Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jesus is the Driver

I was driving back last few days after dropping my granny home only to notice that both of my car headlights had blown. I was surprised as this seldom happens. If you know what I mean, you would agree that it is usually one that blows first, followed by the other. So this time it was rather unusual to me.

I drove home relying on my fog lights and since all the streets in Singapore are always lit up, it wasn't a problem. In fact, I suppose it looks sportier on the outside? No? Alright, I know it doesn't..

Throughout the journey, I had this little revelation through this little illustration of the car headlights.

We are just like a car. When our headlights have blown, theoretically we have become "blind" to the outside and we're unable to see what's ahead of us. We find it difficult to drive home safely since we can't follow traffic rules anymore and instead, we become a danger on the road and even to cyclists.
Now, it is not about the car that matters but the driver isn't it? He stops at the traffic, takes a bend while looking out for cars or pedestrians, decides when to pick up speed, chooses the best corner parking lot (Singaporean drivers all love), switches lane carefully and so much more. Most importantly he makes sure you are home safely.

In our daily lives, we try our very best to change things at our workplace, in our family or our friends. We want to be the best and see what we want to see. For the many countless reasons that we work through our own self efforts, did we actually realise that we are just a car?

Jesus is the driver and if we acknowledge that, I am sure we can be at rest in all we do and yet see an increase in our lives. Let's not attempt to get into the driver's "good books" thinking we can through our efforts.

In fact, the driver cares much more about the car more than you think! Not only he drives home safely, he even keeps you clean when you are dirty or even so, send you for a polishing job!

Now, we look good after the polishing job (youth renewed), we do not worry about the next destination (restful), we go wherever He brings us (right place and right time) and we see His provisions in our lives (prosperity). Best of all, we do nothing (grace).

This is what our Jesus is all about!

P/S: I hope you are blessed by this blog entry! Share on Facebook if you are :)


  1. Thanks for the encouragement :)

  2. Wow!! Simply amazing! I luv it so much! Yes, Jesus is our driver & most of the time, we want to take over the driver. We simply have to acknowledge that we are just his cars! Thank u brother, I m so blessed by tis!

  3. Hi Blessed5, I feel really happy to hear that you have been blessed by this entry! In fact, I feel the same as you too! Hope to see you around in my blog :)
