Saturday, April 12, 2014

9 March 2014

Praise and Worship:

This Kingdom:

Topic: Releasing God's Blessings In Our Lives

God's word can change your life in an instant.

Ephesian 1:3
Notice that phrase "who has blessed us". God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. There is a third heaven where God dwells. Today, we are blessed in the heavenly places in Christ.
God sent His son to die for us because He is holy. He cannot sweep our sins under the carpet. If God is God, He cannot but has to love us. Just like a judge, he judges our act. God's true actions are love but He exercises justice.

Pastor how can you say we are righteous.
Jesus died on the cross to give us His righteousness. Have you received yours today?

Jesus gave us eternal life. If today you can forgo your salvation, then why call it eternal. Eternal means eternal.

All the blessings of God are based on location. It is painful if one spends their life on your own smarts. It is not you holding on to God. It is God holding on to you. Life is not about luck. Life is about God for you. God being God has to bless.

Deuteronomy 28:1-13
Verse 1: ".. set you high above all nations of the earth."
The law governs your outward behavior. It does not transform you from the inside out. Now we are in that location, that is why blessings come to us.
Verse 3: Blessed wherever you go.
Verse 4: That is for your children.
Verse 6: You are blessed every way.
Verse 7: Your enemies flee before you.
Verse 8: The Lord blesses your storehouse. That's where you keep your money.
Wherever the gospel is, the nation prospers. God doesn't want your focus to be on money. The love of money is the root of all evil. You can be very poor man but full of money. God doesn't want that for you. Jesus said He came so that you have life.
Some say we are like sheep and an easy prey. Yes, if we don't have a strong shepherd.
Verse 13: You will be the head. A leader, one who sets the tone. The bible says all these blessings are yours.

Back to Ephesians 1:3, the Lord says we have been blessed with all these blessings.
The question is how do we released it in our life.
The word "blessings" is Pneumatics:
- Belonging and emanating from the Divine Spirit
- Produced by the sole power of God Himself

2 Corinthians 4:17-18
Verse 17: Glory is weighty.
Verse 18: God wants us to see things that are not seen. The unseen is the real world. God says the seen are temporal and the things unseen are eternal.
Your spirit is eternal. When man dies, his body decays. Man lives forever, it just depends where the the spirit is housed after life.

Words are invisible. When you pray for that person, that person is healed. How did that happen? We didn't see it. That unseen is eternal.

Pastor, i only can see it and say it's real.
Well that's very shallow. Have you seen your own brain?

So Pastor, so why don't i see my blessings manifest? Look to the following verses.

2 Corinthians 1:18-20
Verse 19: All God's blessings are Yes. God deals with certainties. Man deals with theories. You were created to believe. If i don't deserve His blessings, then what can i do?
Verse 19 in NLT, God says on our part, we just have to say "Amen". It was first used by Abraham. Abraham believed in the Lord. That in Hebrew means "Amen". Amen compliments God for His integrity.
Verse 20 in NIV, when you say Amen, God gets the glory. "... Amen is spoken to us to the glory of God."

Jesus promised that blessed are you when man comes against you.
Teach your kids to stand up tall. Tell them it's rare not to speak vulgarities. Tell them stones are cheap because they are everywhere. Diamonds are expensive because they are rare. Do not be conformed to the world.

Revelation 3:14
Verse 14: Jesus' name is Amen. Jesus says, Amen i say to you. If you see the word "Verily" in the bible, it is actually Amen Amen i say to you. Only in John, Amen appear twice. Otherwise God says Amen.

Deutronomy 27:16-26
Notice all the verses of curses were all answered Amen. But in Deuteronomy 28, all the blessings none were answered Amen. Why? Because Jesus hasn't come yet back then and the people were living under the curse.
The blessings of God keeps going on. Jesus came to redeem us from the curse, not to redeem us from the blessings.
In closing,

When you say Amen, it can become a cliche. Nowadays when you say Amen, know the definition of it.

When you hear a promise, just say Amen to it. There's no need for you to behave for the promise. Mary said Amen when she received the word that she will conceive. That's what God wants you to do. That is all.

Pastor says he will pray the blessings of Deuteronomy 28 to be on us later.

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