Sunday, April 13, 2014

6 April 2014

Praise and Worship:
We sang an awesome new song title "Anthem of Grace". Tried searching online but could not find it. However, managed to get the lyrics of the song. If you know the tune, you can sing with the lyrics below.

I believe in a hope that’s so secure
In your Love that is no fear, salvation is sure
I believe on the cross you took my pain
All my sins are washed away, forgiven and free

And now i see
As you are, so are we

Let my life resound your praise
As an anthem of your grace
There is power in your name
Hallelujah Jesus You Reign
I believe I am righteous through the One
Your obedience has won, I rest in all you’ve done
I believe you are everything i need
More of you and less of me, I fall at your feet

Mountains be cast down, valleys be raised
Christ be exalted, lifted on high
Mountains be cast down, valleys be raised
Christ be exalted, lifted on high

Topic: Every Sin Is Paid At The Cross

As far as God is concerned, there is nothing good in the flesh. It's interesting that Jesus did not tell the woman at the well to be born again. Christianity is not about improving, it's about rebirth in Christ.

If you give someone free choice and everything around them is good, is that free choice? No, that is manipulation. By planting that tree there, God gives man the free choice and to love and honour Him.

John 3:16 is quoted so frequently that we forget it is Jesus who quoted this verse. For God "so" loved (put your name here). The bible tells us He went about doing good. But then He died a terrible death and people claimed He was murdered. Jesus allowed Himself to be captured, otherwise none could capture Him.

Your sins did not escape God's eyes. Every stroke for every single sin fell on Jesus. All of God's judgment was exhausted on Jesus. Now God can accept sinful man because that man's sins have been paid. The death of Christ has glorified God. God is pleased.

Today righteousness demands that the believer in Christ be completed delivered. You are forgiven based on God's righteousness.

God raised Jesus not because He is the son of God. Jesus came out of the tomb without our sins. It means all your sins have been put away. It is as if sins has become a past issue. You become holy by accident when you believe right. We are now the righteousness of God in Christ. In the book or Proverbs there are so many blessings for the righteous.

The seed of the righteous shall be delivered. When you are a sinner, you don't have to believe for poverty. They happen automatically. Likewise, when you are righteous, the fruits of the spirit comes to you effortlessly.

It is important that you maintain a father-son relationship. You don't come to God like a sinner. That's hypocrisy. The Pharisees pretended to be righteous when they are not. You are no longer a sinner, start to act like it.

Proverbs 17:15
Verse 15: Those who justifies the wicked and those who condemns the just, is an abomination to the Lord.
If you condemn yourself, it is abomination.
When you agree with God, something happens. You notice this whenever you claim that you are the rightness of God in Christ, your breakthrough happens.

The flesh is the flesh. The wood is not you. It affects your walk. Just because you have that wooden splint in your finger, it doesn't make you a wood. If a fellow Christian falls into sin, he is still a child of God. So how are you approaching God? Always have a Father-Son relationship.

If you come to God with the consciousness of sin, you probably don't have the faith. So when you come to God, you need to be the "copper" in order for the electricity to flow.

Acts 10:9-16
Verse 15: God says "Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean." Are you saying it wasn't a full payment when it was?
The truth of the gospel can never be compromised.

Galatians 2:11-16
Verse 11-13: Paul rebuked Peter over a dinner.
Verse 14-16: Paul let it fly. The gospel message can never be compromised.
Pastor once asked God why He is so particular with hyprocrsy, God said one who pretends to be someone he isn't, he will never feel loved. That person will think that he can fake God and never feel loved.

Do you know that the word "justify" is known as "declared righteous". When God says you are righteous, you say Amen. You must declare yourself righteous. That is declaration.

Isaiah 45:23-25
Verse 24: God says surely one will say I have righteousness and strength. People will find strength in their presence.

Isaiah 53 talks about God's sufferings. Isaiah 54 talks about God's blessings.

Isaiah 54:13-17
Verse 13-15: Talks about the blessings.
Verse 16: God is telling His people that He has created Lucifer, whatever weapons he creates, I know. The devil is on a leash. Then comes the promise in Verse 17.
Verse 17: This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. God says no weapons formed against you shall prosper.

Even though the weapon is in your body, it will not prosper. God says weapons will be formed but it will never prosper. The cancer is dying.

The devil is the father of lies don't come to us with a blatant lie. Usually he comes with a lie that is accompanied with an element of truth. That makes it easier for man to accept. Even a lapse in thought is already been paid on the cross.

In closing,

That's how complete the work is. Today if the devil comes to accuse you of murder, and you are already saved from all your sins, the devil has no case against you. God will throw his case out and the accuser becomes the murderer.

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