Saturday, April 26, 2014

27 April 2014

Praise and Worship: I'm finally back in church today after a couple of weeks of break. Decided to attend the first service today. Prior to that, had the impression that first service consists of a majority of believers more senior than my age. Boy, I was so wrong. When we sang the song title "We are The Free", I was so comforted to see many raising their hands moving in the same motion together as one. Pastor is so right to always say our youths are renewed like the eagles. Today, I can say we have four services of young people!

- We Are The Free

- I Surrender
Link to blog entry titled "3 March 2013 - Pastor Lim Lian Neo"

- Through It All

Topic: Video sermon title "Daddy, God!" The Heart of the Father Revealed - 9 November 2013 (Lakewood Church)

We all have the same father. Just like Isaac and Ismail has the same father. Haggar is a type of Mount Sinai. Our mother is grace.
Turn to your neighbour and say, "We have the same Father, are we of the same mother (grace)?"

If you think we are lawless just because we tell people we are under grace, that is wrong believing. The bible tells us that sin shall not have dominion over us because we are not under the law.

Nothing is wrong with the law. The law is holy and just. But the law cannot make you perfect.

While Ismail and Isaac share the same father Abraham, Ismail persecuted the child of grace (Isaac). It is never the other way round We see a persecution against the gospel of grace today. 
In Hebrews 5, he (babe/infant) that uses milk is inexperienced with the message of righteousness. The level of maturity is not there yet.

The body is coming to a place a maturity and they are understanding righteousness. Righteousness is a gift. When you know that, you are not a baby Christian anymore. How did you become righteous? When you receive His righteousness.

Today our greatest persecution comes from the same father but not the same mama. So who is our mama? Sarah - grace.

Joseph and Benjamin were born of the same mama - Rachel. Do you remember that Joseph is a picture of Jesus? Jesus came but was rejected by the Jewish brothers. During the time of rejection, Joseph married a gentile. Jesus has not forgotten Israel.

When Jesus looked at the Jewish people of His days, He told them "When you know the truth, the truth will set you free." In context, Jesus is referring to grace.

When Benjamin met Joseph, he said "grace be with you." We are under the Benjamin times. During this time of famine, the generation of Benjamin will have five (5) times more food. That's not all. He gave to Benjamin five (5) changes of garments more than all the brothers added up. Today, you shall not starve or have none to eat.

If you hold on to the Old Testament, you will decay away. The law is about you. Grace says "I will, I will, I will."

God knew man cannot keep the law. It was only given when the people rejected God and said they can do what God demands at the foot of Mount Sinai. When the people rejected God, He changed His tone and asked the people not to come near. In the next chapter the Big Ten was given.

Adam covered themselves with fig leaves. Fig is a picture of self righteousness. God clothed them with coats of animal. At that time it is like God is saying, only innocent blood can cover your sins. Nothing can atone for your sins except innocent blood.

Galatians 4:1
Verse 1: Are you an heir of God?
Verse 3: That is the law.
We thought grace is basic and law is deep. God sees it the other way.
Jesus came to bring us son-ship. He came to place us as sons. Grace is deeper and stronger than the law.

To fall from grace is not when someone running away with the secretary. Yes, that act is wrong but that's not falling from grace. Falling from grace is when you go back to the law.

Romans 8:15
Verse 15: The holy spirit deliberately left the word "Abba" there. It is daddy.
Jesus came to reveal Abba Father. In Genesis 1, everything was Alohim - creator. In Genesis 2, God is Yahweh. In Genesis 3, God is El-Shaddai.
We think we are deep when we study the names of God. That is nothing wrong with that. But know that of all names, the greatest is Abba God. It is the spirit of son-ship.

You will always be a child in God's eyes. If you do not have a prayer, saying Daddy God will melt your troubles like butter on a hot pan.

When Jesus told the people of His days not to worry about what to eat or wear. He told them "your Father loves you" and feeds the birds in the sky. How much more would He not freely give you all things?

When Jessica was about 3 years old, she used to have nightmares. She just cries "Daddy", daddy is there. Was that an eloquent prayer?

Even a groan will reach His throne. When you groan to God, it is a prayer. When God heard the groaning, He remembered His covenant and sent Moses to deliver the people from slavery.

Worldliness is not the outward things. It is pride, lust, etc. If you can tell people not to lust, then Jesus doesn't have to come 2000 years ago.

1 John 2:15
Verse 15: If anyone who loves the world, the love of the Father is lacking in revelation.
People is becoming "unworldly" by accident. They give glory to God.

John 17:6
Verse 6: Jesus has manifested the Father's name.

John 17:11-12
Verse 11: The word "keep" here is to protect from loss and injury. How we protect our people? We remind them how much Jesus loves them. Jesus came to reveal the Father's love. Does the Father corrects? Yes He does that through His word or through the preacher. It is never through accidents. The more we speak Father to our families or friends, we have more protection. Jesus always reminds His disciples that the Father loves them.

John 17:26
Verse 26: That is a unity of love and it comes through the Father's name.

If we want our children to go to the fight of life and win, we need to always affirm them that they are our Beloved.

In closing,

God exhausted all His anger on Jesus. For the first time Jesus addressed God as "My God". He did that so that we can take His place and call Him "Father". Today we can call out, "Father father why have you so blessed me!"

Sunday, April 13, 2014

6 April 2014

Praise and Worship:
We sang an awesome new song title "Anthem of Grace". Tried searching online but could not find it. However, managed to get the lyrics of the song. If you know the tune, you can sing with the lyrics below.

I believe in a hope that’s so secure
In your Love that is no fear, salvation is sure
I believe on the cross you took my pain
All my sins are washed away, forgiven and free

And now i see
As you are, so are we

Let my life resound your praise
As an anthem of your grace
There is power in your name
Hallelujah Jesus You Reign
I believe I am righteous through the One
Your obedience has won, I rest in all you’ve done
I believe you are everything i need
More of you and less of me, I fall at your feet

Mountains be cast down, valleys be raised
Christ be exalted, lifted on high
Mountains be cast down, valleys be raised
Christ be exalted, lifted on high

Topic: Every Sin Is Paid At The Cross

As far as God is concerned, there is nothing good in the flesh. It's interesting that Jesus did not tell the woman at the well to be born again. Christianity is not about improving, it's about rebirth in Christ.

If you give someone free choice and everything around them is good, is that free choice? No, that is manipulation. By planting that tree there, God gives man the free choice and to love and honour Him.

John 3:16 is quoted so frequently that we forget it is Jesus who quoted this verse. For God "so" loved (put your name here). The bible tells us He went about doing good. But then He died a terrible death and people claimed He was murdered. Jesus allowed Himself to be captured, otherwise none could capture Him.

Your sins did not escape God's eyes. Every stroke for every single sin fell on Jesus. All of God's judgment was exhausted on Jesus. Now God can accept sinful man because that man's sins have been paid. The death of Christ has glorified God. God is pleased.

Today righteousness demands that the believer in Christ be completed delivered. You are forgiven based on God's righteousness.

God raised Jesus not because He is the son of God. Jesus came out of the tomb without our sins. It means all your sins have been put away. It is as if sins has become a past issue. You become holy by accident when you believe right. We are now the righteousness of God in Christ. In the book or Proverbs there are so many blessings for the righteous.

The seed of the righteous shall be delivered. When you are a sinner, you don't have to believe for poverty. They happen automatically. Likewise, when you are righteous, the fruits of the spirit comes to you effortlessly.

It is important that you maintain a father-son relationship. You don't come to God like a sinner. That's hypocrisy. The Pharisees pretended to be righteous when they are not. You are no longer a sinner, start to act like it.

Proverbs 17:15
Verse 15: Those who justifies the wicked and those who condemns the just, is an abomination to the Lord.
If you condemn yourself, it is abomination.
When you agree with God, something happens. You notice this whenever you claim that you are the rightness of God in Christ, your breakthrough happens.

The flesh is the flesh. The wood is not you. It affects your walk. Just because you have that wooden splint in your finger, it doesn't make you a wood. If a fellow Christian falls into sin, he is still a child of God. So how are you approaching God? Always have a Father-Son relationship.

If you come to God with the consciousness of sin, you probably don't have the faith. So when you come to God, you need to be the "copper" in order for the electricity to flow.

Acts 10:9-16
Verse 15: God says "Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean." Are you saying it wasn't a full payment when it was?
The truth of the gospel can never be compromised.

Galatians 2:11-16
Verse 11-13: Paul rebuked Peter over a dinner.
Verse 14-16: Paul let it fly. The gospel message can never be compromised.
Pastor once asked God why He is so particular with hyprocrsy, God said one who pretends to be someone he isn't, he will never feel loved. That person will think that he can fake God and never feel loved.

Do you know that the word "justify" is known as "declared righteous". When God says you are righteous, you say Amen. You must declare yourself righteous. That is declaration.

Isaiah 45:23-25
Verse 24: God says surely one will say I have righteousness and strength. People will find strength in their presence.

Isaiah 53 talks about God's sufferings. Isaiah 54 talks about God's blessings.

Isaiah 54:13-17
Verse 13-15: Talks about the blessings.
Verse 16: God is telling His people that He has created Lucifer, whatever weapons he creates, I know. The devil is on a leash. Then comes the promise in Verse 17.
Verse 17: This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. God says no weapons formed against you shall prosper.

Even though the weapon is in your body, it will not prosper. God says weapons will be formed but it will never prosper. The cancer is dying.

The devil is the father of lies don't come to us with a blatant lie. Usually he comes with a lie that is accompanied with an element of truth. That makes it easier for man to accept. Even a lapse in thought is already been paid on the cross.

In closing,

That's how complete the work is. Today if the devil comes to accuse you of murder, and you are already saved from all your sins, the devil has no case against you. God will throw his case out and the accuser becomes the murderer.

16 March 2014

Praise and Worship:

I Will Come and Bow Down:

Topic: God Has Reserved Double Honour For You

It's going to be a greater year, greater protection.
God is still not in charge of the world. If He is, the streets of earth will be gold.

God gave Adam dominion over earth. Don't picture the garden as a small garden patch. It is the whole earth. Adam had power over the earth and every living creature. God has lost the way He governs the earth. The devil needs a body so that he can express himself. That is the law. 
So, man preferred snake talk and Adam fell. Since Adam has bowed his knee to the devil, the devil is the one behind every tsunami and every accident. 

God hates sins, sickness and death. God cannot and will not stop man because of the free choice. You have the freedom to choose but you do have the freedom to choose the consequence. Please understand God's wonderful dream and we live in a world of the consequence. So don't blame God. God sent His son to die for us so that we can reach God easily.

Books are wonderful but they cannot save. What man needs is a saviour. Man has the law for 3500 years but look at the world today. Morality cannot save. We need more preachers having more confidence in the gospel restored.

Romans 1:16-17
Verse 16: The word "salvation" is complete salvation. It is for everyone who believes.
Verse 17: Make sure you get the right kind of gospel. There are teachings of morality. Look at the NLT translation for this verse. It says from "start to finish by faith". There's nothing you can do. You can only have faith and receive it.

Romans 4:13-16 (NLT)
Verse 13: We are Abraham's descendents. There are so many people talking about obeying God's obedience. There are preachers who keep putting the law in front of his people. The reason believers are not receiving because they are focusing on obeying the law. You still need the law for outward governance like most countries have.

The worst sin is unbelief. The whole nation cannot enter the holy land is because of unbelief. The greatest holiness is faith.

Every time you say in deep appreciation, "Thank God I am the righteousness of God in Christ", God is very pleased. It causes you to quit trying to quit from your addiction.

Sometimes people will repackage the law and present it to the people.

Webster is the father of all English dictionary. Webster is a very strong and devoted Christian.

Looking at the definition,
- a painful sensation excited by a consciousness of guilt or of having done something of consciousness of guilt.

The law was given so that man will know what is sin. It is like a mirror.

In Psalm 8, God crowned (atar) man will glory and honour. Man was never naked. The moment Adam sinned, that bright golden light around him disappeared. Man sinned and forfeited the glory. Jesus said the glory you gave Me, I have given them.

Genesis 3:9-11
Verse 9: The first question in the bible.
Verse 10: This first tells you why fear came into the world. The mother of all fear is the fear of death. Fear is something that God hates. God doesn't want you to live in fear. Fear began here. Adam feared because he was naked. The consciousness of sin and guilt caused man to fear.

To all parents, never use the words "Shame on you". Always tell them they are made beautiful by God. Even when they fail, shame must never come in.

Verse 11: By the law is the knowledge of good and evil. In the law, it says you shall die if you partake from this tree.

Shame and sin consciousness is together. By the law, it is the knowledge of sin. But God promised in Isaiah 61, God promised in our shame, He will give us double honour. Why? Because Jesus has come.

Do you know why God allowed Jesus to take the spitting and shame? So that we can have double honour today.

Matthew 27:26-31
Verse 26: The soldiers scourged Him.
Verse 27: They brought Him to the Praetorium and gathered the whole garrison.
Verse 28: They stripped Him. Can you imagine standing before your enemies who hate you and they stripped you naked? They are mocking you. They put a scarlet robe on Him.
Verse 29: They put a crown of thorns on His head. That's for all of us who are depressed and have negative thoughts. He paid the price for our peace of mind. They put a reed on His hand. A reed is a weapon.
Verse 30: They used the reed to struck Him on His head. The word "struck" in Greek is in imperfect tense. They continued hitting him on His head again and again. The hit, the shame and nakedness He has taken for us so that in His shame, we will have double honour.

Psalm 69:19-21
Verse 19: These 3 words, reproach, shame and dish on our are all shame.

In closing,

Jesus died with a broken heart. Medical science says that when someone dies with a raptures heart, water is found at the sac near the heart.

Psalm 69:19-21
Verse 20: Reproach has broken Jesus' heart. Our shame, our shame broke His heart.

Pastor asked God why give him a ministry that is going to four corners of the earth.
The Lord replied, "Son, last week you preached about the woman in adultery. The days you live in today and the days we lived in before is different. The adulterous woman can move to the north or Galilee and nobody will know her. But in your day and age, you have the social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Let's say that today a lady commits a mistake not meant for the world to see, the shame is multiplied many times over more than the times during Jesus time. That is why I am blessing your gospel many times over today."

Saturday, April 12, 2014

9 March 2014

Praise and Worship:

This Kingdom:

Topic: Releasing God's Blessings In Our Lives

God's word can change your life in an instant.

Ephesian 1:3
Notice that phrase "who has blessed us". God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. There is a third heaven where God dwells. Today, we are blessed in the heavenly places in Christ.
God sent His son to die for us because He is holy. He cannot sweep our sins under the carpet. If God is God, He cannot but has to love us. Just like a judge, he judges our act. God's true actions are love but He exercises justice.

Pastor how can you say we are righteous.
Jesus died on the cross to give us His righteousness. Have you received yours today?

Jesus gave us eternal life. If today you can forgo your salvation, then why call it eternal. Eternal means eternal.

All the blessings of God are based on location. It is painful if one spends their life on your own smarts. It is not you holding on to God. It is God holding on to you. Life is not about luck. Life is about God for you. God being God has to bless.

Deuteronomy 28:1-13
Verse 1: ".. set you high above all nations of the earth."
The law governs your outward behavior. It does not transform you from the inside out. Now we are in that location, that is why blessings come to us.
Verse 3: Blessed wherever you go.
Verse 4: That is for your children.
Verse 6: You are blessed every way.
Verse 7: Your enemies flee before you.
Verse 8: The Lord blesses your storehouse. That's where you keep your money.
Wherever the gospel is, the nation prospers. God doesn't want your focus to be on money. The love of money is the root of all evil. You can be very poor man but full of money. God doesn't want that for you. Jesus said He came so that you have life.
Some say we are like sheep and an easy prey. Yes, if we don't have a strong shepherd.
Verse 13: You will be the head. A leader, one who sets the tone. The bible says all these blessings are yours.

Back to Ephesians 1:3, the Lord says we have been blessed with all these blessings.
The question is how do we released it in our life.
The word "blessings" is Pneumatics:
- Belonging and emanating from the Divine Spirit
- Produced by the sole power of God Himself

2 Corinthians 4:17-18
Verse 17: Glory is weighty.
Verse 18: God wants us to see things that are not seen. The unseen is the real world. God says the seen are temporal and the things unseen are eternal.
Your spirit is eternal. When man dies, his body decays. Man lives forever, it just depends where the the spirit is housed after life.

Words are invisible. When you pray for that person, that person is healed. How did that happen? We didn't see it. That unseen is eternal.

Pastor, i only can see it and say it's real.
Well that's very shallow. Have you seen your own brain?

So Pastor, so why don't i see my blessings manifest? Look to the following verses.

2 Corinthians 1:18-20
Verse 19: All God's blessings are Yes. God deals with certainties. Man deals with theories. You were created to believe. If i don't deserve His blessings, then what can i do?
Verse 19 in NLT, God says on our part, we just have to say "Amen". It was first used by Abraham. Abraham believed in the Lord. That in Hebrew means "Amen". Amen compliments God for His integrity.
Verse 20 in NIV, when you say Amen, God gets the glory. "... Amen is spoken to us to the glory of God."

Jesus promised that blessed are you when man comes against you.
Teach your kids to stand up tall. Tell them it's rare not to speak vulgarities. Tell them stones are cheap because they are everywhere. Diamonds are expensive because they are rare. Do not be conformed to the world.

Revelation 3:14
Verse 14: Jesus' name is Amen. Jesus says, Amen i say to you. If you see the word "Verily" in the bible, it is actually Amen Amen i say to you. Only in John, Amen appear twice. Otherwise God says Amen.

Deutronomy 27:16-26
Notice all the verses of curses were all answered Amen. But in Deuteronomy 28, all the blessings none were answered Amen. Why? Because Jesus hasn't come yet back then and the people were living under the curse.
The blessings of God keeps going on. Jesus came to redeem us from the curse, not to redeem us from the blessings.
In closing,

When you say Amen, it can become a cliche. Nowadays when you say Amen, know the definition of it.

When you hear a promise, just say Amen to it. There's no need for you to behave for the promise. Mary said Amen when she received the word that she will conceive. That's what God wants you to do. That is all.

Pastor says he will pray the blessings of Deuteronomy 28 to be on us later.