Sunday, May 25, 2014

Jesus, I Trust in You

I just listened to the song titled Psalm 91 and I felt such a strong manifestation. I'm so thankful for the Lord's protection in my life.

Four days ago, I participated in a cycling group during their weekly 40km ride. The ride was fantastic and I was so happy to be able to be part of the 100 cyclists. Unfortunately, when I was nearing the end point, I fell off my bike and suffered bruises over my head. The ambulance came, paramedics checked me and I declined going to the hospital with them. Together with a few other cyclists, we headed to the ending point to meet up with the rest. Everyone was very concerned and repeatedly told me to go to the nearest A&E. Though I agreed verbally, I only intended to go home and have a good rest. Many told me I was repeating a couple of questions and that is a sure sign of concussion. At that point, I thought I was still fine. As we were about to part ways, I had this sudden severe pain in my head, all the way going towards my ear. I was knocked out. Everyone panicked and they sent me to NUH immediately.

In the operation theater, I was greeted with four doctors. They said they were going to operate on me. Still thinking it wasn't so serious, I told the doctors that I was ok. They said sternly that they are going to operate on me. Apparently they need to remove a blood clot in my head. I was knock out right away.

When I woke up, I felt a swell on my head. They cut a portion of my hair till only the skin is visible. I was in terrible looks. I didn't know what High Dependency ward is all about till I was in there. From what I learnt, it is a ward before ICU. I stayed there for four days till I was warded to a normal ward today.

Today, I have made great improvements. The swell has subsided, I felt God's protection on me. My wife and my family were all worried sick and I felt so bad to make them go through this. Many family and  friends kept me in their prayers and I am able to witness the power of God today.

I am so happy to be given a second chance to live my life. Even though I might have to give up cycling, I have no regrets. I have another chance to live a better life knowing that God is there for me and my family. As I recover, I look forward to being a father in 3 months time. Today I know that my heavenly father is so real in my life and I am confident my future is blessed.

I hope this testimony will remind everyone that we have a powerful Father in heaven. As we stand righteous before Him, He loves us wholeheartedly. Our future is bright in Christ. All trust in Jesus. Amen.