Monday, November 17, 2014

November 2014 Updates!

It has been almost three months since I last stepped into church. How I missed church to be honest. I must say, I'm currently in the most eventful time of my life.

Denise and I have a new addition to the family and God has blessed us with heaven's best by bestowing to us an angel, Sarah Zoe. We decided to give Sarah a middle name, because the word Zoe comes from John 10:10. 

Jesus says, "I come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly." In other words, this Zoe life is the God-kind of life, in abundance. Similarly, it acts as a reminder to me that God has given me this God-life after going through an uneventful accident mid of this year, everytime when I look at Sarah.

Sarah is now 12 weeks old and it's such an enjoying process to watch her grow bit by bit each day. Maybe I'm Christ-bias, but we do see that she's set apart from the world, the parenting process is easy-going and taking care of her is not mind-wrenching as most makes it out to be. Like you would remind me, it is Christ who is doing the work for us.

Am reminded of a verse, Jesus says, "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." in Matthew 11:30. A beautiful promise of Jesus in our lives!

Creation is such an amazing thing when I witnessed how she came into this world on Day 1. I truly believe it surpasses one's imagination when a non-believer invites Christ into their life. It should be an explosion in the unseen realm.
Quoted from 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" Time to embrace the new and enjoy every little moment, like us!

Sharing some pictures of Sarah Zoe with my beloved readers.. hope you enjoy the pictures!

 Sarah says, "Hello!"

Sarah smiles at you!

Sarah poses!

Blog entry titled "16 November 2014" will be up soon!

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