Sunday, January 27, 2013

27 January 2013

Adeline led the praise and worship today and we sang this song titled "How Excellent Your Name" which I thought was very nice. Uploading the song for all to enjoy and sing throughout this week!


Topic: More Truths From The Series of The Key of David

God never meant for diseases and sin to be in the world. Adam was the first federal head of human race. When man sinned against God, the floodgates of aging, death and poverty came in. This world then became a fallen world. God cannot just take back the world like that. Therefore, He sent His son legally for the redemption of our sins. Jesus became the new federal head of the human race. He brought forth a new race, a new creation. Now because of His new obedience, His standing, we are redeemed knowing we are in the world and not of the world.

John 3:16 says God did not send His son to condemn the world. But through Him that the world will be saved. God's posture to the world is for everyone to come to Him.

We are for the good news. Whoever believes the good news will be born again. The gospel goes all the way to the roots.

Deuteronomy 28:12-13
Recap on the verses:
12 The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.

13 And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:

Verse 12: Treasure is "otsar" in greek. This "otsar" is a place where you keep the most precious items. Pastor revealed that God told him to share with His people that He is going to use His key to open the treasury to His people this year.
The effect is that rain will fall. He's actually referring to Israel. He tells us to watch it when Israel receive its rain.
Just early this month, rain and snow have come to Israel finally. This is actually a breakthrough because this was something that has not happened for 10 years.
"But Pastor, why are we looking at Israel and what has it got to do with us?" Pastor points out that we are the spiritual Israel and whatever that happens to the natural Israel will come to us next. The next verse shows us the truth.

1 Corinthians 15:46
Verse 46: "The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual." 
The first Adam cannot give life but the last Adam can. That is why the natural comes first then followed by the spiritual.

Pastor related some history of Israel:
In 1948, Israel was re-born in one day.
In 1950, Pastors preached and everyone was healed. It was the voice of healing movement.
In 1967, during the six days war, victory came on the seventh day. The city of Jerusalem came back after 2000 years. In the same year, God moved in a strong way and everyone spoke in tongues.

Pastor flashed some news reports on the continuous rain and snow in Israel that happened early this month.

In essence, blessings come first for the natural Israel then followed by the spiritual Israel.
Referring to the earlier verse in Deuteronomy, clearly this year is the season for us where He will open His treasury to you and whatever you touch will prosper.
The best part of the verse says that you shall lend and will never borrow. Pastor believe that this year we are going to pay for all things by cash.
Going to the next verse, Deuteronomy 28:13, God promises He will make you the head and not the tail. The next part of keeping the commandments does not matter because Jesus kept the commandments for all of us.

Matthew 6:19-21
Verse 19: If your trust is in the world, people can steal your money "professionally". Thieves do not need to be at your house physically to steal.
There is a misconception about this verses. People say these things will only happen to you when you go to heaven. Pastor says why would need all these treasuries when you are in heaven?
Pastor is not saying that you take out all your money from the banks. What the verses are saying are to put your trust in the Lord. Pastor says put your money to the correct place and your heart will follow.

The word "treasures" in greek is "thesoros". Pastor wants you to know that whatever you have placed in this treasury before, He will return 100% to you this year.

Pastor shared a joke:
There were 3 guys having a drink and a conversation about coincidence arose.
The first guy said, "When my wife was pregnant she read the novel 'the 2 cities' and gave birth to twins."
The second guy heard it and agreed by saying, "His wife read 'the 3 musketeers' and gave birth to triplets!"
The third guy upon hearing it, started running home. The two guys were puzzled and asked why, he said, "My wife is pregnant and I left her reading 'Alibaba & the 40 thieves'!"

Isaiah 55:9-11
Verse 9: People claims that God's thoughts are too high for us to fathom.
Verse 10: But read on, the following verse says that his thoughts rain down from heavens. Notice that rain drops down as droplets and snow comes down as flakes. Imagine if rain is poured down like that, there will be many who will suffer from brain damage. God causes His words to come down as rain so that we can dissolve them and to an extent even a child can understand.
Verse 11: God's word will go forth and accomplish its work and return back to Him. It is just like the rain that falls will go back up to the skies. But when it falls, it does its work of fertilising the ground, etc and accomplishes its purpose. Same goes for God's word.
Back to verse 10, Jesus says it will give seed to the sower and bread to the eater. Jesus gives you seed to sow and to eat. If a farmer leaves his own harvest for himself to eat, then the future will be very bleak. This sentence is all about prosperity. This context is about physical giving and is found in 2 Corinthians 9:7-11. Paul is actually quoting Isaiah 55.

God is going to bless you with many to eat and many to give this year.

2 Corinthians 9:10
Verse 10: "supplies" is present active participle. Be supply minded and not demand oriented. Grace is always conscious of supply.
"Sower" is also a present active participle. God is saying that the one who supplies continuously will be blessed continuously. The seed in your bank will never increase. The seed sown to God's kingdom will always increase.

Isaiah 45:3
Verse 3: God is saying that He will give you all the treasures that is hidden in His season. There are much more not open yet. The supply is always there and God will reveal His good treasures when the time is ripe.
Don't forget what David did when God propers you.

1 Chronicles 26:24-27
Verse 24: These men dedicated some of the plunder they had gained in battle to maintain the house of the Lord. Pastor took The Star as an example and pointed out the extra efforts and money are needed to maintain the state of the building. It is not just about getting the building and the end of it.

Nehemiah 13:4-12
Pastor shared about the story of Sanballat and Tobiah. In summary, they entered the kingdom's of God's treasury room through priest Eliashib's arrangement during the king's absence. During that time, the people of the temple were stripped of their positions and they had worked in the fields to sustain themselves. Only when the king came back, he restored everything in the treasury and ousted the enemy out from God's temple.

In closing,
Deuteronomy 28:12-13
This verse has God's signatures 3 times through the Greek characters Aleph Tav.
He makes sure what you touch prospers. God wants you to know that this truth is coming and He has shown through his signatures in this verse and not other verses.

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