Thursday, May 9, 2013

5 May 2013

Praise and Worship: Adeline led us to sing this song titled "I Will Follow After You" written by Pastor Ben in 1995. Amazingly long time back. It's a beautiful song but can't seem to find the single on the Internet. The closest match was sung by this young man in our church which I thought he sang with emotions slightly over the limit. Probably this is what is meant with the saying "Running high on emotions"? If you do come across other variants of this song, please inform me so that I can upload the song here :)

1. I Will Follow After You: (Prefer the video showing lyrics rather than a really raw look! :X)


Topic: The Secret to Serving the Lord

The bible tells us the biggest reward we can get is to have a life of perfect health, wealth, well being and wholeness. Everything we have received is by grace and all we have to do is to behold Jesus.

It is painful to be full of yourself, self centered. When you look at an earthly king, you are not transformed. If you look at Jesus, you are transformed.

John 12:26
Verse 26: God loves everyone of us in a special way. Out of all these people, God honours a group of people - to those who serve Jesus. If you serve Jesus, He gives you special rewards. Serving the Lord is not just Christian works. You can be doing alot of things in the name of the Lord but for personal gains or pride. God knows your heart. But first of all, you need to find something in church to get involved in. It is an honour and privilege to serve our Lord. Whatever time you give to the Lord, He will bless and multiply back to you. You cannot or will not lose out serving King Jesus.

Of all the four gospels, there's one that speaks about Jesus being a servant. You can be a CEO of a company, political leader, a father or a social man. Likewise when God sent His son, He knew that one gospel is not enough to portray His beauty.

In the book of Matthew, Jesus is depicted a king. (Lion)
In Mark, Jesus is depicted a an Ox signified as power.
In Luke, Jesus is portrayed as a man. A gospel full of grace.
In John, Jesus comes down as flesh, represented as the eagle. Every leader should have these 4 faces. We got to know when to be a man. You can be a CEO at work, but your wife wants you to be a man at home.

There's a place to be a friend in some social settings.

1 Corinthians 15:58
Verse 58: In God's estimation, no work or labor is in vain in the Lord. The word "steadfast" means to sit. You don't work to be saved. You can do nothing to be saved. In other words, your life is relaxed. When you parent, you parent relaxed, without stress. Christ has redeemed us from all stress. The word "immovable" means nothing can move you from serving the Lord. The word "abounding" means to go beyond the boundaries. In greek it means quality and quantity.

When you look at the gospel of Mark, you see Jesus as a divine servant. That is why you find no background of Jesus in this gospel.

Philippians 2:5-8
Every time you humble yourself, God will promote you. When God exalts you, no one can bring you down or demote you.

There are only 16 chapters in Mark and is the shortest book among the 4 gospels. Mark was written to Gentiles, not Jews. That is why there are no Jewish laws in Mark. Also, there are 3 times more miracles in Mark than in the book of Matthew.

Mark 10:45
Religion will tell you to serve the Lord. Actually it is the Lord who serves us. Even when Jesus was resting at the well, He even blessed the woman who came to serve Him. He wants to wash your feet but do you allow and consent the Lord to do so?

The word "immediately" appears very often in Mark. In chapter 1 it came out 11 times. It is "eutheos" which means straight-away.

Mark has 16 chapters and the word "and" is used so often.

Mark 1:1-4
Verse 3: John is the voice of one crying in the wilderness.

Demons know those who serve the Lord.
In the gospel of Mark, we have 12 accounts of Jesus defeating the demons.

If you want real power of life, learn the spirit of serving and humility.

1. Announced by the forerunner.
2. Approved by the father - Mark 1:10-11
God approves you of Him before you serve.

To submit does not mean to give in to someone smarter, stronger or greater. That is not submitting, that is being threatened. To submit means to give in but yet you are smart. That is why Jesus asks women to submit to their husbands.

3. Anointed by the spirit
4. Assailed by the devil - Mark 1:13
Verse 13: Jesus was tempted for 40 days
Jesus was never tempted to sin. For Jesus, the word "tempted" means "tested" in all points but not pertaining to sin.

5. Acknowledged by the wild beasts - Mark 1:13, ".. and was with the wild beasts".
6. Attended to by angels - Mark 1:13, ".. and the angels ministered to Him".
Acknowledge that you have a myriad of angels with you. God doesn't need your service. He has angels who are never tired to work for you. Angels attend to your way.

2 Timothy 4:11
Verse 11: Mark is useful to Luke in the ministry.

7. Acclaimed by the multitude - Mark 1:32-34

Mark Chapter 1 ends with a sunset and the start of chapter 16:2 starts with a sun rise.
Actually He came to our darkness to give us sunrise.

Mark 16:19-20
Verse 20: The Lord works with you when you serve. ".. the Lord working with them.."

In closing,

Jesus says He did not come to be served but to serve. This message is for those who are steadfast and unmovable.


  1. I have the soft copy of the song i will follow after you. Let me know if you want. You can email me at

  2. Hi Anonymous, can you send me the soft copy of the song? Thanks!
