Sunday, August 3, 2014

6 July 2014

Praise and Worship:
Today is Youth Day! This resulted in youths leading praise and worship. It was really awesome as I felt so alive during worship. Look at the songs we sang and you'll understand why :)

1) Hillsong - You Are Alive In Us

2) Freely forgiven

3) Matt Redman - We Are The Free

 4) Hillsong - This Is Our God

5) I Will Follow After You
Link to blog entry titled "5 May 2013"

Video Message:
15 June 2007 Message: God's favor will cause you to reign in life

When our praise and worship goes up, His blessings come down on us. If you have a chronic condition, you can be well in an instant. Whom the son sets free, is free indeed. Just one word from God, it changes your life for time and eternity. God is in the house. He is not here to be a spectator. He knows everything about you and still loves you deeply. The one who knows you the most loves you. God is for you.

It is important to understand our time and destiny. His love will shine on your back even if you turn your back on Him. That love will transform you. God is not looking for outward transformation. He's looking to transform you inside out.

Charisma is a greek word. It comes from the word favor. That favor is the favor of God. We can only tell if one person has that charisma. God wants to give you charisma and it is in the bible.

God can bless you with gifts. God loves to pour His anointing on you. Your disqualifications in man's eyes are opportunities for God to bless you. What the world says, God says "I can use that." God loves to find people who are weak in themselves so that He can manifest in you.

Romans 5:17
Verse 17: The word "grace" here is charisma. God never created men for them to die. God wants men to live eternally and forever young. God never even wants you to have a pimple. Sin came in. Sin will destroy everything beautiful God created. God hates sins. God counts death as an enemy. Jesus Christ came and conquered death. Why did Jesus conquer death? Because death is the last enemy and it is under Jesus' feet.
God made men last because men was created to enjoy everything that God has made the first five days. You are the best that God has made. God saw what He made and said it was good. When God made man, He said it was very good. You are a very good creation. God didn't make you from apes or chimpanzees. God made you in His image. God has a destiny for you. He has not forgotten his purpose. He made you to win in life. God made you to be a winner.

Back to the verse, because of one man's sin, death reigned. But there is something more powerful than death. Those who receive the gift of righteousness will reign in life. If you receive God's charisma, you will reign, you will win. If you are reigning, sickness is under your feet. Reign is a term used for kings. God wants you to reign. You are created by God to reign in life. God is never under circumstances. When you follow God, you follow a winner.

Today, we have many super heroes. But they are not real. We all love to see the next spiderman. Why? Because we all long for a hero. Spiderman can save a city. God can save the entire world for all eternity. He has power to cleanse lepers.

Jesus walked past some fishermen and said, "Follow Me." They left everything and followed Jesus. Jesus is not those paintings that you see. When the soldiers came to arrest Jesus, He spoke two words "I am". That is a blank cheque. If you are depressed, He says, "I am your peace." When Jesus said that, the soldiers fell off their feet. He waited for them to stand up to arrest Him. How cool is that. His life was not taken away from Him. He laid down His life.

There was a leper who came to Jesus and said "Lord, if you are willing, you can heal me." Back in those days, no one can touch a leper and be clean. But Jesus touched him and cleansed him. The unclean became clean.

Why would Jesus die such a wicked death? Because the wages of sin is death. We cannot say boys will be boys and we sweep everything under the carpet. The sin is still under the carpet. Jesus conquered death. God loves you with an everlasting love but hates sin.

Jesus Christ took all your sins on the cross. God loves you so much but He has to punish sins. So how does He reconcile the two? He sent His son to take your sins to put it on Jesus Christ. God punished our sins on Jesus. That means your entire life of sins has been judged. Because you sins have been judged, God cannot judge your sins twice.

The devil whom tempted Adam and Eve would never think that God can punish your sins on Jesus. You can never cleanse yourself. Jesus died on the cross to do it for you. Jesus blood washes sins whiter than snow. Which is more powerful? Your sins or Jesus blood? Jesus blood is more powerful than anything. One drop of His blood washes you cleaner than snow.

Come to Jesus just as you are and He will cleanse you once and for all.

If a believer is not reigning in life. This person does not understand abundance of grace and righteousness. You need to know that God's favor is upon you.

Joseph was sold as a slave. Think about it, he has nothing. But he had so much favor that he rose above all the rest of the slaves. So much that Potiphar's wife noticed him. She tried to seduce him but he rejected. Because of that, he was thrown into the dungeon. But the Lord was still with Joseph. He blessed him.

There is a lady by the name of Esther. She took part in a beauty contest. Esther obtained favor.

You can receive God's favor today. Receive speaks of a gift. God did not say you need to achieve favor. One drop of God's favor is worth 10 years of labor. The best thing you can do when someone gives you a gift is to say thank you.

We people are lousy receivers. We say things like "We don't deserve it, you shouldn't have." Of cause you don't deserve it. Otherwise it isn't a gift.

Righteousness is like a jacket. One gift of righteousness is peace. Another is healing, prosperity.

2 Corinthians 5:21
Verse 21: Jesus became you at the cross so that you become like Jesus before God. Jesus received your depression so that He can give you the peace. Jesus for the first time in His life calling His father, "My God my God". God turned His back on Jesus so that you can be accepted and justified. You are legally forgiven, healed. Jesus paid the price. You don't have to pay the price. Jesus paid it all. When you receive the gift of righteousness and grace, you will reign in life.

Back in the old days in Israel, the sinner brings a lamb to the priest. The priest examines the lamb but not the sinner. The priest knows the sinner has sinned and that is why he is here. Once the priest gives the green light on the lamb, the sinner holds the lamb, a representation of transferring the sins over to the lamb and the lamb's goodness is transferred to the sinner. Then the lamb is killed, the lamb is burnt and the smell goes up to heaven as a sweet smelling scent. Now, the sinner can walk away knowing that that death of the death is his death. He goes away knowing there is no more punishment and he can expect more good things in his life.

The gospel is very simple. All His goodness and blessings He deserved came on you. The cross is supposed to be where you are supposed to be. But Jesus took our place. Jesus cried out it is finished. Jesus paid it all. All His glory and favor is for you to receive. God forsook Jesus so that He will never forsake you. Are you ready to receive? You have already stepped into this zone of favor without knowing it.

Because the fire of God's holy judgement can never judge you again. So Pastor, knowing that I have been judged, can I go out and sin? Do you think you want to do it knowing that Jesus loved you so much? You are going to fall in love with Him over and over again.

God made men with a free choice. Come to receive from Him. No one can force you to receive these gifts. Are you ready to receive this gift?
Pastor goes on to pray the sinners prayer.

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