Sunday, January 29, 2012

22 January 2012

Topic: Jesus Revealed In Chinese Characters

Many festivals in practice are actually similar in the bible.
Similarly during Chinese New Year, everything is new. Clothing, shoes, haircut and even "inside" are all new. Just like when you touch Jesus, everything becomes new. Jesus changes your life when you go after Him. Just like the boat sinking fishes where it's full of His abundance. Jesus is full of abundance.

In the world of countless races, does Jesus really knows us, Chinese?
Isaiah 49:12
"Sinim" - According to Pastor Mark, it actually means the people from the Far East.

Pastor jokes that if Adam is a Chinese, men won't fall. He jokes that Adam and Eve would have taken the snake to make into snake soup. (Yam tong)

In the first instance, men ate meat right after the flood. Since after the flood, the earth tilted and there came the four seasons. God introduced us to eat meat as its good for our bodies since our body changes like the seasons too.

Leviticus 9:2
Bull and ram without blemish.
(Niu 牛 + Yang 羊 + Xiu 秀 + Ge 戈 - Knife) = 犧 (Sacrifice)

John 3:13
Heaven is mentioned in the verse three times.
This verse talks about Him coming down from heaven to earth.
In the Chinese character,
Small ren 人 + Big ren 人 + Small ren 人+ Cross in the center = 來

Psalms 46:10
"Be still" in Chinese means Rest.

In Christian walk, everything is associated with the mouth. Meditation, confessions, tongues and praises are all associated with the mouth.

口 Mouth + 令 Command = 命 Destiny
水 Water + 舌 Tongue = 活 Life

Pastor shared that mankind experiences intestinal or digestive problems are because many eat too quickly and do not take time to chew. Taking time to chew produces enzyme which digests our food intake.

Abraham and Sarah are depicted by faith and grace. In the bible, kings wanted to separate them but God did not allow. God wants us to believe through faith and then grace comes. Abraham and Sarah produced a child (Isaac) at the age of 90 which means Joy.

God does not need your ideas to rid yourself of any situations. He does not want you to believe in your efforts. He just wants you to rest. Pastor shared about his debt of 16.5 million owing the banks back in January 2000. Back then he was so stressed till his health was in total bad shape. He "meditated" on the wrong things such as bank statements. Instead, he changed and meditated on verses of supply. When Year 2000 came, many were worried about the millennium bug, he thought he had a genius idea and prayed to God for his debts to be canceled miraculously. However it ended up in disappointment.
God doesn't need those needless suggestions from man. This is because we are just the sheep. If we can lead ourselves to green pastures, then why would a shepherd be needed?

Auspicious - Marked for Success

吉 - Warrior's Mouth (If separated)
祥 - Christ
These 2 words mean to speak of God.

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