Sunday, September 14, 2014

27 July 2014

Praise and Worship: Today worship was led by Bob Fitts. We sang some oldies and it felt like I was in Praise Kids in my younger days. Here you go!

Topic: Continuation of Psalm 91 series

We will be continuing the series for Psalm 91.
Yesterday, Pastor saw the news reporting the Ebola virus hitting Nigeria. Today, it is known to be a deadly virus that spreads very fast.

What you should not suffer is because of Jesus who died for you.

Jesus tells us to leap for joy and tells us how great is our reward in heaven. It literally means our rewards are made in heaven.

Job 5:19
Verse 19: Sometimes we get into trouble and we ask where is the protection. Don't ask where is the protection. God wants to deliver you out of the trouble. Pastor believes that we are coming into the seventh day.

Psalm 91
Verse 1: Most High (Elyon). Every time Elyon is mentioned, it talks about the Lord's supper.
Verse 3: The snare of the fowler is a picture of a trapped bird. It means God will deliver you from the traps from the devil. Pestilence means open pestilence, like SARS.
Verse 4: Now we see God as a picture of an eagle. Sheild is a large shield that covers your front. Buckler is a shield that goes around a person. To live under Psalm 91, you need to be under grace. Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. Grace and truth is one. 

Deuteronomy 32:11-13
Verse 11: This is a song of Moses before he passed on.

Exodus 20 is where you find the ten commandments.

Exodus 18:3-4
Verse 4: God wanted them to keep the covenant of Abraham. God is saying from Egypt to Mount Sinai is the period of eagles' wings. God will bear you on eagles' wings. This period of pure grace is now permanent for us.

God wants you to come close to Him. It's not how many times you read Psalm 91. It's the relationship.

Matthew 23:27-39
Verde 37: Only when Israel says this verse then Jesus will come in a bang!

John 17:25-26
Verse 26:  A beautiful verse of God's love.

Genesis 22:1-2
Verse 2: Think about it. Abraham has two sons. Why did God say to Abraham to bring his only son? God is referring to Hinself. Jesus says no one knows the Father except the son.

Genesis 24 is the longest chapter in Genesis. It talks about a bride for the servant. The story of Rebecca is a story of the church. 

In closing,

The first mention of love is father's love for the son. The second mention of love is the love for the bride.

God knows it was hard on Abraham but knows he's a man of faith.

Genesis 22:6-8
The son asked where is the lamb? Abraham said God will provide the lamb. God spared Abraham's son but did not spare His own son.

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