Sunday, May 25, 2014

Jesus, I Trust in You

I just listened to the song titled Psalm 91 and I felt such a strong manifestation. I'm so thankful for the Lord's protection in my life.

Four days ago, I participated in a cycling group during their weekly 40km ride. The ride was fantastic and I was so happy to be able to be part of the 100 cyclists. Unfortunately, when I was nearing the end point, I fell off my bike and suffered bruises over my head. The ambulance came, paramedics checked me and I declined going to the hospital with them. Together with a few other cyclists, we headed to the ending point to meet up with the rest. Everyone was very concerned and repeatedly told me to go to the nearest A&E. Though I agreed verbally, I only intended to go home and have a good rest. Many told me I was repeating a couple of questions and that is a sure sign of concussion. At that point, I thought I was still fine. As we were about to part ways, I had this sudden severe pain in my head, all the way going towards my ear. I was knocked out. Everyone panicked and they sent me to NUH immediately.

In the operation theater, I was greeted with four doctors. They said they were going to operate on me. Still thinking it wasn't so serious, I told the doctors that I was ok. They said sternly that they are going to operate on me. Apparently they need to remove a blood clot in my head. I was knock out right away.

When I woke up, I felt a swell on my head. They cut a portion of my hair till only the skin is visible. I was in terrible looks. I didn't know what High Dependency ward is all about till I was in there. From what I learnt, it is a ward before ICU. I stayed there for four days till I was warded to a normal ward today.

Today, I have made great improvements. The swell has subsided, I felt God's protection on me. My wife and my family were all worried sick and I felt so bad to make them go through this. Many family and  friends kept me in their prayers and I am able to witness the power of God today.

I am so happy to be given a second chance to live my life. Even though I might have to give up cycling, I have no regrets. I have another chance to live a better life knowing that God is there for me and my family. As I recover, I look forward to being a father in 3 months time. Today I know that my heavenly father is so real in my life and I am confident my future is blessed.

I hope this testimony will remind everyone that we have a powerful Father in heaven. As we stand righteous before Him, He loves us wholeheartedly. Our future is bright in Christ. All trust in Jesus. Amen.


  1. Praise the Lord for His full protection upon your life! Indeed if God is for us who can be against us. Thank you for your faithful postings

  2. I will be praying for you and your family. I am so happy to hear you are doing better!! I am from America and follow your postings about the sermons from the church. Jesus is truly the Good Shepherd and has many more things for you to do for the Kingdom... Congratulations on becoming a daddy and I will peay for your son/daughter as well. Take care and kerp us posted with your progress!! GOD BLESS!!

  3. Truly it is a MIRACLE fm GOD.
    All Glory be to God
    Wish you a speedy recovery.

  4. Thank you my dear readers! It is indeed God's complete protection. To be honest, if not for that, I doubt I can make it alive today.

    In fact, I recovered my bike from my car today to only see very minor scratches on it. It was so minor that they are neligible. I'm surprised because I saw that the Lord not only protected me, He protected my bike as well. Before that, I expected serious damages like a broken rear-derailer or sorts. All praises to Jesus.

    Today, I'm recovering really well and having plenty of rest at home. It's rather hard for my wife now as she is occupied with stress at work and yet has to prepare food for me before she leaves house every day. It isn't easy especially she is pregnant now. I pray that I will recover very soon so as to reduce her chores and spend some quality time with her. Throughout this ordeal, I saw her inner strength and thankful I've been blessed with a wonderful wife.

    We will trust in the Lord and we thank everyone who is keeping us in your prayers each time. May the Lord bless you abundantly all the days of your life!
