what Hebrews is all about.
Verse 26: Earth will be shaken when grace is proclaimed.
Verse 27: Things that cannot be shaken may remain.
Verse 28: Let us have grace. This is an active voice.
Verse 29: God will consume everything that is not grace.

In the book of Hebrews, Chapters 1 and 2 talks about angels. Chapter 3, God talks about Moses. Compares Christ and Moses. Christ is a servant. Moses is a son. Chapter 4 talks about the greater graces that came. Chapter 5 talks about Jesus is greater than Aaron. Chapter 6 talks about people who are Jewish people who turn their back on Jesus. Chapter 7 talks about the high priesthood of Jesus. It all begins with blessed. Chapter 11 talks about sonship. Chapter 12 talks about looking away from everything and look to Jesus.

In closing,

Wake up every morning with a supply minded mind. Any words taken out of context leaves the word "con" remaining.

6 July 2014

Praise and Worship:
Today is Youth Day! This resulted in youths leading praise and worship. It was really awesome as I felt so alive during worship. Look at the songs we sang and you'll understand why :)

1) Hillsong - You Are Alive In Us

2) Freely forgiven

3) Matt Redman - We Are The Free

 4) Hillsong - This Is Our God

5) I Will Follow After You
Link to blog entry titled "5 May 2013"

Video Message:
15 June 2007 Message: God's favor will cause you to reign in life

When our praise and worship goes up, His blessings come down on us. If you have a chronic condition, you can be well in an instant. Whom the son sets free, is free indeed. Just one word from God, it changes your life for time and eternity. God is in the house. He is not here to be a spectator. He knows everything about you and still loves you deeply. The one who knows you the most loves you. God is for you.

It is important to understand our time and destiny. His love will shine on your back even if you turn your back on Him. That love will transform you. God is not looking for outward transformation. He's looking to transform you inside out.

Charisma is a greek word. It comes from the word favor. That favor is the favor of God. We can only tell if one person has that charisma. God wants to give you charisma and it is in the bible.

God can bless you with gifts. God loves to pour His anointing on you. Your disqualifications in man's eyes are opportunities for God to bless you. What the world says, God says "I can use that." God loves to find people who are weak in themselves so that He can manifest in you.

Romans 5:17
Verse 17: The word "grace" here is charisma. God never created men for them to die. God wants men to live eternally and forever young. God never even wants you to have a pimple. Sin came in. Sin will destroy everything beautiful God created. God hates sins. God counts death as an enemy. Jesus Christ came and conquered death. Why did Jesus conquer death? Because death is the last enemy and it is under Jesus' feet.
God made men last because men was created to enjoy everything that God has made the first five days. You are the best that God has made. God saw what He made and said it was good. When God made man, He said it was very good. You are a very good creation. God didn't make you from apes or chimpanzees. God made you in His image. God has a destiny for you. He has not forgotten his purpose. He made you to win in life. God made you to be a winner.

Back to the verse, because of one man's sin, death reigned. But there is something more powerful than death. Those who receive the gift of righteousness will reign in life. If you receive God's charisma, you will reign, you will win. If you are reigning, sickness is under your feet. Reign is a term used for kings. God wants you to reign. You are created by God to reign in life. God is never under circumstances. When you follow God, you follow a winner.

Today, we have many super heroes. But they are not real. We all love to see the next spiderman. Why? Because we all long for a hero. Spiderman can save a city. God can save the entire world for all eternity. He has power to cleanse lepers.

Jesus walked past some fishermen and said, "Follow Me." They left everything and followed Jesus. Jesus is not those paintings that you see. When the soldiers came to arrest Jesus, He spoke two words "I am". That is a blank cheque. If you are depressed, He says, "I am your peace." When Jesus said that, the soldiers fell off their feet. He waited for them to stand up to arrest Him. How cool is that. His life was not taken away from Him. He laid down His life.

There was a leper who came to Jesus and said "Lord, if you are willing, you can heal me." Back in those days, no one can touch a leper and be clean. But Jesus touched him and cleansed him. The unclean became clean.

Why would Jesus die such a wicked death? Because the wages of sin is death. We cannot say boys will be boys and we sweep everything under the carpet. The sin is still under the carpet. Jesus conquered death. God loves you with an everlasting love but hates sin.

Jesus Christ took all your sins on the cross. God loves you so much but He has to punish sins. So how does He reconcile the two? He sent His son to take your sins to put it on Jesus Christ. God punished our sins on Jesus. That means your entire life of sins has been judged. Because you sins have been judged, God cannot judge your sins twice.

The devil whom tempted Adam and Eve would never think that God can punish your sins on Jesus. You can never cleanse yourself. Jesus died on the cross to do it for you. Jesus blood washes sins whiter than snow. Which is more powerful? Your sins or Jesus blood? Jesus blood is more powerful than anything. One drop of His blood washes you cleaner than snow.

Come to Jesus just as you are and He will cleanse you once and for all.

If a believer is not reigning in life. This person does not understand abundance of grace and righteousness. You need to know that God's favor is upon you.

Joseph was sold as a slave. Think about it, he has nothing. But he had so much favor that he rose above all the rest of the slaves. So much that Potiphar's wife noticed him. She tried to seduce him but he rejected. Because of that, he was thrown into the dungeon. But the Lord was still with Joseph. He blessed him.

There is a lady by the name of Esther. She took part in a beauty contest. Esther obtained favor.

You can receive God's favor today. Receive speaks of a gift. God did not say you need to achieve favor. One drop of God's favor is worth 10 years of labor. The best thing you can do when someone gives you a gift is to say thank you.

We people are lousy receivers. We say things like "We don't deserve it, you shouldn't have." Of cause you don't deserve it. Otherwise it isn't a gift.

Righteousness is like a jacket. One gift of righteousness is peace. Another is healing, prosperity.

2 Corinthians 5:21
Verse 21: Jesus became you at the cross so that you become like Jesus before God. Jesus received your depression so that He can give you the peace. Jesus for the first time in His life calling His father, "My God my God". God turned His back on Jesus so that you can be accepted and justified. You are legally forgiven, healed. Jesus paid the price. You don't have to pay the price. Jesus paid it all. When you receive the gift of righteousness and grace, you will reign in life.

Back in the old days in Israel, the sinner brings a lamb to the priest. The priest examines the lamb but not the sinner. The priest knows the sinner has sinned and that is why he is here. Once the priest gives the green light on the lamb, the sinner holds the lamb, a representation of transferring the sins over to the lamb and the lamb's goodness is transferred to the sinner. Then the lamb is killed, the lamb is burnt and the smell goes up to heaven as a sweet smelling scent. Now, the sinner can walk away knowing that that death of the death is his death. He goes away knowing there is no more punishment and he can expect more good things in his life.

The gospel is very simple. All His goodness and blessings He deserved came on you. The cross is supposed to be where you are supposed to be. But Jesus took our place. Jesus cried out it is finished. Jesus paid it all. All His glory and favor is for you to receive. God forsook Jesus so that He will never forsake you. Are you ready to receive? You have already stepped into this zone of favor without knowing it.

Because the fire of God's holy judgement can never judge you again. So Pastor, knowing that I have been judged, can I go out and sin? Do you think you want to do it knowing that Jesus loved you so much? You are going to fall in love with Him over and over again.

God made men with a free choice. Come to receive from Him. No one can force you to receive these gifts. Are you ready to receive this gift?
Pastor goes on to pray the sinners prayer.

29 June 2014

Praise and Worship:

1) Chris Tomlin - Forever

2) Highest praise (Put on your dancing shoes.. you gotta move you gotta move :D)

3) Anthem of grace
Link to blog entry titled " 6 April 2014"

4) You alone I praise

Remember the story of David when he was first called? Your life might be ordinary but He sees you as a prince or princess. You have a high calling.

Pastor shared about the Legacy Camp for youths two weeks ago.
You are not what you feel. The real you is in the house (body). You have a soul but the soul is not you. Just because you have the lust to punch somebody, you don't have to act on it. The more you say no to temptations, you become more intelligent.

The gospel is God reaching out to man. The gospel produces character.

Acts 10:43-44
Verse 43: All who believes will receive forgiveness of sins.

Acts 15:7-9
Verse 9: The moments they believed the gospel, their hearts are purified. Believing brings the purifying.

Romans 5:1-9
Verse 1: We have peace with God. Peace with the one who loves us so much. Why? It's on a solid unshakable foundation. It is the blood of Christ that was shed for you so that your sins that He bore has been paid. Today you stand before God in the completeness of the work of Jesus.
Verse 2: Salvation is for three aspects of our lives. Past, present and future. So our present is addressed by this verse. We have access by faith into this grace in which we stand. (Present tense) We can rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Whenever you see "hope", it is always associated with the future.
Verse 3: Troubles do not affect believers the way it does for non-believers. Favor does not mean you do not have troubles. So was Paul, David and Jesus. They are people who won't love you when you have too much favor.
Verse 4: Gospel produces character. Trouble produces perseverance. You persevere in your marriage.
Verse 5: Hope does not disappoint. Men says, " don't raise your hopes".
Verse 6: God died for the ungodly, all of us. Some people will say Christ died for Christians.
Verse 8: God demonstrates His love to us while we were still sinners. This is good news. Nothing we do wrong can change His love. Nothing we do right will increase His love. Be careful of what you hope when you are conscious of His love.
Verse 9: We have been justified by His blood and shall be saved from wrath through Him. You are saved from God's wrath through Jesus Christ. Believers will never need to go through the tribulations. We would be raptured by then.

Genesis 39:4-9
Verse 4-6: Verses showing Joseph was blessed because of Jesus. If you put your health in Jesus hands, it is multiplied. Just like Jesus multiplied the five loaves and two fishes.

God wants to make everyone radiant.

Esther 2:15-17
Verse 15: The Lord gave Esther favor. How do we know? The verse says "And Esther obtained favor...".

In closing,

God blessed you because of the work of Christ. We are blessed based on the work of another. What a resting place on your conscious when you know that.
God wants your eyes off your self. Today you look at Jesus on the right hand of God and ask, "Does Jesus have this problem?" Once you know that, the spirit transforms you.

The love of God is not emotional. It is demonstrated.

Spiritual growth is when you are conscious of your weakness. You are not in despair but satisfied with Jesus and have a greater dependence in the Lord. The erroneous thinking is when you feel stronger and satisfied in your own self.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

1 June 2014

Topic: Jesus Shapes and Moulds You

Praise & Worship:
Here are some great songs we sang today. Enjoy!

Hillsong - Alive:

Hillsong - You Are Holy

You Laid Aside Your Majesty:

Hillsong - Worthy Is The Lamb:

Hillsong - Through It All:

When God's people come together, there is a corporate anointing. Healing flows and miracles happen.

The church didn't come about because Israel rejected God. The church was in God's heart. It is a mystery hidden in the ages. The gates of hell cannot prevail against the church. This means that we are attacking the gates of hell. Our weapons are not materials. When we speak and preach, lives are transformed.

There was a woman with an issue of blood for 12 years. She heard about Jesus. She heard testimonies of people sharing how their sons got healed. When asked, Jesus was the name. She came and touched the helm of Jesus only to be healed.

Sin will not have power over you when you are under grace. As preachers, we should teach people that they are under grace. Someone good received something bad which He did not deserve.

Pastor shared a testimony.
There is a couple who was married for 33 years but their marriage was failing When your marriage has become mundane, invite Jesus and be occupied with Jesus. They were separated but not divorced. One day, as she was with her friend, she was introduced to the grace message. She carefully introduced this to her husband. God's grace manifested in him slowly. Subsequently, their marriage improved by leaps and bounds.

When you have shalom in your life, you whole being prospers. When you say peace to someone, know it is paid for. Jesus paid for your peace today.

How do we increase in this peace for our health and life?
When you work harder in the gym, you become fit. Health comes from the Lord.
God talked about the entire universe in one chapter. But God devoted redemption in ten chapters. Creation is fallen. We live in a fallen world. God spent ten chapters to talk about redemption. If you think that eating organic food helps, know that the world has fallen. God paid for your health. The way to grow in favour, peace and health is to see more about Jesus. In the knowledge of Jesus, grace and peace is multiplied.

1 Peter 2:4-5
Verse 4: A stone in the quarry is not a living stone. A stone that is polished and serve its purpose becomes a living stone.
Verse 5: Jesus is the church, we are the living stones.

1 Peter 2:9
Verse 9: If no one bothered to brig out the stones, we will still be in darkness. Jesus brought us out to be a living stone and into His marvelous light.
Light can be painful at first, but life in the light is better than darkness.

After you bring the stone out, the Lord still shapes you.
God works for you. You don't work for money. You job should give you pleasure. The bible says working is an expression. If you enjoy your work, the money will come.

God wants to cultivate you and make you into a pillor.
God wants to make you a person worth more than 10,000 people.

Let's see the process of God making us into a pillar.
Peter was stone. Andrew and John were disciples of John the baptist. Andrew found Simon Peter.
John 1:40-42
Verse 42: We are Cephas (translated as A Stone)

Jesus saw the multitudes and were pushing towards Him. There were two boats and Jesus chose to step into Peter's boat. Jesus told Peter to go into the sea and cast the nets. But Peter who toiled all night agreed to throw in one net. When the fishes almost broke the net, he hugged Jesus' knees and told Him he was sinful and to depart from him.

Progress is slow when you don't have Jesus. The disciples were rowing against the wind and only covered 3 miles in 9 hours. When they saw someone walking on waters, they thought it was a ghost. Jesus answered "I am". Peter began to do what Jesus did. As long as your eyes are on Jesus, you will walk above the storms. Your supernatural ability comes from God. It is not through your self. We think God wants us to be consciously holy. God wants us to out everything in Christ. You will be ok if you put Jesus between yourself and the circumstances. Peter began to sink when he looked away from Jesus. Peter was too slow to reach to Jesus but Jesus was able to put him while he was sinking.

John 6:21
Verse 21: The boat was immediately at land where they were going. It happened very soon right after the storm. It was like teleport.
When you give something to Jesus, it does not come back the same.

What Jesus did for Peter is the same as what God is doing for us today.

Matthew 16:13-23
Verse 17: It means " Peter, this ain't no way came from yourself."
Verse 21: Talks about the sufferings of Jesus.
Verse 22: Peter rebuked Jesus.
Verse 23: Jesus rebuked Peter and before that He lookelooked at the disciples. It is like saying, what will happen to them if I don't die.

Luke 22:31-34
Verse 31: Long before Satan came, Jesus has already prayed for you.
Verse 33: This was not the kind of response we would expect from Peter.
Verse 34: Jesus told Peter he will deny Him three times.

Luke 22:64-62
Story of how Peter denied Jesus three times. When Jesus looked at Peter, it is like telling him to be stronger before He returns.

Mark 16:5-7
Jesus rose from the dead. He mentioned that Peter is to be notified in Verse 7. Jesus wants Peter to be restored and so He wanted to mention him.

In closing,

John 21:9-15
Verse 9: The Lord is healing Peter now.
Verse 10: Jesus made breakfast for the disciples.
Verse 13: Jesus was still serving.
Verse 15: Before the Lord tells you to do something, He makes sure you eat something. He never makes a demand until you are filled. Even though Peter failed Him, he still entrusted Peter to feed His sheep - We are the sheep.
Pastor jokes that if he was there, he would assign someone else who didn't deny Him.

This is where sin abounds, grace superabounds.

The service ended with a nice song item titled "When You Believe" by Celine Dion.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My Praise Report

Hi readers!

It has been a while since I last blogged. During this time, I am sure all of you are greatly blessed.

Today, I thought I would like to share with all of you my journey during my disappearance for the last couple of weeks.

As many of you would be aware, I was unfortunately involved in an accident while cycling at West Coast with a group of enthusiasts on the night of 21 May. I fell off my bike (not knowing the cause till date) and was admitted to the hospital unconsciously. I underwent an emergency head surgery due to the presence of blood clot which lasted about 4 hours. A portion of my hair was shaved off to accommodate 25 stitches and I suffered a swell on the left side of my face after the surgery. It was quite an ugly sight in front of my wife, family, friends and colleagues when they came to visit me.

I was admitted to the High Dependency ward to closely monitor my condition. It was only after admitting to this ward that I came to know that this ward is just a grade below ICU. The surgeons came to assure us that the operation was very successful and chances of recurrence is a mere 5%. 
During the post surgery, I recovered very well and was discharged from the hospital in about 5 days.

Back at home, my wife took care of me, helped me with the washing of my head daily, prepared meals for me daily while I just rested. Life was rather hard for her who is expecting a child of 6 months old at that time.

On the night of 5 June, I felt uneasy in my head all of a sudden. I felt a little bump swelling on my forehead, accompanied with a slight giddiness. The bump grew a little till the brown skin on my wound just dropped by itself. When that happened, I was terrified and extremely worried. Immediately, I started to praise God by singing praises to Him while sitting on the sofa. I dared not sleep because tons of fearful thoughts came into my mind. I continued to sing songs of worship for over 3 hours till I felt calmer. After that, I walked to the room and fell asleep.

Morning came. My wife texted me saying that she will accompany me to the doctor for a scan to ensure all is well. I contemplated because there was already a scheduled scan on the following Monday. Thinking that if we go for the follow-up scan today, we can skip the scheduled appointment. So, I agreed.

At the hospital, I was directed to the CT scan room and the scan completed in about 5 mins. As I opened my eyes, I saw the worrisome look on the nurse and immediately they pushed a bed over and carried me over. It was a total stunner and all I asked was, "What is happening??"

"We observed a blood clot in your head and the neurosurgeons are coming right away", the nurses replied.

At that moment, I felt my world came crashing down. This was totally unexpected. I expected to go home after the scan. I cannot imagine how would my wife would ever take this news.

Soon, the junior neurosurgeon came. He explained that there is a blood clot in my head, it is smaller that the first blood clot but it is not entirely small. We can decide whether to opt for a surgery or to observe. He highlighted that a blood clot will not diminish in a few days and no one knows when it will. Presently, there is no medication to remove blood clots. Should it increase in quantity, it will be life threatening. He added that on a positive note, I am currently clear minded and alive.

Both of us were dumbfounded and did not know what the future holds for us. The doctor suggested I quickly be admitted to the High Dependency ward again for close monitoring. Back to the same ward, the nurses there all recognised me, same goes for me. They started connecting all the apparatus on my body. Everything happened so fast that we did not know how to react.

Shortly, the head surgeon came together with a team of neurosurgeons. He explained that they found out the cause of the recurrence of the blood clot. From the scans, he attributed the cause of the blood clot due to a vein on my membrane. Accordingly to him, the vein may either be there due to the trauma or developed since young. If I were to opt for the surgery, they will clip/remove the vein. He assured me that this is a low risk surgery and will not take as long as the first operation.

Hearing the positive remarks, I trusted the Lord and agreed to go for the second operation. Right after that, they started to prepare and they wheeled me to the operating theater almost immediately. While on the way, all the doctors and nurses greeted me and assured me that I will be greatly taken care of. It definitely helped soothe me a little. Soon, I was greeted with something which I never wanted to see ever - the huge spotlights in the operation theater.

The mask came on me bearing a weird smell and I was unconscious in a short while.

Over 2 hours, the operation ended and I went back to the High Dependency ward. This time I felt better comparing with the post-op effects during the first time. All ended well and this time I recovered fast too. I was discharged from the hospital after 5 days.

Ever since I stepped home, all day long I sang praises to the Lord and ensured we partake the holy communion every night as one family. I simply banked all my trust in Jesus complete work on the cross 2000 years ago. I kept reminding myself the fact that I survived the first ordeal was the indication that Jesus was with me. There is no way my time is up because I kept trusting the Lord to live to a 120.

Today is the day for my follow-up scan after the second operation. To be honest, I was fearful because flashes of the first scan often came up in my mind. I rejected any negative thoughts and kept claiming Jesus' healing work on my body. I kept proclaiming "I am the righteousness of God in Christ" and "No weapon formed against me shall prosper".

The head surgeon greeted me with a smile on his face. He said, "There is no more blood clot in your head anymore." I was thrilled and kept asking him the same question and he said "No more" while looking at my scan results. I felt such a sense of relief because I needed to hear this good news desperately.

He added that the surgeries can both be summed up in one word, "Fortunate".

Upon hearing that, I felt God's love and deep down inside me I know that the world calls it "fortunate" while we His children calls it "Divine Protection".

I am very encouraged today that I am a survivor of this accident. I am not perfect nor am I reaping the rewards of my self efforts. I am saved today because of who we are in Christ. We have the backing of Christ in our lives. Today we stand perfect in God's eyes and we are entitled to every single blessing because we are an heir of Christ.

I pray that you are encouraged greatly by my experience today. During moments where you feel you are lost and alone, be reminded of my story and know that Jesus will never ever abandon you. Because He has paid for every blessing for you on the cross, we can boldly come to Him with countless requests.

Always remember He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Feel free to share my testimony to your beloved family and friends. I hope that it reaches out to every person to bless them. In fact, I can't wait to share this experience with God to my 90 year old granny in hope to encourage her and trust the Lord even more.

Take care and be blessed everyone!

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the following people who have been an integral part of this episode.

Julian Lim & David Ho:
Million thanks for sending me to the hospital after the accident. Though we only knew each other for the first time, both of you made the point to send me for rescue. I am truly grateful. Thanks Julian & David.

Thanks to my family. I felt very loved when I heard my granny say her heart hurts when she saw me.

Appreciated when my sis communicated to the neurosurgeon during my first op despite being overseas and in a different timezone. She also started a prayer group with her friends to cover me under their prayers.

Big thanks to Aunt Irene who was a great support while I was recuperating and showered lots of care & concern to me.

Alfred & Chiou Ting:
Both are my bestest soulmates who are always there for us. They are the next best support and will always be close to our hearts.

My army buddy who visits me so frequently in hospital and brought me home when I was discharged.

KPMG Colleagues:
I've gathered lots of reminders to have ample rest during this time from my superiors and team. Thank you for the support and standing in my place in multiple projects.

Last but not least, to the woman of my life.

Thanks for being positive during this time. Words cannot express how thankful I am towards you for showering me your love, care and concern. It isn't easy I know but you did an awesome job and I am certainly very blessed to have you in my life.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

11 May 2014

Topic: Hear Jesus Only And Be Uplifted

Hi everyone, this sermon message is a little overdue. Couldn't edit and upload it ever since the accident. Nevertheless I hope it will still bless you. I have another sermon message for 1 June 2014 to be uploaded subsequently :)
Enjoy the songs that were sang during Praise and Worship. They are awesome great songs. Be blessed!

1) Hillsong - To You

2) How Excellent Your Name

3) O the glory of your presence

4) Blessed Jesus - Lyrics
Blessed Jesus, come to me.
Soothe my soul with rays of peace.
As I look to You alone.
Fill me with Your love

Mountains high or valleys low.
You will never let me go.
By Your fountain let me drink.
Fill my thirsty soul.

Glorious, marvelous.
Grace that rescued me.
Holy, worthy is the Lamb.
Who died for me.

Blessed Jesus, come to me.
As I fall down at Your feet.
Let me touch Your nail-scarred hands.
Jesus I would see.

Glorious, marvelous.
Grace that rescued me.
Holy, worthy is the Lamb.
Who died for me.

Holy, worthy,
Holy, worthy,
Holy, worthy,
Holy, worthy,

Holy, worthy,
Is the Lamb who died for me.

Pastor is back from Israel to preach and film for TBN.
He shared with us about the tour in Israel. They were at Samaria where Jesus met the woman at the well. The crusher of the serpent's head came from a Jew. Jesus said if you knew Me you will live by the fountain of life.

From 9am to 12pm, Jesus suffered at the hands of man. From 12pm to 3pm, Jesus suffered at the hands of God.

The woman by the well were living in the time of the high priest, Jonathan (the gift of God).

The Hebrews bible has sixty nine (69) characters in the name of God. There are three (3) missing characters in the book of Deuteronomy which the Jews do not know the reason today. On the other hand, the Samaritan bible has all the seventy two (72) characters found in the book of Deuteronomy. While the Samaritan revealed the three (3) characters which are missing, God revealed to Pastor a revelation.
The missing letters are Vav. Vav in Greek is a conjuncture like "and" in English. It is also a symbol of a nail. Hebrews is a pictorial language. At that moment, the truth was revealed to Pastor. Today if you don't see the three (3) nails, you will never know God.

Song of Solomon 5:9-13, 6:1
Verse 10: The beloved is talking. "White" is dazzling. "Ruddy" is red. Lord of Christ is depicted in these verses.

Look at the result of the description of Jesus. When she described the loveliness of God, the people are provoked with hunger for the Lord. When you find someone to talk about the beauty of the Lord, you sense God in you.

Matthew 17:1-8
Chapter 16 tells us there were at another mountain.
Praying means to be dependent on the Lord. As Jesus was praying in Luke 9, His face shone. That was the transfiguration in Luke's account.

Peter writing by the spirit before his death.
2 Peter 1:15-18
Verse 16: "Eyewitness" is talking about him being the eyewitness to the transfiguration.
Peter was recollecting the times of the transfiguration.

Grace does not buy hearts but win hearts.
Peter, James and John had a sampling of God.

When Jesus comes back, the whole world will be ruled by this perfect Man. There will be no imperfection in this world. This is called the Kingdom.

Moses (law giver) represented the law. Elijah represented the prophets. (law restorer)
The time of Jesus has come.

Verse 17: There are two times God publicly declared His love in His son. The first account was at the dead sea and the second account was on Mount Herman. This literally meant that even at the lowest and highest point, God loved His son.

So how do we clothe our children with honour and glory?
We need to do it verbally. Even though they made a mistake, we need to do so.

Back to Matthew 17:1-8
Verse 5: There was a bright cloud. This is interesting because when the law was given, there was a dark cloud. When Moses came down, the people ran away. It was a shining glory but it was a decreasing brightness. There is brightness where Jesus is.

Romans 3:20-22
Verse 20: By the law is not the knowledge of holiness.
Verse 21: But now, the gift of righteousness is apart from the law. Righteousness was not given by the law. Moses (law) and Elijah (prophets) both witnessed.

Back to Matthew 17:1-8
Verse 8: Moses and Elijah were gone. They only saw Jesus only. May this be the ministry where we see no one but Jesus only. The Father just said "Hear Him." While the disciples were kneeling down and trembling in fear, Jesus walked to them and told them to arise and not be afraid.

There is no salvation of nations but salvation of individuals. The world will get darker and darker but the church will get brighter and brighter.

When Jesus said "Arise" in the verse above, it is a passive word. Simply, Jesus raised them up. When you are lifted, you stand on equal ground with Him.
You can say how can we be on equal ground? Jesus paid for you to have it.

Great is your reward. Not that you will only be rewarded in heaven, your treasures are already in heaven.
Dare to be different. Like diamonds, they dare to be different.

Bring up your children by the way of the Lord. Teach them the values in being different. Teach them that man values girls that are hard to get. Man devalues woman who are easy to get.

Mark's transfiguration comes in the book of Mark Chapter 9. We see how these two chapters of Matthew and Luke ends.

Matthew 17:24-27
Verse 24: Each person in Moses days must pay half a shackle for the temple tax.
Verse 25: When a king conquers a country, who does he collect tax from. The sons or strangers? What Jesus is saying, Jesus is greater than the temple and He didn't have to pay.
Verse 26: The tithe is not a temple tax. This is temple tax. Jesus said, "Then the sons are free". Unconsciously, Peter lowered the status of Jesus to the law. He was looking at Jesus as a man. Peter was still thinking about Moses, the law. The law was given by a servant but grace came from the One. The servant does not abide in the house forever.
Verse 27: Jesus even paid for Peter's tax. He tells Peter to fish, take out the money from the first fish. Jesus is saying to Peter, I can summon the wealth.

Jesus went to Samaria. James and John asked Jesus if they should call down fire to consume the Samaritans like Elijah. Matthew ends with Peter; Luke ends with James and John not learning the lesson.

The spirit of Elijah is judgment. In Peter's case, they are looking at the law.

Many people who are glorifying the law is right. When Peter said Jesus will pay the tax, he harbored a good intention to paint a positive impression to the people. Peter did not have the intention to lower Jesus even though his motive was right. It's important is to promote God and not promote the law and judgment at the same time.

Luke 9:29-31
Verse 31: Moses and Elijah talked about something Jesus is going to accomplish at Jerusalem (Jesus death).
Moses life ended in impatience. Elijah's biggest mistake was discouragement. Both ministries ended.

Isaiah 42:1-4
Verse 4: He will not fail (Moses failed) nor be discouraged (Elijah failed). When we fail, Jesus will not. These are the greatest men back then but they all still failed.

Mark's account says that His garments were dazzling. At Mount Herman, the disciples were afraid, they fled. Before the feast of Tabernacles, there must be an atonement. Jesus came to die for you and I.

In closing,

God is no longer doing a "Moses" on you. Christ fulfilled the law. There can be correction but a pointing to Jesus correction. Grace has come. Hear Him and He is saying to arise. Stand in His righteousness. Jesus can touch the leper and not be affected. He offers that as a gift. He suffered and rose again from the dead to offer you this gift of righteousness. Just because it is a free free, it does not mean it is cheap. He did all these for you.
If today, you want to receive this grace, pray with me:
Heavenly Father, I believe in this love for me. I believe Jesus is the son of God, he died for me to become His righteousness before you. Thank you Father all my sins are completely forgiven. Thank you for giving me victory and a body that is alive. When Jesus comes, my body will be changed. Jesus is my Lord and saviour now and forever. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, you are a believer now.