Sunday, February 17, 2013

17 February 2013

Praise and Worship: Another two great songs led by Adeline today.

Topic: Grace is Contagious

To last week's sermon by Pastor Mark, Pastor pays tribute to him and highlighted that though his english is far from good, he is anointed and his message is able to bless everyone. When he shares, people respond. Pastor says that you can be skilful but dry as a bone. Praise God that Pastor Mark is oily.

Pastor makes a prayer for everyone to be baptised with God's anointing.

In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus rebuked His disciples when they asked for permission to call down fire from heaven as they were denied access to the village. Today, there are still believers still living in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, sin is contagious. In the New Testament, mercy and holiness are contagious.
There was a leper who went to seek Jesus. The leper did not doubt Jesus has the power to heal. Many Christians today also do not doubt Jesus can heal. But His willingness is questioned today.
Let's follow the story of the leper to stop all unbelief once and for all. Jesus said "I am willing" and He touched the leper. A touch meant the world to the leper as they were social outcasts in those days. The law magnifies sin but grace and truth came from Jesus.

Paul talks in Colossians 2:21 to touch not, taste not and handle not, in an approach of denying the flesh. Many christians today interpret this verse such that if we do not behave like the world, we will score points and Jesus will bless us.
Light is seeing in its beauty among the darkness.

"But Pastor what about the verse in 2 Corinthians 6:14, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers?""
The bible is always consistent and accurate. Due to a misinterpretation of this verse, many christians become so afraid to have business dealings with people of the world. They assume that christians can only have business dealings with perfect beings. If you study the bible, God also took the money of the world to build His house. Referring to the bible, back then the Egyptians gave slaves gold and silver and later it was used to build the ark of covenant.

Pastor shares that many years ago, there was a certain Pastor in Singapore who does not allow his daughter to wear gold of any shape or form due to the following verse.
1 Peter 3:3 Don't let your attraction be adorning of gold. It goes on to say putting on clothes. Pastor jokes if this is indeed true, we should even follow this verse by not donning any clothing. Many of times, we misquote the bible and behave as if we are under the law.

Luke 7:34
In this verse, the Pharisees made it as an insult and called Jesus a friend of sinners. But we know it is a wonderful accusation.

1 Corinthians 5:9-13
Verse 9-10: Paul says he wrote a letter my referring to non-believers. In explanation, Paul is emphasising that it's alright to associate with non-believers.
Verse 11: Paul refers to those who claims to be a believer and has a motive of cheating.
Verse 12: Many believers think that they can judge people but Paul thinks otherwise in this verse. He says it is our responsibility to only judge sinners in the church. Pastor shared there were countless discipline in the church all these years and something they will not just sit back.

So back to the verse in 2 Corinthians 5:17-6:2
Verse 17: The verse which New Creation Church is all familiar with.
Verse 18: All of us have a ministry of reconciliation.
Verse 19: God is reconciling the world to Himself and not imputing their trespasses unto them.
There is a sin that God is judging people today. The sin of rejection of God.

Pastor shared the story of the man with a withered right hand in the bible. In those days when hands are not mobile, it means his livelihood is destroyed. But when Jesus healed the man, it not only meant that his livelihood is restored, the man's dignity is also restored as he is able to work and provide for the family. At that time, the Pharisees wanted to witness if Jesus would heal on the sabbath. When Jesus knew, He looked at them and was angry.

On the topic of the "holy land" such as The Star Vista or a church building, Pastor reminds us that we are the temple of God and are always a blessing to those around us. Wherever you go, you bring God's blessings with you too. We do not need to be in a so called "holy place" in order to feel or act holy.
However, there are christians who treat a place like a holy sanctuary which is needless. In case you think this is being holy, in actual fact this is being self righteous. Pastor reminds us that it is our presence that transforms the hall to a church. We are always a santuary in God's eyes.

Jesus obviously ate and drunk but was never drunk. The bible is against drunkardness. Some drink wine for health reasons but if you don't have a taste for it, then don't take it. Love is the governing principle.
Jesus says to us to be as wise as serpents and harmless like doves.

Pastor shares about Pastor Brian from Hillsong. He hightlights that Hillsong New York holds their church services in a nightclub. For Hillsong London, they hold their services in a theatre. For Hillsong South Africa, their services are held in the largest theatre in Cape Town. Jesus said where two or three are gathered in His name, He is in our midst. The location is secondary.

Back to 2 Corinthians 5:17-6:2,
Verse 20: Be reconciled with God.
Look at Chapter 6 Verse 1 now before the verse of "unequally yoked" in Verse 14.
This whole context is for us to understand the fact that Jesus is for us.
Verse 14: So what is yoke? It can refer to law, grace or worship.
In Verse 17, it says to depart and not touch the unclean. This verse is quoted from Isaiah 52:11.

Many people in the world like to prosper from Babylon's system. However Jesus says His way is through sowing and tithing. In bible geology, Babylon is defined as confusion.

So in context, the verse of unequally yoked is saying to us not to live in their immorality or worship what they worship. If this verse is indeed how many christians interpret today, then does it mean that doctors cannot attend to sinners? Or lawyers cannot represent sinners?

Abraham cut a covenant with Abimelech at Beersheba.
Marriage is to share the yoke with your partner.
If a believer would like to have a tumour removed, would you rather have a non-believer who is experienced in this field or a christian who just graduated?

Jesus sanctifies us by washing us with the water today. It is the word of God that cleanses you. When we say let's cleanse ourselves, it does not mean we cleanse ourselves physically knowing we actually can't. Just like we say let's shower ourselves. In actual fact, it is the shower that showers us.

The filthiness is on your flesh, but when you come to God, He washes you each time without fail. Pastor shows us an illustration of a gold bar under mud and asked if this would reduce its value? The value is "restored" after cleansing. The more you come, the more we are cleansed. It is a new and living way.

Under law, your sins are remembered for 3 generations and sin is contagious. Look at Haggai 2:11-14.
Under grace, your sins are remembered no more.

In closing,
1 Corinthians 7:12-15
Verse 12: Paul reiterates by telling us that this verse is for us and not the Lord. Divorce is not God's will. Never use this verse as an excuse for divorce because this has already been addressed in the next verse.
Verse 14: The unbelieving wife/husband is sanctified by each other. The child then becomes sanctified. This is proof of contagious grace.
Verse 15: So if unbeliever departs, just let him depart. It's talking about marriage.

As long as husband and wife are together, they are unified as one and is sanctified. The child is also sanctified and this grace is forever contagious.

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