Tuesday, June 3, 2014

11 May 2014

Topic: Hear Jesus Only And Be Uplifted

Hi everyone, this sermon message is a little overdue. Couldn't edit and upload it ever since the accident. Nevertheless I hope it will still bless you. I have another sermon message for 1 June 2014 to be uploaded subsequently :)
Enjoy the songs that were sang during Praise and Worship. They are awesome great songs. Be blessed!

1) Hillsong - To You

2) How Excellent Your Name

3) O the glory of your presence

4) Blessed Jesus - Lyrics
Blessed Jesus, come to me.
Soothe my soul with rays of peace.
As I look to You alone.
Fill me with Your love

Mountains high or valleys low.
You will never let me go.
By Your fountain let me drink.
Fill my thirsty soul.

Glorious, marvelous.
Grace that rescued me.
Holy, worthy is the Lamb.
Who died for me.

Blessed Jesus, come to me.
As I fall down at Your feet.
Let me touch Your nail-scarred hands.
Jesus I would see.

Glorious, marvelous.
Grace that rescued me.
Holy, worthy is the Lamb.
Who died for me.

Holy, worthy,
Holy, worthy,
Holy, worthy,
Holy, worthy,

Holy, worthy,
Is the Lamb who died for me.

Pastor is back from Israel to preach and film for TBN.
He shared with us about the tour in Israel. They were at Samaria where Jesus met the woman at the well. The crusher of the serpent's head came from a Jew. Jesus said if you knew Me you will live by the fountain of life.

From 9am to 12pm, Jesus suffered at the hands of man. From 12pm to 3pm, Jesus suffered at the hands of God.

The woman by the well were living in the time of the high priest, Jonathan (the gift of God).

The Hebrews bible has sixty nine (69) characters in the name of God. There are three (3) missing characters in the book of Deuteronomy which the Jews do not know the reason today. On the other hand, the Samaritan bible has all the seventy two (72) characters found in the book of Deuteronomy. While the Samaritan revealed the three (3) characters which are missing, God revealed to Pastor a revelation.
The missing letters are Vav. Vav in Greek is a conjuncture like "and" in English. It is also a symbol of a nail. Hebrews is a pictorial language. At that moment, the truth was revealed to Pastor. Today if you don't see the three (3) nails, you will never know God.

Song of Solomon 5:9-13, 6:1
Verse 10: The beloved is talking. "White" is dazzling. "Ruddy" is red. Lord of Christ is depicted in these verses.

Look at the result of the description of Jesus. When she described the loveliness of God, the people are provoked with hunger for the Lord. When you find someone to talk about the beauty of the Lord, you sense God in you.

Matthew 17:1-8
Chapter 16 tells us there were at another mountain.
Praying means to be dependent on the Lord. As Jesus was praying in Luke 9, His face shone. That was the transfiguration in Luke's account.

Peter writing by the spirit before his death.
2 Peter 1:15-18
Verse 16: "Eyewitness" is talking about him being the eyewitness to the transfiguration.
Peter was recollecting the times of the transfiguration.

Grace does not buy hearts but win hearts.
Peter, James and John had a sampling of God.

When Jesus comes back, the whole world will be ruled by this perfect Man. There will be no imperfection in this world. This is called the Kingdom.

Moses (law giver) represented the law. Elijah represented the prophets. (law restorer)
The time of Jesus has come.

Verse 17: There are two times God publicly declared His love in His son. The first account was at the dead sea and the second account was on Mount Herman. This literally meant that even at the lowest and highest point, God loved His son.

So how do we clothe our children with honour and glory?
We need to do it verbally. Even though they made a mistake, we need to do so.

Back to Matthew 17:1-8
Verse 5: There was a bright cloud. This is interesting because when the law was given, there was a dark cloud. When Moses came down, the people ran away. It was a shining glory but it was a decreasing brightness. There is brightness where Jesus is.

Romans 3:20-22
Verse 20: By the law is not the knowledge of holiness.
Verse 21: But now, the gift of righteousness is apart from the law. Righteousness was not given by the law. Moses (law) and Elijah (prophets) both witnessed.

Back to Matthew 17:1-8
Verse 8: Moses and Elijah were gone. They only saw Jesus only. May this be the ministry where we see no one but Jesus only. The Father just said "Hear Him." While the disciples were kneeling down and trembling in fear, Jesus walked to them and told them to arise and not be afraid.

There is no salvation of nations but salvation of individuals. The world will get darker and darker but the church will get brighter and brighter.

When Jesus said "Arise" in the verse above, it is a passive word. Simply, Jesus raised them up. When you are lifted, you stand on equal ground with Him.
You can say how can we be on equal ground? Jesus paid for you to have it.

Great is your reward. Not that you will only be rewarded in heaven, your treasures are already in heaven.
Dare to be different. Like diamonds, they dare to be different.

Bring up your children by the way of the Lord. Teach them the values in being different. Teach them that man values girls that are hard to get. Man devalues woman who are easy to get.

Mark's transfiguration comes in the book of Mark Chapter 9. We see how these two chapters of Matthew and Luke ends.

Matthew 17:24-27
Verse 24: Each person in Moses days must pay half a shackle for the temple tax.
Verse 25: When a king conquers a country, who does he collect tax from. The sons or strangers? What Jesus is saying, Jesus is greater than the temple and He didn't have to pay.
Verse 26: The tithe is not a temple tax. This is temple tax. Jesus said, "Then the sons are free". Unconsciously, Peter lowered the status of Jesus to the law. He was looking at Jesus as a man. Peter was still thinking about Moses, the law. The law was given by a servant but grace came from the One. The servant does not abide in the house forever.
Verse 27: Jesus even paid for Peter's tax. He tells Peter to fish, take out the money from the first fish. Jesus is saying to Peter, I can summon the wealth.

Jesus went to Samaria. James and John asked Jesus if they should call down fire to consume the Samaritans like Elijah. Matthew ends with Peter; Luke ends with James and John not learning the lesson.

The spirit of Elijah is judgment. In Peter's case, they are looking at the law.

Many people who are glorifying the law is right. When Peter said Jesus will pay the tax, he harbored a good intention to paint a positive impression to the people. Peter did not have the intention to lower Jesus even though his motive was right. It's important is to promote God and not promote the law and judgment at the same time.

Luke 9:29-31
Verse 31: Moses and Elijah talked about something Jesus is going to accomplish at Jerusalem (Jesus death).
Moses life ended in impatience. Elijah's biggest mistake was discouragement. Both ministries ended.

Isaiah 42:1-4
Verse 4: He will not fail (Moses failed) nor be discouraged (Elijah failed). When we fail, Jesus will not. These are the greatest men back then but they all still failed.

Mark's account says that His garments were dazzling. At Mount Herman, the disciples were afraid, they fled. Before the feast of Tabernacles, there must be an atonement. Jesus came to die for you and I.

In closing,

God is no longer doing a "Moses" on you. Christ fulfilled the law. There can be correction but a pointing to Jesus correction. Grace has come. Hear Him and He is saying to arise. Stand in His righteousness. Jesus can touch the leper and not be affected. He offers that as a gift. He suffered and rose again from the dead to offer you this gift of righteousness. Just because it is a free free, it does not mean it is cheap. He did all these for you.
If today, you want to receive this grace, pray with me:
Heavenly Father, I believe in this love for me. I believe Jesus is the son of God, he died for me to become His righteousness before you. Thank you Father all my sins are completely forgiven. Thank you for giving me victory and a body that is alive. When Jesus comes, my body will be changed. Jesus is my Lord and saviour now and forever. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, you are a believer now.