Saturday, April 26, 2014

27 April 2014

Praise and Worship: I'm finally back in church today after a couple of weeks of break. Decided to attend the first service today. Prior to that, had the impression that first service consists of a majority of believers more senior than my age. Boy, I was so wrong. When we sang the song title "We are The Free", I was so comforted to see many raising their hands moving in the same motion together as one. Pastor is so right to always say our youths are renewed like the eagles. Today, I can say we have four services of young people!

- We Are The Free

- I Surrender
Link to blog entry titled "3 March 2013 - Pastor Lim Lian Neo"

- Through It All

Topic: Video sermon title "Daddy, God!" The Heart of the Father Revealed - 9 November 2013 (Lakewood Church)

We all have the same father. Just like Isaac and Ismail has the same father. Haggar is a type of Mount Sinai. Our mother is grace.
Turn to your neighbour and say, "We have the same Father, are we of the same mother (grace)?"

If you think we are lawless just because we tell people we are under grace, that is wrong believing. The bible tells us that sin shall not have dominion over us because we are not under the law.

Nothing is wrong with the law. The law is holy and just. But the law cannot make you perfect.

While Ismail and Isaac share the same father Abraham, Ismail persecuted the child of grace (Isaac). It is never the other way round We see a persecution against the gospel of grace today. 
In Hebrews 5, he (babe/infant) that uses milk is inexperienced with the message of righteousness. The level of maturity is not there yet.

The body is coming to a place a maturity and they are understanding righteousness. Righteousness is a gift. When you know that, you are not a baby Christian anymore. How did you become righteous? When you receive His righteousness.

Today our greatest persecution comes from the same father but not the same mama. So who is our mama? Sarah - grace.

Joseph and Benjamin were born of the same mama - Rachel. Do you remember that Joseph is a picture of Jesus? Jesus came but was rejected by the Jewish brothers. During the time of rejection, Joseph married a gentile. Jesus has not forgotten Israel.

When Jesus looked at the Jewish people of His days, He told them "When you know the truth, the truth will set you free." In context, Jesus is referring to grace.

When Benjamin met Joseph, he said "grace be with you." We are under the Benjamin times. During this time of famine, the generation of Benjamin will have five (5) times more food. That's not all. He gave to Benjamin five (5) changes of garments more than all the brothers added up. Today, you shall not starve or have none to eat.

If you hold on to the Old Testament, you will decay away. The law is about you. Grace says "I will, I will, I will."

God knew man cannot keep the law. It was only given when the people rejected God and said they can do what God demands at the foot of Mount Sinai. When the people rejected God, He changed His tone and asked the people not to come near. In the next chapter the Big Ten was given.

Adam covered themselves with fig leaves. Fig is a picture of self righteousness. God clothed them with coats of animal. At that time it is like God is saying, only innocent blood can cover your sins. Nothing can atone for your sins except innocent blood.

Galatians 4:1
Verse 1: Are you an heir of God?
Verse 3: That is the law.
We thought grace is basic and law is deep. God sees it the other way.
Jesus came to bring us son-ship. He came to place us as sons. Grace is deeper and stronger than the law.

To fall from grace is not when someone running away with the secretary. Yes, that act is wrong but that's not falling from grace. Falling from grace is when you go back to the law.

Romans 8:15
Verse 15: The holy spirit deliberately left the word "Abba" there. It is daddy.
Jesus came to reveal Abba Father. In Genesis 1, everything was Alohim - creator. In Genesis 2, God is Yahweh. In Genesis 3, God is El-Shaddai.
We think we are deep when we study the names of God. That is nothing wrong with that. But know that of all names, the greatest is Abba God. It is the spirit of son-ship.

You will always be a child in God's eyes. If you do not have a prayer, saying Daddy God will melt your troubles like butter on a hot pan.

When Jesus told the people of His days not to worry about what to eat or wear. He told them "your Father loves you" and feeds the birds in the sky. How much more would He not freely give you all things?

When Jessica was about 3 years old, she used to have nightmares. She just cries "Daddy", daddy is there. Was that an eloquent prayer?

Even a groan will reach His throne. When you groan to God, it is a prayer. When God heard the groaning, He remembered His covenant and sent Moses to deliver the people from slavery.

Worldliness is not the outward things. It is pride, lust, etc. If you can tell people not to lust, then Jesus doesn't have to come 2000 years ago.

1 John 2:15
Verse 15: If anyone who loves the world, the love of the Father is lacking in revelation.
People is becoming "unworldly" by accident. They give glory to God.

John 17:6
Verse 6: Jesus has manifested the Father's name.

John 17:11-12
Verse 11: The word "keep" here is to protect from loss and injury. How we protect our people? We remind them how much Jesus loves them. Jesus came to reveal the Father's love. Does the Father corrects? Yes He does that through His word or through the preacher. It is never through accidents. The more we speak Father to our families or friends, we have more protection. Jesus always reminds His disciples that the Father loves them.

John 17:26
Verse 26: That is a unity of love and it comes through the Father's name.

If we want our children to go to the fight of life and win, we need to always affirm them that they are our Beloved.

In closing,

God exhausted all His anger on Jesus. For the first time Jesus addressed God as "My God". He did that so that we can take His place and call Him "Father". Today we can call out, "Father father why have you so blessed me!"

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