Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My Praise Report

Hi readers!

It has been a while since I last blogged. During this time, I am sure all of you are greatly blessed.

Today, I thought I would like to share with all of you my journey during my disappearance for the last couple of weeks.

As many of you would be aware, I was unfortunately involved in an accident while cycling at West Coast with a group of enthusiasts on the night of 21 May. I fell off my bike (not knowing the cause till date) and was admitted to the hospital unconsciously. I underwent an emergency head surgery due to the presence of blood clot which lasted about 4 hours. A portion of my hair was shaved off to accommodate 25 stitches and I suffered a swell on the left side of my face after the surgery. It was quite an ugly sight in front of my wife, family, friends and colleagues when they came to visit me.

I was admitted to the High Dependency ward to closely monitor my condition. It was only after admitting to this ward that I came to know that this ward is just a grade below ICU. The surgeons came to assure us that the operation was very successful and chances of recurrence is a mere 5%. 
During the post surgery, I recovered very well and was discharged from the hospital in about 5 days.

Back at home, my wife took care of me, helped me with the washing of my head daily, prepared meals for me daily while I just rested. Life was rather hard for her who is expecting a child of 6 months old at that time.

On the night of 5 June, I felt uneasy in my head all of a sudden. I felt a little bump swelling on my forehead, accompanied with a slight giddiness. The bump grew a little till the brown skin on my wound just dropped by itself. When that happened, I was terrified and extremely worried. Immediately, I started to praise God by singing praises to Him while sitting on the sofa. I dared not sleep because tons of fearful thoughts came into my mind. I continued to sing songs of worship for over 3 hours till I felt calmer. After that, I walked to the room and fell asleep.

Morning came. My wife texted me saying that she will accompany me to the doctor for a scan to ensure all is well. I contemplated because there was already a scheduled scan on the following Monday. Thinking that if we go for the follow-up scan today, we can skip the scheduled appointment. So, I agreed.

At the hospital, I was directed to the CT scan room and the scan completed in about 5 mins. As I opened my eyes, I saw the worrisome look on the nurse and immediately they pushed a bed over and carried me over. It was a total stunner and all I asked was, "What is happening??"

"We observed a blood clot in your head and the neurosurgeons are coming right away", the nurses replied.

At that moment, I felt my world came crashing down. This was totally unexpected. I expected to go home after the scan. I cannot imagine how would my wife would ever take this news.

Soon, the junior neurosurgeon came. He explained that there is a blood clot in my head, it is smaller that the first blood clot but it is not entirely small. We can decide whether to opt for a surgery or to observe. He highlighted that a blood clot will not diminish in a few days and no one knows when it will. Presently, there is no medication to remove blood clots. Should it increase in quantity, it will be life threatening. He added that on a positive note, I am currently clear minded and alive.

Both of us were dumbfounded and did not know what the future holds for us. The doctor suggested I quickly be admitted to the High Dependency ward again for close monitoring. Back to the same ward, the nurses there all recognised me, same goes for me. They started connecting all the apparatus on my body. Everything happened so fast that we did not know how to react.

Shortly, the head surgeon came together with a team of neurosurgeons. He explained that they found out the cause of the recurrence of the blood clot. From the scans, he attributed the cause of the blood clot due to a vein on my membrane. Accordingly to him, the vein may either be there due to the trauma or developed since young. If I were to opt for the surgery, they will clip/remove the vein. He assured me that this is a low risk surgery and will not take as long as the first operation.

Hearing the positive remarks, I trusted the Lord and agreed to go for the second operation. Right after that, they started to prepare and they wheeled me to the operating theater almost immediately. While on the way, all the doctors and nurses greeted me and assured me that I will be greatly taken care of. It definitely helped soothe me a little. Soon, I was greeted with something which I never wanted to see ever - the huge spotlights in the operation theater.

The mask came on me bearing a weird smell and I was unconscious in a short while.

Over 2 hours, the operation ended and I went back to the High Dependency ward. This time I felt better comparing with the post-op effects during the first time. All ended well and this time I recovered fast too. I was discharged from the hospital after 5 days.

Ever since I stepped home, all day long I sang praises to the Lord and ensured we partake the holy communion every night as one family. I simply banked all my trust in Jesus complete work on the cross 2000 years ago. I kept reminding myself the fact that I survived the first ordeal was the indication that Jesus was with me. There is no way my time is up because I kept trusting the Lord to live to a 120.

Today is the day for my follow-up scan after the second operation. To be honest, I was fearful because flashes of the first scan often came up in my mind. I rejected any negative thoughts and kept claiming Jesus' healing work on my body. I kept proclaiming "I am the righteousness of God in Christ" and "No weapon formed against me shall prosper".

The head surgeon greeted me with a smile on his face. He said, "There is no more blood clot in your head anymore." I was thrilled and kept asking him the same question and he said "No more" while looking at my scan results. I felt such a sense of relief because I needed to hear this good news desperately.

He added that the surgeries can both be summed up in one word, "Fortunate".

Upon hearing that, I felt God's love and deep down inside me I know that the world calls it "fortunate" while we His children calls it "Divine Protection".

I am very encouraged today that I am a survivor of this accident. I am not perfect nor am I reaping the rewards of my self efforts. I am saved today because of who we are in Christ. We have the backing of Christ in our lives. Today we stand perfect in God's eyes and we are entitled to every single blessing because we are an heir of Christ.

I pray that you are encouraged greatly by my experience today. During moments where you feel you are lost and alone, be reminded of my story and know that Jesus will never ever abandon you. Because He has paid for every blessing for you on the cross, we can boldly come to Him with countless requests.

Always remember He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Feel free to share my testimony to your beloved family and friends. I hope that it reaches out to every person to bless them. In fact, I can't wait to share this experience with God to my 90 year old granny in hope to encourage her and trust the Lord even more.

Take care and be blessed everyone!

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the following people who have been an integral part of this episode.

Julian Lim & David Ho:
Million thanks for sending me to the hospital after the accident. Though we only knew each other for the first time, both of you made the point to send me for rescue. I am truly grateful. Thanks Julian & David.

Thanks to my family. I felt very loved when I heard my granny say her heart hurts when she saw me.

Appreciated when my sis communicated to the neurosurgeon during my first op despite being overseas and in a different timezone. She also started a prayer group with her friends to cover me under their prayers.

Big thanks to Aunt Irene who was a great support while I was recuperating and showered lots of care & concern to me.

Alfred & Chiou Ting:
Both are my bestest soulmates who are always there for us. They are the next best support and will always be close to our hearts.

My army buddy who visits me so frequently in hospital and brought me home when I was discharged.

KPMG Colleagues:
I've gathered lots of reminders to have ample rest during this time from my superiors and team. Thank you for the support and standing in my place in multiple projects.

Last but not least, to the woman of my life.

Thanks for being positive during this time. Words cannot express how thankful I am towards you for showering me your love, care and concern. It isn't easy I know but you did an awesome job and I am certainly very blessed to have you in my life.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to hear you are doing well!!! Thank you Lord for your blessings on Edward and his family.
