Sunday, February 2, 2014

19 January 2014

Praise and Worship: Today we sang this old song titled "I Will Follow After You". As we sang along, I noticed there was an addition of bridge to the song. Nice. Even without it, it's still nice. I recall posting the song (down-loadable) in one of my blog entries.
Topic: Grace and Truth is One

The bible tells us there was an offering in the old testament called the flower. On the bronze alter, there are four corners, a representation of the cross. Your hands has to be laid on the lamb for your sins to go into the lamb. The lamb's righteousness are transferred to you and the lamb is killed. As you walk away, you become righteous. The smoke that goes up becomes a sweet smelling fragrance to the Lord. This reminds God of Christ' death. Now, you walk away like the best thing on earth. Because Jesus died on the cross as if He was you. You become righteous because Jesus received our sins. God's blessings rest on us.

Pastor shared about a conversation with a brother from overseas. They talked about Christians not understanding the good news we have today.

The fullness of grace wasn't preached by Jesus when he was on earth. He was born under law to redeem us from the law. Jesus, the original law giver on the sermon on the mount, was talking to people under the law. He was clarifying His intentions of the law. Jesus brought the law back to its purity. Jesus told them the law was designed to bring out our guiltiness.

Law means what you are to be before God. Grace means what He will do for you.

Jesus came to bring grace because the law existed already. People sometimes say it's good to bring back grace but we need to tell them the truth. The thing is, a bread is not a bread when it has butter on it. It is butter bread.

God never separates grace and truth.

In John 1:17
Verse 17: The law was given by Moses. Moses is a servant. The servant does not abide in the house forever but the son does. Your son inherits but the servant doesn't. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. The separation is between law and grace and truth on the other side. God joins grace and truth. What God has joined, let no man separate them.

The law says "I will not forget your sins, I will visit your sins to your children's children." The curse exist. But we as believers are no under the curse. Jesus wore the crown of thorns. Thorns symbolises us redeemed from the curse.

God says under grace very clearly, "I remember your sins no more." That means there once He remembered but now not anymore. A sin can never be judged twice. So what has happened? The death of Jesus Christ. We have been saved once and for all and now we are learning this fact.

The law is, "You shall you shall you shall". Grace is, "I will I will I will".

The word "grace and truth" is a beautiful word that means pure grace.
When Jesus turned water into wine, He was demonstrating that He can compress time. The law is so perfect but it cannot make you holy. Grace is even higher than the law. What grace demands, grace supplies.

"Grace and truth" are two items. Two items mean plural. For e.g. We say Jack and Jill play to win. We don't say Jack and Jill plays to win. Correct?
But for this verse in Greek, it is "grace and truth comes". It literally means grace and truth is one item.

In Genesis 22, the verse says that Abraham brought his son to be sacrificed. All the while, God is showing us His son, not Abraham's son. Just as he was about to plunge the knife down, God stopped him and said. "I know that you fear me and love me. You did not withheld your son." So today we can look to God and say, "I know you loved me because you did not withheld your Son."

The mother's blood does not touch the baby. Studies have confirmed this. The umbilical cord brings food to the baby while the baby's waste goes to the mother. The blood of Jesus comes from heaven and is pure and not stained by Mary's sinful blood. Jesus' blood is to be shed for all mankind.

This year is the year of greater glory. He wore a crown of thorns to crown you with glory. That's the love of God.

Anything that you experience in life is to let you know the great God. God made good food to be enjoyed. If God didn't want us to enjoy, then why did He give us taste buds? He wants us to remember the source is Him. God made Adam named the animals before We came. This was because he would appreciate Eve more when she came. When Adam saw his need, God brought Eve from Adam's side. That's where all DNA comes from.

Every marriage needs a third party - Jesus. You quarrel and quarrel, Jesus holds your marriage together.

God created Adam and Eve to let us know the existence of Christ and the Church.

Ephesians 5:25
Verse 25: Christ loved the church and gave himself for the church. He didn't just give up His Kingdom, He gave up Himself. If the word "Himself" is not there, it still sounds ok. But by putting in "Himself" makes it even more heartwarming to hear.

When you partake of the holy communion, don't just parrot your Pastors. Know who you are talking to.

What you say carry weight (glory). Whatever the world says about you does not carry weight.

The church is the most powerful thing on earth. There will be new viruses this year, but His hope is in the church. Make practical use of the church. That is why there are seven church in the book of Revelation.

Ephesians 1:19-23
Verse 19: The cancer disappears because of this mighty power in this verse.
Verse 20: Right hand is the place of power. He sat down because He did a complete work in removing all your sins. He sat down because His work is finished.
Verse 21: This right hand in heavenly places is a place far above all principalities.

Flesh can never overcome flesh. Pastor shared an incident where he witnessed a male about to beat up his other half. Naturally, he wanted to step up to confront the man. But he felt the Holy Spirit in him telling him to say a prayer. He did so and made said a pryaer to break the power of darkness. Right before his eyes, everything ceased and both of them just hugged each other.

Verse 22: He put all things under His feet and He is head of all things in the church - for the benefit of the church. You are the church. It's for your benefit. Use your authority. Don't just watch from a distance.

It is not about who you are, it is about whose you are.

Ephesians 5:28-33
Verse 28: Husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies.
Verse 29: Cherishes is a word "keep warm". Just like Jesus just holds us.
Verse 30: We are members of His flesh and bones. Is His bones sick?

Acts 9:1-7
Verse 4: God said "Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" In essence, Saul was persecuting the church. But God said "Me". That's the full truth. He did not say "Why are you persecuting us?" The weakest member in the body of Christ is Himself. Just like the vine and the branches. All of you branches, make up Christ. The same health, wisdom, glory that flows in that vine, flows in you. Your part is not to produce. Your part is to rest then God flows in us to produce a beautiful fruit.

In closing,

There was a time in Israel history where people asked why are their salaries put in a bags of holes. The message is for us today. God is saying to us to get involved in the church if you want to meet your needs today. Christianity is not about being solo. We are all the body of Christ. Get involved in service. Get involved in the church. We have care groups for you to have bodily life. All good things are found in the house. There's also accountability in the house. Time given to the church will never be lost. You try to save your life, you lose it. That's the mystery God has placed in the church.

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