Monday, June 18, 2012

17 June 2012 - Pastor Brian Houston

Topic: Be of a different spirit

God's obsession is you. God is obsessed with His people, in loving you. 

2 Corinthians 9:1-9
Verse 2: Zeal has stirred up the majority. Not giving people the minimum mindset of the majority.
Verse 7: Giving with a purpose in your heart. God loves a cheerful giver. Serving God is not a grudging obligation. Don't live by the minimum.

2 Corinthians 11:23
Apostle Paul talks about the daily things. But of all these things, there comes a deep concern for all the churches.
What is your glorious obsession?

1 Corinthians 16:15
"The first fruits of Achaia" were the early people who "addicted themselves". The bible refers to the deep obsession. People may be obsessed to help others, to make a difference or to build a ministry. Theses are the purposes of one's life.

Just like New Creation Church has an obsession of preaching radical grace. NCC is not built on a certain sermon but it's built on a sense of purpose.
When you have that sense of obsession, you are able to rise above your necessity.

John 18:37
Verse 37: Jesus knew He was born for a purpose.

John 12:27
Jesus said He come for this purpose. He was prepared to die for a God given purpose.

Psalms 100:2

Rise up in your faith and ask God for a glorious purpose in life. Pastor shares about the music ministry who wakes up early on Sundays to the auditorium while most would be either sleeping or enjoying coffee. These people have devoted their time for a glorious purpose. It is not an obligation. Unlike paying tax which is a requirement and obligation.

Proverbs 20:6
A faithful person versus a normal person.
Psalms 25:12-14
The verses say who is that man?

Let's live with a different spirit from the others. Not have the spirit of the majority. It's amazing what can happen.

Matthew 27
Jesus was crucified on the cross while the Romans wanted to lift the cross higher. In context they wanted to crucify Him more. They wanted to see Him come down so that they would believe He is the Messiah. But Jesus stood on the cross for a glorious purpose.
People want you to come down from the glorious purpose in your heart.

Pastor leads the congregation in a prayer to have a sense of purpose in life. He prayed for the purpose to be stirred up. In marriages and relationship for the purpose of God a sense of purpose.

Pastor prays for all fathers for wisdom, things to turn around and to leave a legacy in their household.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

10 June 2012

Topic: Blessings on the 12 sons of Jacob

Testimony of a little girl in Dare Ministry who was healed of a very crooked spine. Pastor shared about Jesus' prayers are always short and sweet. In the bible, only the Pharisees prayed long prayers to impress men.

Due to time, we will only study the blessings of 2 sons.

Genesis 49:1-4
Verse 1: ".. in the last days". As far as God is concerned, today is just the second day. We are in the last day.
What will come in the last days will be shown in the blessings of the 12 sons of Jacob.

What you are holding in your hands is God-breathed. Life is so short, use the time for things that are more important. Many people think that by having a million and another million, would have the quality of life. You can have a million but the quality is not guaranteed. God bypassed that and came to give you life - quality of life. He already made us billionaires.

In the bible, names are given according to their experience.
Reuben - "See, a son"
Back then when you are the first born, you have the double blessings from the father. But in the story of Reuben, it is the direct opposite.
Genesis 35:18-22
As Rachael was about to die, she named her son Ben-Oni which means house of sorrow. But Jacob named him Benjamin which meant Son of the right hand. This is only son the father says he will name him. We are in this generation. Today's Prime Minister of Israel is called Benjamin too. God is again sending this message to tell us.
Verse 22: Reuben slept with Bilhah, father's concubine. This terrible incest is a sexual scene. This is the only sin that Jesus says "Flee". Jesus said one who sin against his own body is the worst sin. Sex is designed by God for maximum enjoyment. Not meant to worry during the process. Sex with someone not of marriage-covenant will always have remains of the other party which is not good.

Let not your mind be logical. Just like how you use your logic to think how to pay off your debt. Leave this "worry" to God. Let Him work while you just trust in His faith.

Peter stood up in Acts 1 to say he bought a field. Look at Acts 1:19-20. Verse 20 says "Let another take his office". It doesn't mean that you have an office means that you will have it forever. Thank God for that position you are holding now. Feel privilege to be in that role. In NIV, it is "May another take his place of leadership". Pastor said for he and his house, he will fulfill this life.

Bilhah means to fear, to be troubled and to be terrified. So when Reuben slept with her, he went to bed with fear. If you go deeper to the definition of the word Bilhah, it also means to be hasty. Let's slow down in life and not rush through it.
Matthew 14:24-33
Story of Jesus walking on the seas in the midst of the storm. You may be hit or facing storms of financial breakdown of a storm of sickness rocking your life, Pastor is here to tell you that in the midst of the storm, look out for Jesus who is coming through to save you. He comes to you even in your darkest hour. When Jesus walked on water, Peter asked Jesus to command him to walk on water. When Peter looked to Jesus, he walked on water, above his circumstances. The moment he looked to the winds, he began to sink. See how practical this is to present day. As long as you look to Jesus, you will be transformed from glory to glory.

Let's move to the next son in closing, Joseph.

Genesis 49:22
Joseph is a fruitful bough by a well. His branches run over the wall.
John 4:3-30
Verse 4: Jesus need to go through from Samaria. There are two ways to go to Galilee. This route is the faster route. Samaritans are not the true Jews but they claimed they are.
Verse 5: Sychar is Shechem. Jesus came to the plot of ground that Jacob gave to Joseph.
Verse 6: Jesus sat at the well at the sixth hour. This place of the well is Shechem, the territory of Joseph. Jesus sat at the well and is a fruitful bough. Even if you are tired, you are still fruitful.
Water in the bible refers to "sexual coronation".
Verse 13: Jesus says this water will cause you to thirst.
Verse 14: Jesus tells the woman that she is looking for the wrong place for love.
Verse 17 and 18: Shows how Jesus speaks in gentleness to the woman who does not reveal her true self. Notice how Jesus revealed her in a polite manner.
After this woman met Jesus, she overcame her inferiority and went out to tell those men who she met.
Keep your eyes on Jesus and you will be transformed.
Verse 40: Jesus stayed for 2 days. In today context is 2000 years.
Verse 43: After spending 2 days, He went to Galilee. So now, Jesus will be concentrating on Israel.

God revealed in this chapter and verse.
John 4:10
You think you are so rich or full that God needs to demand from you? If you knew who He was, you would be asking Him for a drink. He is telling you He is not demanding anything from you. He is asking you to draw from Him.

20 May 2012

Topic: The Church is Your Refuge

You receive the holy spirit by the hearing of grace.
God performs miracles by the hearing of faith. All these are not by through the works of law.
God's healing system is by means of preaching. God is pleased by preaching, He will save, heal and deliver. In the word, God says it by the foolishness of preaching. God sozos you while you are listening to the word. Good things are happening in your career just by listening of His word.

Joshua 20:1-8
Verse 2: "Cities of refuge" in present day is Lord Jesus Christ.
These verses in the old testament are like the shadows of truth to us in present day. Let's look at how these shadows reveal God's truth to us.

Verse 3: This verse talks about justice. Just like a slayer who kills a person, that person has a right for revenge. God does not like revenge, He delights in grace. Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

Verse 4: These six cities belong to the priests and Levites. The priests refer to us. We are and made priests and princes in Christ. Numbers 35:6-7 shows that there are a total of 48 cities (42 + 6) and priests live in the best.

Verse 8: The 6 cities are Kedesh, Shechem, Hebron, Bezer, Ramoth and Golan. They are scattered and they are 3 on each side on the map. 

Numbers 18:11-12
Verse 11: Wave offering is what the priest does by waving the offering to God. Heave offering is like throwing the offering up to heavens. Put the both act together and what do you see? The cross. God loves to be reminded of the sacrifice of Jesus.
Verse 12: We receive the best of the new oil, wine and grain.

Hebrews 10:26
Sin wilfully refers to turning their backs to Christ after they received the knowledge of the truth. This truth refers to the gospel. These are the people who know Him but yet turn to their old ways.

In the roman times, the Romans crucified Jesus. They know they were crucifying the Messiah. But yet Jesus said "Forgive them for they know not what they do". See how great our God when He classified the Romans under the "unintentional sin" group.

Hebrews 6:16-20
Verse 16: Man swear by God because He is greater. It is a crime to break the oath.
Verse 18: The word said God cannot lie. He raises His hands to say He will bless you. This blessing in the old testament last only until the priests die. So does that mean the blessings end? Look at verse 20.
Verse 20: Jesus is our high priest forever. That's why we are forever blessed.

Isaiah 9:6
Verse 6: When the Lord govern the whole universe, He governs on his shoulder.
Luke 15:4-7
Verse 5: When Jesus find the lost sheep, He lays it on His shoulders, rejoicing.
These 2 verses show that God's priority is salvation rather than governing the whole universe. He prioritises on saving you.

Local churches is God ordained. It is not man's idea. You can say we go to a universal church. That means to be in a country, when you meet a believer, there is a unity. But when you face a problem and need help, local churches is your refuge. It's a place where guilty people run to. In God's house, there is bread enough to spare.

Ephesians 1:22-23
Verse 22: The father puts all things under Jesus feet. All sickness, depression and death under His feet. He gives all these things to the church.
Verse 23: The church is His body, that's where God's goodness and miracles are found.
In NLT, verse 22 says "God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church".

Pastor advices the people not to give up on local churches. It all revolves around Christ. As long as the pastor preaches on God is a real man and heals, then He is a good pastor. It does not necessary need to be exactly the same belief with Pastor Prince. It does not mean this pastor does not preach grace then I'm staying at home. Honour your pastor, your local pastor may have ideas for mission which Pastor Prince doesn't have. Unless there are pastor who come against grace then it's a different story. You may then switch church. Tithe to your own local church. Joseph Prince Ministries (JPM) always puts it at the end of the show to tithe to your local church. JPM broadcasts daily 2 or 3 times a day, it is not there to compete with the local pastors. JPM is there to compliment the local pastors. So you should never tithe to the one who fed you. In Malachi, it does not ask you to tithe to the place where you are fed. It says to bring your tithe so that you are fed and there is food in the house. Don't misinterpret the verse. There is no perfect church or perfect pastors. Jesus will never just plant a refuge in a single place. God has planted refuges all around the world. Don't say because my Pastor does not preach on grace in this church so I'm not attending. Grace means justification by faith. Pastor then jokes about buying the local pastor the book "Destined to reign". Jesus watches and says in Revelation. He will remove the candlesticks if he does not repent and change his mind. This verse is Jesus talking to the local pastor. Jesus means to shut down the church and does not say about losing salvation. The congregation will not be lost, they will still join another church.

Ephesians 5:25-27
Verse 26: That's how you talk to your wife. Speak good words to your wife, just like she is spotless.
Verse 27: "Not having" is present active participle. Jesus sees you in the eternal. He does not lie. So you should also tell your wife the same just like how Jesus sees you. Why not you see your wife perfect? Not having spit or wrinkle or any such thing. Wash your wife with your words.

Psalm 46:1
This verse says God is our refuge and strength and a very present help in trouble. Some say God will only help when in heaven, in daily life, endure. If that is the case, what's there to help in heaven?

Back to Joshua 20:8, the cities are shown in order of the verses.

Kedesh - Sanctuary
Shechem - Shoulder
Hebron - Fellowship
Bezer - Fortress
Ramoth - Highly exalted
Golan - Rejoicing

Put the meanings in order. Names in the bible is not to fill up space. It has meaning.
In summary,
A sanctuary is His shoulder offered in fellowship, a fortress to highly exalt us with rejoicing.

In closing,
He is a very present help in need when you need it! Don't think that He comes to you and pat you on the back and says to you to endure or just comforts you. He is not like that. He does comfort you at times but He is always there to be a help to you because He loves you. He carries you on His shoulders and you may think you are happy, but know what, He is even happier than you.

6 May 2012

Topic: Truth of Repentance

Pastor believe this message will be another landmark message.

Referring to last week's verse,
John 5: "Shall not come into judgment". Believers will never come to judgment.

Gospel of God is nothing more than the finished work of Jesus. Every time you hear the sermon, something good happens to you. He loves you more than you love yourself.

Today's topic will be on repentance. Many preachers always ask why aren't you preaching on repentance? Pastor would love to ask them what is their definition of repentance.

Once you are cleansed (prefect tense), you shall not be conscious of sin. God loves man in his sinful self. God used the cross to be a redemption for all men.

The bible says Jesus was bound and Peter was outside. At the third denial, Jesus turned to look at Jesus. Was it because Peter cried then Jesus turned? No, Jesus turned when Peter denied Him. This is the heart of Christ. One shall never fully understand the love of God.

2 John 1
If any believer sins, straightaway the advocate (priest) goes to the intercede on your behalf.

You don't break a child's spirit. But you should break his will of rebellion.

Many preachers want to preach on repentance to beat the congregation. But Jesus said feed my people, not beat my people.

Romans 2:4
The goodness of God leads you to repentance. Many believers believes that if you repent then you will be led to goodness.
"But Pastor, I think I have not repented enough". There's never not enough. Sometimes you repent to joy. There is a place about Godly sorrow in the bible but it does not mean repentance.

Mark 1:4-5
Verse 4: John came preaching a sermon of repentance until you are forgiven. There is a place called baptism of repentance in Israel.
Verse 5: "Confessing their sins". This is a terminology Israelis know. If you read the whole chapter of John, it is actually written to the unbelieving Jews.

Pastor proves John was under the law.
Luke 16:16
Verse 16: The law and the prophets were until John.

Mark 1:15
Verse 15: Jesus preached the good news. He mentioned repentance in this verse. In the bible when Jesus uses this word, repentance of the gospel is to give up on self-righteousness.

When Philip preached, he preached Christ and not on repentance. After preaching about Christ, all the people repented.

In the old testament, there is repentance. How to bring repentance to the new testament? Preach Christ.

You may use to think Jesus is stingy, when you know He is not, your mind is changed and you are led to repentance.
Just like how satan came to man and made them think God is stingy by not allowing them to eat from that tree. Once man believed that, they were led to repentance in the wrong way. Repentance is a change of mind, not an action.

Acts 2: 36-38
Verse 37: "cut to the heart" after hearing the preaching.
Verse 38: Peter then said repent. Sometimes he uses this word sometimes he doesn't.
In Acts 10:43-46
Verse 43: Whosoever believes in Him will be delivered from all remissions of sin. Peter didn't use the word repent here.
Verse 44: The people fell to the word.
Verse 45: The holy spirit came down on them and led them to repentance. Noticed it is non-Jews that received God's presence.

Acts 11:17-18
Verse 18: Gentiles repented to life.
Just because people uses the word "repentance" freely, it does not mean they are preaching that. Many of times they are preaching sin consciousness or even depression.

Jesus who is all knowing and in control of the universe, notices even when a sparrow falls. See how much He loves us.
Once you know you have such a big God watching over you, you then realize that it is stupid to rely on your smarts, cunningness and connections.

"Man proposes but God disposes."
People are so conscious of competition, who's going to overtake you or cut you. Not only driving but in life too.

Many of times we are the product of someone's prayer. God has to grant you repentance.

Good message for leaders:
2 Timothy 2:24-26
Verse 25: So that they will know the truth.

You can have a beautiful land property, but there is strife inside. After some time it is still just a house. The best house or best car is not everything.

You can already withdraw your treasures in heaven. Don't have to wait until you die to enjoy in heaven. God just doesn't give you a million dollars like that. He loves that you go to Him, draw on Him and depend on Him.

Acts 13:38-39
This is not a message of repentance. If only we can just proclaim and not demand from others.

Pastor wants to prove that remorse is not repentance.
Matthew 27:3-5
Verse 3: Judas repented and brought 30 pieces of silver.
In NKJV, the word "repented" is "remorseful".
When Judas hanged himself after that, that act indicated that he wanted to pay for his sins himself. This is self righteousness. How dare you hurt yourself when Jesus paid for every pain on the cross. If only Judas waited a few more hours, Jesus will die for his sins on the cross. You don't have to punish yourself today.

In closing,
Jesus wants us to give up our pretense to self righteousness.

Luke 15:1-32 (Story of the lost sheep)
Verse 1: Jesus draws sinners and tax collectors to Him. Preach more on Jesus and many will be drawn near.
Verse 4-7: Jesus shares the parable of the lost sheep to the Pharisees. Read how did the sheep repent?

Luke 15:1-32 (Story of the lost coin)
Coin represents the image of God.

Luke 15:1-32 (Story of the prodigal son)
Verse 19: Make me one of your hired servants. Thoughts were of himself. This is not exactly repentance.
Verse 20: The father saw him before he confessed.
Verse 21: The son started to say those that he rehearsed prior to coming back. Do you know why the son cannot say the sentence "make me one of your hired servant"? The sentence was dropped. When you see your father hugging you and running to you, how can you say make me a servant in a presence of such abundance of grace. His motive of coming back was imperfect. But the father didn't care what he said. He just continued to pour on the son. It was the father's love that brought forth repentance.

22 April 2012

Topic: The True Heart of Jesus (Video Sermon)

Psalms 97:12
"Give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness".
We all give thanks when He is good. But why do we give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness. The holiness when Jesus died on the cross. He met every single need of man. When He died for your sins, they already became the future because He transcends time. All the claims of God have already been answered. His holiness has already been vindicated at the cross. Righteousness and justice met and kissed at the cross.
Imagine you are the offender. Who needs to be satisfied? The offender or offender? Offended right?
Man has offended God's justice. Who should be satisfied of the injustice? Isn't it God? Then why do we have to satisfy ourselves?

Jesus says when He sees the blood, He will pass over you. He will not allow the destroyer to come to you. So we can see there is a destroyer. What does the blood on the door post mean? It means there is a death that has been paid. He will not allow the destroyer to come.

Under the law, you have to repent. But under grace, it leads the sinner to repentance. Look at the story of Peter on the boat sinking load of fishes. The moment he saw who Jesus was when He asked Peter to cast the nets down, he said, "Please depart from me, I am a sinful man". This goes to show His grace leads man to repentance. Peter has a conscious that was awaken. But he reasoned that God already knew who he was but yet He still boarded his boat.

Jesus shared the story of the prodigal son. Before the son came back, he reasoned himself and intended to say to his father that he has sinned against heaven and earth, he can't be his son and that he want to be his hired servant. But when he went home, his father ran to him, kissed him and asked for the best robe to be on him. The boy has no way to say those things he wanted to in front of so much grace. He would be so out of place if he were to say he wanted to be his hired servant wearing the best robe. He was filled with grace and he can't say that isn't it?
Imagine you are invited to a banquet, the worse thing you could do is to ask how much is it after the banquet right? The reason why people try to earn His grace is because they have not yet met grace.

The fear of the Lord is:
When Jesus was in the wilderness with the devil, he said to Jesus. If you would kneel before me, I will give you everything in this world. Jesus said, thou shall not worship other gods and worship Him alone. He was quoting this from Deuteronomy. If you go to Deuteronomy to read, it says to fear the Lord but Jesus interpreted it as worship.

Some things come by growth, not by beating. The pulpit is to feed, not to beat. In NCC, if a leader is caught in sin, he is confronted by 2 pastors. There are churches who go up the pulpit to slap other people just to slap one person. That pastor is timid.

"Work out your salvation with fear and trembling" in the bible is referring to Jeremiah 33:9. In this verse it is saying the people will fear and tremble for the goodness and prosperity of God has given.
Work out your salvation means that the salvation that God has given you works out something, equivalent to a talent. It does not mean to work for something. Just like Karen the keyboardist has a talent in writing music. It is the gift that God has given her that brings out the talent. If God does not give you this gift, you will not be able to work out this gift. Just like many of us do not have the gift of composing music but we have other gifts in us. That statement are misinterpreted in some churches.
In the new testament, Mark 5:33, she was fearing and trembling of something good that has happened to her. She was healed. (This was the story of the woman who was healed after touching the helm of Jesus gahment)

In closing,
Pastor reminds everyone never allow verses plugged out from the bible rob you of your joy in the verses.