Friday, October 4, 2013

22 September 2013

Praise and Worship: Awesome song we sang during worship today.

Hillsong - Believe:

Topic: Are we under the law?

Pastor shared that our songs are so recognised by the world that the song "I see Grace" is now translated to Japanese.
He also talked about the upcoming 1 month tour in US and the favour of God in our church.
Hesed Publishers, a non-christian publisher has approached JPM to have him publish a book titled "Right Believing". In fact, there were 3 who approached him but he chose one. Hesed Publishing were chosen for Joe Olsten's books too.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is Salvation. The gospel is our strength and all that we dreamt for.
When Christ died on the cross, all sinners were in Him. When Jesus was raised from the dead, we were raised from the dead too. When we were raised to heavenly places, we too.                      
God tells us that ladies who are princely, they are not affected by negativity. Princes and princesses are generous.

Are we under the law? People in the world call it the morale law, making it pleasant to the ears.
Romans 7:1-13
Verse 1: The law has control over someone as long as he lives. But the law has no power over someone who is dead. It's only for people who lives.
Verse 2: A woman is bound by the law as long as he lives. Until the day the husband dies, she is released from the law.
The law came through Moses but grace came from Christ. Moses is depicted as the servant while Christ is depicted by the Son. In the bible, it says the servant does not abide in the house forever but the Son abides in the house forever.
The law is holy but it can never make you holy. The law is like a mirror to manifest what you really are.
All our holiness is in Jesus. The moment we take our eyes off Him, we are back to our own self.
The next verse tells us why Jesus died.
Verse 3: We were once married to the law. The woman here is referring to us.
Verse 4: Once reason Jesus died is to allow the woman to marry another.
There are believers who still believe they are under the law. Pastor points out that whoever believes that are cursed. Today only God can keep the law. There's none who can keep the law. Whoever breaks one breaks everything. Turn to the next verse and see.

Galatians 3:9-10
It says cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things written in the book of the law.

Back to Romans,
Verse 4: You bear fruit when you are married to Christ.
Pastor talks about the story of Ruth. Ruth met Boaz, a picture of Jesus. When Boaz married to Ruth, she bore forth Obed (means service) and Jessie. Then came David and the line of Jesus Christ.
Verse 5: "aroused by the law". The law stirs your sinful passions.

1 Corinthians 15:56
The verse says that the strength of sin is the law.

The way you bring about success is not about focusing on success. Work is a result of labour.
Focus on the process and not the result.
Make your company you are working for successful and you will be successful.
Don't wait for your boss to make you successful then make the company successful. It doesn't work this way. Don't try to put the cart before the horse. Rather, make the company successful and the Lord will make you successful.

Romans 8:3-4
Verse 4: The righteous requirement is fulfilled in me (not 'by'). Don't misquote this verse.

In closing,
Back to Romans 7:1-13
Verse 8: For apart from the law sin was dead. What it actually means that when we put our eyes on Christ, 
sin dies.
That is the very reason why Satan is bringing the law back. Let's not fall into the thinking that we are under the law for Jesus has already conquered sin and death.

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