Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Little "Sermon" of mine

Since there is a missing sermon post for 20th January 2013, I thought if I could, I would try to upload a little "sermon" of mine.

Early this week, my team organised a training with an external vendor who specialises in malware protection. This product, FireEye Web Malware Protection System (MPS), truly looks like a state of the art appliance.

For the non-technical folks out there, let me explain how it works as a whole.
An innocently looking executable downloaded from the Internet may seemingly be what you need. While it executes and presents you the information, it does some other malicious work in the background which may involve modifying your critical system/registry settings, download even more malwares for use as a backdoor or even establish a connection with the hacker to send over your confidential files.

This solution claims to protect you in the following ways:
1) Captures known and unknown malwares the moment suspicious behavior is detected.
2) Detects what goes in the background when you launch any files and immediately lock-down any callbacks to the Internet. This callback indicates that a communication may be taking place with the unknown on the Internet.

Well, you may be curious as to why this blog post has turned "technical". I hope my next little sharing will bless you.

While I was fully immersed in the full capabilities of the appliance, a playful thought surfaced in my head.

"How good if I can buy this appliance and "plug" it to myself so that it can be my armour for my whole body."

Then I "heard" a voice within:
"If you would believe in me, I will be your FireEye".

That's when I realised that we already have a "FireEye appliance" when we first received Christ as our Lord and Saviour. He has already given us heaven's best and we don't even need to harbour such thoughts.

I guess we tend to forget Christ at times in this fast paced world we live in.
Isn't it great that He doesn't forget us and even knows us by name?

Please share this little story with your friends and be blessed!

(In case you are wondering if I am a spokesman for the product, I'm not :p)


  1. That is amazing! Love the voice from within saying "I will be your Fire Eye." Amen to that :) More such mini sermons please!!

  2. Wow! awesome! Thanks for sharing this! :)

  3. Please visit my blog about the heart of the Bride of Christ longing and aching for her Lover, Jesus the Bridegroom King! :)
