Saturday, August 24, 2013

Miles Hilton-Barber

I wonder if there is anyone who heard or knew about Miles Hilton-Barber?

Today, Miles is an inspirational keynote speaker so well known all around the world.

In his early twenties, he became blind due to a rare eye disease and that shattered his childhood dream of being a pilot. Since then, he hid from the world and lived in a life of pity. Miles and his elder brother were both blind but both saw life differently. At the age of 50, Miles decided to walk out of his misery after seeing his brother living a more fulfilling life.
From then on, Miles went on to create history and today some of his major achievements are, undertook a 55 days flight from London to Sydney, conquered 17,500 feet at the Himalayas, participated in a drag race in Britain, and many more. These were achieved by a man who could not see. Simply amazing.

Just like week, I was a blessed recipient of a lunch event organised by the firm for all promotees. We were told there will be a special guest speaker to address all who were present. Naturally, I assumed it would be the managing director to deliver a speech but I was wrong. The guest speaker was non other than Miles Hilton-Barber. At that moment, I had no clue who he was and also, I had never attended any motivational talks before. Well, I thought it would be fantastic if I could share with you what I brought home? :)


Circumstances affect your emotions. It affects the way you think and work.
Never allow fear to stop you from doing the right thing because fear stands for:

Your ability to grow in your company is your Attitude. Possess that right attitude so that you can inspire others.

When I stepped in to the ballroom in the morning, I could not believe that much effort was placed in the planning and execution of this event. It looked so much like a celebratory event for newly promoted directors. I was surprised at how this so-called "junior" milestone was recognised by the firm. It was only then I realised that it is how you look at things in life, to either look in a positive or negative spectrum.

Our life is measured by a circle around us. What's within the circle are the things you have achieved in your life.

If you're not doing anything new in your life, your circle is not growing in your personal life.

When was the last time you did something new in your personal life? That was the time when you last grown.

Successful leaders have successful personal and business lives. Strike a balance in your life to be a more effective person.

Remember these that will affect you:
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Health
4. Spirit

These things make you an effective person, not work.
Life is not all about work. Find back that balance back to be an inspiration to others.
Life is not about the number of breaths you take. It is about what takes your breath away.

You might be thinking. How can personal life and business life be related/linked? One can't mix both up since they are of two different things. Not exactly so.

Look at Tiger Woods. When his marriage was in a huge mess, his golf (career) followed and went downhill. Both are interlinked.

When you do more new things, you become more inspiring.

Four steps for you to succeed:
1. Start with your dreams.
Your life is a journey. When Miles was with people who was about to breathe their last, their regrets were only "relationships". It was never about work or money. The world is thirsty for relationships.

2.  Make a decision to live your dreams.
Take every opportunities that comes.

3. When you become real - Plan

4. Persevere.
Don't give up to pressures. If you put one foot ahead of the other, you can make it.

On the topic of Teamwork:
Our fingers are our strengths. In between our fingers are our weaknesses.
We work together (both hands interlocked) to cover each other's weaknesses.


My personal take:
Possessing that right attitude is important. When one looks at things negatively, they tend to whine and complain at every bit. They become cynical. Reminds me of a verse in the bible:

1 Peter 3:9-11
Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For, "Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it.

With that right attitude and just like what Pastor always shares, "Right believing always produces right living", we are definitely a blessed bunch of people!

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