Monday, August 5, 2013

4 August 2013

Dear readers! It has been 2 months since I last blogged our church's sermons! Just in case you thought my blog has closed for business, that's not the case :)

For the past 2 months it was really hectic. After coming back from our holidays, we had serious jet lag. For the first time in history, we couldn't sleep and I got really worried. Our honeymoon in November 2012 wasn't like this. We didn't even had jet lag and for once I thought I needed a doctor.

First week was busy catching up some sleep and therefore missed church. The subsequent weeks were as busy too. Running around to source for renovation related stuffs, meeting up with different suppliers and the contractor for my dad's home. And you thought that was over, I had to run around to meet up with the relatives to announce and deliver the wedding cakes and cards for my sister's wedding in September this year.

All these came together and I miss church and blogging..! I thought if one day I were to set up a blog to share a little of my life, I wonder how many would read it? Well well.. :]

Ok, I shall stop here and share the sermon for 4 August. I've also uploaded the sermon for 21 July right after this entry. Be blessed!


Praise and Worship: Sean leads the church to another great worship time. Today, we sang and "danced" to a song by Hillsong. Got too involved in it that I forgot to note the title of the song. The next song is another awesome one.

Topic: Beautiful Secrets Revealed from Parables

"Grace grace" was taken from the book of Zacheriah. In Zacheriah 4:7, he tells King Zerubbabel to shout grace grace to the mountains.

Faith is having a higher regard of God's opinion. God's word is the truth. God cannot lie. The bible did not say He never lie. The problem is man can lie. Therefore, trust God's word.

If God were to let go of the rain just like that, it will destroy earth. God causes His blessings to fall as rain. He is a merciful God.

The bible is the connection between heaven and earth. Paul told Timothy that every scripture is God-breathed. God made Adam like a mannequin and breathed into Adam for him to be a living soul. If today your body is breaking down, look to God. If God can breathe into Adam, He can breathe into your body and restore it.

When God pours down rain, the rain will not return to Him empty. Just like when you sow, it will not come to you empty.

Matthew 13:1-19
Verse 1: You are about to hear Jesus share about parables for the first time.
Illustrations are not parables. A parable is like this. The kingdom of heaven is like a sower who went out to sow.
For the first time, Jesus shared abut the 7 parables. The kingdom of heaven encompasses the church. People can say Jesus is depicted as many characters or say the bible is not being consistent. But to us, we see His beauty. We see Jesus as the divine servant.
Jesus said man can not live by bread alone. When Jesus says man cannot live, it means cannot. Man not only lives by food but also by the word of God. Jesus goes around doing good but the people rejected Him. If back then people accepted Him, heaven will be a place on earth.

Pastor does not believe that man can commit the unpardonable sin (referenced to Chapter 12). At that time, it was the ultimate rejection. That was why Jesus shared the parables. Parables that Jesus shared are to hide truths for those who have a heart for God's truths. Those with a heart will receive it.

Back to the verses, "House" refers to Israel. "Sea" is always referred as the Gentile nation.

The first 4 parables were shared at the seaside. After that, Jesus went back to the house to share the next 3 parables. This act shows that Jesus is coming back to Israel. These parables show you Christiandom today.

Verse 2: Pastor jokes. In those days, Jesus sat (Verse 1) while the multitudes stood to hear Him preach. Look how it has changed today.

If you hear God's word, see God's word, it goes into your heart and becomes life and health to your body. (Refer to Proverbs 4:20-22)

Verse 3-9: Talks about the first parable.
Verse 11: When asked why parables are shared, Jesus answered here. Jesus said, it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. Parables are to prevent God's truth to be taken away by people who has no heart for Him.

Jesus gave you the bible for you to appreciate Him. Just like a woman, if you appreciate her, she opens up her treasure and embraces you. Likewise, she closes up if you do not treasure her.

God hides all truths to even wise men, but He reveals them to babes. As long as you have a teachable heart, Jesus will reveal His truth to you. Don't be jealous over anything. When you see people who are blessed, just say God gave it to them. On the same token, you should be encouraged. If God can do it to unto others, God can do it for you too. God is a big God, never limit His abundance.
Verse 12: God wants you to have abundance. He says he who has will have even more. So what is this "has"? According to Mark's account, it is "what you hear" while for Luke's account, it is "how you hear". Take heed what you hear.
Verse 13: It not meant to make people understand. You can see here that God is not very hard-up for you to know His secrets. It's only for people with a heart to know.
Verse 14: You are about to hear a beautiful revelation of how God is obliged to heal you today. God binds Himself to this promise. This verse is quoted from Isaiah.
Verse 15: "Waxed gloss" refers to "fatty" hearts of the people who refused to understand His heart. This verse talks about people shutting their ears and eyes on purpose.
Then God says, if they have eyes to see, ears to hear and heart to understand, Jesus then says I have no choice but to heal. Notice from this sentence ".. and I should heal them". God is obliged to heal. If you want to walk in health, God tells you how.
Verse 16: Jesus says blessed are your eyes and your ears. Jesus is protective over His secrets.
Verse 17: Jesus is referring to the old testament prophets here.
Verse 18: Jesus is about to interpret on the first parable.
Verse 19: There are 4 grounds and this is the first ground. Jesus says for those who hear the word and understand not.
In other words, these people purposely refusing to understand God's word. The wicked one then comes to steal away the truth. The word "then" is there for a reason. It means God does not allow satan to take away the truth from anyone unless the people does not have a heart for His word.
Back to that sentence "... then cometh the wicked one ..." God is a very just God. Everyone receives equal chance to hear His truth. However, one decides if he has a heart for it. You think for one moment that the devil is so gungho to make you sick? It only happens when you choose to believe not, giving the authority for him to take away God's word in your heart.
Verse 23: The one who chooses to understand the word bears fruit and brings forth 100, 60 and 30 fold blessings. Everytime before you hear Pastor preach, pray for a listening heart.

A recap: Last week, Pastor shared that every word is God breathe, not inspired by man.

Psalm 110:4
Verse 4: God swore in this verse. You know that God does not need to swear because God's word is truth. He swore by Himself. It's like a double assurance lock.

Psalm 22 talks about God's death.
Psalm 23 talks about God being our shepherd.
Psalm 24 talks about the gates of heaven opening for Jesus.

God placed His hand on Jesus and swore, "You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek."

Hebrews 7:21-25
Verse 21: Melchizedek priesthood appeared only once. God did not promise to the Levi the security that lasts forever whereas God promised to us His security.
Verse 25: You will be saved to the uttermost (beautiful descriptive word)

Hebrew 5:10-12
Not everyone can understand Melchizedek priest.
Verse 11-12: In essence, if you can understand the order of Melchizedek, you will be blessed.
Melchizedek is a picture of Jesus Christ.

Genesis 14:18-23
Verse 18: Melchizedek brought bread and wine - the communion. It's for your health.
Verse 19: Melchizedek blessed Abraham.
Verse 20: Abraham gave him a tithe to acknowledge him in his life.

On the same topic of tithing, Pastor shares that there are existence of sincere grace preachers who go all out claiming there is no need to tithe and proceed to nullify all of God's truths.

Hebrews 7:4-10
Verse 4: According to Abraham, the tithe is to show the one you are tithing how great he is. Notice Abraham tithed to Melchizedek. The tithe is meant to proclaim how great your king is.
Verse 8: "Here" (Pastor points to earth) mortal men receive tithes, "there" (Pastor points to heaven) he receives them and is a witness that he lives.
Melchizedek brought the communion to testify that He lives. Abraham brought the tithing to testify that God is the greatest.

Pastor shares: One day God woke Pastor up and asked is communion practiced in every denomination? Yes, he answers.
God then asked if tithing practiced is every denomination? He pauses and answers, no. Being curious, Pastor asked. God explains because My son brought communion. When Jesus brought something, it is brought. When Abraham brought tithing and man is involved, man can say otherwise.

Pastor was astounded. He never hear this preached before. That's why he explains, tithing is not for the whole church.

"But Pastor! I tithed yesterday what.. but.. but nothing happened on Monday!"
Read the story of Jacob who became so wealthy:

Genesis 28:19-22
These verses talk about Jacob vowing to give a tenth to God. For twenty years, (referred to Genesis 31), Jacob has many servants and became a very wealthy man.

Genesis 31:11-13
Verse 12 and 13: You think God has forgotten Jacob's vow? He was watching over him during these 20 years.

In closing,

Secret of tithing revealed here:
Hebrews 7:4-10
Verse 9-10: Jesus priesthood is greater than Levi priesthood. What God is saying is, when Abraham tithed to God, Levi was in Abraham. To put it simply, when Pastor tithed, Wendy and Justin also "tithed".

God has a plan to bless your generation! Jesus is not just looking to bless you only. Our tithing affects our children's children.

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