Friday, October 4, 2013

29 September 2013

Topic: The Super-abounding Grace

When the Lord is our shepherd, we shall not want.
The day draws near where Pastor will be going to USA for a preaching tour. Pastor shares that the sermon preached over there will be broadcasted in church.

Romans 6:1-2
Believers are suffering not because the provision is not there but rather we do not have the right belief.
Faith is not more than right believing. We know we don't have to suffer or do good works to heaven. We know we will go to heaven without strive.
Verse 2: Here it says are you saying we sin for grace to abound? Paul never said that but he must have preached radically on this truth.
Dr Martin once asked why today no one is accusing preachers on this same context. He concluded that we are not preaching what Paul once preached. If you preach the same gospel Paul preached, you will be accused.

Romans 5:20-6:1
Verse 20: Where sin abounded, grace much more abounded. In Greek, these two Greek words are different.
The first word "abounded" is pleonazo which means increased. The second word "abounded" is huperperisseuo which means superabounded.
In the translation by Kenneth Wuest, he translates this verse to:
"Where sin existed in abundance, grace was in superabundance, and then some more added on top of that."

God hates sin more than anyone one of us. Righteousness and mercy kissed at the cross. His Son never sin and knew no sin. God spared us but not His own Son. God loves you. If God did not spare His own Son, how would He not freely give us all things? The one God loves the most, He gave it to you. Do you think God will withhold His healing if He already gave you His best?
God punished all our sins on the body of Jesus Christ. That's how much He loves us.

There was a man called Peter. We see Peter as a leader. In the bible, he cursed and swore he never knew Jesus three times. Despite that, Jesus told him He still loves him.

Mark 16:7
Verse 7: Of all the disciples, Peter's name was singled out. Jesus was reaching out to him. Why is that so? Where sin abounded, grace superabounded. Imagine just a few days ago, he denied Jesus three times. But yet Jesus told him to feed and tend His sheep and lamb. Peter was given the honour above all other disciples. We see the superaboundeding grace showered on Peter.

In the book of Matthew, it starts with the line of Abraham to Jesus Christ. In those verses, nothing was mentioned about woman. It starts with Abraham brought forth Isaac, Isaac brought forth Jacob and so on and so forth. In the whole bible, only 5 women were mentioned. If you study them, you will notice they all had a shady background.

Luke 24:47
Verse 47: "... beginning at Jerusalem." Then being the most guilty place.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10
These verses talk about how the messenger of the devil was following Paul throughout. Paul pleaded to the Lord three times but Jesus told him "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
In Greek:
Sufficient : strength to defend or ward off
Greater is He that is in you than the one in the world. Today you are a temple of God and a Christian will never be possessed.
Strength: miracle-working power
Perfect: show itself most effective

We are negative and God's grace is positive. Most of us try to be positive and pretend to have it but nothing comes out from it. Jesus does not like us to pretend to be someone we are not. When we do that, we thought we are being loved but in reality we will never feel God's love. You need to feel God's love to be become what God wants you to become.

In closing,

2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Verse 10: Jesus tells us to take pleasure in infirmities. When someone insults you, that's where you are in a position of weakness. This is when God comes into action. Thank God for your weaknesses. Paul sang praises to God during bad times. Grace is God's undeserving favour for you to receive.

Today maybe you are afraid to have a baby because of a tragedy in the past. Due to that, you are looking at the "what happened".  The devil always brings you to the "what happened". In fact, when that tragedy happened, you have already been given more grace and entitled to more grace in the next baby. Many of times, the next baby comes out a champion or it is becomes a easy delivery.

Genesis 17:1
All these years Abraham knew God as an almighty God. In Greek, almighty God is El Shaddai.

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