Sunday, January 29, 2012

29 January 2012

Topic: Love Story of Ruth in Devotional Perspective

Pastor Gabriel shares about a testimonial on a young man who turned to Jesus by going to church instead of leading a life of gangster-hood. Pastor Prince said as long as you give God a chance, He will change things.

Romans 6:14
Once you are under grace, sin does not have dominance over you.

Grace brings you many of God's blessings. It does not promote you to do bad. There are always people who de-promotes grace.

What is the difference between a righteous man and a man?
God did not ordain for man to be free from failures. A righteous man falls but he still gets up. Because of His grace, we can still boast of His greatness. We do not have to be ashamed of ourselves.

A blessed man is always depicted a tree planted in the still waters in the bible. That's how God sees us. He sees us according to the perfection work of Jesus Christ and He never will see our sins greater than His work.

Naomi is a picture of ancient Israel. It talks about a story of many tragedies when she went out of Israel.

Ruth is the modern day Jordan as she is not a Jew (origin: Moabite). She asked not to be called to leave.
Many accounts were against her. She's not a Jew, married and not a virgin, a widow and she also brought along her dead husband's mother.

In bible context, Ruth represents us and the church who were once sinners. She married Boaz, who is represented as a strong man, "in Him is strength", like our heavenly Jesus.

Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God. Do you really believe His word?
God know us because He made us.

We believe in rest because we Christians live a life of rest. God created things by rest. Rest is not when you are resting but with your mind full of worries.

John 6:26-27
Verse 27: God is actually telling us to labour His word.

Pastor shares that when he spends time with God's words, his day is better than days where he does not have time to do so. Many of times when he did, he gets idea for difficult situations.
Jesus himself said that Mary did the right, to listen and spend time with God. You can also do the same by reading His word.

Pastor promotes daily devotional as an example of spending time with God. This devotional idea actually came from Israel. They have a Torah which Israelis will read during the Sabbath.
Modern day Israel does this once a week. Today if you buy a calendar from Israel, it already has readings written for them.

When you are attacked, God will cause you to win back more "land" than you had before. Just like how Israel was attacked on their holiest day, Israel won back more land than before the war.

Pastor shared about the 1997 Israeli helicopter disaster in Israel. Two helicopters' tail hit each other causing a fatal crash. A total of 73 people died in this tragedy. This was prophesied in the bible.
Isaiah 7:3-4
Verse 3: Shear-jashub (Isaiah was actually referring to his son but this was the actual place of the accident)
Verse 4: "Two tails of these smoking firebrands".
Look at the verse above, God actually foresaw the future to prepare Israel from the attack and to give words of comfort. Look at chapter 7 verse 3 which reflected the 73 who died.

The law of kinsman. To be one, he needs to be a relative of the family.
This law is represented by Jesus coming down as a man and His word became flesh. He is able to provide and has shown to us He can supply and still have 12 basketful leftovers.

Ruth 2:1-3
Verse 2: Talks about Ruth wanting to go to the fields to find Jesus.
When you come to Him (his fields), what do you want to find? Go to the bible to find the person who provides. He meets us in this book, Pastor points to the bible.

Ruth 2:4-14
Verse 4: "Reaper" is not a "gleaner".
Flip to Leviticus 23:22 to confirm this is true. The Lord says those that are overlooked, leave it to the poor and the non-jews. Therefore, do not be like the kiasu.

Verse 5: Notice the servant is not named. It refers to the holy spirit. The ministry always points to Jesus.

In the verses above, it relates the church as a field, the pastors are the reapers and we the gleaners. You may say "But Pastor, I just understand bit and pieces of your sermon". Pastor says it's ok, take the bit and pieces that nourishes you back home with you.

You may be so hungry for food and keep wanting to eat, sometimes we actually mistook this hunger for the hunger for Christ. We are made in His breath and we contantly hunger for Him. Only words that are eternal are able to satisfy us.

Verse 8: We are the bride of Christ. Boaz told Ruth not to glean from another field. Just like the devil leading one to smoke to worry-free life, drinking to end sorrows.

Pastor shares about meeting some people and noticed many people identify themselves as what they do. It's a sign of insecurity. What you do is not what you are. Yes you may be a CEO but who you really are? So who are you when you are retrenched?

When you read the bible, you will see your heavenly Boaz. He sure brings you to the living waters. The Lord tells you not to work and just to drink from the waters shown in verse 9.

Verse 10: Now talks about Ruth confessing favour.

A man and a woman had a big quarrel. The man says "I don't know why you are so pretty yet so dumb". The woman answered, "God made me pretty so that you will marry me and made me dumb so that I will marry you!".

Pastor asked if God remembers your bad or good? Look at verse 11. Every part Boaz said about Ruth is good. He sees your good and beauty that no one sees it. But what did Ruth do? She just took refuge. Look how good is our God.

Verse 12: The moment you trust Him and the moment you go to Him for refuge, He rewards you! You can be rewarded for taking refuge in Him! When you have a skill, you use it for God, then He bless and rewards you for the gift He first have to you.

Verse 13: "Spoken kindly" means speaking to heart in greek.

Is that all from God? Look to next verse.
Verse 14: Jesus says come near, eat the bread in the vinegar - sour wine. Notice it is the holy communion. He presents you a table before your enemies (heart problems, whatever the name).
"Parched grain" is rich man's food. Back then only the rich ate wheat. Love is giving us the best. Ruth ate till satisfied.
"Kept some back". When the Lord feeds you, there will always be some left for you.

This reminds Pastor of the story of the prodigal son. What made the son come back? After his money ran out.
Look to Luke 15:17. In the father's house, there is bread enough (sufficient to meet our needs) and to spare (plenty left to meet the needs of others)

You read the daily devotional (the reaper) and you glean from it and it brings you to the master (Jesus). There will be a place where He feeds you.

Many of times where you are trying to rid a habit, do you notice it worsens? You may be shy and am trying to speak to a big congregation and find it hard. Pastor says not to try. Instead look to the bible and look for Jesus. While reading and experiencing Him, He will transform you. Just like how Pastor overcame his shyness. He did not even know he was changing while doing so because Jesus transforms you from glory to glory.

Verse 15: Boaz told the young man to allow Ruth to glean from the sheaves and not to reproach her. In the past this was only allowed in the fields. Yet he allowed Ruth to do so.
Verse 16: Boaz asked for the grains to fall purposely for her. See how great our Father is. Notice each time you spend time with Him, His grace still falls on you. It literally means "everyday falls purposely for you!"

Verse 18: Ruth gave those parched grains she kept back.
Verse 19: Then Naomi, the mother-in-law asked how did she get so much today? Then Ruth told her it was Boaz (Yeshua).

Pastor then shares with the church that they always set aside donations to Israel as a act of honoring the mother-in-law.

Verse 20: The people in the bible always praised the Lord for everything. We should learn and be daring enough to say "Praise God" to our friends whenever something great happens. Why be afraid to say that when your friends can easily use vulgarities at you? Be a man. Don't be like an ordinary stone like the world. Be different.

In closing,
Back to verse 20, "one of our close relatives" refers to go'el - kinsman redeemer. It means to buy you back. What was the price He paid? He died for you to redeem you. Look how precious you are. He loves you, He delights in you.

22 January 2012

Topic: Jesus Revealed In Chinese Characters

Many festivals in practice are actually similar in the bible.
Similarly during Chinese New Year, everything is new. Clothing, shoes, haircut and even "inside" are all new. Just like when you touch Jesus, everything becomes new. Jesus changes your life when you go after Him. Just like the boat sinking fishes where it's full of His abundance. Jesus is full of abundance.

In the world of countless races, does Jesus really knows us, Chinese?
Isaiah 49:12
"Sinim" - According to Pastor Mark, it actually means the people from the Far East.

Pastor jokes that if Adam is a Chinese, men won't fall. He jokes that Adam and Eve would have taken the snake to make into snake soup. (Yam tong)

In the first instance, men ate meat right after the flood. Since after the flood, the earth tilted and there came the four seasons. God introduced us to eat meat as its good for our bodies since our body changes like the seasons too.

Leviticus 9:2
Bull and ram without blemish.
(Niu 牛 + Yang 羊 + Xiu 秀 + Ge 戈 - Knife) = 犧 (Sacrifice)

John 3:13
Heaven is mentioned in the verse three times.
This verse talks about Him coming down from heaven to earth.
In the Chinese character,
Small ren 人 + Big ren 人 + Small ren 人+ Cross in the center = 來

Psalms 46:10
"Be still" in Chinese means Rest.

In Christian walk, everything is associated with the mouth. Meditation, confessions, tongues and praises are all associated with the mouth.

口 Mouth + 令 Command = 命 Destiny
水 Water + 舌 Tongue = 活 Life

Pastor shared that mankind experiences intestinal or digestive problems are because many eat too quickly and do not take time to chew. Taking time to chew produces enzyme which digests our food intake.

Abraham and Sarah are depicted by faith and grace. In the bible, kings wanted to separate them but God did not allow. God wants us to believe through faith and then grace comes. Abraham and Sarah produced a child (Isaac) at the age of 90 which means Joy.

God does not need your ideas to rid yourself of any situations. He does not want you to believe in your efforts. He just wants you to rest. Pastor shared about his debt of 16.5 million owing the banks back in January 2000. Back then he was so stressed till his health was in total bad shape. He "meditated" on the wrong things such as bank statements. Instead, he changed and meditated on verses of supply. When Year 2000 came, many were worried about the millennium bug, he thought he had a genius idea and prayed to God for his debts to be canceled miraculously. However it ended up in disappointment.
God doesn't need those needless suggestions from man. This is because we are just the sheep. If we can lead ourselves to green pastures, then why would a shepherd be needed?

Auspicious - Marked for Success

吉 - Warrior's Mouth (If separated)
祥 - Christ
These 2 words mean to speak of God.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

15 January 2012

Topic: Bible Prophesies Revealed

Honour God and He will honour you. Shun Him and He will shun you. How we treat Jesus is how we receive. He is not just a good man, He is who He is who does good.

The first prophesy is about Jesus.

Luke 24:27
Verse 27: "He expounded to them in all the Scriptures concerning Himself". It clearly shows the bible is all about Jesus.

Luke 24:44-45
Verse 44: Jesus talked the Psalms concerning Me. Psalms is about Jesus too.

Verse 45: "He opened their understanding so that they might comprehend the Scriptures".
Thereafter, Pastor led the church to say a short prayer to ask for understanding when reading the word.

Psalms verse 22 talks about the sufferings of Jesus.
Right after that is verse 23 which talks about Jesus' providence for us. Pastor says we are now living in the times of Psalms 23. Wherever you turn, blessings hunt you down.

Psalms 24 speaks of the second coming of Christ. "Lift up your gates" in this verse refers to Israel. Notice He is coming back for Israel. And we will together with Him be raptured up to heavens!

In the 1990s, Pastor shared about the prophesy. From Genesis to Psalms, Psalms is the 19th book. Judgment came in 1817. Pastor believes Psalms is the book for the 1900th and onwards.

Luke 21:24-28
Verse 24: The context actually refers to the time in 1967.

Verse 25: This will only happen after Israel comes back as a nation.

Verse 26: Talks about great earthquakes. But don't be frightened in these things. Pastor asks the church to look at Middle East this year (in 2012). There is now a man who wants to destroy Israel and it will be interesting to witness God's victory. "Heavens will be shaken". It means that heavens will be opened.

Verse 27: Talks about Son of Man with great power and glory coming through the cloud.

Verse 28: Talks about redemption coming. A body that never falls sick, full of life will be given to us!

Bible prophesies focus only on Jesus and Israel. Look at the preceding chapters and verses just like a yearly representation.

Psalms 42:9-11 (In bible context is 1942)
Verse 9-11: Talks about the cries of Israelis which is actually referring to World War II. There was a 9 million population in Israel back then but 6 million people perished in WWII. Pastor has no doubt those perished would have invented cures for many diseases in present day. He pointed out that many medicines were invented by the Jewish and that in present day, the youngest billionaire is the founder of Facebook.

Psalms 43:1-2 (Refers to the cries of the people during the time of war in 1943)
Verse 1: The words "Ungodly nation" is referring to the Nazi while "Unjust man" is referring to Adolf Hitler. Hitler is actually led by the devil. Hitler rallies support by the masses through preaching! Pastor shared that once the devil is done with one, he chucks that one aside. Look at Hitler, his life ended by committing suicide. Look at Saddam Hussein, notice how pitiful he looked before he was sentenced to death, like a different man altogether.

Psalms 44:13-16 and 22-26
Verse 13: Talks about bad remarks by haters on Israel. (Non-Israelis)

Verse 14: "Shaking of heads" - Negative gesture.

Verse 26: This is the last verse of year 1944. It talks about God's mercy. "Mercies" here is hesed which means Grace. If you go to Israel today and ask for the New Testament bible, it is in Hebrew.
John 1:17 speaks about the grace that came through. In the Jewish bible, it is written as hesed came. This confirms verse 26 is talking about grace.

Read verse 23 again. "Arise for our help, and redeem us for Your mercies' sake". It is this cry that asks for His mercies that help comes.
One may think he/she is a elder in the church and that each prayer should be fulfilled because of their own works or personal standing.
But if you pray like verse 23 that because of His mercy, you will then see His results! Depend on His favour and not your own efforts. This verse reveals a revelation.

Psalms 45:1-6 (A chapter of good and nothing negative)
Right after the last verse in 44, songs of praises came in Chapter 45.
Verse 5: "Your arrows". These arrows are actually referring to Hiroshima and Nagasaki that stopped the whole war.
The letter of surrender was signed by the Japanese on board the ship, USS Missouri.

Psalms 46: 8-10
Verse 9: "He makes wars cease to the end of the earth".

Psalms 48:1-8 (1948)
Verses of songs of praises to celebrate Israel coming back as a nation and a new birth.
Aren't you glad when you learn history, you are actually His story?

Verse 6: Similar to a woman who gave birth. The rebirth of Israel.

Verse 8: "will establish it forever". Once God establishes, it will be forever.

Israel was attacked in 1973, on the holiest day. In the Geneva convention, no countries can attack one another on their holiest day. Israel was caught off-guard totally in 1973 and was seriously outnumbered. But in this war, the attack was delayed as God was at work.
One of the enemies that was captured actually revealed that their army were laying ambush and halted the attack because they saw an army of Israeli soldiers. In actual fact there were only 4-5 Israeli soldiers at that moment.

In 1979, peace treaty was made with Egypt but (this guy) was killed. Let's look at Psalms 80:1-13
Verse 1: "A vine out of Egypt".

Verse 13: "uproots it". (refers to the vine) "the boar out of the roots". (refers to terrorists)

Psalms 91
It starts with God's four names. In the middle, it is about God's protection. Last verse speaks about the long life that satisfies.
Psalms 91 is written in close context to the Gulf war. Verse 5 talks about the arrows that flew by day and the terror by night. It actually refers to the 39 missiles that flew in to Israel during this war led by Saddam Hussein.

Let's look at modern times In 2004 where there were large scales of disasters like the tsunami.

Psalms 104:5-9
Verse 6: "The waters stood above the mountains". It literally talked about the waters went as high as 98 feet. Pastor Benjamin went for the rescue efforts at that time and could see the line on the mountain, indicating how high the water went up to.

Pastor is going to show in the next verse who stopped the waters.
Verse 7-9: It was Jesus who said "Go! And you will not cover the earth."

Now after these series of events, would you want to know what is going to happen in 2012? Turn to Psalms 112!

Psalms 112:1-10
Verse 1: Starts with a loud praise! "Praise the Lord!". "Blessed is the man who fears the Lord." Blessings will follow you. "Who delights greatly in His commandments". This is not the ten commandments but His words.
Look at 1 John 3:23. The first commandment is to believe in the name of the Lord and the second is His love.

Verse 2: "His defendants will be mighty on earth". Your children will be blessed. "The generation of the upright will be blessed".

Verse 3: "Wealth and riches will be in his house". In a year like 2012 where experts are giving negative comments, God says riches will be in his house instead of the banks! Receive it! Pastor shares that Psalms 112 is a portrait of a blessed man.

Verse 4: It talks about darkness but the word says the upright springs light in the darkness. It means light will spring up for you in the darkness.
"He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous". Pastor talks about forgiveness and not holding onto hatred. You can say but Pastor, you don't know what he did. Yes correct, but God knows.

Verse 5: "Good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affiliates with discretion". Advice of lending with discretion.

Verse 7: "He will not be afraid of evil tithings". God is saying there will be bad news, but you will not be afraid of it. Remind yourself that you are under His wings.

Verse 9: This verse is actually quoted from 2 Corinthians 9:8-9. Apostle Paul is revealing to us that there will be abundant of grace abounding in our lives!

Verse 10: Those who are against you will then melt away. You will be an envied person.

In closing,
What a year it will be. Look out to the springing light. Do not be afraid of the evil tithings. Prepare your house to have space for God's riches!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

1 January 2012 (First Sermon of the Year!)

Topic: New Year Message of 2012

Pastor shares about the numerical meaning of 11 in the number 2011. In bible context, it means disorganisation. However he did not share this back then in hope not to shake people's faith. Looking back in 2011, there were tsunamis, earthquakes, etc.
However, the number of 12 (in 2012) in bible numerical means organisation.

Jesus is not the source of tsunami. There is no tsunami nor earthquakes in heaven. In God's prayer, it says "Thy will be done on earth like it is in heaven".

Pastor shares to say the bible is a complete book. When God gives you a direction in the word, it does not require external factors or references to confirm it. The world may predict that 2012 makes the end of the world by relating it to the Mayan calendar, but we believers only need to look to the bible.

God will prepare you for the things to come in 2012 so that you will sail through it.

Jeremiah 17:5-8
Verse 5: It talks about a man being cursed, at the same time still blessed and cannot see it. (See verse 6) He cannot see it because this man is under a curse. In the bible, rain speaks of blessings. It is written that rain is for the just and unjust. Pastor jokes about the "super-abundant" rain in Singapore recently mentioning that we are so freely blessed!
The verse says, "Cursed is the man". This man is called "geber - strong". That man who "trusteth in man", is referring to "adam - man". In essence, it can mean trusting others or it can also mean self-confidence. As long as your trust in the lord, you will see His blessings! Your boss is not your supply! Your boss is just a channel for God's blessings! Do not look to man or wait for this man to help you. Just look to the Lord in 2012!

Verse 7 & 8: Blessed is the man in these 2 verses. Notice in Verse 8 that it says "shall not see it when heat cometh". You will be so blessed that you won't notice the heat! Heat in bible context refers to pressure and literally heat. Simply, we will just not see it when it comes. Amen?
The leaf will always be green, meaning you will be forever young.
"and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit". (Fruit for ever single month this year) In the bible, "careful" means anxious. Man does not need to be anxious in the time of drought or famine! Outwardly speaking, this is a year of drought.
You don't have to be smart to be blessed. We just only need to follow the shepherd to be brought to the blessings.

Pastor told the church to look at Israel's contributions this year in the year of drought. During this time of uncertainty, we will still be a green leaf and will bear fruit.

Pastor asks the congregation to note this phrase down.
"Work is the outcome of effort.
Fruit is the outflow of life."

The theme for 2012:
Unceasing Fruitfulness (in this year of drought)
The world will come to say how come at a time like this, you are still blessed? The world will see and God will be glorified! God wants you to see yourself as the second man, never ceasing of fruit and always green!

Psalms 1:1-3
Verse 1: Scornful - refers to the criticizers who never fails to complain about others. Pastor shares about the reason why people get jealous when somebody gets blessed. They think that when others are blessed, they get lesser. Pastor said to all to note this in their hearts: You will never be blessed at others' expense. God always have exceedingly blessings for everyone. He can bless Tan Ah Kow or Lim Peng Sang but He still has bountiful for you! He can feed the multitude and have 10 basketful of leftovers! The supply never finish!

Verse 2: "Meditates (Hagah) on his commands day and night".
Definition: Hagah
- to utter and mutter.
- To meditate by speaking to oneself, murmuring and in a low voice, as is often done by those who are musing.
It's to repeat God's word day and night and healing comes to you without knowing. (Definition of leaf is written below) Meditating is not doing it in your mind as it does not last. It has to be muttered.

Verse 3: In summary, planted by the river, brings forth fruits, leaf is green and whatever he doeth shall prosper.
(The bible interpreted itself and does not need external sources to interpret it.)

Revelation 22:2
Verse 2: You are the tree of life. "Twelve manner of fruits". It means one tree having 12 types of fruits.
Every month there will be a fresh manifestation of God's goodness! You are in for a pleasant surprise each month in 2012!
Definition of the leaf in this verse: "The leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations". It means healing for your self and for the nations.

God is telling us if you meditate on His word, you can bring healing to your body. This has been Pastor's secret for all these years. You must delight in God's word. The bible is infallible. You can read wise books but why read theories that may not work? Pastor is not against books but what he meant is to prioritize God's word and put your trust in the correct place and correct man. Many of times, God's channel of help comes through men. Your trust must be in the Lord. As long as your trust is in Him, He can use all instruments to bless you. You may be cut off from one source of blessings, but there's no need to worry because God is already your main source and this main source has many branches.
You can say you just sit there and do nothing and prosper. Pastor jokes and say yes, you will still prosper. There will be many nothings in your life that have prospered, but is"nothing" prospered.

You are going to bring blessings to everywhere you go in 2012.

Pastor shares about his Israel trip last year at Galilee. They were on the mountain overlooking river Jordan and decided to descend instead of taking the bus down. As they were moving down, they came across a cave bearing a cow inside. How in the world the cow managed to go there is not known. He then shared about the digestive system of a cow. The cow chews and swallows and does that repeatedly. The food goes down and comes up. The cow chews and repeats the whole process. A cow has 4 digestive systems in one stomach. The whole digestion is completed after the food goes to the fourth stomach.
In here, a truth is revealed: Meditation. One has to be relaxed just like the cow and chewing (meditating) on the food (word). Even if you are anxious or not relaxed, meditate to relax.
A video screening of this cow "meditating" was shown on screen.

In closing,
Joshua 1:8
Verse 8: "For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success". Notice prosperity and success always comes together? In God's system, evening comes first followed by day. Their sabbath starts in the evening at 6pm until 6am. Darkness to brightness. God's way always gets brighter and brighter. Over here, we start the day first then darkness falls. Literally from brightness to darkness. That's why we are very pessimistic. We complain about anything, our job, our wife. In the first place we were the one who asked for such. Instead, we must be thankful as there are those who are less fortunate.

Pastor asked what is the last word of the Book of Joshua?
Ephrahim - means double fruitfulness.

Joshua 24:29-31
Joshua lived to a hundred and ten years old. His inheritance included mountains.
"Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua". It means Israel served the Lord as long as Joshua as there. Notice what an impact and dominance power.

Pastor repeats that though it will be a year of drought, it will be a year of unceasing fruitfulness for us.

The yearly custom of New Creation Church is such that at the end of the first service of the year, we will bring forth 3 requests to the Lord for fulfillment in the same calendar year. Today marks the day where the congregation look forward to.

Pastor prayed blessings over the church for the brand new year and ended off the service.