Monday, December 29, 2014

21 December 2014

Topic: The Great Love of Christ Towards Us

Praise and Worship: Today's the Christmas service and we all sang Christmas carols. The stage was an awesome sight with wonderful setup and decorative props. As I happened to sit in the front few rows, I managed to snap some pictures (kind of secretly)! Will be sharing some wonderful pictures in this blog entry :)

Praise and Worship commences!

 Song item by three teenagers with wonderful voices.
 Here comes Pastor Prince on stage.

Christ is born King of the Jews. He did not come as a prince. This King loves children. We live in a fallen world. In the midst of these, God gave us His Son.
Isaiah prophesied many things but one thing he prophesied, he said in Isaiah 9:6.
A Child is born and unto us a Son is given.
Pastor goes on to sing this verse as a song.

Pastor went on to sing another song titled "Love Has Come Down":
By Galilee Emmanuel walked
And to the broken and humble He talked
In streams of beauty men could not see
Angels of Glory watched over thee
Love had come down
Love had come down
Oh the joyful sound
Love had come down

Oh gentle Saviour, so kind and good
We took and nailed you to a cross of wood
You prayed for me, I pierced your side
You took a thief to Paradise
Love had come down
Love had come down
Tell it all around
Love had come down

You went away back to your home
But you had said we would never be alone
You sent your Spirit down from above
Your gentle Spirit, Spirit of love
Love has come down
Love has come down
Oh the joyful sound
Love has come down

In an instant, God can heal you if the doctors tell you that you have a chronic condition. God is not bounded by time and space. Men may have good intent but men is limited. In God there are no limits.
John 17:24
Verse 24: "... for You loved Me before the foundation of the world."
Long before you and I were there, Christ was already there.

The bible tells us that God has emotions. God loves men. How much you hate the cancer is how much you love the child. God loves you and He can kill the sinner and the sin. He can create another creation but He did not because He loves you deeply.
Everything after creation has fallen. That is why we need to be born again.

John 3:16-17
Verse 16: Don't you love the word "so"? This verse is actually for Nicodemus. It's not just for the Jewish people. It's for the world. He was sent as a physical person to die for the world. If man can save himself, God would have said "Do you best."
The name Jesus means Saviour. He will save you from you sins, guilt, situation and even in your temporal needs. He does not know but to save. He cannot but save.

Majority of the stars in the universe are bigger than earth. Our earth can fit into one star and still have lots of room. This is not exaggerated but calculated.
God treats everyone unique. That is why everyone don't have the same fingerprint. He loved us long before He sent Jesus.

Love comes with a price. God literally came to our level and kissed us, sent His Son to die for us.

Apostle Paul says if God is for you, what can be against you?! If He is for you, what is your enemy? The question is, we have this doubt. Majority of mankind have bad thoughts about God. It take preachers to preach the truth. The bible tells us God is for us. It must be a man for a man. Sin starts in the blood. When a person dies, the first place that decays is the blood. That's where destruction begins. And hence, there is a need for virgin birth. A fetus does not receive blood from the mother. All the blood comes from the Father. It is royal blood, divine blood. That blood was shed at Calvary and one drop shook the earth. God was for us even when men were against Him. God sent His Son unasked.

Why didn't God just let us perish?
Romans 8:31-32
Verse 32: This is called divine logic. When God reasons, it is always for us. The Son is the best of heaven. If God gave you a gift that is eternal, then what temporal need is? God wants you to have confidence in His love. The devil will always come to you to make you lose confidence. If God does the greater, will He not give us the lesser? Clothings, material needs are deemed as the lesser. Do you think He will not give it to you?

Matthew 6:30
Verse 30: Jesus said, if God takes care of grass, will He not much more clothe you? What is grass to God? Notice the "much more"?
Matthew 7:11
Verse 11: Jesus said, if you being evil, knows how to give good things to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!
These are examples of divine logic.

Romans 8:31-32
Verse 32: God that spared not His own Son. Is this the Son whom God loved? You might think you are a face in the crowd but Jesus loves you. This verse tells us that He cares for our temporal needs. You'll never know how much God loves you until you know how much God loves His Son.

"... for us all," God is for you. Knowing God's love is so vital. God must really love us to sacrifice His Son.

".. shall.." Shall is future tense. Both now and forever and ever, God will supply freely all things that you'll ever need. How shall He not, the divine logic.

"... freely..." Freely means you cannot merit it, cannot buy it and cannot earn it. God cannot give it to you freely if you can earn it. It becomes a necessity. It is under-served and unmerited.

Do you know why you cannot buy God's blessings?
You are far too poor to buy His blessings and;
God is far too rich to sell you His blessings.

Friend, it's a simple message. When God says it, believe it. Judge God's love by His Son, His sacrifice on the cross. Prince Ernest will never forget his mother's love demonstrated by her kiss.

Do you know God raise Jesus from the dead? Death comes from sin. But Jesus took our sins. The moment the price is paid, He died. He gave Himself to death because the wages of sin is death. Death is behind Him and so He rose from the dead. There is no fear of death for believers. To believers is just a sleep. If there is one speck of sin in you, Jesus cannot be on the Father's right hand today seated. He is there because He has removed every sin and not even one speck of sin is on you.

If you were to die tonight, do you have a shadow of a doubt you will have an eternal home in heaven. We are not talking about having plenty of money. We are talking about the abundant life. Christ is my Lord, God I believe you are a good God and is for me. If that is you, say, as your word declares, God dies for sinners. I qualify all of your blessings and I believe you love me. You sent your Son to die for me. I thank you for the blood you shed cleanse me from all my sins. You raised Jesus from death and I believe I am highly favored, deeply loved. Amen.

 We ended the service with additional great Christmas songs!

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