Friday, December 27, 2013

The Power to Sin No More

Dear readers, blogging will commence at least till 12 Jan 2014 because I am currently working overseas for 3 weeks. Currently situated in a place previously ruled by nomadic empires decades ago, Mongolia.

Being here at this time of the year is awesome, though the temperatures are rather harsh, it is still an an eye opening experience. Temperatures go as low as -20 degrees celsius for a week now and was told it can go as low as -30 degrees celsius. Quoted from a fellow Mongolian, he says, "The temperature is considered warm now." Hearing that, I knew I really had to keep really warm.

Mongolians are very polite people and very pleasant to work with. Mongolians grow up with great history and they have full of respect for people, even animals. I read a short brochure from my hotel room explaining how cashmere originated. It also shared how nomads, even present day Mongolians have such high respect for goats as goats were a picture of a strong animal that were able to brave the harsh weathers here.

During my first few days, I was very surprised to witness the Mongolian's love for meat. Their meals were made up of just meat. I was rather amused when I came across a phrase in a restaurant that says, "Meat for men, grass for animals!"

I must say 90% of the food menu is made up of mutton and horse meat. Personally not a big fan of mutton/horse meat and if I could, I would avoid them at all cost. You would be surprised to even see dumpling made from mutton, boiled mutton soup or stir fried horse meat. Mutton appears to be a national meat.

So, whilst in preparation for this trip, I actually bought the book recently launched by Pastor Prince, "The Power of Right Believing". I picked up the book at the Rock Bookstore during the recent Sunday only to find myself glued to random 2 pages in there. I passed it to my wife and the same happened. We were then led by the Lord to the cashier after that.

Tonight, as I continue to read where I left off, I came across this chapter which talked about a story of an adulterous woman from the bible. The revelation of Jesus literally jumped at me. I felt so inspired to blog and share this beauty of Jesus.

She was hauled into the streets by men from the temple and she had no match for the rabble who seized her. She struggled frantically to recover her footing as she was shoved in all directions. Cold fear gripped her like a serpent and she was drowned in the scornful taunts of the commotion who drew near to watch her. Images of a woman who attempted to crawl away from heavy stones hurled at her flashed in her head continuously. She witnessed the scornful mob who called for God's justice to be meted out. She never imagined that she would one day face the same fate. She had never set out to commit adultery. She knew it was a mistake to meet him alone. It was a terrible mistake, and now it was too late. According to the law of Moses, capital punishment was the price to pay and there was no escape from the law.

Thrown into the temple like a rag doll, she recognised the fragrance of the offerings being made on the bronze altar. Snatches of her father telling her that God would rain His blessings down upon their family flashed in her mind's eye, just before she was hauled before the feet of a man they called Teacher.

She knew her trial had begun, that this man must be her chief executioner. Shivering uncontrollably, she bowed her head and covered her eyes with her hair as best as she could so that she could not see the curious onlookers around her awaiting to witness her sentence.

Then her merciless accusers fired the first salvo: "Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do you say?" (John 8:4-5). Anticipating further humiliation, she braced herself for further condemning words of judgement from the teacher.

But she heard nothing, other than a deafening silence. It was as if the teacher had turned a deaf ear to the accusatory charges read against her. Then, from the corner of her eye, she saw the teacher stooping down and writing with His finger on the ground. The Pharisees, holding rocks in their hands and infuriated by the delay, demanded "What do you say, teacher? Do we stone her now?"

The teacher stood up before them, spoke with such resounding majesty that caught her breath in her throat. He declared, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first" (John 8:7). Then, He stooped to the ground once more and resumed writing as though there were no one present.

She was left bewildered. Many questions ran through her mind. The rocks that would have battered her to death fell impotent to the ground. One by one, the accusers turned and moved away. The crowds that had gathered also began to disperse, since it became clear that there would be no spectacle.

He lifted her head, and she saw His face for the first time. It was a face of compassion and love. A face that glowed with acceptance and assurance. She let her pent-up tears flow as He asked her, "Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?" (John 8:10). Throughout the ordeal, no one had spoken to her. She was not mattered. All that mattered was that she had done the deed and that it warranted her death. But the man who rescued her was looking and speaking to her as if she mattered.

Gratefully, she breathed, "No one, Lord!" She knew beyond a doubt that this teacher was no ordinary teacher. That is why she addressed Him as "Lord" and not "teacher" like the Pharisees did. Then she heard the words that she would never forget for the rest of her life: "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more" (John 8:11). As she made her way home, she recounted these words to herself over and over again, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." He had saved her life and she knew it would never be the same again.

In this story, Jesus demonstrated something very important. What enables someone to have the power to overcome sin? The law obviously did not stop the woman from committing adultery. But receiving Jesus' acceptance - knowing that even though she deserved to be stoned to death, He did not condemn her - that gave her the power to "go and sin no more."

Let's take a step back and examine the series of events. Jesus saved the woman righteously. He did not say, "Don't stone her. Show mercy on her." What He said was, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." And on their own accord, the religious folks left one by one.

Notice how, after that, Jesus did not ask the woman, "Why did you sin?" Most of the time when we come across people's failure, we come hard on them by asking, "Why did you do that? Why can't you do better?" It is usually a targeted attack on the victim. If we look at Jesus' response, He asked, "Where are those who accuse you? Has no one condemned you?" It seems as if Jesus was more preoccupied with the condemnation of the sin than the sin itself. He ensured that she walked away without the feeling of condemnation and shame. When God says something comes first, it must come first. What God puts first, man cannot put last. God says "no condemnation" comes first, and then you can "go and sin no more."

I tried to picture myself being in the shoes of the woman. Being there at the moment, I would surely be filled with remorse and keen to start life anew. Under normal circumstances, if Jesus was not present, the accusers would definitely have their way and all that is left is just a bloodied body. We will not have a chance to know that Jesus does not condemn us. How priceless would that truth be if I was there.

Sometimes, we say it this way: "Go and sin nore more first then we will not condemn you." All we need to understand that when there is no condemnation, people are empowered to live victorious lives, lives that glorify Jesus. This is where out empowerment comes from. Grace produces an effortless empowerment through the revelation of no condemnation. It is unmerited and completely undeserved. But we can receive it because Jesus paid for it at the cross to give us this gift of no condemnation.

The truth is, no one could cast the first stone at this woman. We have all sinned and fallen short. Our confidence today is not in our ability to keep the law perfectly. It is in the only one, Jesus Christ, who is the fulfillment of the law itself. In Christ, we are all equal. If someone has committed a sin, our place is not to judge them, but to restore them by pointing them to the forgiveness and gift of no condemnation that is found in Jesus. Doing that gives them the power to do good and lead a powerful life.

In this story, Jesus was in the flesh to demonstrate God's heart. His heart is unveiled in His grace and His forgiveness.

Know the truth that God does not condemn you today and that it is only by His grace that gives you the power to go and sin no more!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

17 November 2013

Praise and Worship: Today we sang All You've Done by Hillsong. Good to be back for another great worship session!

Topic: The Power of Right Believing Series

Video Footage of Pastor Prince's USA Tour 2013 in LA, California (6 Nov 2013)

We are in Psalm 91, with a good long life. At least believe God to live to a 120.
There is a revolution going round the world - the grace revolution. Some people can't even stand still. It's like the waves of grace coming upon them. 

John 1:7
Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 

John 1:16-17
"Grace for grace". The "for" there is anti. It means "in place of". Pastor asked for an illustration from God and God showed him the waves of Galilee.

Whatever is happening to the spiritual Israel will come to the natural Israel. His grace will be constant and unceasing. Our part is just to receive. Sometimes we do too much. It is those who receive much do much. Can you just allow yourself to be loved?

Like Mary when she received from the Lord. She chose the right portion to sit and receive the grace.
Sometime people criticise us that we never teach repentance. You might not have people coming up in tears and repenting, but there are those who's repentance is going on in their heads. Repentance is going on all the time because it is a change of mind.

One day Pastor asked God to show him repentance in the new covenant. So God brought Pastor to Luke 15, the story of the lost sheep. That illustration points out repentance.
Jesus pointed out: When you consent to be saved, when you consent to be carried, when you allow Me to, that is repentance.

Self-righteousness is the mother of all sins. Man wanting to be like god ate from that tree.
The first mention of fig leaves started when Adam and Eve were covered in salad dressing. When you want to be blessed in your life, you need to curse the fig tree then faith can operate.

Just preaching on right living does not produce right living. In fact it produce fear and guilt. When you preach Jesus, it produces the right believing and living.

Whose sin made you a sinner? We were not sinners because we sinned. We sin because we are sinners. We are sinners because Adam sinned. On that same token, we are saved by that one Man's obedience.

There are sinners and there are wicked sinners. We tend to judge people based on the degree of wickedness. To God, all are sinners. So who are we to judge?

What the devil wants to do is to take away your focus to the one man's obedience. You cannot undo your sinner status by doing good. The last Adam has come. His obedience has made you righteous. Ever since you were born again, have you done wrong? Has that changed your status?

The strength of sin is the law. All of us are self occupied. When there's a group photo, you look for yourself. Even if the president is in there, you still look for yourself. When you believe His righteous made you righteous, you look away from your self.

We are no longer defensive when we know our sins are forgiven. It is only when you are not confident that your sins are paid, then you start to bite and snap when people come to point out your weakness.

When you are under grace, you be gracious. We don't criticise. If we can stop the wrong and do the right, there's no need for Jesus.

At the bitter waters, at the Red Sea, the people of Israel did not have the temptation to build a golden calf. Only when they reached Mount Sinai, they told God they can do anything and they built the golden calf. 

2 Corinthians 10:4-5
Verse 5: Most of the times we do not know what to do with our thoughts. The devil comes to you and accuses you have not done enough.
The bible says as Jesus is, so are we in this world. 

Hebrews 1:3
Verse 3: Jesus sat down because he has finished the work and it last forever. 

Hebrews 5:1
Verse 1: "for men", "to God". The high priest represent us to God. Jesus is our high priest. He is for men, to God. God looks at the high priest as a representative. How good the high priest is determines how good our life. If the high priest falls dead in the hollies of hollies, the people can look forward to a bad year. Today we have Jesus as our high priest. If He is good, we are good. If he is accepted, we are accepted.

If your peace and joy is wrapped up in the high priest, then 1 John 4:7. If Jesus is under God grace and free favors, so are we in this world. As He is, so are we in this world. There was that one day which Jesus carried all our sickness. When Jesus did that, God has to heal all of them.

But Pastor, I still feel the pain. Pain is a fact, but truth outlasts pain. Our place is to behold Him and the holy spirit is a place to behold God. We are transformed as we behold Jesus from glory to glory.
You don't have to do anything to pay for your sins. It's all been paid for. The most humble thing is to tell yourself that your sins are all forgiven.

As you behold Jesus, you rise above your challenges. Just like the story of Peter walking on waters in the midst of the storm, the moment he turned his eyes away from Jesus, he became natural.

On the head of the high priest, there is a golden plate. Why didn't God chose Moses as the high priest. Moses grew up as a priest. So why was Aaron chosen to be the high priest? He grew up with men as a servant. You have to serve in order to be a high priest. 

Exodus 28:38
As long as your high priest's thoughts are holy, you are always accepted and pleasurable to the Lord.
If you reckon that Jesus' thoughts are always holy, then you are always accepted.

True story:
There was a New Yorker, who was delivered from pornography. Being martial art trained, he thought he could control his desire. He proclaimed God's deliverance till his addiction left him.

In closing,

On the cross, Jesus bowed His head. "Bowed" is the same word as "laid" in Greek. He found rest in saving us.

Pastor goes on to sing his favourite song, "I Cast All My Cares".

Sunday, November 3, 2013

27 October 2013 - Pastor Lim Lian Neo

Prasie and Worship: Worship led by Deacon Jeffrey and we sang some great songs.

1. My Hope Is You

2. With all I am

3. For thou art high

Topic: Intimacy with Christ

Daniel 11:32
The word "know" is the same as the "know" Genesis 4:1. It is the intimate knowing of Christ. Intimacy is something that is powerful. The fruit of intimacy is life. Adam had intimacy with his wife. When you have intimacy, it will eventually lead to life.

In Genesis 4:1, the word "Cain" means "possess". When you have intimacy with God, it causes you to have life to possess your possessions.

Matthew 8:5-10, 13
Story of the Centurion who had great faith. He was not under the Jewish faith and so he could easily have faith. The Centurion is a man of status and someone who is used to actions and not talk only.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your hear, and lean not on your own understanding. The Lord did not say you cannot have your own understanding but lean not on your own understanding.
The word "acknowledge" is the same word (yada), just like Adam knew Eve.

Pastor Lian then spent the next half hour sharing about the back pain she experienced last few weeks and her experience of dipping in the swimming pool to alleviate her pain.

Jesus died for us so that we are reconciled with the Father. Today if you can ask for good things for your children, how much more the Father freely give you all things?

Friday, October 11, 2013

6 October 2013

Praise and Worship: Today we sang a song which was my first time hearing it. As the song goes for some time, I realised it's actually quite nice. So when I came home, I became glued to the clip below and now it becomes like a song I've heard before. Another amazing song from Hillsong. I'm sure you feel the same like me too!

1. In Jesus' Name - Darlene Zschech

Topic: Continuing the Series of The Power of Right Believing

Right believing is not about believing long enough. It's about believing in an object that is right. That object is our Lord Jesus Christ. We know it is true because our faith is in Christ. Our right believing has to be in the right person.

When World War 2 ended, there were refugees who hid in caves and assumed that the war is still on. Afterwards, someone went in and shared with them that the war has ended.
What we are doing now is telling people that the war has ended. God has reconciled with us. Satan has been defeated and the powers of darkness vanquished. The people were in the cave with the wrong believing. Sharing the gospel with your family and friends is telling them the reality. God is just telling us to come home to love and provisions. The world of God is big.

John 8:31-36
Verse 32: The truth cannot make you free if don't know the truth. You need to know the truth to be set free. So what is the truth Jesus brought? Look to John 1:1-3.

John 1:14-16
Verse 14: The word became flesh for us. The word is full of grace and truth.

John 1:17
Verse 17: Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. "Came" in Greek is singular verb. It means grace is the truth that sets us free.

John 8:31-36
You can serve God with a slave or son-like attitude. We serve with the spirit of the son. A servant cannot cry Abba Father. Many of us have the servant attitude at work. If today you are taking over your father's empire, you look long term. For example, you do your utmost in customer service.

The love of God is such that He loves us though we were enemies. Christ didn't die for the goody people. Look to Romans 5:5-11 to see the love of God. Keep on reading.
Verse 7: Would you die for someone good?
Verse 8: God demonstrated His love while we were sinners.
God is a judge and He cannot spare sin. But yet He is love, sins need to be punished. So he sent His son to die on our behalf for us to live.
Verse 9: We shall be saved from wrath through Him. We are delivered from His wrath and because of this, God will never be angry with us ever again.
Verse 10: We shall be saved by His life. It's not our life.
Verse 11: We have now received the reconciliation.

Back to John 1:14-16
When Jesus was born, He was born the King of the Jews. When Jesus was at the age of 12, He could answer questions that astounded the Rabbis.
Since young, the Jews were taught to ask questions and never be afraid to ask whereas Gentiles are taught never to be heard. That is the reason Jews grow up very intelligent.
Jesus came to be used and to serve you. You end up with something you never had before so that you can serve Him.
The Jewish has a beautiful word for Grace. It is 'hesed'.
Verse 16: "... grace for grace". The word "for" is defined as "in place of".
A good pastor points people to Jesus Christ. Pastors and leaders can never replace Jesus Christ.
On this verse, Pastor saw a picture of a fresh wave coming to shore to replace another wave. When Jesus cried "It is finished", a wave broke out. God's law is magnified and grace and love are manifested.
God has died for you so that He can declare you righteous and at the same time maintain His righteous. This is called right believing.

Some Christians are believing it wrong. They think that one day the rooster will come back to roost. They think that one day God will come back to punish them for the sin they committed 2 years ago.
Law demands from bankrupt men. Grace is all about supply. We live in a world of demand. Many of these demands are legitimate. Demands to complete your work, family or boss. You need to wake up everyday and be reminded of that wave-after-wave illustration. Be supply minded. Thank God for the supply of grace in that situation of yours.

Jesus is always making people whole. Holiness is a by-product of wholeness. We have holes on our body. Jesus' wave comes splashing on you to fill those holes. Just when you thought that wave has gone, another wave comes to fill you up again. The thing you shouldn't try to do is through your own works.
God's grace is greater than sin. If sin today can stop His grace, it means sin is greater than grace. God's supply of grace is far greater than sin. What stops God's grace is your self righteousness.

Many of us think we are 30% good. With that, you receive 70% grace. The 30% wave that comes is wasted. Do not trust your own flesh. Take the total grace of God.
Before God can give grace, grace has to be appreciated. Don't glory in the flesh. You think you're pretty, there's someone prettier. You think you're smart, there's someone smarter.

Grace is not empowerment. Grace produces empowerment.

To put it bluntly across:
If God wants to get the glory, let God do ALL the work.

The period of Mount Sinai was a period of pure grace. It was based on His holiness. Every fresh complaint brought forth new grace. During post Sinai times, the people were under the covenant of the law. Every complaint brought death.

The law was given in Exodus 20. Exodus 19 tells us the reason for the law. Men told God to bring it on, confidently think they can keep the law. Notice right after men said that, God changed His tone and took a step back. God never had this tone before this. Before this, they were under the covenant of grace. It was based on His goodness.
After 1500 years of being under the law, Jesus came.

The strength of sin is the law. Before we can be good givers, we need to be good receivers.
Study the following chapters for better understanding:

On the parable of the kingdom: Before Matthew 13, there was something that happened in Chapter 12. In that chapter, Jesus talked about rejection. Jesus left Israel and went to the sea, to address the Gentiles. In Matthew 14, the head of John the Baptist was severed.

Matthew 14:12-17 talked about Jesus hearing the news. Knowing that, He could have killed them in one word. But He did not because His first coming was for grace, not a coming for judgement. In the second coming, God will come to judge only the non-believers.
Verse 13: Jesus went to a deserted place upon hearing the new of John. So why did He want to go there? He went there to grief. You need to know Jesus was fully man and had feelings. Notice multitudes followed Him.
Verse 14: Jesus healed those who followed Him from their sick. It seems that every man's wickedness brought forth waves of grace. God's grace is greater than your weakness.
Verse 15: Jesus told the disciples that the multitude can stay, just give them food to eat.
Verse 16: But the disciples said they only have 5 loaves and 2 fish.
Hallelujah. Do we need to read on?

Pastor then illustrates riding on the waves onstage. Imitates Michael Jackson and amused the audience.
Learn to ride the other wave. Don't keep staying on one wave. Otherwise you'll be beached.
Whether its healing for your body, financial lack, He multiplies your lack.

In Matthew 14, it is grace upon grace.
Verse 36: Those who touched His garment were made perfectly well. It seems like after those verses of rejection, there were more grace for His people.

In closing,

John 1:10-12
All of us are in verse 12. In verse 11, "He came to His own (neuter), and His own (masculine) did not receive Him."
He came to His own 'things' (referring to His creation), and His own (referring to 'men') did not receive Him. That was the rebellion of men.
Your past mistakes cannot overrule your tomorrow. His grace always supplies.
Jesus is grace and truth coming your way. One thing that stops that is your own efforts and pride.

Friday, October 4, 2013

29 September 2013

Topic: The Super-abounding Grace

When the Lord is our shepherd, we shall not want.
The day draws near where Pastor will be going to USA for a preaching tour. Pastor shares that the sermon preached over there will be broadcasted in church.

Romans 6:1-2
Believers are suffering not because the provision is not there but rather we do not have the right belief.
Faith is not more than right believing. We know we don't have to suffer or do good works to heaven. We know we will go to heaven without strive.
Verse 2: Here it says are you saying we sin for grace to abound? Paul never said that but he must have preached radically on this truth.
Dr Martin once asked why today no one is accusing preachers on this same context. He concluded that we are not preaching what Paul once preached. If you preach the same gospel Paul preached, you will be accused.

Romans 5:20-6:1
Verse 20: Where sin abounded, grace much more abounded. In Greek, these two Greek words are different.
The first word "abounded" is pleonazo which means increased. The second word "abounded" is huperperisseuo which means superabounded.
In the translation by Kenneth Wuest, he translates this verse to:
"Where sin existed in abundance, grace was in superabundance, and then some more added on top of that."

God hates sin more than anyone one of us. Righteousness and mercy kissed at the cross. His Son never sin and knew no sin. God spared us but not His own Son. God loves you. If God did not spare His own Son, how would He not freely give us all things? The one God loves the most, He gave it to you. Do you think God will withhold His healing if He already gave you His best?
God punished all our sins on the body of Jesus Christ. That's how much He loves us.

There was a man called Peter. We see Peter as a leader. In the bible, he cursed and swore he never knew Jesus three times. Despite that, Jesus told him He still loves him.

Mark 16:7
Verse 7: Of all the disciples, Peter's name was singled out. Jesus was reaching out to him. Why is that so? Where sin abounded, grace superabounded. Imagine just a few days ago, he denied Jesus three times. But yet Jesus told him to feed and tend His sheep and lamb. Peter was given the honour above all other disciples. We see the superaboundeding grace showered on Peter.

In the book of Matthew, it starts with the line of Abraham to Jesus Christ. In those verses, nothing was mentioned about woman. It starts with Abraham brought forth Isaac, Isaac brought forth Jacob and so on and so forth. In the whole bible, only 5 women were mentioned. If you study them, you will notice they all had a shady background.

Luke 24:47
Verse 47: "... beginning at Jerusalem." Then being the most guilty place.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10
These verses talk about how the messenger of the devil was following Paul throughout. Paul pleaded to the Lord three times but Jesus told him "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
In Greek:
Sufficient : strength to defend or ward off
Greater is He that is in you than the one in the world. Today you are a temple of God and a Christian will never be possessed.
Strength: miracle-working power
Perfect: show itself most effective

We are negative and God's grace is positive. Most of us try to be positive and pretend to have it but nothing comes out from it. Jesus does not like us to pretend to be someone we are not. When we do that, we thought we are being loved but in reality we will never feel God's love. You need to feel God's love to be become what God wants you to become.

In closing,

2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Verse 10: Jesus tells us to take pleasure in infirmities. When someone insults you, that's where you are in a position of weakness. This is when God comes into action. Thank God for your weaknesses. Paul sang praises to God during bad times. Grace is God's undeserving favour for you to receive.

Today maybe you are afraid to have a baby because of a tragedy in the past. Due to that, you are looking at the "what happened".  The devil always brings you to the "what happened". In fact, when that tragedy happened, you have already been given more grace and entitled to more grace in the next baby. Many of times, the next baby comes out a champion or it is becomes a easy delivery.

Genesis 17:1
All these years Abraham knew God as an almighty God. In Greek, almighty God is El Shaddai.

22 September 2013

Praise and Worship: Awesome song we sang during worship today.

Hillsong - Believe:

Topic: Are we under the law?

Pastor shared that our songs are so recognised by the world that the song "I see Grace" is now translated to Japanese.
He also talked about the upcoming 1 month tour in US and the favour of God in our church.
Hesed Publishers, a non-christian publisher has approached JPM to have him publish a book titled "Right Believing". In fact, there were 3 who approached him but he chose one. Hesed Publishing were chosen for Joe Olsten's books too.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is Salvation. The gospel is our strength and all that we dreamt for.
When Christ died on the cross, all sinners were in Him. When Jesus was raised from the dead, we were raised from the dead too. When we were raised to heavenly places, we too.                      
God tells us that ladies who are princely, they are not affected by negativity. Princes and princesses are generous.

Are we under the law? People in the world call it the morale law, making it pleasant to the ears.
Romans 7:1-13
Verse 1: The law has control over someone as long as he lives. But the law has no power over someone who is dead. It's only for people who lives.
Verse 2: A woman is bound by the law as long as he lives. Until the day the husband dies, she is released from the law.
The law came through Moses but grace came from Christ. Moses is depicted as the servant while Christ is depicted by the Son. In the bible, it says the servant does not abide in the house forever but the Son abides in the house forever.
The law is holy but it can never make you holy. The law is like a mirror to manifest what you really are.
All our holiness is in Jesus. The moment we take our eyes off Him, we are back to our own self.
The next verse tells us why Jesus died.
Verse 3: We were once married to the law. The woman here is referring to us.
Verse 4: Once reason Jesus died is to allow the woman to marry another.
There are believers who still believe they are under the law. Pastor points out that whoever believes that are cursed. Today only God can keep the law. There's none who can keep the law. Whoever breaks one breaks everything. Turn to the next verse and see.

Galatians 3:9-10
It says cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things written in the book of the law.

Back to Romans,
Verse 4: You bear fruit when you are married to Christ.
Pastor talks about the story of Ruth. Ruth met Boaz, a picture of Jesus. When Boaz married to Ruth, she bore forth Obed (means service) and Jessie. Then came David and the line of Jesus Christ.
Verse 5: "aroused by the law". The law stirs your sinful passions.

1 Corinthians 15:56
The verse says that the strength of sin is the law.

The way you bring about success is not about focusing on success. Work is a result of labour.
Focus on the process and not the result.
Make your company you are working for successful and you will be successful.
Don't wait for your boss to make you successful then make the company successful. It doesn't work this way. Don't try to put the cart before the horse. Rather, make the company successful and the Lord will make you successful.

Romans 8:3-4
Verse 4: The righteous requirement is fulfilled in me (not 'by'). Don't misquote this verse.

In closing,
Back to Romans 7:1-13
Verse 8: For apart from the law sin was dead. What it actually means that when we put our eyes on Christ, 
sin dies.
That is the very reason why Satan is bringing the law back. Let's not fall into the thinking that we are under the law for Jesus has already conquered sin and death.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Miles Hilton-Barber

I wonder if there is anyone who heard or knew about Miles Hilton-Barber?

Today, Miles is an inspirational keynote speaker so well known all around the world.

In his early twenties, he became blind due to a rare eye disease and that shattered his childhood dream of being a pilot. Since then, he hid from the world and lived in a life of pity. Miles and his elder brother were both blind but both saw life differently. At the age of 50, Miles decided to walk out of his misery after seeing his brother living a more fulfilling life.
From then on, Miles went on to create history and today some of his major achievements are, undertook a 55 days flight from London to Sydney, conquered 17,500 feet at the Himalayas, participated in a drag race in Britain, and many more. These were achieved by a man who could not see. Simply amazing.

Just like week, I was a blessed recipient of a lunch event organised by the firm for all promotees. We were told there will be a special guest speaker to address all who were present. Naturally, I assumed it would be the managing director to deliver a speech but I was wrong. The guest speaker was non other than Miles Hilton-Barber. At that moment, I had no clue who he was and also, I had never attended any motivational talks before. Well, I thought it would be fantastic if I could share with you what I brought home? :)


Circumstances affect your emotions. It affects the way you think and work.
Never allow fear to stop you from doing the right thing because fear stands for:

Your ability to grow in your company is your Attitude. Possess that right attitude so that you can inspire others.

When I stepped in to the ballroom in the morning, I could not believe that much effort was placed in the planning and execution of this event. It looked so much like a celebratory event for newly promoted directors. I was surprised at how this so-called "junior" milestone was recognised by the firm. It was only then I realised that it is how you look at things in life, to either look in a positive or negative spectrum.

Our life is measured by a circle around us. What's within the circle are the things you have achieved in your life.

If you're not doing anything new in your life, your circle is not growing in your personal life.

When was the last time you did something new in your personal life? That was the time when you last grown.

Successful leaders have successful personal and business lives. Strike a balance in your life to be a more effective person.

Remember these that will affect you:
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Health
4. Spirit

These things make you an effective person, not work.
Life is not all about work. Find back that balance back to be an inspiration to others.
Life is not about the number of breaths you take. It is about what takes your breath away.

You might be thinking. How can personal life and business life be related/linked? One can't mix both up since they are of two different things. Not exactly so.

Look at Tiger Woods. When his marriage was in a huge mess, his golf (career) followed and went downhill. Both are interlinked.

When you do more new things, you become more inspiring.

Four steps for you to succeed:
1. Start with your dreams.
Your life is a journey. When Miles was with people who was about to breathe their last, their regrets were only "relationships". It was never about work or money. The world is thirsty for relationships.

2.  Make a decision to live your dreams.
Take every opportunities that comes.

3. When you become real - Plan

4. Persevere.
Don't give up to pressures. If you put one foot ahead of the other, you can make it.

On the topic of Teamwork:
Our fingers are our strengths. In between our fingers are our weaknesses.
We work together (both hands interlocked) to cover each other's weaknesses.


My personal take:
Possessing that right attitude is important. When one looks at things negatively, they tend to whine and complain at every bit. They become cynical. Reminds me of a verse in the bible:

1 Peter 3:9-11
Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For, "Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it.

With that right attitude and just like what Pastor always shares, "Right believing always produces right living", we are definitely a blessed bunch of people!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

18 August 2013

Before service started, there were acoustic versions of some worship songs being played in the background. Wondering if anyone heard it too. One of which sounded really nice in acoustic - Jesus Be The Center. Here's a similar version for you.

Praise and Worship: Adeline came onstage to lead the church in praise and worship. We sang "God is Here" by Darlene Zschech and it was awesome. This is partly due to the new drummer we have who's got muscular arms. Maybe I'm bias but he's really explosive in his strokes!

1. God is here

2. Your Name

Topic:The Church is God's Best Secret

Special video testimony of a lady in our church who delivered her first child even though there was a lump in her womb. It was so serious that the doctor told her it is life threatening for the mother and the child. Despite the negative news, she chose to believe otherwise and trusted God entirely. On the operation theater while she was about to deliver, the doctor saw the situation wasn't good and prepared them for the worse. The doctor told them that because the lump was so big, they had to remove it and might also remove her womb. However God did His great work of healing and today she is a very blessed mother of 3 children.

What God did for one, He can do it for another. Don't give up. Everyone goes through different degree of problems. But if you believe in a God of miracles, and if you believe in miracles of God today,be ready to receive your harvest.

Jesus promised in His word that there will be none barren among you.
Deuteronomy 7:14:
"Thou shalt be blessed above all people: there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle."

Whatever scientific breakthrough or medical science, just go for it. It takes God to give you a successful IVF. Don't feel like you're going in a way of unbelief. Don't feel bad because you're seeing the doctor. There's no condemnation in being sick. Recall the Lord's prayer: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. If heaven has no sickness, then earth has no sickness.

Jesus was sharing the parable on the kingdom of heaven. In the end days, many anti-Christ will rise. But according to John, he said there were already many anti-Christ prevalent even at his time. These people are against the death of Christ.

The gospel of Matthew is written to the Jews. Matthew Chapter 13 talks about the 4 parables shared by the seaside. Back in the house, Jesus shared another 3 parables.

Matthew 13:44-46
When God looks down from heaven, He sees 3 groups of people. They are the Jews, Gentiles and the Church (Read 1 Corinthians 10:32). When Jesus shares the parables, He wants us to know we are special.

Verse 44: Drag net is referring to the Gentiles. Kingdom of heaven is referring to the Jews. The pearls are referring to the church. We are under the church group because we are all made up of Gentiles and non-Gentiles. Israel has to do with the soil. The promises that God gave to Abraham is seed and soil.

Exodus 19:5: God told Israel that they will be a special treasure.
Psalm 135:4: "Israel for His special treasure."

God is not judging any nation. Don't read revelation now and think that God is judging the world. In fact, God is presently showing His grace to the world.
Will it last forever? No, God will come in the second coming on a white horse. At that time, we will be caught up to be with Him and given a new body.

God's covenant with Abraham is unconditional. Some preachers teach covenant theology. They say everything in the Old Testament is for us today but all the bad in there is for Israel. On the same claim, Pastor points out, if God forgets Israel, how can you be sure He will not forget you?

Romans 9 talks about Israel's past, chapter 10 about the present and chapter 11 on the future. One day Israel will be saved entirely.

Back to Matthew 13:44-46,
Verse 44: "...for joy over that treasure..." Jesus finds joy and bought the entire world. Israel was bought. Bought does not mean redeem. Everyone is bought by God.

Some preachers quote a verse in Jude to show that Jesus bought us and nullify the redemption of God. You must understand that Jude was written to the Jews and it was meant to serve as a warning to all of us. Whether you like it or not, you are bought. Whether you are redeemed depends if you receive God as your saviour.

Jesus didn't just die for the treasure but He died for the whole world.

Verse 45: Explaining a little on the oyster and the pearl: An oyster receives a wound, then it releases nacar over the wound. This nacar contains the rainbow colours.
The rainbow is a sign that God will need be angry with you again. Back to the pearl, the injurer gives life to the injured. Overtime, the pearl is created.
The church is actually God's secret treasure. Another thing about the pearl is that it can only be found very deep in the oceans. That signifies that Jesus came down all the way deep down to die for us. The church is put in the sweetest and closest intimacy with God. The oyster and the pearl is an illustration of Jesus.

Ephesians 3:5-10
Verse 3: Paul says the church is God's well guarded secret. When you think of church, it is not about a building. A church is the longest lasting organisation that you have ever seen.
Verse 4: The first church is made up of Jews. This was a revelation to them.

Another thing about the pearl is that when pearl comes in contact with your perspiration, it loses its shine. Now, some of you are getting it. The lustre can only be regained when you wash it with water. Hallelujah. Reading the word is akin to washing ourselves with water. That's where we shine brighter each day. In Christian life, there is no sweat. It is the blessing of The Lord, when God blesses, what can the fiery darts do?

Ephesians 5:28
Verse 28: It starts to say Jesus loves the church and husbands love your wives.
Verse 29: Nourishes your wife with words. If she says she's old, find things for her to do to make her feel otherwise.
Verse 30: We are members of His bones. Jesus does not have diseased bones, so are we.
Verse 31: Eve was a well guarded secret before she came from Adam. The church is God's last secret.
Verse 33: Every heavenly truth must be translated to a day to day practice.

Let's read this verse if read from the Amplified bible.
33 However, let each man of you [without exception] love his wife as [being in a sense] his very own self; and let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband that she notices him, regards him, honors him, prefers him, venerates, and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly].

Pastor jokes that that verse must be written by a man.

Marriage is a decision. Staying together is a decision. If you come to a place where you love has become bland, it is about feelings. Pastor advices for the couple to stay together for the sake of their children because their children have a future. Don't try for each other but just do it for your children. "But Pastor, this is not real". Pastor says this is real to do it for your children.

In closing,

Pearl is not mentioned in the Old Testament. In actual fact, an Israeli does not hold much regard for a pearl. But yet, pearls can be found in heaven. See the following verse.

Revelation 12:12
Verse 12: Heaven has 12 gates. Each gate has a huge giant pearl. It signifies the Gentiles are preaching the gospel to Israel. It's like us saying, "You have blessed us with the bible, now it's our turn to bless you".

Monday, August 5, 2013

4 August 2013

Dear readers! It has been 2 months since I last blogged our church's sermons! Just in case you thought my blog has closed for business, that's not the case :)

For the past 2 months it was really hectic. After coming back from our holidays, we had serious jet lag. For the first time in history, we couldn't sleep and I got really worried. Our honeymoon in November 2012 wasn't like this. We didn't even had jet lag and for once I thought I needed a doctor.

First week was busy catching up some sleep and therefore missed church. The subsequent weeks were as busy too. Running around to source for renovation related stuffs, meeting up with different suppliers and the contractor for my dad's home. And you thought that was over, I had to run around to meet up with the relatives to announce and deliver the wedding cakes and cards for my sister's wedding in September this year.

All these came together and I miss church and blogging..! I thought if one day I were to set up a blog to share a little of my life, I wonder how many would read it? Well well.. :]

Ok, I shall stop here and share the sermon for 4 August. I've also uploaded the sermon for 21 July right after this entry. Be blessed!


Praise and Worship: Sean leads the church to another great worship time. Today, we sang and "danced" to a song by Hillsong. Got too involved in it that I forgot to note the title of the song. The next song is another awesome one.

Topic: Beautiful Secrets Revealed from Parables

"Grace grace" was taken from the book of Zacheriah. In Zacheriah 4:7, he tells King Zerubbabel to shout grace grace to the mountains.

Faith is having a higher regard of God's opinion. God's word is the truth. God cannot lie. The bible did not say He never lie. The problem is man can lie. Therefore, trust God's word.

If God were to let go of the rain just like that, it will destroy earth. God causes His blessings to fall as rain. He is a merciful God.

The bible is the connection between heaven and earth. Paul told Timothy that every scripture is God-breathed. God made Adam like a mannequin and breathed into Adam for him to be a living soul. If today your body is breaking down, look to God. If God can breathe into Adam, He can breathe into your body and restore it.

When God pours down rain, the rain will not return to Him empty. Just like when you sow, it will not come to you empty.

Matthew 13:1-19
Verse 1: You are about to hear Jesus share about parables for the first time.
Illustrations are not parables. A parable is like this. The kingdom of heaven is like a sower who went out to sow.
For the first time, Jesus shared abut the 7 parables. The kingdom of heaven encompasses the church. People can say Jesus is depicted as many characters or say the bible is not being consistent. But to us, we see His beauty. We see Jesus as the divine servant.
Jesus said man can not live by bread alone. When Jesus says man cannot live, it means cannot. Man not only lives by food but also by the word of God. Jesus goes around doing good but the people rejected Him. If back then people accepted Him, heaven will be a place on earth.

Pastor does not believe that man can commit the unpardonable sin (referenced to Chapter 12). At that time, it was the ultimate rejection. That was why Jesus shared the parables. Parables that Jesus shared are to hide truths for those who have a heart for God's truths. Those with a heart will receive it.

Back to the verses, "House" refers to Israel. "Sea" is always referred as the Gentile nation.

The first 4 parables were shared at the seaside. After that, Jesus went back to the house to share the next 3 parables. This act shows that Jesus is coming back to Israel. These parables show you Christiandom today.

Verse 2: Pastor jokes. In those days, Jesus sat (Verse 1) while the multitudes stood to hear Him preach. Look how it has changed today.

If you hear God's word, see God's word, it goes into your heart and becomes life and health to your body. (Refer to Proverbs 4:20-22)

Verse 3-9: Talks about the first parable.
Verse 11: When asked why parables are shared, Jesus answered here. Jesus said, it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. Parables are to prevent God's truth to be taken away by people who has no heart for Him.

Jesus gave you the bible for you to appreciate Him. Just like a woman, if you appreciate her, she opens up her treasure and embraces you. Likewise, she closes up if you do not treasure her.

God hides all truths to even wise men, but He reveals them to babes. As long as you have a teachable heart, Jesus will reveal His truth to you. Don't be jealous over anything. When you see people who are blessed, just say God gave it to them. On the same token, you should be encouraged. If God can do it to unto others, God can do it for you too. God is a big God, never limit His abundance.
Verse 12: God wants you to have abundance. He says he who has will have even more. So what is this "has"? According to Mark's account, it is "what you hear" while for Luke's account, it is "how you hear". Take heed what you hear.
Verse 13: It not meant to make people understand. You can see here that God is not very hard-up for you to know His secrets. It's only for people with a heart to know.
Verse 14: You are about to hear a beautiful revelation of how God is obliged to heal you today. God binds Himself to this promise. This verse is quoted from Isaiah.
Verse 15: "Waxed gloss" refers to "fatty" hearts of the people who refused to understand His heart. This verse talks about people shutting their ears and eyes on purpose.
Then God says, if they have eyes to see, ears to hear and heart to understand, Jesus then says I have no choice but to heal. Notice from this sentence ".. and I should heal them". God is obliged to heal. If you want to walk in health, God tells you how.
Verse 16: Jesus says blessed are your eyes and your ears. Jesus is protective over His secrets.
Verse 17: Jesus is referring to the old testament prophets here.
Verse 18: Jesus is about to interpret on the first parable.
Verse 19: There are 4 grounds and this is the first ground. Jesus says for those who hear the word and understand not.
In other words, these people purposely refusing to understand God's word. The wicked one then comes to steal away the truth. The word "then" is there for a reason. It means God does not allow satan to take away the truth from anyone unless the people does not have a heart for His word.
Back to that sentence "... then cometh the wicked one ..." God is a very just God. Everyone receives equal chance to hear His truth. However, one decides if he has a heart for it. You think for one moment that the devil is so gungho to make you sick? It only happens when you choose to believe not, giving the authority for him to take away God's word in your heart.
Verse 23: The one who chooses to understand the word bears fruit and brings forth 100, 60 and 30 fold blessings. Everytime before you hear Pastor preach, pray for a listening heart.

A recap: Last week, Pastor shared that every word is God breathe, not inspired by man.

Psalm 110:4
Verse 4: God swore in this verse. You know that God does not need to swear because God's word is truth. He swore by Himself. It's like a double assurance lock.

Psalm 22 talks about God's death.
Psalm 23 talks about God being our shepherd.
Psalm 24 talks about the gates of heaven opening for Jesus.

God placed His hand on Jesus and swore, "You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek."

Hebrews 7:21-25
Verse 21: Melchizedek priesthood appeared only once. God did not promise to the Levi the security that lasts forever whereas God promised to us His security.
Verse 25: You will be saved to the uttermost (beautiful descriptive word)

Hebrew 5:10-12
Not everyone can understand Melchizedek priest.
Verse 11-12: In essence, if you can understand the order of Melchizedek, you will be blessed.
Melchizedek is a picture of Jesus Christ.

Genesis 14:18-23
Verse 18: Melchizedek brought bread and wine - the communion. It's for your health.
Verse 19: Melchizedek blessed Abraham.
Verse 20: Abraham gave him a tithe to acknowledge him in his life.

On the same topic of tithing, Pastor shares that there are existence of sincere grace preachers who go all out claiming there is no need to tithe and proceed to nullify all of God's truths.

Hebrews 7:4-10
Verse 4: According to Abraham, the tithe is to show the one you are tithing how great he is. Notice Abraham tithed to Melchizedek. The tithe is meant to proclaim how great your king is.
Verse 8: "Here" (Pastor points to earth) mortal men receive tithes, "there" (Pastor points to heaven) he receives them and is a witness that he lives.
Melchizedek brought the communion to testify that He lives. Abraham brought the tithing to testify that God is the greatest.

Pastor shares: One day God woke Pastor up and asked is communion practiced in every denomination? Yes, he answers.
God then asked if tithing practiced is every denomination? He pauses and answers, no. Being curious, Pastor asked. God explains because My son brought communion. When Jesus brought something, it is brought. When Abraham brought tithing and man is involved, man can say otherwise.

Pastor was astounded. He never hear this preached before. That's why he explains, tithing is not for the whole church.

"But Pastor! I tithed yesterday what.. but.. but nothing happened on Monday!"
Read the story of Jacob who became so wealthy:

Genesis 28:19-22
These verses talk about Jacob vowing to give a tenth to God. For twenty years, (referred to Genesis 31), Jacob has many servants and became a very wealthy man.

Genesis 31:11-13
Verse 12 and 13: You think God has forgotten Jacob's vow? He was watching over him during these 20 years.

In closing,

Secret of tithing revealed here:
Hebrews 7:4-10
Verse 9-10: Jesus priesthood is greater than Levi priesthood. What God is saying is, when Abraham tithed to God, Levi was in Abraham. To put it simply, when Pastor tithed, Wendy and Justin also "tithed".

God has a plan to bless your generation! Jesus is not just looking to bless you only. Our tithing affects our children's children.

21 July 2013

Pastor Gabriel shares a testimony of a sister in our church who was involved in an accident last week while heading to Kuala Lumpur. She was seated at the left rear and before the truck rammed into her vehicle, she was actually asleep. The impact woke her up and while the car spun out of control , she uttered "grace grace". Subsequently she was sent to the hospital and was discharged few days later.
Pictures of the accident were shown onscreen and what we all saw was a wreaked vehicle. The rear was so damaged that anyone who saw the photo would assume the passenger seated behind would barely make it alive. It was indeed grace that preserved her life.

Topic: Speak Grace to Your Situation

The church warmly welcomes Pastor Prince on stage.
In the book of Mark Chapter 14, Jesus said, "smite the shepherd and all the sheep will scatter" on the night before He was betrayed. Today, this is still the technique employed by evil forces. Therefore, it's always good to pray for all the Pastors.

God never gave the law to justify men but to show man their guilty self. Jesus said, the servant does not abide forever but the son abides forever.

Zachariah and Elizabeth brought forth John.
Zacha is defined as "God remembers His promise and sends Grace (John)". Man is still standing before God as a judge. Man is self righteous. God doesn't want you to stand before Him as a judge but as a justifier.

So what was it that Job greatly feared? Job did something continually everyday.
Read Job 1:5. Job wasn't resting in the finished work and he was so conscious of his self righteousness. Actually, all forms of fear originates from condemnation. If you are condemned in your heart, it is due to your self righteousness before fear actually came.

Is God a judge? Yes, He is but He doesn't want to judge. That is the reason He sent His son Jesus. God has found a ransom for your sins.

God sent His son to die and pay for our redemption. Today, God's redemption is on your side.
God is not pitiful in making you righteous. God is righteous making you righteous. Stand before Him as a righteous man.

It's not a question of who you are but who Jesus is. It's never all about you but about Jesus.

Numbers 5:1-3
Command the children of Israel that they put out of the camp every leper, everyone who has a discharge, and whoever becomes defiled by a corpse.

Verse 2: "Leper" is passive uncleanliness and "discharge" is active uncleanliness. "Corpse" is association with both.

Galatians 5:4
This is a horrible thing to happen to you and we don't want that. Regardless of the disease, He did not qualify the sick. The only thing that can stop God's grace from flowing in your life is self-righteousness. When you have self righteousness, you are telling God you are self righteous. Jesus calls these people fallen from grace.  Self righteousness produces condemnation which kills.

When you focus on just yourself, the devil has gotten you.

Long before poverty came into Adam and Eve's lives, they were in condemnation. Pastor shows a picture of a huge fig tree for illustration purposes.

When marriages break down, it's usually when both cannot see eye to eye. But if you were to dig deeper, it could be because the husband is worried about not providing enough for his family. Then the husband goes into fear/stress mode and this subsequently leads to condemnation.

Destructive habits
Financial lack

On one account, Jesus went to one of these fig tree and cursed it. During that time, the time of fig wasn't yet. But a fig tree is designed to have first fruits before the time of fig. So when Jesus walked by and didn't see the first fruits, He cursed it. He did that as He doesn't want His people to be deceived because fig tree is a representation of self righteousness.

The righteousness of faith speaks. It is, "I believe, I speak".

Jesus spoke what He wanted to see. In today's context, the word of "die" is programmed in our language. You need to curse self righteousness in order for faith to operate. God cursed the fig tree so that faith can operate. The leaves of God's righteousness means life and health.

Mark 11:1-23
Verse 23: The word "doubt" is "diakrino". You have doubt because there's condemnation in your heart. doubt.

In God's economy, the bigger the problem, the easier and better for him.

Romans 14:22-23
Verse 22: Paul asks if you have faith? Happy is he who does not condemn (krino) himself in what he approves.

Pastor asks, when you were a sinner, did you have to believe for sickness? No, it all came as a sinner-package. But now that you are not a sinner, look to God and all these things will be added unto you.

Verse 23: "But he who doubts (diakrino) is condemned if he eats.."

These words are the same as Mark 11:23.

Ezra 3:8
Verse 8: Zerubbabel is the prince of the house of Judah.

Joshua became the high priest. Both represents Jesus - Kingly line and priesthood. When both persons are combined together, it becomes Kingly priesthood.

Ezra 4:4-6
Verse 4-6: When you build a temple for the Lord, there are troubles.

To be murmuring and complaining is a manifestation of self righteousness. Pastor points out that it is good place to start a family in Singapore. In fact, many people want to stay here.

In closing,

Zechariah 4:4-7
Verse 7: Shout "Grace, grace to it!" Shout to your problem and it will no more be a problem. When you are sick, feeling depressed, listen your way out of depression.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Dear readers,

I will be on vacation in Europe from 14 June to 3 July 2013. As such, I will not be able to blog for 3 weeks!

I hope to see you all at my blog till then :)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

9 June 2013

Praise and Worship: 
It has been 2 weeks since my last time in church. Totally excited to be back today and looking forward to worship. Adeline steps up and led the praise and worship. Awesome songs especially "God Is Here" and "Your Grace Is Sufficient" and sang to my heart's content.
No photographs for my readers today as it happened that an usher was sitting behind me and caught me snapping some photos.

1. God Is Here

2. Today Is The Day

3. Your Grace Is Sufficient

4. Your Saving Grace

Topic: God's Forgiveness is Forever

Pastor Lian leads the holy communion today.

The reason why you can be fearless is because of the presence of God with us. We know He is present with us and not because of the absence of fear. Perfect love cast out fear. Jesus is not just with us, He is in us.
That is why we come today to remember Him. Remember that He gave His body to be broken so that ours will be completely whole.

First Testimony:
Shares about how a brother in our church lost control with his car after the wheel got entangled with some fallen tree branches. Two taxi drivers stopped by after a few minutes later to his aid. He went through several tests and was finally discharged on the 7th day.

Second Testimony:
Shares about how a relative in our church was diagnosed with cancer in his lungs and was only given a few months to live. He was introduced to the message, listened to God's word and fell in love with Jesus. A few weeks later, he went through PET scan only to find out he is cancer-less.

Pastor Prince comes on video: He is very pleased to be back a few days ago. He shared that there are many grace-based worship leaders coming after being so impacted by the message of grace. The entire thing about Christianity is that it is not a religion. It is not about keeping a set of rules for God to bless you. It is not even that. When Jesus came, He brought the gospel to us. He came to where we are and this is not a religion. God reached to man. When God reached out, God gets. In the book of Leviticus, the leper cannot embrace his kids, cannot kiss his wife and is kept away. But God cared for him to ask him to be brought to Jesus.

Christianity is not about right doing but is about right believing.

Romans 1:5
Verse 5: Paul knew he was called to preach obedience to the faith. So what is obedience to the faith? It is nothing more than right believing. Man is not essentially dust. God breathed into man to give man life. Man became a speaking spirit and rules by his words. God made man last so that man will rule over what God has made.
Right believing affects your body, your life, your family and all aspects of your life. A sign of worry is a good indication that you are not believing right.

The bible tells us about the prodigal son. The elder was jealous, confronted the father and criticised him for killing the calf to celebrate the younger son's return. He felt he did lots of thing to earn his father's praise. But look what the father replied. The father said to him that "Son, you are near to me. Whatever I have, is yours." What the father was saying is that everything belonging to his father belongs to him. He can do whatever he wants to the calf.

3 John 1:2
Verse 2: Over here it's talking about material prosperity. God wants us to pray for that and then pray for health. Prosperity is a servant, not a master.
".. that you may prosper.." in Greek, is present passive infinitive. Passive means to receive the action - e.g. the boy was hit by the ball.
".. be in health.." in Greek means present active infinitive.
In other words, you can be prosperous without doing anything about it. You can be just a recipient. But when it comes to health and you don't participate in it, you can be sick. That is the reason why there are people who are prospering. That is the reason the church asks you to claim God's healing through verses and by partaking His body. If you attend a church and hear that healing is not for us, leave that church.
When Jesus cried it is finished, it is a perfect word and it cannot be reversed.

Your health is to serve the Lord with. So how does your soul prosper? In the context of 3 John 2, the focus is on truth.
In verse 3, ".. just as you walk (present active indicative) in the truth."
In verse 4, it is also also about truth.
Truth is on the side of grace. The law stands alone. The law of Moses was given but grace and truth came. You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. Some people are bringing back the law but it is not the law that sets people free.

Galatians 2:14-16
Verse 14: Paul saw that they walked not in the truth of the gospel.
Verse 16: No flesh can be justified by the law. Trying to keep the law does not produce any results.

There was a time in the Old Testament, when the doors of the temple were shut because the king started to worship idols. He took the precious things of God and gave his idols. Then God brought judgement to him. Then his son, Hezekiah took over. See the story in 2 Chronicles 29:6.

Christiandom does not mean everyone is saved. It just means that they are part of a church. It is made up of people who either confess their sins or are truly saved. Christiandom has shut the doors of The Lord for 2000 years.

According to Hebrews 10, once we are forgiven for our sins, we have boldness. The door is the access to God's kingdom.

The Lord's prayer is actually not the Lord's. It is actually the disciples' prayer. The Lord taught them what to pray because He has not died then.

All the forgiveness of the bible is all clear and certain. Everyone who believes receive the forgiveness.
There was a certain pastor who stood at the pulpit and said he doesn't know if he's going to heaven. Imagine how his people feel. Our bible says we are and these things are written so you may know.

Ephesians 1:7
Verse 7: "in Him we have.." in Greek, it is present active indicative. It also means "echo" (See definition below) - you have it. You are forgiven according to His riches and grace. He didn't just forgive like that. There was a penalty paid. There is a ransom and He has the right to forgive. You may think that Jesus' death is His death. But it is actually for us.
"Sin" here is also "paratoma" in Greek.

Thayer's Definition:
- To posses, own.

1 John 1-9 is presently a problem because Christians do not know who it is written to.
1 John 2:12
Verse 2: Chapter 2 is after Chapter 1. It starts with "little children". The word "forgiven" is perfect passive particle. We have been forgiven and are still forgiven today. There's no such thing as an an unforgiving christian.

"But but Pastor, if we teach a young Christian and he lives like a devil for many years, how?"
Firstly, if he were to live like a devil for many years, then he wasn't a believer to begin with.

Matthew 6:14-15
Verse 14 & 15: Looks frightening right? None were saved. Jewish people are the only ones who can call God, "My Father". In the Old Testament, the Jewish are baby Christians. "Trespasses" is paraptoma.

Ephesians 4:32
Verse 32: We forgive because God in Christ has forgiven. Forgive here is once and for all. This is the basis for us to forgive others.

How do we have that love for God?
Luke 7:42-43
Verse 42: Jesus said the debtor freely forgave them both. So which of them will love him most?
"Most" means greater in quantity and quality according to Thayer's Definition.
Verse 43: Simon said the one whom he forgave most. But notice Jesus asked who will the two love him most. The one who knows he is forgiven loves God most.

So why people are not passionately in love with God.
If everything is "have to" in your relationship, then there's no chance for "you want to".

In closing,

If you live in sin, there are consequences.

Matthew 18:21-35
Verse 21: Peter comes
Verse 22: "Seventy times 7" is infinite in bible numeric. Marriage is all about being forgiving.
Verse 26: He really believed he can pay it all. Wrong believing here.
Verse 27: "The master" here refers to God.
Verse 28-30: Talks about the man being out in prison until his debt is paid in full.
Verse 31-35: Thank God the story shared here is before the death and resurrection of Jesus. Enjoy the forgiveness today.

Back to Luke 7:42-43
Luke 43: Leaders need to rightly judge. This is the correct discernment we need to have as we have been judging wrongly.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

19 May 2013 - Pastor Lawrence

Praise and Worship: Today's worship was made even better with Pastor Darlene Zschech and her team leading us in praise and worship. We sang all new songs and it was always a joy to see their worship team. Their music are anointed and I think they make a fantastic rock band. Can't get my eyes away from the drummer as he seem to go on and on without feeling tired. The strength when he beats the drum is solid.

1. Your Presence Is Heaven

2. Victor's Crown

Darlene Zschech leading the worship team

The talented drummer

Wife says he is dashing, anyone with her?

Another shot of Mr Good-Looking

Last song for second service

Today, Pastor Prince is taking a rest and is on a holiday with his wife. Pastor Lawrence will be preaching the word today.

Pastor Lawrence came out and warm up the audience with a joke.

At the heavenly gates, Apostle Paul prepares to welcome Jack, the taxi driver with style. He prepares the music and heavenly hosts ready for Jack to arrive. As he arrives, Apostle Paul goes up to him and welcome him.

"Hey yo Jack, welcome to the heavenly places. We have been expecting you for a long time!".

On one side was a preacher who was observing quietly. He thought to himself, "I have preached for a good 50 years and served God with integrity. I suppose my welcome would be greater than Jack who is just a taxi driver".

He walks up to Apostle Paul. "Paul, here I am. I have arrived".

Paul looks and him sheepishly and acknowledged. This was not what the preacher expected.

He felt annoyed and told Paul, "Aren't you welcoming me like Jack? I have served the Lord for 50 years! I did great things for the kingdom!"

This time Paul replied, "Well dude you see, when you preach, people fall asleep. But when Jack drives, people pray!"


Topic: The Mercy of God That Knows No Bounds

God does not save you because of your works. God loves you and is a God who always will.

Psalm 107:1-2
Verse 2: Today we are the redeemed of the Lord. What does the Lord wants us to say? Not saying "so". He wants us to give thanks to the Lord.

God rejoices when we do good. God is a good God.

Acts 10:38 says The Lord went about doing good. Today Jesus is the expressed image of the invisible God. The greek word for "expressed image" is defined as the exact impression of God. If you want to see God, just look to Jesus. God says healing is good and it comes from God. Today if you are sick, you can look to our good God for healing.

Sickness is an impression of the devil. Jesus said to the woman who was bent for 18 years, "... whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen years.."

We can see it is the devil who binds. But, we have a God who goes about doing good. He wants to heal you and He is the same today, yesterday and forever.

Referring to Psalm 107,
In NIV Translation, it says "His love" endures forever.
In AMP Translation, it says "His mercy and loving-kindness".

"Mercy" is a very rich word. It is hesed in greek. King David wrote Psalm and he had an insight of the mercy of God even though he was living in the old covenant.

We read in the bible that David was not a perfect man. David committed adultery with Bathsheba and caused her to be pregnant. In order to cover his sin, he planned the death of Bathsheba's husband by manipulating the retreat of the troops and leaving him to fight the war alone. He committed 2 grave sins.

2 Samuel 12:11-12
Verse 11 & 12: Prophet Nathan proclaimed judgement on David. You need to understand that they were living under the law of Moses back then and in the past, every sin is accounted for. For such sin, the sinner would be stoned under the law.
Verse 13: David deserved to die as he has 2 death counts against him. When he admitted he has sinned against the Lord, he was sparred from death. He experienced God's mercy and he knew something about His mercy.

Verse 24 & 25: After this entire episode, Bathsheba bore him a son, Solomon. Of all people, why did God choose Bathsheba and David to bear Solomon. It doesn't matter what sins you have committed, our God is full of mercy and second chance. God is quick to forgive and restore.

Through Prophet Nathan, judgement came. God does not leave it just there. God caused Solomon to come through Prophet Nathan.
Under the old covenant, there were punishment for sins. Prophet Nathan proclaimed that his first child will die. We saw that David knew the mercy of God as he prayed for his child to live in 2 Samuel 12:22-23. We are looking at a man who is living under an old covenant and yet he knew about God's mercy. There is a revelation in these verses that every first child who dies before his time, is in heaven. Pastor shared that his wife had 2 miscarriages and he points out that they are in heaven.

Why does the mercy of God endures forever? We will all continue to sin but His mercies are new every morning.

Psalm 103:7-13
Verse 7: This is written by Kind David. God wants us to know His acts and ways.
Verse 8: The Lord is merciful and gracious and abounds in mercy.
Verse 9-10: David says He does not punish us accordingly to our iniquities.
Verse 11: So great is His mercy to you. God measures His mercy to the heights of the heavens.
Verse 12: Today it gives God great pleasure when you believe you are forgiven. He has removed all our sins as far as the east is from the west. To a Singaporean, east to west is aka Changi to Tuas. The Lord is talking about the whole universe.

We think we can out-sin the mercy of God. We think because we sins too many times till His mercy has been exhausted. Since when is anyone worthy for the forgiveness of God? Are you saying we can earn His forgiveness through our works? We are all unworthy and it is by His mercy and grace that we enjoy every blessing today. It has nothing to do with us but to do with God.

Revelation 12:10-11
Verse 10: The devil accuses us before our God day and night. That is voice of the devil. The voice of God tells you you are forgiven.
Verse 11: We overcome the accusations of the devil by the blood of the lamb. His blood has cleansed us and today we are whiter than snow. It doesn't matter the magnitude of your sins, it is about who died for you on the cross. That blood is not a blood of bulls and goats which last for a year. That blood is a blood of Jesus that lasts a lifetime.

We are special not because of who we are but whose we are. Once saved, always saved. God loves you with an everlasting love. That is why we say "Praise The Lord for He is good and His mercies endures forever".

Psalm 147:10-11
Verse 10: God des not take pleasure in your works. He takes pleasure when you hope in His mercy. It is the confident expectation in His mercy.

Pastor shares one of his favourite verse:
Jeremiah 31:3
I have loved you with an everlasting love.

God draws you with His grace, love, kindness and mercy. He does not draw you through fear.

Psalm 36:7
Verse 7: This "loving-kindness" is hesed.

David has this revelation which is so important to him. We can see from:
1 Chronicles 16:41
Verse 41: Herman and Jeduthun were the worship leaders. David told them to continue to praise the Lord. We give thanks to God because of His mercy that endures forever.
God emphasises here to let us know that He is filled with kindness towards you. This is a powerful phrase.

2 Chronicles 20:21
Verse 21: In the midst of war, they sung praises to God. They emphasised on His mercy while singing songs of praise. That is what God wants you to sing about. God wants you to remember that He loves you. He who is good will turn around the bad circumstances for your good.

2 Chronicles 5:13-14
During this dedication, a glory cloud came. Let's find out the moment when this glory cloud appeared.
Verse 13: When they said "For He is good, His mercies ended forever", the glory cloud came. When we focus on Him, His presence fills us. When you sing about His love, you will be filled with His tangible presence. God is reminding us over and over again that He is love.

When the Lord has to judge in Isaiah, He finds it strange and foreign to do so. Our God delights in showing mercy to us.

In closing,

Michael 7:18-19
Verse 18: Our God delights in mercy and this gives Him great joy.
Verse 19: All your sins have been wiped out in your life. He's not disappointed when He has to forgive you. He can forgive us because of the finished work of Jesus.

Grace is no just a doctrine. Grace is a very person of Jesus Christ.

Pastor shares a true story:
There was once a son who was addicted to drugs. He left his father and never came home. One day, someone told the father that they saw a man at a certain street who looked like his son. Upon hearing that, he went there everyday hoping to see him. Then one night, he saw his son together with many other drug traffickers. He went up to him, knelt down, kissed him and left.
One day, the son rang the door bell and it caught his dad by surpise. When asked why, his son explained that it was that night, when his father kissed him, he came to understand that his father were not angry with him. The realisation of the father's forgiveness brought him to repentance and back home.

It is through God's mercy that always leads us to repentance.