Sunday, January 13, 2013

13 January 2013

Topic: David's Ministry

Pastor Lian shares there were a amazing total of 451 children in Rock Kidz saved during the last 3 weeks of service.

Today is Part 2 to the sermon of the Key of David.

Jesus said to the church of Philadelphia in Revelation 3:7-8 that He has the key of David. He says He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts no one opens.
He will open the door of wholeness and prosperity in your life. Prosperity is not just having money in your life. It is prosperity in all areas of your life.
You have to allow God to open the door. When He comes in, abundance we comes in. Jesus never attends a funeral before. When He comes, the people are always blessed.

Joseph and Mary brought a pigeon to offer to God, an indication they were poor. But they did not remain poor throughout. The wise men brought gold, frankincense and mirth to them.

There are those who says Jesus makes them sick. Pastor says if you can find a verse in the scriptures that Jesus went about to make people sick, he will offer a reward of $10,000.
Jesus took the 5 loaves and 2 fishes, looked up to heaven and blessed the people with 5 basketful leftovers. You will always receive something greater when you sow to him.

Isaiah 22:22
Verse 22: Notice the key of the house of David.
Jesus says He is the root and the offspring of David. He can be the offspring because Jesus came as a man.
In Greek, this verse is in continuous tense. It's happening all the time. This is the year. So why the key of David? There is a characteristic of David. As a young boy, he would sing praises to a herd of sheep. David is known as a man of praise and worship. With him comes Psalms 23 where he says the Lord is my shepherd and he shall not lack.

Remember Paul and Silas shared last week? In their midnight hour, they sang hymns and songs to God. This "hymns" in greek actually refer to the songs of David. Even if sickness is binding you, that chain will be loose. The moment you sing praises, He will put in the key and open the door for you.

"But Pastor, why are you sharing about David when he's in the old testament?"
"If you look in the new testament, Jesus says He will bring back David."
Acts 15:13-17
Verse 17: Jesus says He will rebuild the tabernacle of David.
We are the generation that will witness the restoration of praise and worship this year.

2 Chronicles 29:30
Verse 30: "... to sing praise to The Lord with the words of David..."

The song "Be exalted, O Lord" in actually found in Psalms 57. When you sing songs of David, something will happen and good things will happen to you, around you and through you. Even your mistakes will cause you to prosper.

The word "holy" means to set apart, and to be uncommon. Don't be like the the world who complains at anything. It is easy to criticise. We need to learn to give praise.

Before God made Solomon the richest man in history, he asked for wisdom. The moment he woke up, he went straight to the ark to seek God's presence. Solomon treasures God's presence and so should you.

Psalm 34 is also another song of David.
At all times I will bless Him, His praise will be in my mouth.
Psalm 34 is not for a perfect person to sing.

Right after David killed Goliath, Saul started to pursue David. Saul always cornered David but whenever he praised God, he escaped unharmed.
In another instance, he sang another song as he was going up the mount of olives with tears in his eyes. "The lifter of my head". After that a series of events that happened, he was restored back to Jerusalem. When you are really down in your life, Jesus wants you to chin up and know that He's here for you.

1 Samuel 22:1-2
Verse 1: David wrote Psalm 34 at this time when he departed to the cave of Adullam.
Verse 2: Everyone who was in distress, in debt and discontented gathered with him.
Look to Psalms 34:1-15 to see how he wrote a psalm with those who gathered with him.

Psalm 34:1-15
A Psalm of david when he pretended madness before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he departed.
The Lord delivered David from all his fears. When you look to the Lord, your face shines.
Verse 6: The Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.
Verse 7: The angel of the Lord encamps all who worships Him and delivers them.
Verse 10: Those who seek the lord shall not lack any good thing.
Verse 12: This verse is actually saying "Who wants to see many many good days?" Look to next book.

1 Peter 3:10
To see good days, refrain tongue from evil and lips from speaking deceit.

In closing,

Let's look at the end of David.
2 Samuel 23:8-12
Verse 8: The verse talks about how David killed an army of 800 people. The Lord energised him.
Verse 9-10: The verses speak of the victory in the great fight.
Verse 11-12: The verses speak of the victory of the killing of Philistines.

Pastor asked the church to stand and sing praises to the Lord with Psalm 23.

While giving praise, Pastor spoke this verse and praise and worship continues.
Matthew 11:28-30
Verse 30: For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

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