Friday, February 21, 2014

16 February 2014

Praise and Worship: Excellent songs! Awesome P&W!

1. We Are The Free

2. Freely forgiven
3. Believe

4. With all I am
Video highlights of the USA Tour in November 2013 is aired for the congregation.

If all that is in the video is called glory, how much more can we expect since this year is the year of greater glory? Let's get ready to expect more.

Two years ago due to curiosity, Pastor browsed through some websites to see what is being preached around the world. He chanced upon a man sharing on the topic of finances. God impressed on Pastor to read that sermon.

In that sermon, the foreign minister happened to talk about Pastor Prince. In that message, he taught about tithing to your perfect local church and belittled the little church. Then he went on to list down the local churches. Pastor was grieved when he heard that and he went to the Lord. God revealed to him that there are so many people watching Pastor Prince ministries that all of them are lost and do not know where to go. That happened 2 years ago, in early 2012.

God showed Pastor that he needed to plant a church overseas. So, Pastor prophesied to Pastor Keith that he will be the Pastor in Dallas. Pastor then went on to make it clear that the overseas church is not affiliated to NCC in any way and that their funds are independent.

Diving right into the Word:
The woman caught in adultery is shared in the Gospel of John. It is a representation of Israel committing adultery. We all know only the one without sin can cast the first stone. Jesus then tells the woman that He does not condemn her, go and sin no more.

Today we are preaching a gospel of no-condemnation to the people. Unfortunately, there are many who are unhappy with this message. Most of them are theologians.

Jesus gave her no condemnation to empower her to sin no more. Today, the church says to go and sin no more first, then we will not condemn you. The more guilty they feel will make them even more prone to committing the same mistake. If you believe you are not condemned, you will go and sin no more.

Pastor reads a testimony from Arizona.
This brother was addicted to alcohol for 31 years. It got so bad that his liver expanded and made his heart protrude. The book of Right Believing changed his life. God delivered him halfway throughout the book. In the letter he says, "Fear and guilt feeds addiction". Since then he threw away $400 worth of booze and never touched alcohol for 5 weeks now.

Don't think for one moment that God has went soft. He still upheld the law when he forgave the woman. Jesus did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill the law. Don't misunderstand that. Once the law has been fulfilled, we do not need to be under the law anymore.

For the woman to be under the conscious of no condemnation, Jesus would have to bear the sin for the woman. The just has to die for the unjust. Jesus came not to condemn but to save the world.

Jesus saw the multitudes like sheep without a shepherd. Today, there are leaders who see their people fainting but say they have no discipline. This is not how Jesus sees us today. Jesus only sees that the sheep do not have a shepherd.

Some things come by growth. Just keep on feeding and the dead leaves will drop.
Don't see others who are committing sins as rebellion. Just see them as a sheep without a shepherd.

Sometimes we put too much expectation on others. We forget Jesus is patient to us.

Because God is holy and so He needs to be punished on the cross.
God says every sins must be punished. Jesus says, "I will carry their sins."

You can say you can stop smoking anytime. It's not that my friend, when you try to stop, you will find that you are in bondage to that sin.

Christ came to deliver us from our self.

John 8:56-59
Verse 57: Jesus did not say he saw Abraham. The Pharisees missed the point.
Verse 58: Jesus said before Abraham, "I AM."

In the midst of the burning bush, Moses heard God to deliver the people. The Lord said, "I am that I am." In essence that is a blank cheque to what you are facing today.

Verse 59: The Jews took up stones and wanted to stone Jesus. They understood what they meant.

When you are full of self, you will miss God's blessings under your breath.

Back to Verse 59, it ended to say Jesus is in the midst.

Many years ago in 1700 there was a lady called Lady Anne. She was very adamant in telling people there was no god. Before she died in 1713, she continued to tell people that there is no afterlife. She says even at her deathbed, if Jesus is real, may tress grow out of her tomb. (Her tomb was made of marble) Many years after she died, they noticed the cover of the tomb had moved. Today, seven trees have grown out and under her tomb. This phenomenon is documented today. If you think about it, Heaven actually took up her challenge. So, it's your call to believe today.

Today if you do not accept God's blessings, Jesus will just pass by. He will go somewhere to pour it on. See the next few verses.

John 9:1-8
Verse 1: Right after Jesus passed by in the previous verse, Jesus say a man who was blind from birth. His grace is for those who need it.
Verse 2: His disciples then asked who sinned for this man to be born blind. This is not the question of who sinned. The disciples were engrossed in the topic of sin. Today many Christians are like this too. Why make big of darkness where light has come? Why talk about the devil who hates you than talk about Jesus who loves you dearly?
Verse 3: Jesus said if he is blind, I am the light of the world. Stop saying why are you in darkness. Don't ever let anyone take you to that place.
Verse 4: Jesus says as long I'm in the world, I am the light of the world. It's like as though He's saying, as long as there's sorrow, I am here.
Verse 6: Jesus spat on the ground and made clay. So why did Jesus do that? We are made from the ground. The act of spitting is humiliating. The only part in the book of Matthew tells us that Jesus was spat in the face. Spitting is an emblem of shame. Clay is an emblem of man/flesh. Jesus is demonstrating to seeing Jesus in flesh is not the answer. You must see Jesus not His humbling self but see Him dying for our sins.

John 9:14-17
Verse 17: The man who was healed says Jesus is a prophet. Then the Jews summoned his parents.
Verse 25: When your friends argue with you, you can tell them, "Once thing I know: that though I was blind, now i see."

John 9:22-41
Verse 27: The man repeats to the Jews that he does not know why and how he was healed. If you want to glorify the Lord, testify the Lord and He will back you up. There's no such thing as a secret christian.
Verse 30-32: The man started to preach to the theologians.
Verse 34: The Jews cast him out.
Verse 35: Then Jesus asked if he believe in the Son of God? Jesus seldom reveals Himself.
Verse 36: The man believed and worshiped Jesus.

Jesus saw a man in darkness and brought him to light. That's what Jesus does with us. Jesus came from the uttermost to bring us to the uttermost.

This reminds us of the woman at the well. At first she saw Jesus as a Jew. Jesus talked to her some more and revealed her past. Then she called her a Sir. Then she goes around sharing with others about a man who revealed her past. She then calls Him a Messiah.

Verse 39-41:
God can look at the blind and say it's ok, I will help you. But those who say they can see, then their sins remains.

In closing,

At the end of the day, why are we living our life? To get a million, Pastor.
But Jesus said, I came to set you free.
Pastor! I'm a free thinker!
You may think you are a free thinker, but you think sinful thoughts.
Jesus says, whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

We are against sin but for the sinner.

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