Sunday, January 15, 2012

15 January 2012

Topic: Bible Prophesies Revealed

Honour God and He will honour you. Shun Him and He will shun you. How we treat Jesus is how we receive. He is not just a good man, He is who He is who does good.

The first prophesy is about Jesus.

Luke 24:27
Verse 27: "He expounded to them in all the Scriptures concerning Himself". It clearly shows the bible is all about Jesus.

Luke 24:44-45
Verse 44: Jesus talked the Psalms concerning Me. Psalms is about Jesus too.

Verse 45: "He opened their understanding so that they might comprehend the Scriptures".
Thereafter, Pastor led the church to say a short prayer to ask for understanding when reading the word.

Psalms verse 22 talks about the sufferings of Jesus.
Right after that is verse 23 which talks about Jesus' providence for us. Pastor says we are now living in the times of Psalms 23. Wherever you turn, blessings hunt you down.

Psalms 24 speaks of the second coming of Christ. "Lift up your gates" in this verse refers to Israel. Notice He is coming back for Israel. And we will together with Him be raptured up to heavens!

In the 1990s, Pastor shared about the prophesy. From Genesis to Psalms, Psalms is the 19th book. Judgment came in 1817. Pastor believes Psalms is the book for the 1900th and onwards.

Luke 21:24-28
Verse 24: The context actually refers to the time in 1967.

Verse 25: This will only happen after Israel comes back as a nation.

Verse 26: Talks about great earthquakes. But don't be frightened in these things. Pastor asks the church to look at Middle East this year (in 2012). There is now a man who wants to destroy Israel and it will be interesting to witness God's victory. "Heavens will be shaken". It means that heavens will be opened.

Verse 27: Talks about Son of Man with great power and glory coming through the cloud.

Verse 28: Talks about redemption coming. A body that never falls sick, full of life will be given to us!

Bible prophesies focus only on Jesus and Israel. Look at the preceding chapters and verses just like a yearly representation.

Psalms 42:9-11 (In bible context is 1942)
Verse 9-11: Talks about the cries of Israelis which is actually referring to World War II. There was a 9 million population in Israel back then but 6 million people perished in WWII. Pastor has no doubt those perished would have invented cures for many diseases in present day. He pointed out that many medicines were invented by the Jewish and that in present day, the youngest billionaire is the founder of Facebook.

Psalms 43:1-2 (Refers to the cries of the people during the time of war in 1943)
Verse 1: The words "Ungodly nation" is referring to the Nazi while "Unjust man" is referring to Adolf Hitler. Hitler is actually led by the devil. Hitler rallies support by the masses through preaching! Pastor shared that once the devil is done with one, he chucks that one aside. Look at Hitler, his life ended by committing suicide. Look at Saddam Hussein, notice how pitiful he looked before he was sentenced to death, like a different man altogether.

Psalms 44:13-16 and 22-26
Verse 13: Talks about bad remarks by haters on Israel. (Non-Israelis)

Verse 14: "Shaking of heads" - Negative gesture.

Verse 26: This is the last verse of year 1944. It talks about God's mercy. "Mercies" here is hesed which means Grace. If you go to Israel today and ask for the New Testament bible, it is in Hebrew.
John 1:17 speaks about the grace that came through. In the Jewish bible, it is written as hesed came. This confirms verse 26 is talking about grace.

Read verse 23 again. "Arise for our help, and redeem us for Your mercies' sake". It is this cry that asks for His mercies that help comes.
One may think he/she is a elder in the church and that each prayer should be fulfilled because of their own works or personal standing.
But if you pray like verse 23 that because of His mercy, you will then see His results! Depend on His favour and not your own efforts. This verse reveals a revelation.

Psalms 45:1-6 (A chapter of good and nothing negative)
Right after the last verse in 44, songs of praises came in Chapter 45.
Verse 5: "Your arrows". These arrows are actually referring to Hiroshima and Nagasaki that stopped the whole war.
The letter of surrender was signed by the Japanese on board the ship, USS Missouri.

Psalms 46: 8-10
Verse 9: "He makes wars cease to the end of the earth".

Psalms 48:1-8 (1948)
Verses of songs of praises to celebrate Israel coming back as a nation and a new birth.
Aren't you glad when you learn history, you are actually His story?

Verse 6: Similar to a woman who gave birth. The rebirth of Israel.

Verse 8: "will establish it forever". Once God establishes, it will be forever.

Israel was attacked in 1973, on the holiest day. In the Geneva convention, no countries can attack one another on their holiest day. Israel was caught off-guard totally in 1973 and was seriously outnumbered. But in this war, the attack was delayed as God was at work.
One of the enemies that was captured actually revealed that their army were laying ambush and halted the attack because they saw an army of Israeli soldiers. In actual fact there were only 4-5 Israeli soldiers at that moment.

In 1979, peace treaty was made with Egypt but (this guy) was killed. Let's look at Psalms 80:1-13
Verse 1: "A vine out of Egypt".

Verse 13: "uproots it". (refers to the vine) "the boar out of the roots". (refers to terrorists)

Psalms 91
It starts with God's four names. In the middle, it is about God's protection. Last verse speaks about the long life that satisfies.
Psalms 91 is written in close context to the Gulf war. Verse 5 talks about the arrows that flew by day and the terror by night. It actually refers to the 39 missiles that flew in to Israel during this war led by Saddam Hussein.

Let's look at modern times In 2004 where there were large scales of disasters like the tsunami.

Psalms 104:5-9
Verse 6: "The waters stood above the mountains". It literally talked about the waters went as high as 98 feet. Pastor Benjamin went for the rescue efforts at that time and could see the line on the mountain, indicating how high the water went up to.

Pastor is going to show in the next verse who stopped the waters.
Verse 7-9: It was Jesus who said "Go! And you will not cover the earth."

Now after these series of events, would you want to know what is going to happen in 2012? Turn to Psalms 112!

Psalms 112:1-10
Verse 1: Starts with a loud praise! "Praise the Lord!". "Blessed is the man who fears the Lord." Blessings will follow you. "Who delights greatly in His commandments". This is not the ten commandments but His words.
Look at 1 John 3:23. The first commandment is to believe in the name of the Lord and the second is His love.

Verse 2: "His defendants will be mighty on earth". Your children will be blessed. "The generation of the upright will be blessed".

Verse 3: "Wealth and riches will be in his house". In a year like 2012 where experts are giving negative comments, God says riches will be in his house instead of the banks! Receive it! Pastor shares that Psalms 112 is a portrait of a blessed man.

Verse 4: It talks about darkness but the word says the upright springs light in the darkness. It means light will spring up for you in the darkness.
"He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous". Pastor talks about forgiveness and not holding onto hatred. You can say but Pastor, you don't know what he did. Yes correct, but God knows.

Verse 5: "Good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affiliates with discretion". Advice of lending with discretion.

Verse 7: "He will not be afraid of evil tithings". God is saying there will be bad news, but you will not be afraid of it. Remind yourself that you are under His wings.

Verse 9: This verse is actually quoted from 2 Corinthians 9:8-9. Apostle Paul is revealing to us that there will be abundant of grace abounding in our lives!

Verse 10: Those who are against you will then melt away. You will be an envied person.

In closing,
What a year it will be. Look out to the springing light. Do not be afraid of the evil tithings. Prepare your house to have space for God's riches!

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