Sunday, June 10, 2012

10 June 2012

Topic: Blessings on the 12 sons of Jacob

Testimony of a little girl in Dare Ministry who was healed of a very crooked spine. Pastor shared about Jesus' prayers are always short and sweet. In the bible, only the Pharisees prayed long prayers to impress men.

Due to time, we will only study the blessings of 2 sons.

Genesis 49:1-4
Verse 1: ".. in the last days". As far as God is concerned, today is just the second day. We are in the last day.
What will come in the last days will be shown in the blessings of the 12 sons of Jacob.

What you are holding in your hands is God-breathed. Life is so short, use the time for things that are more important. Many people think that by having a million and another million, would have the quality of life. You can have a million but the quality is not guaranteed. God bypassed that and came to give you life - quality of life. He already made us billionaires.

In the bible, names are given according to their experience.
Reuben - "See, a son"
Back then when you are the first born, you have the double blessings from the father. But in the story of Reuben, it is the direct opposite.
Genesis 35:18-22
As Rachael was about to die, she named her son Ben-Oni which means house of sorrow. But Jacob named him Benjamin which meant Son of the right hand. This is only son the father says he will name him. We are in this generation. Today's Prime Minister of Israel is called Benjamin too. God is again sending this message to tell us.
Verse 22: Reuben slept with Bilhah, father's concubine. This terrible incest is a sexual scene. This is the only sin that Jesus says "Flee". Jesus said one who sin against his own body is the worst sin. Sex is designed by God for maximum enjoyment. Not meant to worry during the process. Sex with someone not of marriage-covenant will always have remains of the other party which is not good.

Let not your mind be logical. Just like how you use your logic to think how to pay off your debt. Leave this "worry" to God. Let Him work while you just trust in His faith.

Peter stood up in Acts 1 to say he bought a field. Look at Acts 1:19-20. Verse 20 says "Let another take his office". It doesn't mean that you have an office means that you will have it forever. Thank God for that position you are holding now. Feel privilege to be in that role. In NIV, it is "May another take his place of leadership". Pastor said for he and his house, he will fulfill this life.

Bilhah means to fear, to be troubled and to be terrified. So when Reuben slept with her, he went to bed with fear. If you go deeper to the definition of the word Bilhah, it also means to be hasty. Let's slow down in life and not rush through it.
Matthew 14:24-33
Story of Jesus walking on the seas in the midst of the storm. You may be hit or facing storms of financial breakdown of a storm of sickness rocking your life, Pastor is here to tell you that in the midst of the storm, look out for Jesus who is coming through to save you. He comes to you even in your darkest hour. When Jesus walked on water, Peter asked Jesus to command him to walk on water. When Peter looked to Jesus, he walked on water, above his circumstances. The moment he looked to the winds, he began to sink. See how practical this is to present day. As long as you look to Jesus, you will be transformed from glory to glory.

Let's move to the next son in closing, Joseph.

Genesis 49:22
Joseph is a fruitful bough by a well. His branches run over the wall.
John 4:3-30
Verse 4: Jesus need to go through from Samaria. There are two ways to go to Galilee. This route is the faster route. Samaritans are not the true Jews but they claimed they are.
Verse 5: Sychar is Shechem. Jesus came to the plot of ground that Jacob gave to Joseph.
Verse 6: Jesus sat at the well at the sixth hour. This place of the well is Shechem, the territory of Joseph. Jesus sat at the well and is a fruitful bough. Even if you are tired, you are still fruitful.
Water in the bible refers to "sexual coronation".
Verse 13: Jesus says this water will cause you to thirst.
Verse 14: Jesus tells the woman that she is looking for the wrong place for love.
Verse 17 and 18: Shows how Jesus speaks in gentleness to the woman who does not reveal her true self. Notice how Jesus revealed her in a polite manner.
After this woman met Jesus, she overcame her inferiority and went out to tell those men who she met.
Keep your eyes on Jesus and you will be transformed.
Verse 40: Jesus stayed for 2 days. In today context is 2000 years.
Verse 43: After spending 2 days, He went to Galilee. So now, Jesus will be concentrating on Israel.

God revealed in this chapter and verse.
John 4:10
You think you are so rich or full that God needs to demand from you? If you knew who He was, you would be asking Him for a drink. He is telling you He is not demanding anything from you. He is asking you to draw from Him.


  1. Is this the sermon you mentioned about today? Can buy the CD for me?

  2. No it's not. It's the 20 May 2012 sermon. Have a read.

    Sure, I'll get the cd for you.
