Tuesday, November 18, 2014

16 November 2014

Praise and Worship:

- Awesome God

- In you I live

- In Jesus Name

- Refuge (New song)
We sang a new song today. Not sure if this is the first time we're singing it cause it's my first time hearing it. Didn't manage to locate the lyrics on the Internet. In fact, I've also forgotten the tunes to this song. Maybe at a later stage we should have something on this song!

Topic: How God Sees The Tenth

Pastor shared that he has started to see snippets of how 2015 would look like. He shared that there will be a financial earthquake this coming year. There will be lots of shaking in the banking and economy of the world. Just last month, Jesus began to speak to Pastor for our church to be ready for this coming year. Every time that the world experiences a downturn, God's children will experience an upturn.

There is a teaching about rest for Israel. Israel's new year sometimes is in September or October. Lately since 2001 and 2002, there was a great financial crisis. The next financial crisis was in 2008. And that year was Israel's year of rest. As it looked like a trend, Israel is expecting another financial earthquake in the coming year.

One thing for sure, nothing catches God by surprise.
In the bible, the Egyptians gave Israel their gold and silver due to the back pay towards the Israelis. At that time, Egypt was in a financial crisis. So it depends on whether you want to be an Israeli or a Egyptian today. If you are an Israeli, now is the best time to receive your blessings.

Hebrews 5:1
Verse 1: Pastor believes that Apostle Paul is the author of Hebrews though his name is hidden in the book of Hebrews. Paul wrote about the high priest.
The high priest is not a prophet. The function of the high priest is, He receives gifts and offers to God. We know there is no more sacrifices but we still bring gifts to God; our praise and worship. God is well pleased when you are generous. God says that in Hebrews 13.
If the priest is good, God receives the whole nation. The high priest is the one who receives the people's prayer.

Prayer puts God in the place as Giver. It puts us in place as the Receiver.
When we pray, we are activating our covenant. We need to pray for our child, not just expecting he will grow up blessed.

Hebrews 5:10-11
Verse 10: This verse is quoted from Psalm 110:4. Melchizedek is only mentioned three times in the bible; the books of Genesis, Psalm and Hebrews.
Verse 11: We have much to say about Melchizedek but you have become dull of hearing. If you can understand the truth of Melchizedek, you have matured as a believer. Dull of hearing means they are not open hearing more.
Melchizedek brought bread and wine, the communion. Jesus is our Melchizedek. We are blessed with the blessings of Abraham. Salvation is literally coming to God with nothing in your hands.

Abraham defeated four armies and came back with all the gold and silver. Melchizedek brought bread and wine to strengthen him. Abraham then gave one tenth to Melchizedek.
God is always looking out to bless you. Rich people doesn't mean they are generous. Wealth and generosity does not go together. 

Luke 11:42
Verse 42: Jesus says to the Pharisees to tithe. He says have some justice to the poor. Focus on the love of God but don't leave tithing undone.

Melchizedek and Abraham were not under the law, so why did they give a tenth of their money?
Hebrews 7:1-10
Verse 1: King of Salem is King of Peace.
Verse 4: What in the world has the tenth got to do to declare how great the person is?
God puts Melchizedek in the prime books. 

If love is there, you would like to respond or serve. Some believers may become lazy to the point they do not want to go to church, or even if they are in church, they do not sing or raise their hands believing that it is not through their own works. It is true but they do not know we still need to respond. Just imagine your wife kisses you and you stand there like a wooden block. You need to respond isn't it.

The last time Pastor preached a sermon of tithing was six years ago. Some Pastors preach on that every month but not in our church. For the Miracle Seed Sundays, only four times were conducted. Pastor shared that the church has not ever received a cheque of one million for any Miracle Seed Sundays. How the church is only left with 10% today, no one knows how it's done. It has to be God.

The way we demonstrate how great God is is through the tithe. It's part of your worship. We all have to learn how to worship. Worship is literally coming close to kiss God. A deep intimacy with God, your spirit combines with God and a birth is born.

Verse 5: Now this is talking about the Levitical priesthood. We are no more under the tithing of the law. We are under the tithing of Melchizedek. Pastor ever hear a preacher shared that Abraham tithed only one time. That's funny because would we want every paragraph in the bible saying that Abraham tithed? Abraham brought Issac up the mountain and when God spared him, he was so appreciative that he tithed that month. Yes?

Verse 8: Bread and wine is to proclaim the death of Jesus Christ. Tithing is to proclaim that Jesus lives and keeps on living. He died and rose again. He asked for one tenth and with that tithe, take some time to remember the love of God. 

Genesis 45:26-28
Verse 26: Jacob's heart stood still. He does not believe that his son Joseph is alive. Today, Israel believes that Jesus is a historical figure and He is dead. One day, they gonna look and say, "My God, Jesus is alive."
Verse 27: In other words, faith comes by hearing.
Verse 28: Then Israel believed.
The truth of the tithe will make unbelievers see the goodness in your life. Through the mercy shown to us, it will provoke the Israel to jealousy. It will provoke them when they see the wagons of Christ in your life. When Israel sees us, they know Jesus is alive.

Back to Hebrews 7,
Verse 9: Levi was the great grandson of Abraham. Levi receives tithe from his brethens, paid tithes. They are trying to compare tithing to Melchizedek and through Abraham. Tithing blesses you all the way down to your generations.

Even George Muller says we should give our tenth to God.
James L. Kraft, head of Krate Cheese says the only investment he has made is the consistently increasing dividends to the Lord.

Revelation 22:3
Verse 3: The things you touch in this world is cursed. Everything that comes from the ground in cursed. Even money, it is made from the bark of the trees. And trees come from the earth, which is cursed.
God never says He will curse you in Malachi. In the very same chapter, he is saying about tithing. God's storehouse today is the church. God says bring your tithes to the storehouse. The first mention of "Windows of Heaven" was during the Noah's flood. It flooded the earth forty days and fourth nights. So today if you tithe, God pours down blessings to you for forty days and forty nights.

Romans 11:16
Verse 16: God is saying all things are cursed. Set apart a tenth to Him and it will become blessed.

Genesis 24:10
Verse 10: The servants took ten of his master's camel, and all his master's goods were in his hand. What does "all" means here? It means God regards ten as all (a whole).
The world is cursed, put your worship to the priest. The priest is not your pastor.

1 Corinthians 15:23
Verse 23: When you take the communion, it reminds God of His beloved son. Every time there is an offering, God is reminded.

Why are there ten commandments? To God, that is all of God's commandments. With one commandment that is broken, all is broken. That is the logic of the tenth. When you bring a tenth to Him, He blesses all (every part) of you.

But Pastor, why does God likes to be reminded on the death of Christ?
It is like when you are under the weather or feeling down, watching a video of your child will always bring a smile to your face.

When Joseph sent the wagons, the command came from Pharaoh.
Genesis 45:19-20
Verse 19: The command is given.
Verse 23: He sent ten donkeys, ten female donkeys,, grain, bread and food. The good things of Egypt. So why ten? Why not fifty donkeys? Ten represents the whole.

Ezekiel 44:1-3
Verse 2: Jesus rode a donkey and went through the gate of the sanctuary. Jesus went in to Jerusalem via the eastern gate. Who would have thought this will be predicted.
Verse 3: This chapter talks about the future temple. It never ends. Holy communion will end only when Jesus comes in the second coming.

Genesis 28:20-22
Verse 22: Jacob said to God that of all that He gives him, he will surely give a tenth to God.
Refer to Genesis 31:13, God did not forget the vow made to Him. God says He is the God of Bethel and He remembered the vow Jacob made to Him.

In closing, Pastor shared a great man of God,

John D. Rockefeller:
This man would have worth $336 billion today. He was a baptist. He said he tithed every dollar God has entrusted to him. He was a oil magnet. Oil wasn't popular back then but God gave him the idea. The tithe is a picture of Jesus Christ and is an ongoing thing. No matter what happens to the world's economy, you will not be shaken. Don't have pride in your tithing, instead have a love for Christ. Under the new covenant, you don't have to tithe, you get to tithe.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Edmund, For Refuge Lyrics, You can copy from here :

    My Favorite Song too :)
