Sunday, June 10, 2012

6 May 2012

Topic: Truth of Repentance

Pastor believe this message will be another landmark message.

Referring to last week's verse,
John 5: "Shall not come into judgment". Believers will never come to judgment.

Gospel of God is nothing more than the finished work of Jesus. Every time you hear the sermon, something good happens to you. He loves you more than you love yourself.

Today's topic will be on repentance. Many preachers always ask why aren't you preaching on repentance? Pastor would love to ask them what is their definition of repentance.

Once you are cleansed (prefect tense), you shall not be conscious of sin. God loves man in his sinful self. God used the cross to be a redemption for all men.

The bible says Jesus was bound and Peter was outside. At the third denial, Jesus turned to look at Jesus. Was it because Peter cried then Jesus turned? No, Jesus turned when Peter denied Him. This is the heart of Christ. One shall never fully understand the love of God.

2 John 1
If any believer sins, straightaway the advocate (priest) goes to the intercede on your behalf.

You don't break a child's spirit. But you should break his will of rebellion.

Many preachers want to preach on repentance to beat the congregation. But Jesus said feed my people, not beat my people.

Romans 2:4
The goodness of God leads you to repentance. Many believers believes that if you repent then you will be led to goodness.
"But Pastor, I think I have not repented enough". There's never not enough. Sometimes you repent to joy. There is a place about Godly sorrow in the bible but it does not mean repentance.

Mark 1:4-5
Verse 4: John came preaching a sermon of repentance until you are forgiven. There is a place called baptism of repentance in Israel.
Verse 5: "Confessing their sins". This is a terminology Israelis know. If you read the whole chapter of John, it is actually written to the unbelieving Jews.

Pastor proves John was under the law.
Luke 16:16
Verse 16: The law and the prophets were until John.

Mark 1:15
Verse 15: Jesus preached the good news. He mentioned repentance in this verse. In the bible when Jesus uses this word, repentance of the gospel is to give up on self-righteousness.

When Philip preached, he preached Christ and not on repentance. After preaching about Christ, all the people repented.

In the old testament, there is repentance. How to bring repentance to the new testament? Preach Christ.

You may use to think Jesus is stingy, when you know He is not, your mind is changed and you are led to repentance.
Just like how satan came to man and made them think God is stingy by not allowing them to eat from that tree. Once man believed that, they were led to repentance in the wrong way. Repentance is a change of mind, not an action.

Acts 2: 36-38
Verse 37: "cut to the heart" after hearing the preaching.
Verse 38: Peter then said repent. Sometimes he uses this word sometimes he doesn't.
In Acts 10:43-46
Verse 43: Whosoever believes in Him will be delivered from all remissions of sin. Peter didn't use the word repent here.
Verse 44: The people fell to the word.
Verse 45: The holy spirit came down on them and led them to repentance. Noticed it is non-Jews that received God's presence.

Acts 11:17-18
Verse 18: Gentiles repented to life.
Just because people uses the word "repentance" freely, it does not mean they are preaching that. Many of times they are preaching sin consciousness or even depression.

Jesus who is all knowing and in control of the universe, notices even when a sparrow falls. See how much He loves us.
Once you know you have such a big God watching over you, you then realize that it is stupid to rely on your smarts, cunningness and connections.

"Man proposes but God disposes."
People are so conscious of competition, who's going to overtake you or cut you. Not only driving but in life too.

Many of times we are the product of someone's prayer. God has to grant you repentance.

Good message for leaders:
2 Timothy 2:24-26
Verse 25: So that they will know the truth.

You can have a beautiful land property, but there is strife inside. After some time it is still just a house. The best house or best car is not everything.

You can already withdraw your treasures in heaven. Don't have to wait until you die to enjoy in heaven. God just doesn't give you a million dollars like that. He loves that you go to Him, draw on Him and depend on Him.

Acts 13:38-39
This is not a message of repentance. If only we can just proclaim and not demand from others.

Pastor wants to prove that remorse is not repentance.
Matthew 27:3-5
Verse 3: Judas repented and brought 30 pieces of silver.
In NKJV, the word "repented" is "remorseful".
When Judas hanged himself after that, that act indicated that he wanted to pay for his sins himself. This is self righteousness. How dare you hurt yourself when Jesus paid for every pain on the cross. If only Judas waited a few more hours, Jesus will die for his sins on the cross. You don't have to punish yourself today.

In closing,
Jesus wants us to give up our pretense to self righteousness.

Luke 15:1-32 (Story of the lost sheep)
Verse 1: Jesus draws sinners and tax collectors to Him. Preach more on Jesus and many will be drawn near.
Verse 4-7: Jesus shares the parable of the lost sheep to the Pharisees. Read how did the sheep repent?

Luke 15:1-32 (Story of the lost coin)
Coin represents the image of God.

Luke 15:1-32 (Story of the prodigal son)
Verse 19: Make me one of your hired servants. Thoughts were of himself. This is not exactly repentance.
Verse 20: The father saw him before he confessed.
Verse 21: The son started to say those that he rehearsed prior to coming back. Do you know why the son cannot say the sentence "make me one of your hired servant"? The sentence was dropped. When you see your father hugging you and running to you, how can you say make me a servant in a presence of such abundance of grace. His motive of coming back was imperfect. But the father didn't care what he said. He just continued to pour on the son. It was the father's love that brought forth repentance.

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