Sunday, November 3, 2013

27 October 2013 - Pastor Lim Lian Neo

Prasie and Worship: Worship led by Deacon Jeffrey and we sang some great songs.

1. My Hope Is You

2. With all I am

3. For thou art high

Topic: Intimacy with Christ

Daniel 11:32
The word "know" is the same as the "know" Genesis 4:1. It is the intimate knowing of Christ. Intimacy is something that is powerful. The fruit of intimacy is life. Adam had intimacy with his wife. When you have intimacy, it will eventually lead to life.

In Genesis 4:1, the word "Cain" means "possess". When you have intimacy with God, it causes you to have life to possess your possessions.

Matthew 8:5-10, 13
Story of the Centurion who had great faith. He was not under the Jewish faith and so he could easily have faith. The Centurion is a man of status and someone who is used to actions and not talk only.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your hear, and lean not on your own understanding. The Lord did not say you cannot have your own understanding but lean not on your own understanding.
The word "acknowledge" is the same word (yada), just like Adam knew Eve.

Pastor Lian then spent the next half hour sharing about the back pain she experienced last few weeks and her experience of dipping in the swimming pool to alleviate her pain.

Jesus died for us so that we are reconciled with the Father. Today if you can ask for good things for your children, how much more the Father freely give you all things?

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