Sunday, August 3, 2014

29 June 2014

Praise and Worship:

1) Chris Tomlin - Forever

2) Highest praise (Put on your dancing shoes.. you gotta move you gotta move :D)

3) Anthem of grace
Link to blog entry titled " 6 April 2014"

4) You alone I praise

Remember the story of David when he was first called? Your life might be ordinary but He sees you as a prince or princess. You have a high calling.

Pastor shared about the Legacy Camp for youths two weeks ago.
You are not what you feel. The real you is in the house (body). You have a soul but the soul is not you. Just because you have the lust to punch somebody, you don't have to act on it. The more you say no to temptations, you become more intelligent.

The gospel is God reaching out to man. The gospel produces character.

Acts 10:43-44
Verse 43: All who believes will receive forgiveness of sins.

Acts 15:7-9
Verse 9: The moments they believed the gospel, their hearts are purified. Believing brings the purifying.

Romans 5:1-9
Verse 1: We have peace with God. Peace with the one who loves us so much. Why? It's on a solid unshakable foundation. It is the blood of Christ that was shed for you so that your sins that He bore has been paid. Today you stand before God in the completeness of the work of Jesus.
Verse 2: Salvation is for three aspects of our lives. Past, present and future. So our present is addressed by this verse. We have access by faith into this grace in which we stand. (Present tense) We can rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Whenever you see "hope", it is always associated with the future.
Verse 3: Troubles do not affect believers the way it does for non-believers. Favor does not mean you do not have troubles. So was Paul, David and Jesus. They are people who won't love you when you have too much favor.
Verse 4: Gospel produces character. Trouble produces perseverance. You persevere in your marriage.
Verse 5: Hope does not disappoint. Men says, " don't raise your hopes".
Verse 6: God died for the ungodly, all of us. Some people will say Christ died for Christians.
Verse 8: God demonstrates His love to us while we were still sinners. This is good news. Nothing we do wrong can change His love. Nothing we do right will increase His love. Be careful of what you hope when you are conscious of His love.
Verse 9: We have been justified by His blood and shall be saved from wrath through Him. You are saved from God's wrath through Jesus Christ. Believers will never need to go through the tribulations. We would be raptured by then.

Genesis 39:4-9
Verse 4-6: Verses showing Joseph was blessed because of Jesus. If you put your health in Jesus hands, it is multiplied. Just like Jesus multiplied the five loaves and two fishes.

God wants to make everyone radiant.

Esther 2:15-17
Verse 15: The Lord gave Esther favor. How do we know? The verse says "And Esther obtained favor...".

In closing,

God blessed you because of the work of Christ. We are blessed based on the work of another. What a resting place on your conscious when you know that.
God wants your eyes off your self. Today you look at Jesus on the right hand of God and ask, "Does Jesus have this problem?" Once you know that, the spirit transforms you.

The love of God is not emotional. It is demonstrated.

Spiritual growth is when you are conscious of your weakness. You are not in despair but satisfied with Jesus and have a greater dependence in the Lord. The erroneous thinking is when you feel stronger and satisfied in your own self.

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